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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/fa/ - Fashion

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7169592 No.7169592[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What did you eat today, how tall are you and how much do you weight?

about 60-80g of muesli with milk (250kcal)
some nuts (200kcal)

same muesli portion as above (250kcal)
more nuts (300kcal)

couscous with some cucumber and a tomato (400kcal)


I feel fat and regret eating the couscous.

>> No.7169625




tomato soup

wholegrain cereal with raisins and banana slices

struggling to get to 1k calories, I just don't like eating that much anymore

>> No.7169656

1 cup oats
4 eggs
1 orange

>morning snack
2 rice cakes with peanut butter

7 oz chicken
2 cup rice
1 cup peas

>afternoon snack
Protein shake

2 tilapia filets
3 potatoes mashed
1 cup broccoli

>after dinner snack
2 mcdoubles from mcdonalds

>pre bedtime
1 pound cottage cheese

/fit/ lurking here can you tell?

>> No.7169664



Begone skeleton man!

>> No.7169667

one cup of a smoothie made from:

banana, peanut butter, berries, honey, ice, cinnamon, ginger

>> No.7169676

sounds like a lot of sugar

>> No.7169788

black coffee

black coffee


135 lbs

>> No.7169803

6' 182cm
63kgs 140lbs

A berry smoothie 320cal

A mocha 300cal

It's 1pm here soooo yeah

>> No.7169816

Can't be bothered to list anything but I ate 1799 kcal today. Should still be low enough for me to cut.

>> No.7169824

135 lbs

can of arizona tea
apple fritter
box of sour patch kids
3 chicken tacos
10 chicken nuggets
a few cookies
blue mountain dew

in no particular order. i'm also going to dinner soon, so whatever I eat there.

>> No.7169828

That's it? Dyel mode?

>> No.7169836

choco puff cereal, wanted to treat myself since i woke up in good time

a bun and a half: two halves with honey, salami and cheese and one with nutella
glass of milk

some fish

6 feet ish
125 lbs
BMI is around 17

>> No.7169845

>tfw it's almost 9pm here and all I've had all day is a single slice of toast

I don't even feel hungry

>> No.7169850
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>/fit/ lurking here can you tell?
Yeah, not only do you eat garbage like McD, but you also chug down protein shakes. Classic example of a /fit/fag.

>> No.7169857
File: 3 KB, 93x125, genetics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 5'7 120lbs and over 6000kcal

>> No.7169859

at least you're not fat, man

>> No.7169883
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>> No.7169897
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bowl of eggs, sausage, half an english muffin, and hash browns

lots of water


2 cookies
1 abba zaba taffy
lots of water


prolly gonna eat rice

>> No.7169908
File: 266 KB, 480x480, Picture of me 38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anything and everything I want

>> No.7169925
File: 97 KB, 500x675, 1346634357927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had Dominos pizza just now. I'm 5'3. My weight is 142. lol at calories

>> No.7169929

Sorry for this strange pic it wasn't the one I had posted... weird.

>> No.7169931

do people actually eat breakfast? i thought that was just a fatty thing.

today i actually ate a full jimmy johns sandwich which is pretty irregular for me, but im still full and i ate that like 6 hours ago

>> No.7169934

Are you 12 m88?
Also, nice graph.

>> No.7169941

I'm 25 and that's pounds.

>> No.7169942

I just eat some cereal. Maybe 10 spoonfuls in total? I can't eat that much in the morning, so it's just a little bit so I don't get too hungry by the time lunch rolls around.

>> No.7169947

6' 5"

1/2 cup of plain oatmeal
spinach, broccoli, fish

>> No.7169948

But your height, man. My 16-year-old sister is taller ;_;

>> No.7169953


>> No.7169957

are you me?

>> No.7169975

epic fashion thread!
wow dude you are really fitting in with the epic board culture!
just wow man just amazing

>> No.7169973
File: 1.33 MB, 338x300, 1HaIEzs.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just checked your BMI.
You're confirmed fat, bb, that's not effay at all.

