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/fa/ - Fashion

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7150141 No.7150141[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is an /fa/ Lifestyle?

My ideal, and what Im' working towards, is this:

>manageable heroin addiction
>approx $300k/year
>ultra-minimalist condo, to the point where utility is greatly lost.
>near-anorexic ice-qt who loves neither me, nor I love her. We only talk in very terse uncaring spurts, have cold WASPy sex, but both love arts and culture. She may or may not commit suicide.

>> No.7150153


please kill yourself

>> No.7150164

If your aiming for opiates you should go will prescriptions all ways the same dose and higher class mate

>> No.7150174

my ideal /fa/ lifestyle

suck my own dick for 10 years straight

>> No.7150184
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i thought a tight little needle addiction, all the way at the top of the hierarchy of drugs, with maximum physical benefit - supported by that income- would be the way to go, with all earnestness.

>> No.7150196

look at urself

>> No.7150202
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that sounds awful lmao

>> No.7150211

no one has a manageable heroin addiction. It doesn't exist m8.

>> No.7150214

type out what you would prefer, if you have the time friend.

was that not a
bit much?

>> No.7150220

what are u 16? fuck this board im out its completely done.

>> No.7150229

>buy shiping container
>take it to northern BC
>convert to modular housing
>read books and work on projects
>wear comfy turtlenecks, beard
>hunt for food
>be miserable and lonely

>> No.7150240

This. You're a fucking retard.

>> No.7150251
File: 12 KB, 232x200, dropped the pancake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wan b a banan wen i gro up

>> No.7150253

anon and OP understands the realisation of contentment, in late-capitalism, is superior to the struggle of happiness.

>> No.7150260

hey unknown, why are you cyberbullying me? what Did I do that upset you so much? Is there anything I can do to help?

>> No.7150265


pls no fite

>> No.7150280

>manageable heroin addiction
What are you, fucking retarded?

>> No.7150306
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All you need is a sugar daddy.
Working is not /fa/ so where else would you get money from? surely your family can be rich but why spend your own $$$ when you can spend someone elses

pic related, me and my boo

>> No.7150330

all yohji all the time

mix of vintage mcm in minimalist, monochromatic neutral colorway and vintage wrought iron and weathered wood textures

hand scraped wood floors in exotic wood
small/minmal amount of clutter

decent storage space

decent garden


a young spike (my chow chow mix) and i alone, on an island with my other animals

my animals running around free...i literally dream about this most nights

>> No.7150351

you probably just want a hot boring wife and some stupid fucking kids and a couple cars and to go see movies and have thanksgiving dinner with the extended family that youre too stupid to realize how boring they are

fuck you

>> No.7150352

it was obviously a joke
who gave you an internet connection

>> No.7150380


>> No.7150430

Are you excited to get your driver's license next year OP? :^)

>> No.7150475

How did you know?

>> No.7150486
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>have a great job
>get a hair transplant when I'll start losing my hair so that I keep a nice and full head of hair
>have a wardrobe composed of great clothes and a nice minimalistic apartment in Paris, of around 50-60 square meters
>own a cool motorcycle that my friend customized
>be invited to fashion shows during the Fashion week
>have a few good friends
>have a regular girl that loves me more than I do, comes to my house during the weekend so we can have sex all day long and listen to music.
>also have a few fuck buddies that I see from time to time, we go out together, fuck, and I leave early in the morning
>work a lot, spend the time I have left at home making music, seeing girls, shopping in nice shops, going to exhibitions
>travel around the world and see friends all over the world
>have a kid at 30/35 with a great submissive 25 year old grill that will cook for me delicious meals and stand by her own opinions
>once I will have made enough money, leave for the north, buy an architect house in the mountains, work from home, buy a sruli recht rifle and become a hunter, grow a beard, wear artisan clothes, die in the snow after making my son a man or my daughter a happy woman

>> No.7150491

>having a drivers license

>> No.7150492

i cried
so beautiful

>> No.7150498


that is rly not what i want at all

calm down m8

>> No.7150501

>sruli recht rifle
kekd irl

srsly doe, is this a movie or some shit?? sounds vaguely familiar

>> No.7150507

how are so many of you not getting it

>> No.7150512

from a movie?

