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/fa/ - Fashion

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7158044 No.7158044[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Will girls like me if i wear dope fits? if not whats the point?

>> No.7158052

Finding acceptance amongst a bunch of elitist pricks on an imageboard.

>> No.7158051

You wear what you want to wear because you enjoy wearing it.

Dressing for women makes you a faggot. Just give up

>> No.7158059

>that feel when no gf

>> No.7158052,1 [INTERNAL] 

Just be yourself dood

>> No.7158267

>get /fa/
>nothing changes apart from compliments here and there

meh at least i have a new hobby

>> No.7158271

no not really, /fa/ doesnt dress to impress people, because nobody really has this preference of fashion on here. if you want to impress girls just throw on a crewneck and some skinny jeans with vans or something
and a normal haircut

>> No.7158275

>get /fa/
>people on /fa/ laugh at me and everyone thinks my fits are sick irl

>> No.7158938
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>> No.7158972
File: 137 KB, 647x1170, Celine+Fall+2002+NvJ6v8a6t7rx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Will girls like me if i wear dope fits?
your idea of looking dope is most likely looking like an overdressed mong, so no

>> No.7159083


no, they probably will not.

your best bet is to acquire a bunch of money and treat girls like a douche, their two favorite things, most girls will not be able to resist

>> No.7159086

let's see your 'sick fits'

>> No.7159092

Pretty sure you've never had a girlfriend

>> No.7159119

if the fit is truly dope most people should be able to mire it. Dont you think?

>> No.7159123

u wear rik oven 4 urselnot 4girls

>> No.7159177

>if not whats the point
>being /fa/ just to try to get girls
you are the fuccboi

>> No.7159212

if you want to dress to impress girls you dont want to be /fa/

but regardless dressing well plays a very minor role in getting girls interested. it isn't important.
but dressing well should be important to YOU.

if i girl has a high interest in fashion it may help you more, but not enough to make it worth doing.

being well dressed makes you feel confident in yourself and confidence WILL get you girls, so theres that.

>> No.7159768

dope fits are their own reward.

>> No.7159792

day to day i dress in undercover, attachment, raf simons, apc, etc and only ever receive compliments from girls that i know that are into/studying fashion but it's pretty rare

however, i've started buying a few bape, stussy, pyrex, hba pieces to go out clubbing in and i get hipster sluts coming up to me all the time telling me how much they love my awful sweatshirt. i think it's because they know so little about clothing that they have to be able to see some huge, visual indication of what brand the clothing is so they can make a snap judgement based off of that

i suppose it depends on the kind if girl you want to attract

>> No.7159796

>trying to get girls

how was study hall today son.

>> No.7159936

>dressing up for grills
top haha

>> No.7160531

lel fagit just die
nobdy likes u

>> No.7160538

Yeah, but they will be less likely to talk to you

>> No.7160547

If you dress handsomely (dadcore/good fits of anything) and avoid the typical /fa/ over-priced mono-chrome black outfits then it will definitely help you get chicks. I heard two chicks talking at a party about a guy a few weeks ago and they said "He'd be cute if he actually dressed nice and not like a weird goth" (talking about my friend who wears nothing but goof ninja shit)

>> No.7160557

I've had a lot of these girls hit me up later dressed similarly to me - it's a head trip

>> No.7160586

you could wear cheap basketball shirts and a wifebeater every day and still get girls. if you have a shit personality it won't really do much besides make you narcissistic

>> No.7162285

no. it can be a plus if you have a cool personality and are interesting
most people here are more concerned with expressing themselves and/or are passionate about fashion. it's like playing music for bitches, you'll most likely be shit
get to understand fashion and you'll be cool. the bitches will come when they do

>> No.7162392


>top haha


I dress to feel put together. I kind of live by "look good, feel good".

>> No.7162553

Hahaha yeah same here, hell funny cause most the cunts here are autistic mess cunts who cant socialize at all

>> No.7162562

Why are you here then? As much as I also hate the /fa/ hive-mind, the people who come here solely for bitching at the state of the board annoy me even more.

>> No.7163143


It's a fun place to visit from time to time

>> No.7163166

if you want girls, just dress like every other average douche who thinks they're dressing well. H&M, Abercrombie, etc. etc. you'll get pussy and you won't spend a lot of money.

