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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 150 KB, 700x300, 1381263471129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7132869 No.7132869 [Reply] [Original]

New bread

>> No.7132874
File: 224 KB, 469x800, wayyaya dorka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7132881
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Be gentle

>> No.7132883

I like that jacket.

>> No.7132884


worst WAYWT ever

>> No.7132886

I hate me all saints shoes, how do you like them?

>> No.7132896

lose weight

>> No.7132897
File: 342 KB, 1072x3083, 102513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good morning

>> No.7132902

Hypebeast af. Take them tights off, boy.
Nice shoes, but not in that shit-fit.

>> No.7132903

wow that is harsh
they are pretty nice, they are holding up good and they are very comfortable since I put in a ergonomic insole.

>> No.7132908


what are you doing man

leggings + jays is straight hypebeast trash

i love the royal 1s but dont pair them w/ shit like this

>> No.7132909

I have a cold guiz and im just going to physical therapy :|
its cold as balls out
but yes tights are tights

>> No.7132921

>excuses to look like shit
Why would you do that to yourself, man?
You're like the equivalent of those trash, tumblr-girls that wear pajamas in public.

>> No.7132919
File: 59 KB, 540x960, fit5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7132925

*tips fedora*

>> No.7132932

My goodness, look at that messy af room, please clean it like your mother asks you to.
She does so much for you and buys you all those whack looking clothes.

>> No.7132934


Looks like you're trying to pull off a slim elongated style but you are either too short or too fat. Or both


pants dont fit. hoodie is pretty cool though


Worst fit ive ever seen from you man.


is this a joke?

>> No.7132938

So much class, proper gentleman.
We can discuss our quaint lives more over at reddit.com/r/proper

>> No.7132937
File: 982 KB, 1920x2560, IMG_20131025_122531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it alright?

>> No.7132940


I do not like the undershirt(s) with the roshes. top looks like the a goth ninja outfit in the making which clashes with the bottom

go more basic

>> No.7132942

Fuck, I miss my 2010 /fa/
All these fuckers from Tumblr changing shit

>> No.7132946


don't worry bout these dudes getting all mad

it looks fine

>> No.7132948

3 black top layers at different lengths looks a bit strange

>> No.7132950

What kind of shoes/pants could i wear with this?

>> No.7132952

take off the undershirt and it will be okay

>> No.7132954


I think tapered sweats and some all black sneakers would look good but that's only if you want to complete that top layer. Like I said the top and the bottom half look like they are from two different outfits.

Just take off the undershirts and youll be good

>> No.7132961

Wanted to buy zespys . Would that work?

>> No.7132969


You're asking questions that are too specific now. Is your only reason for buying clothes to impress /fa/?

I was just giving critique. If you are happy with that fit then fuck what I say and wear it

>> No.7132993
File: 159 KB, 720x960, 2-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

had a double date at San Churros

>> No.7133011

motion blur you silly fruit

>> No.7133005

Thanks for the critique though.

>> No.7133006
File: 36 KB, 122x158, what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7133015


>> No.7133021

it's night and he's wearing black/dark jawns with black shoes with a white sole he's moving so there's a motion blur

>> No.7133037

holy shit this is painful

>> No.7133051

i've never seen you smile

it's a good look for you

>> No.7133087


I don't mind the idea if draped tees under a fitted sweatshirt, but the proportion at the waist isn't quite right. Try a different black sweatshirt, maybe?

>> No.7133097


can someone tell me how bad this is and how 2 fix

>> No.7133159

Haha ill need 2 buy one then! :P
poor student without money :(

>> No.7133161


A different jacket would go a long way. If you really love the idea of a tunic, perhaps a full length pant would suit your proportions better.

>> No.7133167

thanks friend

>> No.7133315
File: 345 KB, 1100x1204, sr2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to uni

>> No.7133333

change shoes n socks

>> No.7133367
File: 103 KB, 720x960, forfa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am new here, as you can probably tell.
Also I dropped 10 kilograms since my last wardrobe-renewal, so forgive the saggy pants and shirt.
Also: camera lens is scratched, therefore the beyond shitty quality of the image.

All that being said: please, be gentle.

