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/fa/ - Fashion

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7130552 No.7130552[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do I get +rep on sufu?

>> No.7130575

you post a good outfit.

>> No.7130607

What counts as a good outfit to sufu?

>> No.7130624

>Tfw Fewgale is always the first to neg me. Fuck that cunt? Does he have no other hobbies other than refreshing waywt?

>> No.7130635
File: 224 KB, 223x702, tumblr_mupq7xriHQ1qa47z6o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's honestly more about your reputation on the site. Fit's like these get +rep simply because the guy has been there for a while and is known to have a cool collection of sneakers

>> No.7130630

be phillipino and type like youre posting from a trap house in st. louis

>> No.7130638

he has some nice fits tho

>> No.7130661

What is this garbage?

>> No.7130668


he got sick fits doe

>> No.7130679

everyone -reps everything so dw
if you like something someone else doesnt like they'll -rep you
if you post an opinion that someone doesnt like they -rep you
rep isnt really a big deal since you can do it like 50 times a day, nojk

>> No.7130687
File: 36 KB, 704x480, Sokka-is-totally-the-best-avatar-gang-2292097-704-480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He fuckin cosplays and just rips off other user's outfits. Even his fuckin haircut is from pic related

>> No.7130731


yeah this. it's a strange rep system tbh.

>> No.7130757

>Tfw too afraid to neg a mod

>> No.7130811

fewgale looks like a latina

lol'd when he posted a shitty roshe fit and someone responded "how the fuck does this get upvotes" and some guy answered "because he's a latina in nikes"

his hair is complete shit and he has the talles forehead in all the land

>> No.7130820

yeah fuck that guy he looks like total s hit in that fit. even if he has some good fits i dont understand +repping based on reputation alone

so dumb

>> No.7132156

>wear the uniform
>be aaround for a long while
>everyone reps no matter the negs
>dont be fat
>ddont be fake ass london
>be asian
>be sschaedenfreuede and provide even less constructive posts than you would insults

>> No.7132175
File: 643 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_mit5etue2s1s1qr06o3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sufu waywt is frequented by legitamate socially outcasted asian autists.

the marketplace is a common ground for street labels to who-and-what's-now designers, with crossposters from stylezeigeist classifieds.

do not focus too much with rep, which is always from the very same people without fail. you're fit is out on the internet, to the viewing pleasure of many anonymous viewers and contributors alike.


>> No.7132185

yeah but that doesn't make up the majority of sufu's userbase. I'd say "socially outcasted autists" is more fitting for /fa/ than sufu

just post dope shit
posting people's grails in the ebay/yahoo!jp find threads is pretty easy
just post fits? i dress p. shittily and the fits I've posted still get + repped
be a good seller, ppl will rep your sales threads
be funny? a stretech and don't try to be the next sschadenfreude, cause you can't, but a well placed quip can earn you good rep

>> No.7132190


no, fewgale is an absolute cunt

u should see him on malefashion

>> No.7132194
File: 438 KB, 532x700, 1379653413352.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>don't be fake ass london

tfw not an internet villian both respected and despised

>> No.7132203

the sooner you realise pretty much every single one of these fashion forums is a cancerous hive of negativity the better

seriously, get off /fa/, get off sufu - the real world's pretty different

>> No.7132214

yeah but his schtick is waning ,it was cute and funny for a while now his realness isnt real

i like that user but if you're tryna farm rep,dont be him,he makes mistakes that make him not self aware

>> No.7132215

yeah p. much
that fucking thread with asecretmaker or whatever his name is was painful to read
i think he got banned doe
apparently he used to post fits way back in the day, anyone got them?

>> No.7132218
File: 43 KB, 960x273, pepreps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont lie pepyn youd turn on a dime and slobber his knob if jhe ever repped you

>> No.7132216


but where else can u congregate to talk shit;post fits

>> No.7132220
File: 200 KB, 1126x952, 1382618225167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yea i have one

>> No.7132223

fashion forum drama isnt worth it too,unless u live a french silent movie and need that excitement cuz your irl one is lacking ya feel?
hard to find,i was still lurking sf back then lel
i like the perseverance aiken and kelly denham have,each one of their fits get negged to shit but they keep posting,either they cant improve or like the attention from an arbitary number or really dgaf
oh God
it begins-time to abandon thread
too many character assassins
and not enough turntable assassins

>> No.7132235


>too many character assassins
>and not enough turntable assassins

sums up /fa/ perfectly wow

>> No.7132249
