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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 36 KB, 597x799, fa_style.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7139411 No.7139411[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hello, /fa/,
Don't take this the wrong way, but I need to ask you something:
Why do you wear your /fa/ clothes?
I'm new to this board, but after having browsed for only a short while, I'm left with the impressions that the outfits you like all seem very strange and clown-like.
To us normalfags, you don't appear any less weird than cosplayers in public.
So why is it that you spend so much money on these clothes? Is it the social group; Are you part of a click of other /fa/-oriented people?
Pls explain.

>Pic related
Clothes no one but you would want to be seen with in public.

>> No.7139425

I don't care about the general public bitch. I roll with my trill niggas and we all fresh to death

>> No.7139431

So, it is a group-thing, then?

>> No.7139439
File: 114 KB, 500x750, 1382533630347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you know not everyone dresses goth ninja right?

>> No.7139433

>wake up
>put on clothes I like that make me feel good
>go outside
>feel good because of them
Only time you'll look wierd is if you look all nervous and shit
Just rock it if u like it
simple as

>> No.7139441

real fa people dont dress in retarded fool goof fits idiot

usually it goes like this
acne tee shirt
acne black max cash / apc petit standards indigo
common projects/dreamboxes
parka if its cold

>> No.7139440

It's appealing to me, and the people who I've met that are interested in the aesthetic have been great. It's a very interesting culture, fashion.

I can see the relation you'd have to Cosplaying. But the fact is that you're just being close-minded. You're passing judgement because you don't quite relate or understand why we like the things we do.

>> No.7139447

Because I like them, and they make me feel good.

That's why I do anything.

>> No.7139449

"real" /fa/ people? What are you talking about? People have different tastes and some people don't enjoy the most safe outfit you can ever think of.

>> No.7139450

Because we like them? Why give a shit what other people think?
My explensive clothes feel nice as hell and they have interesting cuts and materials. I bet I enjoy wearing my Damir Coma tee a lot more than you plebs and your Hanes, Anvil, and Gildan.
All there is to it.

>> No.7139452

google this baixiang chen guy
does he look like clown cosplayer?
does his style appear weird for you normal people?
not even trolling, just want your honest opinion

>> No.7139454

That's the same reasoning a guy at my highschool gave for wearing a Naruto costume to school on a weekly basis.
Not that I don't see what you're getting at - but it seems an expensive hobby, if the only result is that you get shunned by the normalfags?

This guys looks better to my eyes, but still slightly weird. His pants look too short, and that is a strange choice of socks.

>> No.7139459

>Damir Coma
Close enough.

>> No.7139462

that fit sounds shit

are you talking about lads in waywt

>> No.7139469

I think you misunderstand - I'm not passing any judgement here, I'm just trying to understand.
The fact is that pretty much everyone you'll meet outside is of the mind you describe: They don't understand, find you weird and pass judgement on you before having had a chance to really meet you.
How is this worth it, and why?

>> No.7139466

What makes you normal fags so important that we have to impress you? Seems like you have a superiority complex.

>> No.7139473


Sounds like your entire life is about being accepted by others.

What a boring life

>> No.7139478

You don't think about me when you get dressed in the morning so why would I think about you?

>> No.7139479

>getting shunned
do u even /fa/
if you actually had a slight interest in fashion then u'd know how to work with your proportions , what colours go best with your skintone/other shit you're wearing and all that
why would i get shunned by people when
>i wear clothes that fit
>my clothes suit my proportions
>they make me feel more confident
get it now?
also if some1 "shuns" u cuz of the way u dress then they're a massive cunt and you should ignore them

>> No.7139482

Yes, self satisfaction is definitely worth some insecure 20 year old's judgement. If I can dress the way I want to and live life happily then there's no reason for me to have to second guess what I'm wearing or what my tastes are in fashion.

>> No.7139484

(I'm not actually a normalfag)
Most people want to fit in and not be judged for unusual appearance before you get a chance at establishing contact -and since most people are "normal", most people hide their powerlevel.