>> No.7169980

wow dude!
nice way to contribute to shitposting!
just wow man just amazing

>> No.7169983

a pizza
an apple
half a yogurt

4 o'clock I had a grain bar
6 I had 2 more and some noodles with 2 eggs

5"9 and 60 kg

>> No.7169987

he's right though, these diet threads contribute nothing to the board.

we 99% of us are cutting and we know this, why make a thread about it?

>> No.7169991

mfw 6'4 people eat 1k calories per day

mfw I'm 5'8 and I eat 3k at least

im not even fat,how do you guys survive ?

>> No.7169997

No idea, but you gotta waste your time somehow, right?

I was normal weight up until 13-ish. Then I started to get taller but my weight stayed the same. I guess you just get used to it? I don't know.
6 feet 126 lbs btw.

>> No.7169998

you're an athlete or actually move around.
most of us have stationary life styles.

>> No.7170027

2 eggs
1 slice of toast
probably a fuckload of general tao chicken

>> No.7170041

espresso - 1 cube of sugar
50cl water

espresso - 1 cube of sugar
50cl water

200g couscous - 50g lamb meat
1 pear
1L water

>> No.7170047

>5'8" and 148lb
nuturi grain bar
ten pieces of sushi
haven't gotten anything yet

>> No.7170051

that sugar is going right to your thighs, fuccboi

>> No.7170063

b-but muh insulin levels

>> No.7170067

6 cups coffee
2 slice bacon
1 scrambled egg
Handful of grapes
10 pull ups and 10 push-ups
Barbecue chicken with 2 slice bacon
10 pull ups 10 push ups
3 steaks
10 pull up 10 push up

10 cigs smoked


6'1" - 140lbs

>> No.7170112
File: 80 KB, 537x616, 2013-10-31 17.25.43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what i look like at 6'1 154lbs. i fucking give up. i will always look like shit

>> No.7170117


i feel suicidal, need some weight

>> No.7170125


lift faggot

>> No.7170129

>give up
nigga please, you haven't even started. either start running or picking up heavy shit.

>> No.7170132

just a small push can take you very far

go browse /fit/ for a week

>> No.7170138

no, don't do that. fuck /fit/. get your own knowledge.

>> No.7170146


>protein shakes
>inherently bad

>> No.7170147

I have wide hips too: but I found tons of ways to fix

Look up rib cage expansion (if you believe in rib cage expansion)
Work LOWER lats more than upper lats (if you believe in muscle isolation)
Work obliques
Get abs (really takes eyes off wide hips
Work upper body (make lower body smaller in contrast)
Try to pick your shoulders up a few inches
Never work traps
Work quads

>> No.7170148


are you dying

>> No.7170149

Whatever /fit/, keep playing with those weights.

>> No.7170154


>lifting heavy things is not new couture

embrace the fuccboi, for it is you.

>> No.7170164

I've been doing manual labor 8 hours a day and I get by perfectly fine on 1k calories?

>> No.7170168

>actually listening to dick ovens
You do realize he's like a hundred years old, right? Of course he's going to work out since he'd look like a shriveled old raisin (like his wife lol #reckd #shotsfired) if he didn't.

>> No.7170176


You will never know tfw extreme dropcrotch actually works on your body because of massive quads.

>> No.7170179

unless you're 4'5'' that is not true.
there is going to be a point where you're as old as him too. and by that time you probably won't be able to lift anymore because ''muh back''. i don't know about you but i don't want to be 30 to be the end of my prime.

>> No.7170183

I want to suck your puffy nipples

>> No.7170186

i'm 5'8 and it's very true

>> No.7170193


You underestimate the number of calories in your food because you've never tried to cut.

For a thousand calories to be maintenance, you would have to have either no legs or be less than five feet tall, on top of living in a pod.

