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7149202 No.7149202[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Food/diet thread
What's your height/weight, what do you do to maintain/achieve an effay body

>> No.7149263

5'8" 120lbs female. I want to be 113lbs. Today's diet:
>black coffee
>60-100 calories worth of plain almonds
>black tea
>half tortilla with avocado, mushroom, egg, tomato

Today was a binge day. I'm going to fix it by purging for the next few days but it's very difficult because I get extremely lightheaded and shaky and shit during 8-12 hour shifts on my feet without eating. I used to be very thin but now I feel more chubby, I want to get back to my previous weight but it's difficult to maintain with a normal lifestyle

>> No.7149289

>no carbs, sugar, salt
>lean meats and leafy greens only
>lots of water
>cigarettes to curb hunger pains


I'm strongfat as fuck, but this diet is working.

>> No.7149366

>white rice
>lotsa water

6' 0" 165 lb

I avoid dairy when I can.

>> No.7149394

if this isn't a joke then you are wholly aware that this is extremely unhealthy, right

>> No.7149496

>bacon egg and cheese
>peanut butter sandwhich
>bacon burger with cheese
>peanut butter sandwhich
>2 711 taqitos
>peanut butter sandwhich

ughh gaining weight is hard shit
this has been my diet for the past month, substituting the taquito for chicken breast, I also usually have a high calorie protein shake, and i've only gained like 4 lbs.

>> No.7149524

160 lb

nothing in particular. I dropped around 20 lb since going vegetarian and cutting right back on soft drink.

>> No.7149563
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>not counting macros

>> No.7149581

6'1 usually 135-140? i don't weigh myself often


>> No.7149589

>going vegetarian
what a horrible idea, hope you are doing it for the fake morality aspect because the health "benefits" arent real at all

>> No.7149591

6' / 115 - 120lb
>water, espresso, black coffee
>lots of dark leafy greens
>lots of veg and fruit
>fish, shellfish, eggs
>less than a third of what I eat is animal protein

>> No.7149601

Wrestlers diet.
No soda, just water.
minimal servings of fruit, grilled chicken, and vegetables.
Extensive exercise w/ sweats on, sauna trips often

Do this until desired weight. Then eat more (still healthy) and still exercise (doesn't have to have an extensive sweat)

>> No.7149602

post a fit for us qtpi

>> No.7149608

Jesus. That's too skinny. Eat more.

>> No.7149619

>fake morality
you believe in industrialised and systematic use (and abuse) of animal slaughter doesnt have a real moral basis?

>the health "benefits" arent real at all
Yeah, there arent any ~major~ health benefits (arguably a few, but that cuts both ways). But unlike what many would have you believe its also not detrimental to your health in any way.

Since going vegetarian I've lost weight, had my skin clear up, generally felt better and am definitly eating better. So to me, it does feel like it is having health benefits - even if that only comes down to the fact I'm consciously having to choosing vegetables over easy processed meat meals.

>> No.7149623

Endurance runner, weight gain is has always been a challenge :(

>> No.7149629

I eat whatever I want just making sure to stay low on sugar and salt and make sure I get off my ass

>> No.7149630

Wrestler. Wrestled 103-119 lbs throughout high school. Eat and lift weight a lot. I'm talking an organic or local pizzeria, eating it by yourself, going to the gym, powerlift with the help of the biggest guy there, then hibernate.

>> No.7149682

How long does it take for hunger to go whilst dieting normally (not starvation level).

>> No.7149691

are you talking long term or short term?
short term it could be 20 minutes while or after eating, long term could be 6 weeks

>> No.7149699

As in, you're eating less but a normal amount, and are hungry between meals and waiting for it to become not so?

If you're eating the right foods then probably a month tops, if you're not, then idk longer?

>> No.7149717

Long term. I've gone from 1800 calories to 1000-1200 depending on the day, and usually two three hours after every meal I'm hungry and these are proper meals too. My appetite is completely excessive, it's horrible.

>> No.7149733

how big are you? 1000-1200 is fucking little man. you realise your body needs about that much just to run at its basal rate (ie being a vegetative state for 24hr)? you shouldnt be sticking to that long term

>> No.7149748

maybe he's small. maybe he works in an office. 1200 isn't really mind boggling, but yeah he should probably bump back up to 1600 or so and move more.