>> No.7139489

Post a fit op.

That's the only way to decide how much your opinion on this topic is worth.

>> No.7139492

but if your interests are related to clothing, why would you buy the shit you like if you can't wear it

so you are saying when you go outside you should dress like everybody else just to hide your 'powerlevel' or w/e you call it

>> No.7139496

Not really; I stay inside most of the time, and don't have many friends.

But notice how swiftly and eagerly you jump to conclusions and try to pass judgement on me - Just imagine what the normals think about you.

I see. This is reasonable in itself, yet you seem like a very toxic board by most standards. You seem to talk very harshly about how other people dress, while (seemingly) being unaware of how you yourselves are percieved by the outside world.

>> No.7139501

m8 u got the answers u wanted
we explained to u y we wear what we like
fuck off back to your home board already

>> No.7139503

This is kind of what I'm talking about.
You love to talk shit about other people, yet dress in stuff that makes it very easy for anyone to talk shit at you. Don't you see the paradox, or do you just ignore the normalfags as "plebians"?
You must understand that you aren't any exclusive and superiour group in the great outsides.

>> No.7139510

It's a sub-culture. People who work out do this. People who work do this. People who dress in designer gear do it. It's human nature to try and be better than others.

>> No.7139515

and that guy can wear the Naruto outfit, I don't mind. He likes naruto, and is showing it. I like high fashion and am showing it. Who cares if people who don't like your own hobbies don't like what you wear. I think it looks good, I like wearing it, therefore I wear it. The guy with bootcut jeans from AE and a sweatshirt from some college event wearing training shoes likes what he wears and I don't think less of him for not sharing my interests.

It sounds like you are just very self conscious and are then thinking that everyone is as self conscious as you are.
Once you grow up this goes away, I think as you are probably 17 or something.

>> No.7139516

A normal person can look at an abstract expressionist painting and think it looks an eyesore.
Someone interested in art will not only have a valid opinion on it's appearance, they will also past it and look at the use of colour, the brushstokes, etc.

>> No.7139517

The only answer I've gotten is angry accusations and claims that sound very much like "FUCK YOU, I WEAR WHAT I WANT".
I'm spelling it out again -in plain text- that I am not here to pass judgement on you. So calm down, let your guard down a little for 2 seconds, and try to actually present a real response to the question:
What is it that you get out of this hobby?
To the cosplayers, it's a game of sorts; They are playing, ad then return to their normal lives, but you make the whole thing a life-style. And so, I want to know why, and what you get out of it.

>> No.7139522


No here is talking shit about you. Stop feeling persecuted.

Point is, people here are not looking to impress those who do not care about fashion.

I don't mind if someone dresses "pleb", but neither will I care if they think my clothes look weird.

And this is coming from someone who dresses in streetwear/workwear.

>> No.7139527

Most people try to be better than others in relation to a common standard - to just dress differently, and arguably "weird" in the eyes of some beholders, is not claiming superiourity and would only gain you fame within your own tiny group.

>> No.7139531

We think it's fun.

Always have something to think about,
"am I going to get sniped on eBay while at class?"
"will I be able to find the perfect sweater tonight?"

These are always on my mind and it's fun to add to my wardrobe and find new fits and stuff.

That's why I do it.

>> No.7139538

Jesus Christ
I wear what I like because
1)It makes me look good which makes me FEEL good
2)It's how I express myself. I like certain aesthetics and colours and as such I wear clothes that adhere to my tastes.
This has been reiterated by everyone in this thread but you're being a dick and acting all calm and aloof when you're just looking for a reason to not like our board.
What board do you lurk?
One of the pseudo intellectual ones?
Or just a retarded one like /v/ who thinks clothes are hipsters?

>> No.7139545


I'm an artist. I like things that look pretty and I want to look a certain way.

>> No.7139540

But it's better dressed to the wearer. Just like how some feel being a huge "bear mode" dude is better than anyone who's small. It's just understanding the culture and it's something I feel will never happen w/ you.