>> No.7170191
File: 36 KB, 300x450, 1374970049841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

500 gr oats with skim milk
whey shake

500gr chicken

>2nd lunch
5 boiled eggs
whey shake

500gr pasta
2 cans of tuna

>2nd dinner
500gr 0%fat cottage cheese
whey shake

and I still feel like I didnt eat enought
im 6'1 85kg and look like pic related

>> No.7170192
File: 20 KB, 539x373, 1900246286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropcrotch looks stupid, come on, don't be silly anon.

Why won't I be able to lift/work out at that point? Plenty of old people do some sort of exercising to keep in shape. Or maybe they don't in 'merica, maybe they just get more botox and call it a day.

>> No.7170197

130 lbs

canned chili 520cal

broccoli cheese soup
garlic cheese bread
sierra mist

probably half a pizza, I'll see

>> No.7170202


>> No.7170204

good job having the metabolism of a whale then.
if you can't do it now what makes you think you can do it then ? plenty of old people lift. but by the time i'm as old as them i'll already have 30 years of knowledge about lifting and the human body and i know what i need to do to not hit a brick wall.

>> No.7170210


>milkwater with breakfast



That's because you don't squat, kid.

>not the greatest

pick 1


Yes. What do you eat in a day?

>> No.7170205

also I cut from 3-5k to 1k a few months ago anyway

>> No.7170212

I'm guessing so? when I was younger I could go through 3-6k calories a day doing shit all without gaining any weight

>> No.7170214

carbs (breads, cookies), milk (crazily), sometimes yogurt, sometimes fruits, sometimes nothing, sometimes water.

air, sometimes beans and some salad.

everything, a black hole: beans and rice, endive salad (i love it so bad) and others greens like spinach, arugula, cabbage vegetables. Sometimes pasta (penne à garlic and oil - soybean oil). I love all sorts of vegetables.

>> No.7170215
File: 1.90 MB, 245x276, SwZFJhm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're making it sound like getting in shape is a life mystery which requires years upon years of research and experimentation, m8.

>> No.7170218

I drink about 15-20 pints of water a day to fill me up/give me energy

>> No.7170223

Dropcrotch is literally only for swagfags.

>> No.7170239

Bowl of Kashi Cinnamon Wheat Squares cereal
Egg, cheese, bacon, in between an english muffin.

Grilled chicken cuban sandwich:
Grilled chicken
Crispy onion strings
Cajun mayo
wheat bun

handful of beef jerky
handful of mixed fancy nuts
snack sized slim jim

protein shake
probably a roast beef sandwich on wheat

About to hit the gym and do my a day routine. Feels good eating whatever the fuck I want (within reason) and not gaining fat anymore.

5'9, 150lbs

>> No.7170240
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Sure it is.


I think you're going to die.

>> No.7170242

>2 slices of toast with marmite
>Small bowl of porridge

>ham, mustard and cheese sandwich
>white chocolate cookie

>teriyaki duck with filo pastry
>lamp rump with port sauce, green beans and dauphinoise potatoes
>chocolate torte with raspberry coulis

Throughout the day
>snacking on chocolate pretzels and nougat


>> No.7170243

I hope so

>> No.7170250

2 star bars some crunchy nut and 450ml robitussin dry cough

and some ham

not in that order though

currently robo trippin

>> No.7170253

are you sure about that ? i used to think i was incapable of gaining weight too until i actually got my diet together and noticed it takes about 3.5k for me to gain weight.
no, but years of neglect don't go unnoticed in your bodies nervous system. buddy of mine fucked up his back and now he can't work anymore. treat your body well or it might come to fuck you in the ass.

>> No.7170247

Your pic proved my point.

>> No.7170262

i thought u were a britbong whered u cop that I cant find any

>> No.7170256


Sure it did.


This took a turn for the worse.

