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7161407 No.7161407[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is Lourdes boyfriend /fa/?

>> No.7161440

who's lourdes?

>> No.7161453


>giving a shit

>> No.7161475
File: 612 KB, 800x1200, 1382099692117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is that this guy

>> No.7161507

you do know lorde and her 'life' are entirely fictional right? she's a figment of the labels imagination. they wrote her songs for her, edited them to make them acceptable, then released them in a time where they knew they would get popular..

it happens a lot but lorde is the first one people actually noticed when they called her out for her 'but im only sixteennnnn' bullshit story.

she's been groomed for a popularity that she didnt even have at the time, i really doubt any of the people she's seen with are actually associated with her

>> No.7161514

nasty singing face

>> No.7162977

dope fit

>> No.7162990
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shes gross and so is her boyfriend
he's also 24 while shes 16

i hate living in the same city as her but cant help but say i support her when i couldnt care less when friends ask as they indulge me on how their latest cope was her album

>> No.7162995

yep, she's been signed since she was fucking 12, this entire time they've been carefully manufacturing her and creating her whole image.

>> No.7162998

no chin

>> No.7163000

>ugly chinaman
lol, typical australia

>> No.7163008

i live in aus and i dont know who this bish is

should i care

>> No.7163011


you don't like a thing


>> No.7163013

she;ll prob blow up especially since kanye is mentioning her but idk i wouldnt go out of my way to learn about

>> No.7163016


wow asian + mouthbreather

how has he not killed himself

>> No.7163021

the new adele

>> No.7163078

>dat weak jaw

>> No.7163105

no he aint, but he is a lovely bloke. Had to pleasure of meeting them both. I was put off by the fact that he's 8 years older and she's just so much better than he is. But they care about each other and that's all that matters.

>> No.7163205


I'm convinced that she's not actually 16, she looks 32.

>> No.7163244

even though her voice obviously got deeper in the year between her ep and her lp?

>> No.7163252

but she is 16, I go to uni with a guy that was her neighbour

>> No.7163293
File: 210 KB, 650x430, lorde-2013-650-430a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looks mid 30s

kids these days smh, lay off the fucking hormones.

>> No.7163482

I actually really like Lorde's music and think she is hot. Her bf dresses ok but pretty typical.

>> No.7163490

his name is james k lowe and he is a gimp

>> No.7163515

I know man was watching some girl on tv the other day, said she was 17 but she legit had wrinkles around her eyes.

>> No.7163529

I swear man half of it is modern culture.

my lil cuz is like 14 but she's 5'9, dresses like a typical club sloot and smokes pot/drinks at parties. fb's, tumblr all day and is more aware of sex/word due to internet than I was at her age.

when I was that age I was playing fucking video games and shit. fuck.

>> No.7163548

The average girl in the 1840's had her first period at 17, now it's more like 7 - 12 due to "better nutrition".

>> No.7163566

wtf, something is definitely wrong if a girl is having their first period around 17, in ancient times girls were having children around 13

>> No.7163572

Look it up, the average menarche was 17 in the 1800's and early 1900's. Boys didnt first ejaculate until 16 on average, too.

>> No.7163579

>Spouting that much bullshit


>> No.7163600

It's all true. Are you retarded by any chance? Read it and weep.

>Historical shift
The average age at which the onset of puberty occurs has dropped significantly since the 1840s.[66][67][68] This was dubbed 'the secular trend' by J. M. Tanner. In every decade from 1840 to 1950 there was a drop of four months in the average age of menarche among Western European females. In Norway, girls born in 1840 had their menarche at an average age of 17 years.

>> No.7163638


>implying I've listened to any of her music

But fair play.

>> No.7163665
File: 218 KB, 500x374, yablewit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7164295

i just wanna go back to a time where i can listen to swingin party without any mention of her name

>> No.7164309

Is a walking cliche /fa/?

>> No.7164327

Most of that is true, but the label wasn't planning on her getting so popular, she was just supposed to build a little hype and become popular in like a year's time off her album. That's why they rushed the album so quick, so they could ca$$h in on her EP's success

>> No.7164385

damn artists have 1 song and they just ride that fame train hard. prob be irrevelant in 6 months

>> No.7164392

yeah 6 months after they cash in the $$$$

soulja boy is still living high off his one hits

>> No.7164395

This has a ring of truth to it. I can't imagine a major record label intentionally exercising so much restraint with a female artist. I totally believe that they were too slow/out-of-touch to predict that she would blow up so fast.

I totally dig her music too - it's poppy as hell, but it's still kinda fuzzy/spacey and the lyrics aren't 100% shit. Why should anyone give a fuck how "authentic" it is. What fucking artist is ever really authentic. Performance/persona is inherently a part of being a musician.

>> No.7164406

she looks so much like my ex
it weirds me the fuck out

>> No.7164415

nah, but her fit's pretty dope tbh
9/10 would date

>> No.7164417
File: 237 KB, 1280x1280, lorde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7164465

>famous and rich
>dates a gook manlet 8 years older than her

she aint no royal.

>> No.7164540

yeah, seriously, he better just be the nicest fucking dude alive cause got damn he looks like a faggot

>> No.7164569

as opposed to the manly men of /fa/?

>> No.7164572


>> No.7164581


>> No.7164623

I bet he's hung and a fucking freak, too

>> No.7164664

she looks like a alien

>> No.7164714

>bid gick

yeah - probably lost his virginity to her at 24

>> No.7164934

god, what a punchable face

>> No.7164965

I think it is really disgusting when a white female dates an Asian male. It is so degrading to the white female.

>> No.7165319
File: 329 KB, 1000x1500, IMG_1336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has a ring of truth to it because it is true. Her music sucks tho, and I'm not making any concessions for some shore girl who thinks she's some kind of cultural messiah. Her bf is pretty /fa/ tho, didn't know they were dating, but its pretty weird because his sister is a blogger and they were part of the original hype train for Lorde and I guess he forgot it was all marketing and ended up boarding the train lol. Pretty good photographer tho

>> No.7165335

I think it's fine when it isn't a faggot with no jaw.

>> No.7165350

is he a polio survivor?

>> No.7165356

he looks like a stupid faggot imo

>> No.7165377

oh god
no wonder he's hiding his face by lookin at the ground on every fitpic

>> No.7165396

You are using degrading wrong.
They are not being degraded by having an Asian male boyfriend.
You are degrading them by being racist.
They do not, I assume, take offence at having a boyfriend they chose.

>> No.7165420

head down in every pic so you can see his no chin lol

>> No.7165475


Her face is strange in the same way that models' faces are

If she was 180cm and thin as fuck you'd all be jizzing over her

>> No.7165487

u can tell shed be one of those annoying girls that laugh at everything, like even shit that isnt funny, anything a boy says she laughs

>> No.7165494


How can you tell that just from looking?

>> No.7165508

What? You are living in the 21st century, you are obviously conceited. And don't know how to see past people's looks. No wonder, you're posting this on /fa/

>> No.7165509

i just thought that when i saw her, i dono why but thats just what she looks like, i swear all short and stocky girls are like that, with their wierd little short and fat fingers