>> No.7139542

it makes us feel good about ourselves, happy if you will

the same reason anybody has a hobby

if you dont enjoy it why would you do it

your question is pretty stupid

>> No.7139544

I understand, where I live you couldn't wear /fa/ without getting strange looks. It's the type of place where people still stop and stare if a cop car drives by with the siren on. You have to travel out of town for /fa/

>> No.7139546

I have a very hard time believing this.
I don't believe you could see a naruto guy and not be filled with disgust and covered in a third-party sweat of awkwardness.

Because this is one thing the narutoguys seem to have over your group - they don't look upon their own choices as superiour. They only want to be unique little snowflakes, and they don't seem to need to look down upon others to achieve this goal.

>> No.7139570

That's a great response. The ebay game I can relate to.
Thank you.


Well, hobbies are, to most people, rather personal things. There is a very sharp line between being occupied with a hobby and to be part of the general society (in most cases), yet you seem to make it your hobby to be shunned in society and shunning it back (seemingly ignorant to the fact that the former shunning takes place). That's rather special, I think - although I might be completely misunderstanding how you feel about it all.

This is also something I consider a good answer, although lacking in detail.
Art is usually meant to express something - do you make it a part of your identity, or are you trying to make people feel a certain way from the influence of your esthetical choices in clothing?

>> No.7139576

We're also completely neglecting the point that Clothing is more than just fabrics or protection against the elements. These are creations, an artists work. They way you're wording things out makes it seem like you're bluntly saying "God you people are so vapid for thinking your shitty clothes make you look good" there are more layers that I can't explain to you that you'd need to have under your belt. Upbringing and things of that nature. You simply don't have an interest in what we enjoy and because of that you will never understand why we dress the way we do.

Also, stop fishing for an answer like "Man, you're right. Our clothes are meaningless. Thanks, Anon." We're all different.

>> No.7139578

this guy always gets mad reps on sufu and everyone seems to like him.
he dresses like shit, everything he puts together looks forced. Nothing is cohesive and all his silhouettes are terrible imo.
why do so many ppl mire this guy?
seems like a balding manlet too wtf.

>> No.7139584

I think it looks shit too lol

>> No.7139590


For reference, what would make the outfit more cohesive? I'm glad to see people actually offering critiques, but it needs to have both negative and positive feedback for other anons to learn from it.

>> No.7139594

>they don't seem to need to look down upon others to achieve this goal.

You are describing people who are dressing to seem cool or impress others. That mentality is juvenile and not something fa would endorse, though many people here probably do it.

As >>7139515 people who have what I'd consider the right mindset about clothing wear exactly what they like and don't judge other people for liking different things. So internally I'll judge other people's clothes but its not like it negatively effects my view of people because I realize everyone has their own standards and interests.

Really what you are describing is the more general 4chan trend of disliking people who like different things. A mentally healthy person doesn't do this in regards to clothes, hobbies or whatever but 4chan is not populated with emotionally stable adults but rather sexually frustrated bipolar teenagers and that's where this "incorrect" (according to me lol) mindset comes from

>> No.7139600

>you seem to make it your hobby to be shunned in society
If someone is gonna shun me (lol) for something as superficial as clothing I probably dont wanna fux with that kinda person anyway. Now that I think about it, its kinda a douche filter. I'm not saying people have to like what I wear but if you feel the need to shun me because of my clothes you seem pretty closeminded

>> No.7139605

I guess it's natural do get into a defensive position, but I really don't mean insult.
I can see how clothes can be seen as pieces of art, and seeing certain attires can evoke certain feelings - but why do you want that? To me, the tradeoff seems too great. There's the social aspects, and then there's the money, of course.

>Clothing is more than just fabrics or protection against the elements
I never said it wasn't. In fact, I'm trying to discuss the social aspects of clothes.
I'll make myself an example: I don't know much about fashion, but I strive to look acceptable. My choice of clothes are meant to express identity, but also that I'm on your (the person I'm relaing to at any given time) level, and that I don't want to exclude you or be excluded. It expresses my hopes for future friendly relations without any gap between percieved worth.