>> No.7170268

Coco pops

Pepsi Max
Chicken and Ham sandwich
McDonalds happy meal with milkshake

Packet of crisps
Local burger kitchen's £11 burger challenge, finished it, had a swim, ate cheese puffs, had another pepsi

Height: 165cm
Weight: 59 kg

>> No.7170269



>120 lb

>breakfast: H2H Cereal

>lunch:turkey sandwich on white

>dinner: fast food (hurrdurr amerifat)

Regret nothing, didn't gain an ounce

>> No.7170274

my weight probably did fluctuate slightly but not noticeably so I guess, i'm probably going to start eating more anyway because I don't want to turn into a hungry skeleton

>> No.7170276


>Breakfast: Coffee

>Lunch: 6" ham sub on wheat

>Dinner: Halibut Burrito

>currently eating halloween sized aero

>> No.7170271

>nervous system
I'm not even that guy and I think you're retarded.

Try joints. Not nervous system.

>> No.7170278

I just want daddy to love me, the other cheerleaders keep calling me piggy mc pigfat

>> No.7170279

>forgot weight
> 190lb

>> No.7170286

yeah, that too. but people tend to underestimate the importance of a strong nervous system. people always train because they want big dumb muscles and then they fuck up their back deadlifting because the power was there but the tension was not.

>> No.7170282


I'm the exact same, exact 5'10 and 155. I'm basically right where I wanna be, defined muscles but still slim.

I don't understand all the people cutting, you will still look like shit, just a skeleton shit. Work out a bit, then you don't need to eat like an African child, and you will look better.

>> No.7170289

This has nothing to do with your fucking nervous system, holy crap.

>> No.7170293

people fuck his back driving cars too, and people die swimming, and taking a shower, and people gets a shitload of medical conditions for malnutrition, are you retard?

>> No.7170295

boots man cop the 250ml blue ones its called dry cough

375mg a bottle £7.50

feelin good right now, shame about the dxm diarrhea and rumbles hahaha
bougbht slint tickets... tfw theyre playing in manchester :)

>> No.7170298

Yeah, feelsgoodman.

I started lifting like 2 months ago, making good noob gains, it's fucking beautiful to not feel like a weak ass anymore. I'm probably a tad over maintenance on some days, so I'll do a quick cut after I feel pretty comfy with my mass growth.

I'm looking to sit around 15% bf. I just lost a fuckton of weight and I still have a bit of a gut. Needs to go, man.

>> No.7170300

look up 'neuromuscular strength'

>> No.7170309

dang im gonna get on that

you live kinda close to me

>> No.7170321

its nice dont do iut too much or you wqill kill all your brain cells

are u talkin bout slint? where u from?
im so itchy right now lol

>> No.7170327

pop some benadryl for dat itch :)

>> No.7170349

>sultana bran with soy milk
>bowl of greek yoghurt with blueberries, strawberries and banana
>energy bar
>went for a quick 5k run
>low calorie wrap
>curry with rice for dinner

then I drank a heap of alcohol and ate a shitload of junk food cos I had a small gathering at my place

>> No.7170358

yes it does

>> No.7170360

Today has just started for me so this is yesterday.


90g (6 biscuits) of Weet-Bix
1 cup of whole milk

467 cal.


1 Granny Smith (green) apple
1 raw carrot

93 cal.


250g boiled broccoli
250g boiled cauliflower
1 grilled chicken breast

~600 cal

I mostly drink water with a couple of coffees (no sugar and about 20ml of milk), so all up it's about 1200 cal. and that's what I eat every day except for my cheat days where the only difference is I have some kind of take out for dinner. I weigh 72kg at 182cm.

>> No.7170385


Nice gyno. Now go lift some heavy shit, you self-pitying fag.

>> No.7170392

>being skinny instead of ottermode

>> No.7170453

Had a mini cupcake and cigarette for breakfast, half a caprese sandwich for lunch, and two cigarettes for dinner.

>> No.7170485

Starbucks chilled drink (muh caffeine)

1 Reuben sandwich, orange juice, Godiva strawberries


5'10, 70 kg
Yes, I'm fat.