>> No.7149761 [DELETED] 

I'm 5'2 and 105 pounds, to maintain with one hours worth of exercise I only need 1600 calories and my BMR is 1100 so that really isn't that little.

I was 95 pounds three months ago but I had a binge eating disorder relapse and ate my way up here and now my appetite is completely ridiculous to the point if I don't count and restrain myself I can easily eat 2500 calories, I just want my old appetite and body back.

>> No.7149764

I'm 5'2 and 105 pounds, to maintain with one hours worth of exercise I only need 1600 calories and my BMR is 1100 so that really isn't that little.

>> No.7149778

I'm aware of that, but theres too much focus - in life in general - of eating as few calories as possible and you'll lose weight. You really should get a proper (well respected) nutritionist to give you a diet and set the amount of calories if you're wanting to cut back to XXXX calories for long term.

even if hes small and doing an office job and drives straight to work and doesnt do much besides that - it'd be healthier to eat 1600 calories and fit in 400 calories worth of excercise. the body isnt as simple as X in X out.

>> No.7149790

The only way I can eat 1600 is with exercising for an hour, by eating 1200 calories that is only a 400 calorie deficit which is really modest.

>> No.7149798

>tfw ate 600 calories today

>> No.7149852


>> No.7149871
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still cutting

I eat pizza and spicy mcchickens and drink lots of water and lemonade. I eat one of those steam bags of veggies with a cut up hot link and cheese sometimes too. I just eat a lot less than I used to. I went from eati g a large pizza to an xxl slice for lunch with water.

I do 20 minutes of medium to high intensity cardio a day. Spin bike and cable cardio rows. I also lift most days but not on much of a routine. Also I stretch everyday and sauna sometimes.

Tfw wide hips

>> No.7149903
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This was at 210lbs before I started eating less and doing cardio. I was on a steady push pull legs routine then.

>> No.7149898


i eat around 1400 calories a day, but do a lot of walking during the day to get to and from classes, so about 1 hour of cumulative walking.
I eat everything from meat to vegetables, fruits, soda, cake. idgaf. just as long as im sub 1500 calories i will lose weight because of deficit

start weight 133
current wait 125 (1 month later)
goal weight 115

>> No.7149912
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>average male height on /fa/ is 6'1, 4 inches taller than the western average

>> No.7149914

walking does nothing, and even with that amount of calories it is really irrelevant at your height. Wtf you are too skinny nigga

>> No.7149933

u a gril?
cause if not then start eating bruh

>> No.7149945

what's your age? I pretty much had that body (6'3 175) with less muscle but more lean at 17-21 but then my metabolism started to drop after that. I did a lot more than 20min daily though probably, only light lifting sporadically (motocross training). same exact diet lmao mcdoubles mcchickens and pizza 4 life.

>> No.7149946
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Average reported height is. It's called bragging and/or a vocal minority.

Also it turned out my legs were really scrawny and just fat covered.

>> No.7149954


m8, you really shouldn't gain weight by eating stuff like burgers. i mean do what works for you, but if you need meat, lots of fatty fish, chicken, turkey, etc, the red meat is not good anyone, gaining or losing weight.

>> No.7149959

20, 21 in january. Cutting to abs for my birthday month. I'm going to be a club douche for a month.

>> No.7149958

im currently cutting fat in my midsection

if i eat i get skinnyfat

fuck that

>> No.7149978

Also I unload freight at a department store twice a week which is about 3 hours of light to medium cardio.

>> No.7149988

I'm pretty poor and burger is cheap, thats the main reason. I think i need to add more sides. Like start eating rice or pasta with my meals.
What fish is really fatty?

>> No.7150008

dont eat pasta unless you plan on using those carbs. are you lifting? gaining muscle mass takes time. gaining fat is easy. just sit around all day eating mcdonalds. gaining weight without lifting is basically impossible if ur a young male.

>> No.7150015

He lifts for health, not aesthetics or strength. Disregard advice.

>> No.7150031

I don't lift but i do 150 situps/40 pushups a day, and rising. Gonna start running next week i think, but all this just makes it harder to gain weight, which sucks. I'm like 5'11, 135lbs, my goal is like 155.