>> No.7150514

>Living in a small town outside in Paris
>Patrician gf
>Working out a lot and dressing in mostly dadcore
>Every day hanging out with a few spanish friends getting drunk and hitting on tourist girls
>Too poor for food and starving all the time
>Working on a math major

>Marry a rich old women and kill her
>Take the money and travel around SA with my spanish friends
>Published author
>Working on a PhD in math

>> No.7150517

it's because you've imagined this for yourself
it's because we all want this

captcha: Peeppo appears

>> No.7150521
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I just want to get to a point where I can wear elder statesman cashmere robes and guidi loafers in different shades of dark grey all day every day

just straight bored with that luxurious lifestyle and wealth, completely oblivious to the world, on some shooting plebeians for sport shit

>> No.7150530

>Tfw you will never live in a 2deep4u minimalist cave wearing skin suits and killing plebs for fun

>> No.7150581
File: 998 KB, 400x300, tumblr_mtho20TB2f1swgbg1o1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ideal would be living in the inner city, slumming it in a flat and have a tight knit klique of cool homies
we'd just chill on the block, graff shit up and do ignant ass hoodshit all the time, go to hc shows, get fucked up with some qtp2ts and maybe push a lil white/scripts on the skreets to get that paper

my uniform would basically be frejacore with a rick exploder ma-1, an oversized ann d knit and a silk/visc rick tank underneath, scabbed up balmain bikers or memphis jawnz and a pair of proper lived in dunks from creatch
homeboys would be wearing a similar style made up of rick, ann d, damir and carpe diem/guidi pieces, but we'd be out here looking like street filth

lol at yall thinking some stupid ass 300k starting white middle class life is effay

>> No.7150593
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>> No.7150602

which town are you from, friend ?

>> No.7150609

why don't designers make serious precision chasis for the most common firing groups?

not that stupid shit sruli has,

like an actual chasis that may see law enforcement of combat usage



but more /fa/

>> No.7150617

seems efficient and techy and military, but as you said, this doesn't look /fa/

>> No.7150633

It's a hunting rifle, not a combat/assault/tactical weapon

need moar reading comprehension

>> No.7150634

yeah, only draw backs are remington 700 based, they have a problem with the saftey setting rounds off

the draw backs of the .308 cartridge (not .338) then again there is a $4.50 difference per round

but everything ele is great, really ups the usefulness of the remington 700

no more ghetto shimming the scope mounts or glueing holes drilled into pressed fiberboard stocks and scopes anymore since the cheekweld is adjustable

much more ergonomical firing angle

no more bolt catching the edge of the stock


>> No.7150651

I am you but english and about 2 years ahead

>living in a massive house in Oxford, 11 housemates, pretty fun to have such a full household
>no gf, don't want, don't like commitment + my studies take up a ridiculous amount of time, I can't hack it
>haven't worked out in about 2 years, since I shattered + dislocated knee playing rugby, SLP skinny now
>working on maths PhD

>> No.7150656


>implying sruli made that rifle to sell to poor plebs like you

No wonder most people, on this board, hate you. You don't contribute to any fashionable advancement. If you were a weapon you'd be a sack of rocks, nowhere near as useful as a gun.

>> No.7150657

>accuracy and stopping power is not useful in hunting


if i take that AR *points to my ar* and start shooting at a moose, i'd have one pissed the fuck off moose coming at me

id have to grab something out of dad's safe to go hunting

>> No.7150668

lol pleb
you don't own a firearm do ya?

sruli made a stupid looking stock he just dropped in a firing group + barrell

also im pretty sure it's not even free float

there goes your absolutely useless "hunting rifle"

>> No.7150697

>blue lambo with ps4 in dashboard
>mansions/penthouses/castles in nor cal, colorado, london, paris, copenhagen, nyc, rural tennessee/al

i think thats it

>> No.7150700

>points at my AR

back the fuck off?!?!

>> No.7150831
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>> No.7150855

Except a chassis has little to do with hunting tier accuracy and nothing to do with stopping power.