>> No.7133430
File: 1.10 MB, 1042x2249, breadcrumbs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7133446

stats? w2c those legs

>> No.7133447

i really like the fit of everything, but fuck that print

>> No.7133494

post a fit fuccboi

>> No.7133503

nice quints shrugs

>> No.7133505

>scroll down

>> No.7133512

they don't look abnormally big imo

>> No.7133527
File: 215 KB, 1080x720, eastern orthodox art: byzantine style.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf i dont know why the file names itself that

>> No.7133545 [DELETED] 
File: 25 KB, 263x767, ha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7133578

what shoes are these?

>> No.7133590
File: 55 KB, 331x1000, 2013-10-25-18.42.48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

friday night

>> No.7133615

Hello Dennis Reynolds

>> No.7133620
File: 2.46 MB, 2000x3552, WP_20131025_005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing interesting today, just really basic

>> No.7133622
File: 1.31 MB, 1456x2592, WP_20131018_026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

P-please respond

>> No.7133629


>> No.7133639

what the

>> No.7133646

stop putting your feet together you fucking faggot
you can wear skirts and high heels no problem but girly postures and voices make me angry

>> No.7133651

why do u stand like a bitch

>> No.7133664

shitty stance i guess

Everything is black, but the light makes the top look purple.

>> No.7133665


>> No.7133676
File: 1.21 MB, 1456x2592, WP_20131018_008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7133679

pls take pic again with better posture and lightning and dont put ur hands in ur pockets if u want serious criticism ffs

>> No.7133682
File: 1.28 MB, 2448x3264, 0707132146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7133710
File: 480 KB, 480x800, wp_ss_20131025_0001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got one with hands in pocket

>> No.7133722


dont like the shoes. rest is cool

>> No.7133748

You don't pull the tights off at all. Like the dunks tho

>> No.7133783
File: 1.20 MB, 2448x3264, 102513 fit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting really basic fit. Finally getting cold enough at Uni to start wearing sweaters. Yeah i should clean my mirror.

>> No.7133834


>> No.7133839

Nice Anchorman poster, btw.

Bretty good fit, overall.

>> No.7133880

great fit. apocalypsecore is the next lunarcore

>> No.7133893


thanks man

you're my 2nd fav trip on the board

mango is my first i lov u mango ur my inspiration

>> No.7133898
File: 415 KB, 1840x3264, 3V2Ek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7133903

what graphic teeeee is that

>> No.7133911
File: 415 KB, 732x2572, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7133913

Dads. they're a pretty decent band

>> No.7133973

you're gonna have to change clothes one of these days

>> No.7133986
File: 189 KB, 458x1280, z2358643312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so dad

>> No.7133989


what a qt

>> No.7133988

is that a raf jacket?

>> No.7134000

I'm not even gay but if you randomly asked me out in public I'd say yes

>> No.7134044

"how's it going man wanna grab a beer"

>> No.7134047

thanks m8s i guess

>> No.7134058

adorable. I'd be so intimidated

>> No.7134069

No, just an old coat my dad gave me

>> No.7134070
File: 2.77 MB, 2000x2667, 07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7134110
File: 638 KB, 404x786, oct2513.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day off work.

>> No.7134136
File: 25 KB, 500x392, how :fa: wears shoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where do u work? mcdonalds?

>> No.7134140

JD sports lel.
It's not so bad.

>> No.7134163

The shirt being that long makes you look very short.

>> No.7134196

You don't happen to study in Hohenheim, do you?

>> No.7134198


i am short.
>5'8 masterrace
i deal with it and move on

>> No.7134219


>> No.7134236

What boots or those? w2c w2c w2c please

>> No.7134278

1k mile montgomerys

>> No.7134351
File: 272 KB, 500x867, 2013-10-25 12.48.58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to find more slim fitting flannels.

any suggestions?

the pic is in my uni bathroom since I don't have a wardrobe mirror.

>> No.7134355
File: 463 KB, 661x1259, 2013-10-25 12.49.35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From side.

>> No.7134356



>> No.7134368

you need to stop standing like a bellend.

>> No.7134378


>> No.7134380

I had to look that up because I don't fry things with beer batter.

>> No.7134387

my feelings are truly hurt.

