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/fa/ - Fashion

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7175174 No.7175174[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I always see threads for effay hair.
so how bout a thread for effay hair down there.
male and female styles welcome, post em

>> No.7175178

Haha what the fuck

No man, please no.

>> No.7175183

Just keep it trimmed. If you really care, ask /soc/ or some shit.

>> No.7175179
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>mfw people like this exist

>> No.7175188

for fucks sake

>> No.7175185

what the ever loving fuck you homo shit

>> No.7175193

Is that to match the landing strip on your chin? I just manscape aka mow the lawn on my crotch and upper and inner thighs.

>> No.7175207

now i want to have a strip going from my chin to my penis

or maybe racing stripes

>> No.7175213
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>> No.7175218

i once did op's pic
i felt like a baby
a fucking baby
plus i got a cut on my dick

not epic and won't do again

>> No.7175221

I cut my balls yesterday, second time now cutting my sack when trimming

>> No.7175228

do you actually keep a ring of pubes around your cockbase?
like a cockringbeard?

>> No.7175238

pic is not OP
i have something similar, no ring just vertical strip

>> No.7175243

yes now that i remember i also cut my balls
and it was itchy as fuck later

>> No.7175249

who the fuck is narcissistic enough to think their pubic hair can be effay

>> No.7175252

I shaved all my pubes off today for the first time because I accidently cut too deep with my straight razor

>Dat itchyness

>> No.7175265

Ah, right.
Still, I've talked about this subject a few times with some female friends of mine.
Manscaping is acceptable, even mandatory, but everything should be trimmed, never shaved.
I quote;
'I'm not going down on a fourteen year old'

>> No.7175279


>> No.7175366

how 2 trim

>> No.7175494

>shaving your pubes

its not like anyone is ever going to see them. Plus i have more time to work on my layering.

>> No.7175531

>wanting rough scratchy hair rubbing against your clit instead of nice smooth baby skin gently massaging against it

girls have such shit taste

>> No.7175537

i usually take an electric trimmer throw on the 2 inch setting and just trim my chest and pubes. when i get to them i just angle the trimmer so it takes off more than that.
oh and do actually shave any hair that happens to be on your dick itself,that's no bueno

>> No.7175584

Razor you noob

>> No.7175591

i use a scissors and pull my hairs straight and cut until everything is an even length but if youre really ocd about it you could get an electric thing like vidal sasson with those attachments. god knows they probably make "personal size" ones these days

>> No.7176069


Most fashionable is to let the hedges grow naturally, just trim when necessary and keep it clean (those people who say you can't shampoo your pubes are liars).

>> No.7176071

It's only nice smooth baby skin for a day max; then it's crotch-stubble, and nothing is worse.

>> No.7176073

same retards who thought vajazzling is a good idea, I'd imagine.

>> No.7176075

Only reason I trim my pubes is because I'm uncut and my pubes get caught in my foreskin if they're too long and it's very uncomfortable. And I trim them short so I don't have to do it as often. I never completely shave them though.

>> No.7176506

how is this relevant at all? why isn't this thread deleted by the janitor?

>> No.7176530

dude i can see the base of your dick

>> No.7176553 [DELETED] 


>2 inch pubes

nigga what, go lower u phucking ape

>> No.7176557


>no bueno

Just so you know, that makes no sense in Spanish. It should be "no es bueno" or "no está bien". Just saying.

>> No.7176573
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>Wake up
>thread still isn't deleted

>> No.7176575


good morning! n_n

>> No.7176576

I just keep mine trimmed in a way that it isn't a protruding bush, but is still visibly there. Just doesn't stick out form the skin. Aka no razor.

>> No.7176580

how 2 into HY pubes?

>> No.7176581

has /fa/ gone too far?

[] Yes
[] No

>> No.7176582
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you too! ^___^