>> No.7150867

I just want a gf ;_;

>> No.7150872


I dont believe any of this haha

>> No.7150875


Yes because OP's life doesnt sound utterly void of emotion.

>> No.7150901

hunting a man is the same as hunting a buck
200m killzone is smaller on the buck though

>> No.7150908

>be a techno producer/dj
>have a residency at Berghain
>live in Kreuzberg with Dutch gf
>spend my days indulging in drugs, art, live music
>create a coldwave band with two other Berghain residents
>write graffiti most nights
>be stick thin and beautiful

>> No.7150933

I hope you're not serious

>> No.7150940

Lol, no it isn't

I'd much rather hunt with a nice hand crafted wooden stock than with some synthetic nerd-boy ergonometric chassis.

Sounds like you would probably enjoy hunting moose with drones and hellfire missles.

>> No.7150946

nice taste, berghain is the best.

>> No.7150964

It really is, isn't it? I have never experienced anything like it. The things I saw and the sounds I heard, my god it was absolutely sublime. Pure hedonism

>> No.7151011

thats beuase you have never been hunting in your life

trust me, going home empty handed and half a day to bring home nothing because you wanted to look cool for a bunch of fucking meese

>> No.7151019

>2nd part of your entire vision for the future is hair transplants
thanks /fa/

>> No.7151095

>be cult-status successful musician/writer
>tiny minimalist apartment in lower-east side
>decent level of drug use
>long running on/off relationship with qt, with various male and female fuck-buddies during the off.
>slim but not crazy skinny
>never seen in public without Wayfarers
>regularly fly off to Europe to sit in cafes, brooding/chain smoking
>insanely popular in Uruguay, nobody know why

God, I'm such a cunt.

>> No.7151170

no it's to live by 4chan.org/fa/ fantasy not a realistic/effay in the sense that it's a good lifestyle one

Good job OP!!!

>> No.7151574

beautiful man

>> No.7151577

>have a regular girl that loves me more than I do, comes to my house during the weekend so we can have sex all day long and listen to music.
>also have a few fuck buddies that I see from time to time, we go out together, fuck, and I leave early in the morning
Why are men so disgusting?

>> No.7151578


You're a fucking idiot.

>> No.7151608

here's mine:

>be graduated with psychology degree
>find work and understand the human condition. >Be all zenny and intellectual, maybe.
>maybe write a book
>make lots of money or inherit from unknown source
>start small fashion brand mainly making clothes for myself
>artisan chic
>live in minimalist pad in Paris, small functional but ultra trendy
>be cultured as fuck
>play guitar well
>have friends like Warhol's
>take drugs occasionaly, not dependant
>able to get a reservation at dorsia enytym
>Paris gal without the attitude, equally as fa as me but loves me more than me her
>faithful to me
>have kids around 30 with 26 y/o gf
>or adopt
>love that little critter with all my own (jeanvaljean parenting style)
>when kid grown up I'll retire from making shit, grow a beard and go solitary for a while
>get back with exwife ocasionnaly
>be remembered
>romantically die a revered figure
>enigmatic and intelligent
>a brilliant father.

>> No.7151639

why is polygamy disgusting?
(or why is sex disgusting I guess)

>> No.7151758

>doing good intellcual work
>lacanan style leturces
>A meet a lot and are close with geniuses and amazingly wise people
>be in the forefront of changing the world in a positive way
>great style and great body
>get invited to top and secret fashion and non fashion event's all around the world daily.
>friends with A lister and top designers
>amazing discussion and conversation all the time
>die old and content and still helpful to the younger generations for generations and generations will enteral return
>become really wise and change people for the better

>> No.7151803

Why that last sentence about Uruguay?? It seems so random. I'm curious because I'm from fucking Uruguay!

>> No.7152273
File: 56 KB, 500x400, milano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are right on the button. Visit me in my house with my anorexic qt every now and then, do some heroin, maybe eat some duck confit, she;ll be so cold will probably say nothing to you, whatevs.

>> No.7152282

can someone post the cocoon mode infographic?