>> No.7134395

I'm pretty sure that pose was a joke anyway.

what backpack is that again? i think i know it but i can't remember.

>> No.7134407

I was actually hoping for a well natured banter where you told me I ate burgers and I told you chips are crisps. Not actually trying to insult you.

>> No.7134400

This is just awful.

>> No.7134415

this is as bad as it gets

>> No.7134419

you're an odd one.

>> No.7134439
File: 461 KB, 546x1398, 2013-10-25 13.08.46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fjallraven rucksack
It would be fine if my shirt wasn't so baggy. I don't actually like what /fa/ likes. Way too edgy for me. I just want to look masculine, well adjusted, attractive. None of you seem to want that.

>> No.7134442


you look like a faggot bruh

>> No.7134449

Nice fit, fits well, nothing ridiculous

W2c those boots? please tell me

>> No.7134447

You look like someone's shoving a fist up your ass in >>7134351

>> No.7134448

you look like a geordie shore cunt minus the fake tan.

>> No.7134450

Say that to my face, etc.

>> No.7134451

What fits well according to you?

>> No.7134454
File: 71 KB, 541x960, 321321321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first time, what do you think

>> No.7134452

Johnston and murphey sheepskin chukkas

>> No.7134453


why the fuck is your tank top tucked in?

>> No.7134456

Goose fits

>> No.7134461

It isn't it's just bunched up

>> No.7134463

couch looks a bit uncomfortable but i like the purple carpet amidst the whites and browns 7/10

>> No.7134464

trying too hard

>> No.7134460

I just complimented him to heighten my chances of him telling me where I can cop those boots lol.

He still looks better than 95% of you tryhards though.

>> No.7134466

Well, he clearly isn't trying very hard, I'll give you that.

>> No.7134467

Skinnyfat so I better wear some athletic styles kek

>> No.7134471

>white skin

>> No.7134478
File: 494 KB, 624x870, Visvim-Autumn-Winter-2010-Collection-Lookbook-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wear some workwear if you want to look more masculine, i think you have a good body + face for it

>> No.7134480

take your pics from hip height fuccboi

>> No.7134494


>> No.7134502

Odin vertel dat ze me moeten unbannen aub :(

>> No.7134524

Don't have to try hard when you're already tall and decent looking.

>> No.7134530


come on this shit looks ridiculous when his legs are sticks and he has a big yeti feet. he should get some levis 501s if he wants to pull off that look.

>> No.7134540

To be fashionable or to be attractive?
Maybe you don't know yet, but there's a difference.

>> No.7134578
File: 61 KB, 540x960, 123123123jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7134582

"Fashionable" is subective.

In my opinion he is fashionable, as basic as he clothes himself. He looks more "fashionable" than tryhards like:

>> No.7134590

I'm just trying to be more attractive. I believe that was implied in the tank top post. Looking /fa/ just makes you look like you have problems to most people. I dress to look good, not for self expression. That's what music does for me. I just need to find shirts that are slim fit and yet not tight at the shoulder, which is somewhat difficult with any style of button up. That's all I see wrong with the outfit is the shirt is too baggy. I could add a watch as well.

>> No.7134597

if not a troll take the pic at a better angle and get some stuff that fits, then repost :)

>> No.7134598

samefaggot as fuck

Who doesnt know w2c those boots and that guy isnt good looking

>> No.7134596

>I dress to look good
Yeah, you've got some work cut out for you then.

>> No.7134616

you've come to the wrong place

>> No.7134607

I have a feeling it doesn't look as bad as the picture makes it out to be.

>> No.7134621

>Well, he clearly isn't trying very hard
>He looks more "fashionable" than tryhards like:
I don't get you guys. He looks like a massive tryhard. Wearing a tank top in fucking october with long pants and boots, and trying to tuck it in?

In all honestly, I'm assuming >>7134449 is him samefagging, asking about the boots just to give himself a chance to talk to himself.

Actually, I'm about 90% sure this is the dude who dick rides gosling and complains about shit that isn't "basic" enough for him.

>> No.7134643
File: 281 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2013-10-25-13-43-58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I said I was decent looking, which is true. Never said I was a model. Stay mad though.