>> No.7139609


Is this guy wearing designer everything though? It seems you guys all judge people unless they're willing to drop $300 per clothing item.

>> No.7139606

>This is also something I consider a good answer, although lacking in detail.
Art is usually meant to express something - do you make it a part of your identity, or are you trying to make people feel a certain way from the influence of your esthetical choices in clothing?

I have a rather utilitarian approach to clothing. Clothing is a part of my identity in the same way my other hobbies are. Anything more than that would be too pretentious to me.
Do I want to make people feel a certain way?

Maybe, but I'm too introverted to have some carefully crafted persona. I think my taste in clothing simply reflects my taste as an artist and a person.

Btw, I don't like goof and by /fa/'s standards I probably look like shit anyway.

>> No.7139611

New anon commenting but I just really hate how that top layer looks. That said I am less into the whole sufu/sz-core type stuff, not a gothninja hater but I just feel like its harder to pull off so I have higher standards for it.

>> No.7139614
File: 166 KB, 932x1400, Jil+Sander+Fall+2010+SB8niMD21Qgx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do you wear your /fa/ clothes?
i like the way they look, and they're comfortable

>Pic related
yeah, the thing is, even within this aesthetic, i'm really picky about what i think looks good and what looks fucking awful

i think that looks fucking awful

in all honesty, i think 99% of the fits i see with RO, YY, CCP, PH, etc. look like shit, and i'm even including the ones that are popular enough to be heavily circulated when i say that
either the person wearing them can't pull the clothes off, the clothes don't fit the person, or the clothes themselves just look bad outside of a certain setting no matter what

we really just don't care that much about what they think because, as you said, they don't understand it
they don't have the wherewithal to understand it
i'm not going to stop enjoying the things i do just because most people can't tell the difference between high-end garments and costumes that were cobbled together
i'm not going to go on a crusade to make them understand
it's not as big of a deal as you seem to think it is, man

>> No.7139621

What's the tradeoff? There is no sacrifice. I have the same friends I had before i got into fashion they all treat me the same. So do the people I meet in public. I infact get a lot more random conversations w/ people because of my style. There is no social stigma to fashion.

>> No.7139623


Well...there are New Balance right there.


I'm not a fan of the mesh, but I think a fine jersey is a pretty logical match to a skirted short like that. You need something that has enough give to drape against the wider silhouette but doesn't add unnecessary bulk at the waist.

>> No.7139629

I think most of his fits are great. But that one sucked. His last fit sucked too.

What you need to understand is that sufu is like a snowball--if you start off good then you'll just keep building up rep because of the circlejerk.

The last few pages were mediocre honestly considering how many stars there were but everyone was so enthusiastic that they wanted to make it LEL EPIC XDD so they repped the shit out of everything.

>> No.7139634

>internally I'll judge other people's clothes but its not like it negatively effects my view of people because I realize everyone has their own standards and interests.
This very notion is absolutely ridiculous. Wether you think you do or not, does not change the fact that you subconsciously judge this person, and your subconscious value estimation of this person sinks.
Now, what I'm telling you, is that this is the case for most normalfags seeing you guys as well - they might not go and criticise you for the way you dress, but they will think less of you for it. So what is the benefit?
Feeling good about yourself, knowing that most people don't think you look good is a bit strange, but if you think it's an important part of your visual identity, then sure, why not? But part of the culture seems to be about downsizing other people's merit on the basis of what they wear, which I find strange in this context.

>> No.7139639

post a fit.

>> No.7139646

I see.

Not really anything I can argue with here; I'll just thank you for your input.

Could I ask what your other hobbies are, and how these express your identity, though?

>> No.7139653

>in all honesty, i think 99% of the fits i see with RO, YY, CCP, PH, etc. look like shit, and i'm even including the ones that are popular enough to be heavily circulated when i say that
Holy crap are you me? I'm not a dadfag but I hardly ever see something posted I don't hate.