>> No.7150033

>5'8" female
god blessed you with perfect height
just a bit tall, but not a freak
just sayin gurl

>> No.7150040
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>wants to gain weight
>doesn't lift

>> No.7150042

>He lifts for health, not aesthetics or strength
This statement is completely contradictory. You can't lift without getting both of those. tuna and salmon are both fatty fish.

>> No.7150051

I'm >>7149946 and eat terrible food.

>> No.7150058

Also I don't think that powerlifters are very healthy. I don't think the ninja turtle bodybuilders are very healthy either. I don't think I'm very healthy.

>> No.7150060

too poor man

switch out the hamburger with a salmon burger?

>> No.7150073

at 155 you'll look normal. i should know, im 5'11 155 exactly. nobody ever says i look buff unless I wear tanktops/really tight shirts.

>> No.7150076

no uni gym?

are you euro? Gyms in the us are cheap as fuck

>> No.7150096

Nothing that special.
Try and avoid sugar when I can, don't drink any soda. Vegetarian (ethical reasons), so that cuts down on my saturate fat intake.

110lb 5'9" Male

>> No.7150106
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my grandparents are cattle ranchers

only thing i don't like is aussie beef

fuck those upside down nerds

>> No.7150108

I mean.. 5'11 135 isn't ridiculously skinny. but anyway situps and pushups are fine but there's a lot more muscles in your body you aren't working. especially legs and core makes up like 60% of your body weight. once you get comfortable w/ ur health or w/e you should probably check out gym if you seriously want to put on weight. 20lbs of muscle is a lot.

>> No.7150117

Or maybe short people don't want to post their height out of not wanting to get shit on while tall people want to brag about their height?

You're fucking dense.

>> No.7150120

Sorry, I'm Australian so therefor shit at converting to empirical.

>> No.7150147

Graduated, unfortunately.

Hopefully after I start working i'll be able to afford a gym and shit, being poor sucks. I don't just do regular sit ups and pushups, i have about 6 different core exercises that I cycle through, and 4 different types of pushups. But yeah, I definitely need to start lifting.

>> No.7150168

Make concrete dumbells.

go to scoobys website and read his poorfag at home tips

>> No.7150178

5'6'' 126. I miss being in the 110 range.

I don't have a primary diet per se, I'd rather just call it "sustaining", in the sense that I eat when I'm hungry, until I'm not hungry. There isn't a planned routine of meals that I eat on a day to day basis; whatever the fuck I get into my hands, will get into my stomach.

So this means I'm usually scavenging things around my house that aren't considered meal items. As long as I have something in my stomach before I go to bed, I'm alright. Sometimes I may not even eat at all.

Off the top of my head, this was my diet for the past week:

Day 1:
>soda crackers

Day 2:
>a bag of popcorn

Day 3:
>two bags of popcorn
>a frozen breakfast sandwich thing

Day 4:
>white rice

etc, etc

My body is somehow pretty good at conserving energy, I guess. It also probably explains why I don't have to eat so much on a day to day basis.

>> No.7150194

mostly red meat. 6'11''. fuck this beaner town full of midgets and manlets

>> No.7150445
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>6'3 145lbs

i'm sliiiiightly skinnyfat around the hips at the mo (fucking love handles), but my facial bone structure is looking p gorgeous rn but no slimane tier cheek gaunt yet

most days i rarely eat and i don't really have to do shit to stay lean, usually just brown toast, greek yoghurt and/or porridge in the morning

i get chef cooked meals when i'm at work though and that ranges from nice cous cous salads and soups to bacon & eggs/pasta based meals, i usually avoid the unhealthy ones

i chain drink black tea throughout the day, if i get hungry i'll usually just eat a muffin, or cashew or macadamia nuts

for dinner i just cook different varieties of stirfried chicken/pork + veges, maybe an omelette at home

i have a road bike so i either cycle or walk everywhere, also do basic lifting to keep my core in shape but i've been pretty slack w/ a routine lately tho

>> No.7150480

wtf you are anorexic
o wait im 155 and 6'3
nvm carry on

>> No.7150548

6'3" 177lbs

>usually starts with fried eggs
>sometimes eat lunch
>eat a lot of junk food throughout the day
>whatever mum cooks for dinner, usually bretty gud

yeah I don't do much to maintain any sort of body, my weight just doesn't seem to change

>> No.7150566

>tfw just had cereal with a banana
>tfw still glorious

>> No.7150577


Every day I have fish for breakfast, pork for lunch, and chicken for dinner. With rice. I like beer too.