>> No.7134641

>ill-fitting flanel in awful color
>tucked-in tanktop in awful color
>ill-fitting pants
>beaten-to-death boots that don't match with those pants at all
>no coherency whatsoever

Start over from scratch.

Cool backpack, though.

>> No.7134645

>I'm pretty sure that pose was a joke anyway.
Yes, a joke. A joke meant to hide the shitty fit. Do you know why people make joke fits, in joke poses, with joke faces?

Almost all of the time, it's to hide their flaws and the fact that even whenever they aren't joking, they still look like a joke.

I'm guessing you're that same dude samefagging though.

>> No.7134648
File: 68 KB, 903x507, Screen Shot 2013-10-25 at 10.47.07 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying I'm samefagging.

Look, I'm aware he doesn't look like the most fashion conscious dude out there. He's attractive and those clothes work for him, it suits him, therefore he is fashionable in my eyes.

>> No.7134662

I live in Phoenix and it's 24C out.

>> No.7134687

I meant that he wasn't trying very hard to look good. My bad if that was unclear.

>> No.7134692

>using centigrade in the u.s.
alright nerd

>> No.7134704

I converted for you because I know this board is dominated by british teenagers. That's 75F.

>> No.7134756

Or it's just a innocent joke, because taking pictures of yourself in the mirror is just a silly thing to do anyway. How often do you get called autistic?

>> No.7134767

pls leve

>> No.7134799
File: 2.33 MB, 800x2048, goobie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are my jeans skinny enough? )))):

>> No.7134810


>> No.7134819

w2x boots?

>> No.7134822

cut a big hole near your knees and pair them with gooberbaskets, then they'd look pretty cool

>> No.7134833


>> No.7134851

i regret not getting a different colour

>> No.7134859


No we don't need more people inflating Tinfoil.

>> No.7134860

>implying these screencaps ever proved anything
what is refreshing
what is editing

>> No.7134879

any feedback would be great





>> No.7134888
File: 888 KB, 2448x3264, oct 25 13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.7134902
File: 798 KB, 805x1536, fit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7134903


to be brutally honest, and not to be mean - this is a very bad fit. Just scrap it, don't try to salvage any of it, start over.

>> No.7134906

That jacket, all of my nope. Just horrific. Otherwise pretty good fit.

>> No.7134908


no no no

>> No.7134924


I can't tell because of the lighting, but if the pants are blue, change your jacket. If the pants are black, change your socks.

Cut your hair too, unless you're growing it out for a cancer patient or something.

>> No.7134938
File: 140 KB, 244x332, tumblr_m5nivuhlY11rue873o1_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you aint on that mackage swag

>> No.7134934


Nice shape, but I can't really tell anything else from the poor quality / bad lighting in the picture.

>> No.7134943

what pants are those

>> No.7134946

Swag is for boys. So luckily I ain't indeed.

>> No.7134965

8/10 response

>> No.7134966

The only good fits in this thread.

>> No.7134980

I agree with 15, but 30 looks fucking dumb. Those shoes are retarded and so is putting an ugly camo jacket with a button up.

>> No.7135025

asos cargos
I'm going to ISS on a budget

>> No.7135031


>> No.7135043
File: 1.32 MB, 5000x5000, 1370063215431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7135073

what exact model?
also what's the sweater? :)

>> No.7135093 [DELETED] 
File: 2.63 MB, 1164x1572, FULSILKSIKFIT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

inbetween thinking this jacket is too big
idm tho

>tfw mising silk slipers n panties for FULLL silk

>> No.7135104



>> No.7135115
File: 345 KB, 1164x1572, FULSILKSIKFIT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

inbetween thinking this jacket is too big
idm tho

>tfw mising silk slipers n panties for FULLL silk
>deleted because png
>2.63mb ;s

>> No.7135121
File: 1.01 MB, 2592x1944, DSC02395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

close up
bad angle soz idk what to do w/ it
this is a really 'messy' sort of fit so hard to get everything as i'd like ;s

>> No.7135127

I hope you can open it.
Sweater is by John Devin. It's a pretty cheap brand by a mail order business. You unfortunately cant cop it anymore.

>> No.7135129

you look like a hasidic jew ninja

>> No.7135135

Upper is too warm for the lower.