>> No.7152310

>psychology degree
>make lots of money

>> No.7152323

are there any people on /fa/ that actually eat very little? like 700 calories or something? i have a few questions

>> No.7152351

im picturing some effeminate fag like turnleft going out in the bush with designer clothing on trying to shoot an animal.

im so manly i have a big beard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@@@@@@@@@@@@@

>> No.7152366

>8600 euros
>just a stripped rifle with wood around it

>> No.7152378



>i'm trying

>> No.7152392

we're all trying :c

>> No.7152996

>being dirty

Have fun wallowing in filth and fighting the man, I'm going to use my time accumulating money and power for drugs and sex.

My goal:
>Working in london for a car company
>Get to drive nice cars all the time, decent pay
>Fuck lots of girls, a few regulars and lots of hookups
>WHen a bitch gets preggers she aborts it or some beta loser takes care of it
>Finally get my heart broken by a patrician level fat girl and realize what a sinful life I've been living

>> No.7153054
File: 133 KB, 422x750, tumblr_mu02p92d0M1qhbol5o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im going to live in a simple apartment just a bedroom with a simple bed with a mink comforter, bathroom with vanity table polished bronze bowl filled with avant garde rick owens mints, make up set w/ horsehair brushes set into ebony handles with the make up in moldy colors, the shower will have a silk curtain which gets spotted with the water and the shower mat will be a mink pelt, kitchen, library w/ chair in the living room and i will have a cappuccino and commute to my nearby studio on a sk8board cuz u cant ride a bicycle in drop crotch and there i will have a big cutting table and lots of machines and a pressing station and some draping forms and ill have special machines like a sonic welder and i will make next level clothes all day

break at noon for lunch. salad, glass of wine

dinner; salmon, salad, glass of wine

sometimes i sub out some belgian beer. maybe sherry for desert

also i would live in paris ofc

>> No.7153080
File: 58 KB, 500x709, Piero_Della_Francesca_XX_Augustinian_Nun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my make up would be in the colors of mold and geological formations
like chantrelle orange, bronze, peat and mushroom brown, mossy greens etc

>> No.7153123


I'm 28, and my gf just called me to say she made soup and challah (not even jew). I will go back to the house that I designed and spend time with her before she falls asleep and I go out with friends. Suck it.

>> No.7153136

>no breakfast
you would crack

also, what would you do if someone ate all the rick treats?

>> No.7153150
File: 660 KB, 792x884, 20047856.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the cappuccino would b my bfast ofc
every once in a while on my days off i would take the time to make pancakes and syrup from scratch

>> No.7153164

God you guys are fucking stupid.

You want to be addicted to heroin because it's fashionable?

How fucking empty are your lives?

>> No.7153165

what's your life right now?

>> No.7153170

are you me OP?
that's what I want too.

>> No.7153174

so you'd basically be starving, never have social contact, cover your face in dirt and mud, and hunch over a table making clothes people can't (won't) wear.


>> No.7153178
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what would sruli treats be like
rolling 4 sugared skin flakes

>> No.7153185
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wake up, shower and groom, bicycle to the train station, go to fashion school, train and bicycle home, sleep. somewhere in there i cook some food.

on weekends i might have work, or i might use my train pass to hit hollywood or go to a friend's party or w/e

nah id socialize on my days off m8
besides i sit at the sewing table w/ good posture

>> No.7153229

seaweed coloured gleaming sugar crystals chiselened into a rhomboid cubes by a stone-tool wrapped in steel wire and then mountain formations laser cut into a surface or all surfaces of the rhomboid
it'd be exceptionally acid - your mouth tissue lining would go supple and the edgy textures would cut into your gums.

>> No.7153244

maybe just small round stones you are supposed to hold in your mouth and spit out an hour later.

>> No.7153251

>describe something very specific
>haha no they would just be gobstoppers!

>> No.7153276

either you work your ass off in a blue collar job and have a nice cigarette after a long day of work, or you just live off stock dividends & do whatever you feel like doing

anything else is un/fa/

>> No.7153325

I sort of agree, but I would add music or poetry as an acceptable alternative to a blue collar job.

But yeah, all hipsterism aside, people who work as insurance managers, corporate drones, fast food cashiers etc. just can't be /fa/.