Tonight I'm having McDonald's because fuck it.

>> No.7150588

>used to be around 135
>decided to start eating "healthy" i.e. less eating and no more junk food
>occationally give in and have some bad days where i eat like shit
>hate myself because of it
>check the scale

I really just gotta throw out all the temptations in my house and go on full /fit/ diet. I usually eat pretty well, egg and toast in the morning, I usually skip lunch, dinner is probably the worst but I don't eat that poorly, but after dinner snaking is the worst. It's midnight and I just got through eating some popcorn, 2 english muffins with butter and a bow of cereal, just out of sheer hunger. I gotta get my dinner in control so I stop this.

>> No.7150598

>average height in these threads always 6'+

>average shoe size in buy/sell threads is 40


>> No.7150610

/fa/ is just full of tall tiny footed fuccbois.

>> No.7150681

do some cardio fuccck just go swimming a lot
or run

>> No.7150777

You've gained weight because of the shit you're eating. It is not a lot, but I'm sure you've put on water weight because of all the sodium in your diet. Or is it the sodium that makes you lose water weight? Fuck I can't remember, anyway you need less refined sugar, carbs, and more protein in your daily diet. Eating a bunch of chicken and steak one day a weak isn't going to make up for those 3 days before that were shite.

>> No.7150853

6'1 128 lbs. i just eat as little as possible of crappy food apart from on the weekends when i'm high/drunk and i lose all self control and binge on crap. if i do that, i just eat even less for the rest of the week. i also take adderall daily

>> No.7152228 [DELETED] 

5'9, ~108/109lbs.
No wheat, no dairy, little no no processed foods and little to no grains.

I also count calories and diet if I notice my weight is stable or going up. My goal is 105lbs for now.

>> No.7152238

Female, 5'9, ~108/109lbs.
No wheat, no dairy, little no no processed foods and little to no grains.

I also count calories and diet if I notice my weight is stable or going up. My goal is 105lbs for now.

>> No.7152276

5'8, 130lbs
>drink around 15 pints of water a day average
>eat whatever i'm served for dinner
lost about 20 pounds in 4/5 weeks doing this, guess my metabolism is just good, 120 here I come

>> No.7152363
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I'm 180m/77kg(5"11'/170lbs)

losing weight atm, but dont want to do it too fast, I've already gone from 170cm/98kg(5"7'/215lbs), so got a lot of exceccive skin etc. :(

I just try to drink a lot of water and not binge eat, I eat pretty healthy I think, moms a veggie so I eat a lot of greens, trying to not eat white rice/bread and no candy/soda etc. my biggest problem is that I like to eat good food and I do it when I am bored.

I dont have a workout routine, which I really should get, but I find it very boring and noone wants to do it with me.
running is nice tho.

what doo /fa/ think about swimming as cardio?

>> No.7152589

H-How are you still alive?

>> No.7152736

188 cm, 94 Kilo.
Lifting weights 4 times a week, and 3 times cardio.

rice, potatoes, quinoa, legumes, a lot of meat: chicken, steaks, lamb, tons of eggs, fish, a lot of fruit, a lot veggies. No sugar, sometimes ice cream.

I Try to eat 300-400g of protein over the day, and i try to avoid fat.

On Weekends a bottle of gin, 1 gram weed and a couple cigarettes.

>> No.7152751

180 cm is 5'9 dude

>> No.7152769

185 cm, 68 kg.

vegetarian. Don't eat eggs or any milk products either.

Bitches love my body way more than you'd think they would.

>> No.7152806

180cm is 5' 9/10 feet =5'9
180cm is also 5 feet 11 inch =5'11"

>> No.7153890

5.9 feet is not the same as 5'9" (5 feet 9 inches) Most people work in feet and inches.