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/fa/ - Fashion

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7160644 No.7160644[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I love skinhead girls. Let us have skingirl thread.

>> No.7160645
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>> No.7160649
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>> No.7160661
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>> No.7160660

if you haven't watched "This is England" you should
full of 80's skinheads

>> No.7160669
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>> No.7160682
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I've seen it, but I still want pictures.

>> No.7160689
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>> No.7160703

I fucking love braces and rolled up sleeves on shirts

>> No.7160697
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>> No.7160708
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>> No.7160715
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>> No.7160721
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>> No.7160726

I'm almost totally convinced that there aren't any legitimate, attractive skinhead girls out there.

All of the so-called skinhead girls I've seen are 4edgy6u tumblr whores.

>> No.7160734
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>> No.7160741
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>> No.7160748
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>> No.7160754
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>> No.7160759
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>> No.7160760

real skinheads are much uglier than this

>> No.7160761

What do you mean by legitimate? Are you saying the girls posted aren't attractive? Are you saying being a skinhead in general isn't 2edgy?

>> No.7160770
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>> No.7160779

Skinhead isn't an aesthetic, it's a lifestyle combined with some pretty strong political beliefs. I'm doubting that the girls in itt are skinheads, probably because they don't look like skinheads...and because they are attractive.

>> No.7160777
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The only attractive ones are racist.

>> No.7160780
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>> No.7160795

Does being attractive hinder ones cognitive ability? I'm attractive. You sound ugly. Why the dislike towards us attractive people?

>> No.7160801

You really do have a thing for nazis, don't you /fa/?

>> No.7160803



>> No.7160807
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>> No.7160814

implying all/original skinheads are racists.

also the racist ones are usually chubby as fuck

>> No.7160829
File: 42 KB, 600x512, tumblr_mhn70fXHTj1rcoerlo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You would be surprised. These girls are very concerned with making themselves look good for their aryan men.

>> No.7160832

All neo-nazi, none chubby.
Also, the "original skinheads" are old or dead.

>> No.7160841
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>> No.7160845
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>> No.7160846

w2c white power qt3.14?

>> No.7160856

most skins aren't racist

you'd have to be pretty fucken dumb to listen to jamaican music and be racist

>> No.7160853
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>> No.7160855

"concerned with making themselves look good" lol ok. im not denying that there are good looking white women that only date Caucasians. But i will say that most of them are ugly as fuck. That goes for the general human population as well.

there are modern skinheads that arent racist.

also those pictures are cherry picked. obviously no one here is going to upload a photo of the average neo nazi skinhead girl.

>> No.7160861
File: 88 KB, 500x375, 3116379028_f6f11a4c07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, assuming that's a question.

>> No.7160871


>having pride in a race

top cake

nobody should have pride in their race.

one should be proud of their own actions and achievements, but not of actions and achievements they had no hand in. This is a simple concept to grasp.

>> No.7160875
File: 79 KB, 500x375, 3116367348_c292432570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Us white folks invented the guitar, try again. I'm so sure rock is based on negroid jungle beats. Some negroids might have tweaked with it, but it's still ours.

>> No.7160880

And there is no difference between the races, despite all the evidence to the contrary.

>> No.7160881

>being this delusional

id like to speak to you in person.

i wonder if you truly believe this or just being edgy on internet

>> No.7160883
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>> No.7160893

>those pictures are cherry picked
Thank you for proving my point.

>> No.7160897

What do you think nigger music would sound like if they had no interaction with white people? It would be drum beats and screeching. Everything in modern nigger culture is a hideous corruption of white culture.

>> No.7160903

Neo-nazi level of intellect, gentlemen.

>> No.7160908

>us white folks
firstly it wasn't you, stringed instruments with a fretboard have been around for thousands of years
secondly, these instruments were being used in south and east asia before proud white germanic men had learnt to count to three

>> No.7160912

ok bro im sure ur chopin, mozart, and edgy racism are a blast at parties

oh wait you sit at home jacking off and watching anime all day, intellectual superiors like u dont need petty things like human interaction and parties

>> No.7160918

How is that related to what he said?
That there are differences doesn't by itself mean that there is reason for segregation or war, you fucking retard.
Go home to /pol/.

>> No.7160921

What do you think cracka music would sound like if they had no interaction with african people? It would be guitar twangs and warbling. Everything in modern cracka culture is a hideous corruption of african culture.