>> No.7170488

Why do people keep listing cigarettes? Are you trying hard to appear effay by letting everyone know you smoke or something? Smokes aren't food.

>> No.7170497

Smoking reduces apetite

>> No.7170498

Appetite suppressing. So you can emulate their skeleton ways.

>> No.7170505


Well yeah, I know that, but it still doesn't really factor into a diet.

>> No.7170503

yeah duh

>> No.7170528


>Two cookies and Earl Grey

>62 kg

>> No.7170563
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Those feels B^)

>> No.7170619

5'9", 178 lbs.

Chicken Pesto Pasta, Bowl of Cereal, Protein Shake: 1700 calories, 80g protein

Greek Salad, Tuna Salad, Greek Yogurt, Protein Shake: Dunno, need to check

Spaghetti and Meatballs, Chicken Breast, Protein Shake: Dunno, need to check

I refuse to be skinny ever again.

>> No.7170638


mcchicken w/ chipotle

seared ahi


>> No.7170690

cocoa krispies w/ milk

pb an j wich

2 pulled pork wiches



>> No.7170704


>> No.7170722

these threads always make me laugh too much, there's nothing funny about them it's just that for some reason seeing the exact grams of whatever you all ate today gets me. like, i had 150 grams of cock this morning i feel like a fucking blue whale, hah.

>> No.7170732
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Chipotle burrito (like 1000 kcal)
A soda (like 300 kcal)

Chicken in a lemon sauce (like 400 kcal)
Mash Potatoes (200 kcal)
Bread (200 kcal)
A lots of candy (idk 600-700 kcal?)

So about 2700-2800 kcal today

>> No.7170738

> breakfast

2 breakfast burritos

hella fries and a burger

spicey phad thai

3 more bowls


bone marrow swag

>> No.7170742

because for some reason, /fa/ thinks its cool to eat like an anorexic teenage girl, self conscious with her body.

>> No.7170754

4 rashers of back bacon, 2 eggs, 4 pieces of toast, ketchup (all arranged into 2 sandwiches)

Big bowl of macaroni with butter and a handful of red leicester cheese

Ginsters peppered steak slice & a sainsburys microwave chicken korma

6 mini bags of haribo for trick of treaters
4 mini boxes of smarties
2 sainsburys ring donuts
2 pears
2 bananas

6"1' Hungry skeleton mode here

>> No.7170751

>putting drugs on your diet
so, how is it feel to be in middle school?

>> No.7170758

>not doing drugs
how does it feel to feel

>> No.7170763

>announcing that he smoked weed 4 times in a day and popped an adderall in the morning.
how does it feel to be sad :(

>> No.7170761

2 glasses of water

lunch: sandwich and banana

after lunch before dinner thing: black coffee

dinner: nothin

5'10 120lb
i dont even like try to not eat a lot i just dont really ever get hungry. could be an effect of my constant depression :/

>> No.7170767

nigger detected

>> No.7170794

privileged white kid detected

>> No.7170801

130 lbs

cereal with milk (300 calories)
1/2 banana (50 calories)

peanut butter sandwich (400 calories)
1/2 banana (50 calories)

2 eggs (150 calories)
2 pieces of toast (200 calories)

>> No.7170799

thats right.

>> No.7170813

I love how you pick me out rather than this crackhead >>7170638

>> No.7170811


>priveleged white kid
tfw my parents are broke and make 100k a year collectively

tfw im pre med trying to make a better future for myself

>> No.7170832

Op, I eat three normal meals a day.. I am also 6'3" but I weigh 56kg.. I'm an ectomorph.. you're not fat man.. ffs. I'd love to be 74.5kg..

>> No.7170916


i want to do the thing

>> No.7170929

some almonds and cranberries
brochetta with garlic and cheese
a piece of dark chocolate


>> No.7170951

itt shit diets

>> No.7170969
File: 298 KB, 590x399, fuck it .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>about 150 pounds

juice and a small piece of bread
630 ml of milk
21o ml of soda
havent eat yet

fucking starving while doing a physics project, fuck this world

>> No.7170970

All in all around 2800 calories. Trying to get out of skellington mode.