>> No.7164276

i get s lot of looks by girls but often times they are too intimidated. i can hear them talking
>"look at his shoes they look so cool" "he just ignores us :("
feels good man

>> No.7164989
File: 17 KB, 300x225, $T2eC16RHJFsFFSHck8L7BSGOddEIjg~~60_35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be last week in class
>be talking to two of my friends that are girls
>we get talking about clothes somehow, they know i spend a decent amount of money on my fits
>try to change subject because it feels really gay talking to grills about clothes
>last line of the convo is "omg this guy in our math literally has the best style ever." actual quote: "all his outfits are perfect!!!!"
>make it my life goal for the day to look for this guy in my math
>girl (i sit beside her) turns my attention to him walking down the aisle to his seat
>navy blue cardigan with a white polo underneath
>burgundy chinos that were too long
>navy blue adidas with baby blue stripes (pic related)
>cringed at her though of a "perfect outfit"
>say oh ya he looks good, in my head i'm top leling
>go home and cry

>> No.7165026

so you wear your ugly ass rick owens sneakers just to get weird looks from people?

big haha :^)

>> No.7165099


Hahaha Jesus you sperglord

>> No.7165115
File: 24 KB, 303x566, 1377902490406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first day in new highschool ( I moved from VA to Cali)
>fuccbois errywhere
>supreme, vans, etc. plebs
>rocking givenchy,black chinos,nike roshes
>all the black bitches mirin'
>"who is that guy"
>"I want him inside me"
>"I want to wear his shirt :3"
>mfw i'm gay

>> No.7165270

did you move because you were beat up too much in VA?

>> No.7165318

Givenchy is a upper class supreme

>> No.7165648

what highschooler has supreme?
I'm assuming they are knockoffs

>> No.7165681

i bet u felt so much cooler in ur clothes made by a brand worn primarily by nerdy, rich white suburban teenagers who got into ~high fashun~ in the past year cause of kanye west and now spend all their parents money on clothes they look autistic in

givenchy is more pleb than supreme lmao

>> No.7165711

is this a joke or are you third world

>> No.7165847

you will feel more confident if you wear a dope fit
you will have more luck when it comes to girls if you are confident

buying clothes just for the sake of getting girls sounds stupid though

>> No.7166400

If you feel like you look good, you will feel good. If you have any confidence in your own taste at all then that should be a given if you dress well. If your looks are legitimately aesthetic and you are not just dick riding certain designers or trends that don't look good on you, you will subtly influence people to respect/admire you too.

>> No.7166403


>> No.7166417

You should dress how you want to which will in turn instill you with confidence.

Dressing dadcore will attract pleb girls. That's fine if that's what you want.

>> No.7166446
File: 27 KB, 449x600, 1383102687973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one will ever like you for any reason. Ever.

>> No.7166459
File: 524 KB, 500x658, 1372441356344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"clothes don't matter to girls"
>"girls don't notice clothes"
>"don't worry, girls don't care about clothes"
Are you kidding? Your clothes/overall appearance is the first thing girls notice. It's the first thing anybody notices.

If you're dress like a punk, you're going to be written off as one. If you dress in black rags you'll probably just be thought of as weird.

>> No.7166706
File: 51 KB, 500x667, niggerclassroom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Define "pleb girls" pls.

>> No.7166739

Generic "Yoga-sweats-ugg's-Hollister-(or abercrombie)-wearing blond white girl". You know the type.

>> No.7168775
File: 58 KB, 720x960, 1370370575635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is how to dress to get girls

>> No.7168793

more like get guys

>> No.7168806


his shoulders are so narrow
2/10 would not copulate with

>> No.7168840

>collarbones aren't a straight line

Inferior genetics alert

>> No.7168857


Does he have scoliosis or something

>> No.7168858


>> No.7168866

>girl rings me 2day 2 find out why i'm not in college
>calls me a pussy for not coming in
bitch i have a throat infection
at least she cares

>> No.7168876

Pretty sure you've never payed attention to what women do and too much on what they say.

>> No.7168879

this happened to me twice this week

>get text "are you coming to class this morning?"

tries to give me shit and tells me I need to start coming in the morning or i'll fail
mfw I have a 90 in the class and she has a 70

>> No.7168891

>neckbeards mirin

>> No.7168904

Protip: /fa/s style repels women

/fa/s style just looks like mental problems and emotional stunting being expressed through edgy and 2deepe outfits. It's absolutely embarrassing.

>> No.7168915

Dunno about all the "gothninja" but I personally get a lot of compliments on my basic black/monochrome fits from grills
If u thats what u mean by /fa/'s style which is very vague term
post a fit?

>> No.7168919

just overcompensate for your emotional problems by buying lots of expensive clothing

>> No.7168964

Jesus christ, start standing up for yourself at least a little bit. I mean you don't have to call the guy a dadcore tryhard faggot or something in front of your friends but at least dont straight up li.

>> No.7169821

>basic black/monochrome
fellow monochrome basics brah reporting

this is objectively the best style

>> No.7169835

>not wearing only white or black
fuck colors