>> No.7160926
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>>that name
That explains it. Anyhow, I'm a white woman and I wish you niggers would stop deluding yourselves. I know that your "woman" are ugly, but unlike them, we do not like being raped by nasty nigger AIDS dick. Is that clear? Oh, and the only reason sluts race mix is because white men wont take their fat slut asses. Okay? okay.

>> No.7160929

Nazis cannot into history, buddy.
There's no point in trying - There's a reason for them all dropping out of school.

>> No.7160938

>I know that your "woman" are ugly

intelligence level: /pol/

>> No.7160933
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Schlomo is sliding the thread. Keep bumped to first page.

>> No.7160942
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Because wanting to separate yourselves from savages is very rational.

>> No.7160944

>I don't think black people har hot
>therefore you should feel bad
Seriously, how do you get to this low level?
What horrible upbringing were you the subject of?

>> No.7160958
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>> No.7160966

hahahah holy fuck half of africa and the entire middle east have less murders than usa

>> No.7160973

Haha. Nigger. You were just trying to claim that white wimminz secretly want your nigger AIDS dick, and I was asking you to stop trying to justify your desires to rape us. "Ookk, ook, eek eek. I'll show dem bitches how much dey wants muh."

>> No.7160982

>awful hair
>awful fit
>has a swastika next to her hip hop poster (lol?)


>> No.7160986

Because we are infested with niggers. Do you fucking get it now? 12% of the population (niggers) commits over 50% of the crimes within the U.S. Wow, holy fuck nigger.

>> No.7160995

Sour grapes

>> No.7161011

usa with 12% black people has more murders than ethiopia with 89% black people because...?

rofl u guys are literally less civilized than a third world country

>> No.7161015

More because of ridiculous gun laws

>> No.7161018
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Back on topic...

>> No.7161021
File: 60 KB, 572x800, mlady.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying nazis are /fa/
look at this ugly fedorafag manlet lmao

>> No.7161023

lol im a 6'3 aryan with a shaved head i could get some fat edgy avril lavinge looking nazi bitch no prob

do i want to? no

>> No.7161025
File: 49 KB, 416x611, Skingirls_3088254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7161027

I'm Norwegian, bud.
You need to be put out of your misery.

>> No.7161035

Are you color blind? Ethiopia has a higher murder rate.

>> No.7161040


>> No.7161045
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>> No.7161050

ethiopia, somalia, whatever

>> No.7161066

/pol/ should never have been allowed their own board.
What was meant as a containment board has become a jump-platform for nazi raids and infiltration on all the non-shit boards.
It's time to kill it.

>> No.7161063

i went to get some waffles and now this thread is /pol/ tier.

>my trip.
its a joke really and i had an E30.

>thinks the word nigger is offensive
>also thinks i care what other black people are doing with white women

you sir are a niggerfaggot. please stop pretending to be a white woman and turn your manifest destiny down

>> No.7161090

I dunno how long you've been here but when moot removed /new/ all hell broke loose, it pretty much ruined /int/.

/pol/ is a containment board, the problem is that everyone has an opinion on politics, not everyone cares about ponies.

>> No.7161095
File: 82 KB, 464x624, turn down for what lmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even white girls want to be niggers #turnup

>> No.7161136

i don't know how long you've been on 4chan, but this place has always been racist. it's called 'don't feed the trolls,' and if you don't like the racists in the thread, don't respond

>> No.7161155

Yeah, no, I remember the old days when we used to make racist jokes and call each others niggers.
Now even that is ruined, because the racism here is too real.
Makes me feel bad about using the word "nigger" to think that I might be mistaken for some retarded /pol/ock.

>> No.7161173

you shouldnt feel bad m8. especially if you arent using in a racist term.

ever called a random old white dude a nigger? there face is priceless

>> No.7161202

nah man, i know. i don't like the nigger shit. it's just white trash, victim complex bullshit. the internet's gotten more popular with american scum, and their hate isn't even ironic or informed or anything. it used to be different on here 6 years ago, but it's not lack of mods or anything. it's just people forget not to feed the trolls. and to sage. vanillaonchocolate.tumblr.com

>> No.7161206

I think I finally understand why the generations before us were so serious about not making racist remarks and shit: They came from a time when actual racism was very blatant and visible in the society that surrounded them - and we seem to be returning to that; At least on the intrawebs.

>> No.7161206,1 [INTERNAL]