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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 58 KB, 1600x1200, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7125264 No.7125264[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I need a coat that doesn't hide my aesthetics while keeping me warm as fuck. I refuse to layer because I'm either sweating in le gym or freezing my nuts off outside.

>ez mode
I live in California
>hard mode
I'm cold below 50° because low bodyfat and I'm not on tren or dnp

<3 /fit/

>> No.7125270
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>> No.7125282
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What the fuck? Jeff?

What are you doing on /fa/ man?

>> No.7125284

mak me cookies

mak me cookies pls

Wear a shawl collar cardigan, will show gains thru and look good if you don't suffer from babbyface like seid.

>> No.7125292

Pick one.

>> No.7125291
File: 53 KB, 600x349, 06-INBLOOM-JP1-articleLarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you really need to change up your facials bro
get like facial hair

unless you're going for the whole twink look. which, if you are, you're doing quite well

>> No.7125300
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newfag pls

>> No.7125305
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>> No.7125310
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>> No.7125315
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>> No.7125317

I guess you're neither.

>> No.7125322
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is this even /fa/

>> No.7125321
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>> No.7125324

should replace with dicks

>> No.7125325
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Both boards hate fatties. There's that.

But seriously, if you aren't a cross poster something is wrong.

>> No.7125328
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Fit hates tattoos and was mocking his.

>> No.7125336
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>> No.7125341
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>> No.7125342

Every time

>> No.7125356
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>> No.7125358

>california ever dropping below 50 except in the morning
>tfw walking around with a coat on and sweating like fucking shit

>> No.7125360
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>> No.7125368
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>> No.7125373
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>> No.7125376
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>> No.7125380
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>> No.7125388
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>> No.7125395

why is there so much conflicting information when it comes to fitness training? literally half the shit i see on here ive seen refuted elsewhere.

>> No.7125397
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>> No.7125404
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That is a joke to make new years faggots fail harder.

>> No.7125406
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>> No.7125409
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>> No.7125414
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>> No.7125422
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>> No.7125425
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>> No.7125427

that makes more sense. the only thing that im not sure if its incorrect is the cardio thing, is 30-40 mins of medium intensity really that inefficient? i normally do high intensity but is medium that bad?

also /fa/ is kinda slow you dont need to bump ths hard

>> No.7125429

if there is one thing effay and fit come together for its fat h8 threads B)

>> No.7125428
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>> No.7125441
File: 1.08 MB, 1612x1268, Dante_dmc_render_by_allan_valentine-d5bj5ef.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone recommend me a coat that looks like Dante's coat in Devil may Cry? I have the physical and facial aesthetics to pull off his looks.

>> No.7125442
File: 49 KB, 276x280, IMG_1343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fit/ generally believes in HIIT cardio

Never do over an hour of cardio if you want to keep your muscle. I do about 30 minutes a day. I tend to do HIIT when I do it. Basically switching between a sprint and a jog every couple of minutes.

>> No.7125448
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>> No.7125452
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No you don't, autist.

>> No.7125458
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>> No.7125460
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>> No.7125466
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watch out for the late 20s, ladies

>> No.7125471
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>> No.7125475
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>> No.7125480
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>> No.7125484
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>> No.7125491
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>> No.7125497
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>> No.7125500
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>> No.7125515

alright /fit/fag, i can help your initial request. check out premium mountain climbing brands, they often build stuff much more form fitting to increase mobility. off the top of my head, mountain hardware, arcteryx, marmot, and especially black diamond will have form fitting stuff.

now, my question. i max out the calf press at 400 doing 4x12s but im still not getting the mass i want down there. what should i do, circuit training maybe?

>> No.7125517


just get a long parka..

>> No.7125522

>joff plsgo

>> No.7125655

Calves respond to tons of volume & be sure to hold your extension as you press the weight up.. don't just rep the weight as fast as you can.

>> No.7125665

Have you tried not being a bitch? It's not cold where you live, I'm sure.

>> No.7125895

You post on /fa/ girlbrains, you're the last person to call someone a bitch

>> No.7125929

what the fuck how

these people are not even trying and yet they look better than most people on /fa/.

>> No.7126261
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>> No.7128678

jeff plz go