>> No.7153352

sruli candy would OBVIOUSLY be a salt lick lollipop with a creamy blubber, blood and caramel filling


>> No.7153372

what about all the STEMfags who probably make up the majority of this board?

is scientific (bio/chem/physics/etc) research /fa/?
obv engineering is not

>> No.7153377

I bought a salt lick for my 12th birthday

I love salt

>> No.7153379


>> No.7153398

r u deer?

>> No.7153435

hey, thanks actually.
I'm applying to bio research PhD programs right now. Most of this is familiar, but it's nicely put together here.

>> No.7153450

what discipline are you looking at?

>> No.7153461
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>> No.7153474

stem cells/maybe neuro (although neuro is a little too popular rn)
thus west coast schools mostly

>> No.7153481

women will never understand that most men have enough love to give for a handful of them, not just one

>> No.7153499

bio disciplines???
yeah neuro is getting crazy popular here aswell
im thinking biochem, biomed or early development physiology
stems cells would prob b v.strong atm in murika (thank you based yamanaka)

>> No.7153508


aren't you full of yourself?

>> No.7153537

also based James Thompson. I did undergrad at UW-Madison, so I have to mention him, even though nobody here ever sees him.
I'd try to give you advice, but I don't know your personal goals or situation.

>> No.7153599

yeah I know you wish you were full of my erect cock
bra size, bitch ?

>> No.7153602

probably neurophysio or maybe def biochem for a strong bio background and then maybe i'll do a BA in robotics or mechatronics, hopefully into something prosthetics based.
idk im going to schedule appointments w/ advisors after exams to negotiate a pth that marries robotics and biological physiology

>> No.7153618

>enough love
Not how love works, son.

>> No.7153623

This is the kind of "love" you can expect to find from one such man.

It's not love at all. It's just greed and selfishness.

>> No.7153649

>/fa/ lifestyle

>Sit around
>Smoke cigarettes
>Listen to Death Grips
>Go out with other gothninja friend and take pictures of your fits around town
>Go home
>Starve self
>Take a tylenol PM and fall asleep

>> No.7153669

sweet dude - good luck. That sounds like Biomedical Engineering. Is that one of your options?
You'll have to compete with a lot of pre-med students looking to do regenerative medicine though, if your schools are anything like murrican ones.

>> No.7153683

thanks du
yeah i was thinking it might be directly biomedical eng and i can get guranteed entry atm from pre-med but talking to a few guys and apprently biomed engineering isnt as popular career wise?
any truth to this from your exp?
regardless i'll prob be hitting up career advisors etc etc

>> No.7153919

bumping this

>> No.7153970

why isnt engineering?

how about comp ssci?

give me reasons why

>> No.7154091

I think comp sci would be pretty /fa/
you can wear whatever you want
walk around being /fa/ as fuck all day
work literally anywhere you want
you could move around as much as you want and never miss out on shows and fashion week and shit
really though I think you could be /fa/ no matter what you did as long as you were the best or one of the best or pretty damn close at being the best at your respective career

>> No.7154425
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>be me
>live at 4,500' elevation in Hawaii
>constant heavy fog and drizzle
>live in huge, elevated matson container on a piece of land that also contains a yurt which my friends live in
>my furniture is:queen matress on pallets and greyscale bedding, clothing rack, cinder block shelves and table, black leather beanbag chair,
>have decent goofninja wardrobe
>play gibson thunderbird bass in white for dat monochrome
>smoke rollies like a chimney
>do cocaine and snort pills, hardly eat
>have pleb goth masochist gf who likes me to beat the shit out of her, shove needles in her tits/ect.


>> No.7155786

>There aren't thousands of healthy sane not-disgusting women that do the same shit with guys. Its 2013 you don't have to be with one person until you die old and bitter.

>> No.7155831

>walmart tee with the neck cut out

>live on a mountain
>constrantly shitty out
>live in a container... my friend lives out back in the dog hut
>I can't afford much furniture, dont judge (I have a leather beanbag chair #1 prized possession)
>got an epiphone thunderbird off ebay for a super cheap, learning guitar (trying)
>cant afford food, such is the life of a hobo, saved up for some coke, tfw when I finish it all in an hour
>I molest and torture my "gf" sometimes...