>> No.7139662


New Balances are for geeks and athletic people and old people.

Unless i'm missing out on yet another fashion "trend" lol.

>> No.7139665

Learn to read.

>> No.7139689

Thread should have ended here.

>> No.7139708
File: 60 KB, 682x1024, silhouette2_zpsb6087553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i really love the feeling of wearing high quality garments like leather and silk. it also looks cool as fuck and makes me love going outside

what kind of clothes do you like op? just basics?

>> No.7139712


I think you might be going a bit too deep with this.

My hobbies are pretty generic; music, video games, movies, animu, science, politics, art, stories, qt's. Nothing too sophisticated. I make art for video games, so that's the kind of "artist" that I am, if you can even call me that.

My hobbies are something that I simply consume and I don't think they express who I am. Art does that, but I'm not yet at a point in my career where I have enough creative freedom to truly express myself.

I will give you one thing op, I definitely spend too much time reading about clothes.

>> No.7139722

>I think you might be going a bit too deep with this.


>Guys pls help me understand your hobby

Do you do this on every board, OP? Do you ask people on the sex boards why they have certain fetishes too?

>> No.7139719

>you subconsciously judge this person, and your subconscious value estimation of this person sinks.
Maybe you can't separate a judgement of someone's clothes from someone's personality but that doesn't mean we have to be as shallow lol. I'm just not a judgmental person in general I don't give a fuck what other people do as long as it doesn't hurt me, you should do the same probably.
>they might not go and criticise you for the way you dress, but they will think less of you for it
Again I wouldn't really be bothered by these people thinking less of me. I can't be bothered by people not agreeing with me as that is the nature of the world.

>But part of the culture seems to be about downsizing other people's merit on the basis of what they wear, which I find strange in this context.
That is the side of fa that is misunderstood. I'll post a joking green text story like omg these plebes man. No one means that seriously accept the tards who read stuff like that on here and take it to heart, but that happens on every 4chan board. I'm sure there are people who have actually become nazi's because of pol trolling but like I said before I can't be bothered to fret about what idiots may or maynot do at all hours of the night.

>> No.7139720

Yup, just basics.
I feel very anxious and awkward going outside if I wear something that doesn't conform to the general norm.
When I was an edgy teenager I coped with this problem by being "punk" - just wearing really fucked up shit every day, so that people wouldn't be able to point out singular "wrongs".

>> No.7139734

the reason goofniggers look bad to pebs is not because the style is wrong
it's because it's done wrong
if someone actually had decent goofninja fit plebs would cry on their knees because of fabulousness

>> No.7139730

Not op but I think it is worth thinking about from time to time. I feel I gain a deeper appreciation for things I like when I actually have to articulate why I like it rather than just accepting that I like it.

>> No.7139741

Well, that's good to hear. I do the same, no worries.
I'm just personally very concerned about how people percieve me, as it seems to have direct impact on my options in life. If the teacher thinks I'm weird, I have to work harder for a good grade, and if I want a job I better be representable in all manner of ways to succeed. It's a harsh word.

>> No.7139749

Another lurker here. I just don't understand why apparently /fa/ clothes have to be so boxy/weird looking. And boring. It all looks the same to me. I looked at the acne website the other day out of curiosity, and the majority of that shit didn't even look good on the models. All of the tops were the same. There was a shitty graphic t that cost $300. I just guess i'll never get it.

>> No.7139746

And do you actually wear them? Fit pics?

>> No.7139747

what do you think about the picture i posted? he's my biggest fashion inspiration.
i love the drapey thin layers late at night. shit is poetry to me.

>> No.7139757

not full designer but i cop pieces second hand.
i tried making pants myself but it's a lot harder than i thought.

>> No.7139755

Well yeah, of course. I understood the basis of the opening post, but the more I started to read through his posts, the more that he didn't even sound open to it. Comparing a unfamiliar way of dressing to a delusional kid in high school who dressed like Naruto is silly (and hard to believe).