>> No.7135150

it's all light silk/cotton blends or just raw silks

>> No.7135204

I want that sweater so fucking bad.
Got any details?

>> No.7135246

I cop'd it like 3-4 years ago..
Sorry for you mate

>> No.7135266

he stole a ladies high heels

>> No.7135271 [DELETED] 
File: 2.31 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

le poor

>> No.7135300

and it still looks great, wow

>> No.7135335
File: 2.31 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best itt

>> No.7135349

you pick the worst colour shirts like black with burgundy ew makes me want to barf

>> No.7135376
File: 123 KB, 640x640, fa board.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since the chill of autumn is gradually gaining pace, I blew the dust off of a few of my mainstay items and put 'em to work. I reworked and slimmed down the necktie by removing the interlining and adding a square end (this can't be seen, but it's worth the mention). The trousers (thrifted) were also given the thinspo treatment. The pleating allowed for me to give these a harem fit, as I like to have a bit of wiggle room in the trunk while retaining some sense of character by tapering the ankle and calf.

>> No.7135389
File: 315 KB, 917x1715, mb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7135402


I can't tell if you're trolling or just new to 4chan

But anyways good fit

>> No.7135415

legs not thin enough

>> No.7135423

why even try if you're that fat

just curious

>> No.7135432

this style really only works for thin girls

>> No.7135437

bad use of black, cardigan or w/e those buttons belong to look h&m tier.
leggings + fat = no

>> No.7135438

I can't see shit but what I can see sucks. And honestly it wouldn't look good if you were skinny like these other dudes are saying.

>> No.7135453
File: 159 KB, 600x800, 1381866_349720155172895_720448073_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

+ obligatory roshe's

>> No.7135470

its not that hard to find a dip dye sweater anywhere else...

>> No.7135472

Really cool. Love the docs here.

>> No.7135556

w2c shirt

>> No.7135582

nice fit the pants look p cool

>> No.7135736

Looks good anon

>> No.7135747

I rly don't like your shoes
post a view from the front

>> No.7135753

do your fucking buttons up cunt. and get a t-shirt with a smaller collar. you legitimately look like a gay porn start

>> No.7135761
File: 2.05 MB, 1703x3888, Edgyallblackfit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pretty comfy

>> No.7135766

awful sleeves, roll em up or sth

>> No.7135765

fuck off with the burgundy already its MFA-core

>> No.7135768

you looks good anon, maybe try rolling up your sleeves but it's p good either way

>> No.7135773

Yeah, size down on the T and stretch the length or try another brand - otherwise not bad

>> No.7135781

ur mfa cor

>> No.7135842


Pants are awkward, look into other options

Probably passable

Probably passable. Aren't those leggings clunky under those shoes?

What's with the shirt? Passable

Not particularly exciting, but passable

Seems fine


Clean your room


Clean your room

Leaning towards /mfa/-tier

Clean your room

Okay if you're under 21

Looks comfortable, but isn't really anything

Seems fine

Seems fine - try experimenting


Probably okay



Try a slim-fitting option for the button-up

Not quite, keep trying

Get pants that taper at the ankles

Not really anything

Probably okay

Ultimately this works, I guess

Clean your room. Passable

Passable. Try some athletic footwear options

Outermost layer seems awkward, but you generally seems to know what you're doing - you don't need my advice


Passable. Excellent example of something a black person could pull

Probably passable, but you get off easier being a girl

Going to assume this is passable

>> No.7135858


Why is it that the people who dress bad always feel the need to critique others?

>> No.7135861
File: 110 KB, 787x720, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no space in a dorm
basic x bitch collab

>> No.7135881
File: 278 KB, 335x681, wiwt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In return for the mass critique

>> No.7135883

lose the jacket

>> No.7135890

i actually think the jacket's cool. maybe a non-white tee under your white jacket would help

>> No.7135893


I'd love to critique, but I'd need to be able to see. Maybe try another photo.

>> No.7135902

w2c jacket

>> No.7135898

no shoes no rate fuccboi
if you're walking around with that wearing no shoes it's nxtlvl af tho

>> No.7135903

some big white y-3 boots would look perfect on this, the t shirt needs changing but I have literally no idea what would look better

>> No.7135904
File: 280 KB, 363x750, tumblr_mv1jokNBYN1sdzn49o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only other fit picture I have

Would like to think emphasis is more on silhouette when you don't have the technology to properly document black clothing

>> No.7135911

what are you using to take the picture?