>> No.7170996
File: 286 KB, 567x850, vocaloid_magnet_3_by_yuegene-d50h07f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i had a bunch of candy at school
made up for it by mainlining gallons of coffee. that's how models do it right????

>> No.7171090


cuban sandwich

bojangles supreme dinner


>> No.7171094

1.5 cups of cereal with milk (440 cal)
burrito (290 cal)
water and a handful of wheat thins (140 cal)
>height & weight
5'11" @ 160lbs
>tfw fat to /fa/'s standards

Might hand out candy to kids and have a reese's cup or two, though.

>> No.7171104

fuck your calories nigga, I don't count that shit.

chicken sandwich, then another coffee
Pizza and Halloween candy (which I'm still eating)

6'4" and fluctuate between 154-157 lbs

>> No.7171101

5'8, 125

Brek: Bagel, Cream Cheese

Lunch: nutella samich

Dinner: 4 Tacos,

>> No.7171120

200mg caffeine + Green tea extract (360mg caffein e total)

A scoop of whey with greek yogurt and milk
A cup of OJ
200mg caffiene
.5 cups of rice and some chicken breast

>> No.7171126

1x banana

>haven't had lunch or dinner yet

121 lbs

>> No.7171319

>2 tamales w/ beans
>chicken breast filled w/ bacon, ham, onions, bell peppers and cheese
>2 slices of toast w/ butter
>2 cans of beer
>no dinner yet

>> No.7171342

is this yung lean?

>> No.7171348


>> No.7171408

Im 5'10. A couple days ago I was down to 119. And have been around 120~ for a couple weeks. But this skeleton mode is not for me and have decided to go /fit/ mode and get ripped.

For the past couple days I've been bulking and eating all this shit I can and I'm now up to 126. Hopefully soon I can hit the mid 30s then hit the gym.

>> No.7171417

I'm a skellington but I don't starve myself.

Fast metabolism.

>> No.7171421

>197 lbs

two pop-tarts

subway tuscan chicken melt with provolone, bell pepper, red onion, oil and vinegar

two baked chicken breast sandwiches, potato chips and 3 chocolate chip cookie

>> No.7171426

2 egg omelet du fromage and some coffee

2 mcchickens

some granola cereal


>> No.7171441

wow dude i hope you work out a lot

>> No.7171452

I ate a lot of candy.

I'm 5'9 and 105 lbs (Finally lost some weight!)
I didn't mind having a Halloween cheat day cause I'm starting a new diet on Monday.

>> No.7171465


red meat, rice




I constantly fear I'll be too short to model

>> No.7171470

Fuck to you with your glorification of eating disorders you piece of shit. Nothing good comes from it.

>> No.7171472

Male or female?

>> No.7171482


>> No.7171489

Ah. You're most very likely too short. Some agencies even consider 5'11 to be too short for male modelling.

>> No.7171496

oatmeal for breakfast

tuna sandwich for lunch

6 beers for dinner

6'1" 140lbs. unhealthy as shit

>> No.7171497

what should i do :/

>> No.7171510

Apply to agencies now, don't wait. If they same no, become an actor, become a freelance model in your city, or find some other career in fashion.

>> No.7171522 [DELETED] 

I'm 16, is it a good age to start applying?

>> No.7171540

plain spicy italian 6" subway

half a carls jr western bacon

Dinner 6" pepperoni and half a wonka bar for halloween

also I had 6 sandwich crackers and a 30 Cal drink

my dad brings me wonka bars when he goes to england

6'2" 182lbs

also I worked shoulders today

>> No.7171541

Oh, I thought you were older. Wait a couple of years, a lot of male models start at 18 or even later. Don't restrict your calories though, or you won't grow.

>> No.7171543






>> No.7171549

thank you very much

>> No.7171550

hey effay how do i get anorexia so i can be like you guys?