>> No.7139774
File: 280 KB, 721x1072, http%3A%2F%2Fimagescale.tumblr.com%2Fimage%2F1280%2F3aa5b312d3255173a97592146df656f3%2Ftumblr_mv786aCPdO1r62zwpo8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

listen man.
the reason we want to wear this stuff is that there are certain qualities clothes have that have an objective measure of quality, and even the subjective qualities are kind of objective. its almost always objectively better to wear higher end clothing.

but its not even about how much money you spend. the reason we don't care what "normals" (that term is so retarded) is because they don't know shit or know very little. if people just started thinking about what they wear and started exposing themselves to as much different clothing and styles as possible then they would start to learn: clothes that fit are better than clothes that don't. some materials are better than others. these running shoes I've been wearing look retarded. polos are objectively bad. etc etc.

its like anything. people are retarded about pretty much every field of interest except for like 3 or 4 where they have specialized knowledge. and in their fields they'd have a lot to teach the plebs who have no idea, who don't even THINK about that field, couldn't even imagine there's more to know about vacuum cleaners or fish or history or art or fashion

there's this thing called taste and as it grows you start to realize its a lot less subjective than you thought. but then as it grows more you enter a whole new world and you get into all the nitty gritties and you realize its a shit ton more subjective than you thought.

>> No.7139778

Okay, I'll bite: My first impression is that the pants are too wide in the end, and when I see bare legs/ankles I get a feeling of uncleanliness. The hat stands out as immedietly disruptive of anything that can be seen as "normal" - Images of fedoramancers pop up involuntarily.
Also, I like the jacket a lot - and from my point of view, it seems wasted potential when put together with the rest.

Mind, this is just what I gather froma first impression, beyond my conscious control. I wouldn't hate on this guy or anything in real life, and I wouldn't mind being friendly with him - but my subconscious would have devaluated him from the getgo, based on appearance.

>> No.7139798


You just cop what you like. Just because it has a brand attached or because it's high fashion doesn't mean you have to like it.

For example, I think that Raf is awful and I want to vomit whenever I see his shoes.

>> No.7139809

This sounds like the purest delusion to me.
Fashions are just that: fashions. They are aspects of culture, and there is nothing objective about it.
Of course some materials are more solid or comfortable, but that has absolutely nothing to do with fashion.

>> No.7139811

dat night wind around the ankles tho
full length pants would look bad on vans

>> No.7139817
File: 21 KB, 300x300, 1382562505595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the reason we want to wear this stuff is that there are certain qualities clothes have that have an objective measure of quality, and even the subjective qualities are kind of objective. its almost always objectively better to wear higher end clothing.

>> No.7139824

original anon here. to me it's not coherent -- this can sometimes work but not when it looks forced as in this case it very forced imo.
he needs contrast. Loose on top then tight on bottom n vice versa. And the golden ratio is 0.618.
Think everything tight = catwoman, everything loose = sloppy
C, we wanna kept the eyes to "hit" at certain proportions. 0.618 is the golden ratio.
I think he needs to better calculate where his shirt would ideally hit to make it seem like he has shorter torso. i believe this would help with his fits.
Mainly his proportions bother me -- this and put together with bad layering makes an awful outfit imo.
Beauty is math. It's exact. I don't mess around w numbers.

>> No.7139825

>basement dweller who has no friend judging /fa/ outdoorsmen

go outside with whatever your fit is, see how many friends you can get with that then you can come back again and talk

>> No.7139829
File: 81 KB, 590x899, 0cfd44c2495fa3d1de770ff3483dba06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I also hate Raf stuff. And most everything I see on /fa/. I'd like to graduate to the next level and start buying more high quality well fitting pieces but everything I see designer wise is always boring to me. Unless it's something like pic related, which obv. isn't meant for everyday wear.

Sigh. I feel like I was born in the wrong era.