>> No.7135920

Looks fine, but yeah - something is up with the t-shirt

>> No.7135927


>> No.7135938
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What's wrong with my look?

>> No.7135948


>> No.7135952


i wish i was joking

>> No.7135955

closest thing I own is giant work boots, thanks for the critique, though
should I be wearing something other than a tee? I could try a blue oxford or something
it's pretty low quality, but if you want something like it you should get this instead http://www.endclothing.com/nigel-cabourn-taped-ventile-cameraman-jacket-84410.html

>> No.7135967

youre not manequin chan ;(

>> No.7135972

Being fat as fatass

>> No.7135977

No. The whole t-shirt thing is fine, but it looks too small + the neck looks worn out. Maybe a different brand, a size up, or a brand that can handle you stretching it to add some length to it

>> No.7135985

I'm not even going to tell you to lose weight because I feel like you won't take my advice.

Instead I'm going to tell you not to buy clothes that are too small for you. See the way the closures on that coat are strained? That means it's too small.

I can't see all of those shoes on the right side but I think they would look better than those boots. Again I don't want to tell you to lose weight and I don't want to be mean either but ankle boots aren't a good look on chubby girls. The contrast in size is unflattering.

>> No.7136006

I already started loosing weight. So that's not a problem. But I know I have a long way to go.

But thank you for your honesty.

>> No.7136013

> Symptomatic > causative solutions
gurl is fat, los w8 faty

>> No.7136016

it's a uniqlo xs, but I'm definitely not larger than xs
it does fit a bit strangely on me, I was thinking about trying some other brands like t by aw or some shit
what would you recommend for t-shirts?

>> No.7136023

It's not even so much your weight is an issue. Judging on your legs, what you're wearing makes you look heavier than you probably are

>> No.7136027

Premium hanes t-shirts, or just their usual if not available

>> No.7136473
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>> No.7136477

Did you move

>> No.7136483

Na, just went out in the hall.

>> No.7136495

sounds like something trunks would say

ur in too deep b

>> No.7136504

Literally troll

>> No.7136506
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did i do ok guise

>> No.7136510

classic komme
I would recognize you instantly in real life even if I didn't see your face

>> No.7136508
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>> No.7136520

it's resounded throughout most literature
symptomatic treatments < causative if exists.

>> No.7136529
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>> No.7136536

what are these glasses
why is your hair white
you're inside, why is your hood up
why do you have a moustache

>> No.7136539

I hope that's a wig
Blur your face or else you'll get no replies regarding your fit

>> No.7136553

cartier bro slow down

>> No.7136595

your hair looks fucking stupid

it looks like the hair form a lego piece. by that i mean it looks like you have a black block of hair and i can't even distinguish between strands of hair

>> No.7136600

i lold at the lego hair comment

>> No.7136610
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>> No.7136618

top half, hair/jacket/shirt, is bad. bottom half good.

>> No.7136621

i miss her too

>> No.7136627

cop a drapier tee and don't wear white socks with that fit

>> No.7136644
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>> No.7136665

>it looks like the hair form a lego piece
oh fuck my sides

>> No.7136688

Not at all.
Just a girl who wanted to know /fa/s opinion on my look.

>> No.7136687
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This reminds me, I need to see what's new at Fabrixquare

>> No.7136712

i have that exact same coat
can we be bffs

>> No.7136726

>wearing a tank top
>actually has muscles
teehee, fucking brofag, nice douch jersey m8oz

>> No.7136725
File: 24 KB, 450x301, rottonrobbie[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this guy your hair inspo?

>> No.7136764

details on the jacket

reply now or ill send you dick pics

>> No.7136790


fuck off you fat piece of shit

>> No.7136791

looks like the norse projects oi polloi parka m8

>> No.7136803


>> No.7136811
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>> No.7136813

hideous shirt m8

>> No.7136822

swing and a miss
fit could be saved with some boots imo
the fur/puffer jacket is pretty FOBy

>> No.7136837

Ankle game so weak
also if you're doing orange laces I'd rather see them with a darker green jacket as opposed to a desaturated mid green but w/e

jacket/pack looks great though. Just fix your ankles.