>> No.7171554

Ima not fat, but pretty fun.

>> No.7171598

>Torilla and one egg
>black coffee
>tortilla with peanut butter and honey (caved)

5'8" 120lb female. I feel really guilty about the last one. I've noticed when I'm not eating, I crave sugar and carbs SO badly. Normally, I have no sweet tooth, I prefer vegetables and dairy. When I'm fasting and limiting myself, I get really faint and black out until I eat sugar and carbs. Does anybody know how to fix this without eating those? I've tried spacing out my meals (ie: my meal is an orange, so I eat slices slowly throughout the day) but I always cave and eat the entire thing. It's just too tempting, I have no self control. Even when I do manage to space it, I still get kind of faint.

>> No.7171606

Tortilla with peanut butter and honey?

corn tortilla? Still seems weird to me if it was flour tortilla...

>> No.7171624

Carry fruit with you, it's lower in calories but will boost your blood sugar if needed. If you really feel faint, EAT. I almost passed out on the bus yesterday and it was extremely terrifying. My whole face and limbs went numb and it's just not something you want to experience. On top of this I was sitting down, so it's not like I was tired or anything.

>> No.7171625

a shitton of candy.

5'11 (so close to 6 im mad)
just weighed self, 150 post-candy binge. i have gained 5 pounds this week. no stop till fat

>> No.7171630

Flour, does nobody else eat this? I always put cinnamon on top too. Or with nutella and cinnamon. It would probably taste bad though with regular tortillas, so maybe it's mostly exclusive to states at the border, but I'm pretty sure this is a common breakfast/snack thing

>> No.7171635

ITT: Skeletons

oats with cinnamon
plain yogurt

6oz chicken breast
1/2 cup brown rice
green beans

chicken burrito bowl from chipotle (only 3 bucks nigga) and a protein shake

8oz turkey breast
russet potatoes

>> No.7171636

*regular tortillas, as opposed to the freshly made ones that I use

>> No.7171647

>don't have to pay money for halloween costume
>just go topless in my striped PJ bottoms as a holocaust jew

Why must you hate on the skelly master race?

>> No.7171655


>cant afford costume
>be highlander masterrace
>wear kilt
>no shirt

What can't you understand the /fit/ master race?

>> No.7172890

gave it away with ur X oz chicken filets, and I had 2 tilapia filets last night as well, shit was so good

>> No.7173399
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How do you guys keep up with such restrictive diets for long? I always end up overeating after a week or so

>> No.7173413

How do you guys make yourselves eat? I struggle to crack 1500 cals/dont have money to buy a lot of food (spent it all on clothes)

I was 135 at 6' but bulked up to 160 and cant get any larger

>> No.7173417

118-120lbs, depending on if I've eaten/retaining water/whatever

Black tea with a lot of sugar

it's 10:30am
probably some spaghetti with salt

it's 10:30am
probably half a pepperoni pizza

>> No.7173429

Being busy. I can't find time to make myself food and I don't want to pay to buy it so that helps. Also smoke and drink coffee/some stimulant the rest of the time and with a busy schedule you'll drop pounds.

After getting used to it eating very little is about the same as eating a lot. Eating well in right proportion is what is hard either extreme isn't too hard to acclimate to.

>> No.7173437

that sounds so disgusting, if your not going to eat a lot, why not eat well?

>> No.7173441
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pic related, i drew you

>> No.7173470

12 meatballs

half a roast chicken, some potato wedges

dont know what I'll have later

also, protein shakes and water throughout



>> No.7173495
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2 eggs

Rice with gammon
More coffee
More cigarettes

Chips with a minute steak @ mum's
Going to down that with some krušovice and more cigarettes

6'0" 176lbs

>> No.7173503

im skinnyfat and want to look like the guy in the picture, what do???