>> No.7139833

>dat night wind around the ankles tho
This is why it sounds comfy to wear dresses.
I still wouldn't do that (in public), if you know what I mean.

I don't see why the shoes would look worse with pants of proper length.

>> No.7139835

>don't have many friends.
no shit

>> No.7139854

Immah call samefag on this.

Why do some of you get so hurt by this?
It's not like this should be news to you. Most people thing "high fashion" is just weird. Just like most people think punk is silly and cosplay is strange and unnatural.
These are not my personal opinions, this is just the norm. Having chosen to be /fa/, yu ought to be able to deal with these facts without throwing a tantrum. Have some integrity.

>> No.7139851
File: 78 KB, 500x750, j0b95LN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wouldn't wear dresses or skirts either because they are always too long for men. skirted pants are great because you can wear a miniskirt without looking like a drag queen

>> No.7139857
File: 30 KB, 277x784, demhipzduntlie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

May be child baring hips or just a bad job of combined the ls with the skirt. either way he has created a bad silhouette for himself here.

>> No.7139865

objectivity is attained when all subjective minds are in agreement. so this gives a spectrum of objectivity instead of two distinct values.

my point is that as taste grows as a result of exposure and thought, people tend to gravitate towards certain things. a lot of this has to do with great artists creating or showing why something looks good and then a lot od people following their lead. but everyone has an innate sense of 'this looks good, this does not' or 'I like this and I don't like that' and this sense, called taste, changes and becomes more sensitive as it grows. and a lot of times among more knowledgeable people, tgeir tastes align in certain aspects. then we can call the qualities that are agreed upon more 'objectively' better.

>> No.7139876
File: 301 KB, 960x960, 3136844_SMMR013-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this fit is really ugly because the guy is fat
pic related same thing

>> No.7139881

See, this pic I think looks kind of good.
I wouldn't have chosen a t-shirt with such a wide neck opening, and the shoes look a bit too obnoxious, but otherwise it's pretty passable.

That said, I would probably be shocked to hear how much money this fit costs.
It seems a very expensive hobby. (Not complaining, just having a hard time seeing the ultimate motivation).

>> No.7139877


>> No.7139905

the motivation is: people like some things and not others. there are reasons nehind this bit sometimes we don't knoe them or can't explaim it in a rational way.

>> No.7139933
File: 62 KB, 638x960, 1380940541317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

around $2.5k

>> No.7139939

But if you can't explain it rationally, isn't it just the expression of group-mentality?
Why do you all want the same insanely priced clothes, if people in China don't? (Yeah, ridiculous simile, sorry. I'm sure you get what I'm getting at, though.)

>> No.7139951

>Why do you all want the same insanely priced clothes
because design, material, construction

>> No.7139947


>> No.7139968
File: 13 KB, 197x188, 1355719518624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>punk is silly

i never understood this until i was at a party the other day and everyone else but me had a septum piercing. I started thinking, d-does that make me the alternative one?

>> No.7139997
File: 170 KB, 500x375, 6Qk7B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the price you pay to be /fa/

>> No.7140016


>> No.7140013

so trill
my bitch aint shit
she a bitch
and yo bitch is shit

#swagged out

>> No.7140024

where in your time on effay did you get the idea that we have a group mentality? and besides that no. it just means fashion can be more about feeling than rationality. there's a reason its called art and there's a reason engineers can't get into it. but subjective, feeling, arty shit is more in tune with the human condition. people like similar things because we have the same dna and more so because we've all had similar experiences and lives. we share a lot in common. and sure there's people that don't really get it but they try to be fashionable out of want for acceptance or for vane reasons, but they aren't genuine, they aren't authentic, and most people can tell.

>> No.7140036


>> No.7140144

>strange choice of socks.

Jesus Christ. I bet you wear white t-shirts, white shorts, and white socks. Anything off-color is just 2extreme4 you.

>> No.7140175

>everything is very basic
>escept for the glaring socks, which are accented by the high pants
Of course you're going to notice the socks.