>> No.7136841

Really like this
best fit from you imo

>> No.7136848
File: 2.28 MB, 1720x805, sweg15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I swap the runners out for high tops?

>Selected Homme
>Norse Projects
>I Love Ugly

I am maximum fuccboi

>> No.7136850

the half-zip is really bad looking

>> No.7136862

i might have the same hair shape as you.. i need ideas

>> No.7136865

ignore the fact that i asked for details, i was going to ask about ur measurements/sizes but thats too much to ask.

do post thingd about hair though :)

>> No.7136872

The Hoodie is just a black Selected homme top, It's nothing incredible but I quite like how with time some stacks have naturally formed where it bunches up around my wrists

The long asymmetrical top is a cotton/rayon longsleeve

Underneath is a shortsleeve Norse Projects black tee with white flecks

The pants are just basic Zepsy ILU pants

And the runners are nothing great, some LunarMTRL+ runners I use for exercise and such

I'll see if I can snap any hair pics

>> No.7136881

In terms of measurements and sizes I'm 5'9 128 lbs, everything is size S with size 9 shoes, pant size is generally 29-30

>> No.7136884

>all of you look ridiculous
>most of you are kids

this is hilarious

>> No.7136885

really disliking the current shoes
they fuck with your proportions a lot

>> No.7136896

You figure I should replace with a slim hightop or something bulky for contrast?

>> No.7136903

how about you give me a suggestion on what to do about it then instead of angrily insulting me faggot post pic of your hair

>> No.7136920

I like it, except for the layered tees. I feel like they would look better if both were slanted, the clean horizontal line of the undershirt kinda clashes with the sharp asymmetry of the ls tee.

>> No.7136925

I can definitely see what you mean. It does take away from the layering shape. Thank you for the advice.

>> No.7137051
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>> No.7137088

>implying all of you faggots don't look like that after putting half a bottle of pomade in your no poo hair

why u scared to post your hair bruh

>> No.7137120

okay since everyone here is being a little bitch
here's your advice:
Don't use the comb you're using. By the looks of it, your comb has teeth that are waaay to close together. I used to do that, but then that often happened to my hair. So now I just use my hands and everything looks so much more natural.

You can always get a hair brush if you want some more direction in your hair.

>> No.7137157

where did you cop the long sleeve?

>> No.7137181
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>> No.7137193

this; or alternatively, get a haircut that doesnt look stupid.

>> No.7137236
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bout to wear this sick fit to Wal-Mart. the shirt has green and purple speckled that you might not be able to see on my shot camera

>> No.7137316

GOAT emo. I've had American Radass on repeat for about 3 weeks now.

>> No.7137313

I can't see your pictures very well but it looks good to me

>> No.7137389

I got it in Vancouver at a consignment shop on granville

The brand label says "attachment"

I've seen the brand name thrown around here once or twice but I haven't really looked in to it.

>> No.7137411

It's a Japanese brand. Diffusion line of Attachment by Kazuyuki Kumagai, or KKA.

>> No.7137468

Thanks for the heads up. I like this garment a fair bit so I'll look that up.

>> No.7137497 [DELETED] 
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relaxing @ home in the Australian summer

>> No.7137512

from the ankle up, it looks shit. shoes are meh but passable

>> No.7137513
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Hurt me good

>> No.7137515
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hahaha holy fuck

>> No.7137519

Was never a fan of those runners. Try them with some black shorts.

>> No.7137521
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>> No.7137525


>> No.7137526

jacket looks like a school bus
too much length on the jeans - cuff them or get them tailored

>> No.7137531

thanks I like my shoes but not much else

>> No.7137534

I wear them with black shorts when I'm actually exercising.

I guess they just werent meant for casual use. Thanks for the tip.

>> No.7137544
File: 67 KB, 716x960, 1382767243885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reposting this sick fit

>> No.7137551


I dont even think its sick and I'm wearing it

>> No.7137552


>> No.7137867
File: 1.12 MB, 640x960, tentwentyfive.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wore to work

>> No.7137996

top short
and this is from a manlet

>> No.7139764

nope it works here