>> No.7173506

starve and work out

>> No.7174782

I had some homemade beef n bean chili with corn tortilla chips and a cup of coffee with whole milk, no sugar for ...brunch. That's all I've eaten today, just finished a 20oz fruit punch Gatorade, considering having a salami and chicken sandwich or possibly soup now.. I'm around 5'4", 5'5" and weigh 108lbs last I checked.

>> No.7174813

>Slept through breakfast
Ham wrap with mayonnaise
Bottle of water
Cup of tea
6 fish fingers
Half a can of sweetcorn
Tomato ketchup
Orange Squash
>Hour later…
Chicken breast
Half a can of sweetcorn
Diet coke
>Trip to the shop later
Half a large dairy milk bar
Half a large bag of salted peanuts

5'9" 120 Ibs

>> No.7174825

>Late breakfast/lunch
Sourdough toast with ham

Pork tenderloin

>Nighttime snack

>> No.7174842
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Regular Russian salad with potatoes



Roasted Chicken

Chocolate Pie

> Lunch

Half of Pizza

1 Kebab

> Dinner

Steak with cheese/mayo

Grilled Potatoes


>> No.7174849


That dude has never lifted a weight in his life

>> No.7174848

Haven't eaten anything yet today. Had some coffee when I woke up, and smoked a couple cigarettes to curb hunger pains. I'll have some Pho later tonight at the Vietnamese place down the street, and then have 4-5 beers.

Used to eat a lot more and never gained any weight but then I became an alcoholic and started putting on pounds.

I'm 6'2", 165 lbs.

>> No.7174875


pasta with tomatosauce

>afternoon snack
2 cookies

1 slice of bread with salami

48 kg

>> No.7174891

6'1.5'' 190lbs ~14% body fat, currently cutting

22mg yohimbine hcl, black coffee, and cardio
>late lunch
10oz chicken breast, 2 cups broccoli, 1 cup rice
10oz chicken breast, fried in sunflower oil, vegetable fried rice (2 cups rice, carrots, onions, celery, 1 egg, soy sauce, sriracha)

i'll probably end my day with 1 cup of cottage cheese

maybe a bowl of baby kale leaves

>> No.7174907

Do you feel like Yohimbine works at that %bf? Personally I only felt like it made a difference around 10%, when I was already lean and finishing off my cut.

>> No.7174933

I like it because it gets my heart rate up so i can ride my bike through the streets casually and still be 140+

The bulk powder is also so cheap that idgaf

>> No.7174935

I ride track bikes, iktf.

>> No.7176823

you do know that too much water can be deadly?
and 20 pints is too much.

>> No.7176829 [DELETED] 
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>didn't have breakfast
>pizza for lunch
>didn't have dinner

>> No.7176841

if consumed straight within a short time frame yes, not if evenly spread out throughout the day l2water poisioning

>> No.7176842
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6'2" 135lbs

leftover rice
a&w burger (plain) and regular fries


>> No.7176862

2pm here

>coffee (with milk and sugar, I know I'm such a coffee pleb)
>slice of bread with butter

About to make some vegetable soup and maybe rice with fish later.

>> No.7176860

Just had a halloumi + finnish squeaky cheese salad for breakfast around 800kcal (50g pro, 50g fat from cheese + some veggies)

Shit was so cash

>> No.7176864

u already ugly, stop deforming ur body

>> No.7176871

3 eggs, cup of coffee
2 cigarettes
7-8 wallnuts

>> No.7176872

Oh and I'm 5'10, 132 lbs

>> No.7176884
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3000 calories
>tfw bulking
>tfw /fit/
>tfw wrong board

>> No.7176901

Also u all fat, I'm gonna show u niggas perfection

>> No.7176908

thankyou based adie

>> No.7176912

3200 cals today.
>tfw bulking through summer
>tfw also from /fit/
>not being both /fa/ and /fit/

>> No.7176919

man i was on a crazy vibe that night, stayed up until like 3:30 reading wikipedia articles about ancient rome and nazis and stuff. i felt plugged in to the matrix