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/fa/ - Fashion

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7123046 No.7123046[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why does /fa/ suck now?

>> No.7123069

You are now aware that everyone who has ever browsed an image board or forum believes that said image board or forum was better when they started posting

>> No.7123073

maybe you should post a fit and make it better oh fashion god :^)

>> No.7123148
File: 1.69 MB, 3096x4128, IMG_69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do ur wurst B^I

>> No.7123234
File: 1.30 MB, 3264x1836, 20131023_215510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wat r u, casul?

>> No.7123239
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gb2reddit faget

>> No.7123250
File: 1.19 MB, 3264x1836, 20131023_215408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll rek u m8

>> No.7123259

and they're always right

>> No.7123290

if you want a serious answer, it's because "safe" basics are no longer cool here. it was always much easier to wear what is now the "MFA wardrobe" and look good. of course 4chan has to rebel against anything reddit, so people try to get more creative. it's much harder to be creative and a lot of people that never even learned how to wear basics fuck up a lot.

if people are new we shouldn't crucify them for wearing CDBs, slim jeans, and an oxford. obviously if they try whacky shit first they will look like shit.

>> No.7123617


I can tell you haven't been here for longer than a week

>> No.7123661

This. Everything is getting worse. Its undeniable.


>> No.7123683

i mean is it really that hard to find a good fitting ocbd and knowing simple color coordination? like seriously? if you can't even do that fuccbois who complain about rick being too expensive have better things to worry about
plus being okay with being average encourages stagnation and thus mediocrity

>> No.7124719

4chan is mainstream and the same people who are le radditers post here now.

>> No.7124738

Kind of agree but think you got it wrong. Most people here just out able to afford all the highest end shit. When OCBDCBDs were cool anyone who had a shitty part time job (i.e. a lot of /fa/s college+younger aged readership) could participate. Now that shit has been deemed hella lame, and nobody contributes shit now. Its just shitposting and fantasising about expensive shit. Sufu without the wallet to back it up. Honestly when was the last time there was a really good fit in a waywt? A month ago? longer? This sites killed itself

>> No.7124755

>muh underground internet culture

>> No.7124794
File: 372 KB, 851x960, 1352677607125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But this is why MFA sucks.
Seriously, I go over there and people are asking if a brown belt goes with their chinos, or where to buy a fucking plain sweater. It's ridiculous, and as long as I can remember being here /fa/ has been better because it wasn't overrun by shitheads who didn't even know what the basics were.

I think /fa/ could use a little more diversity in the shit people talk about, but I don't think /fa/ should be a place where you go to "learn the basics". Lurk like everyone else and figure it out.

>> No.7124792


stop bitching and moaning you pathetic little shit

why don't you turn the dry spell around and post a really good fit in a waywt

or better yet stop shitposting and contribute some good content

fucking moron


>> No.7124795

lmao i honestly hardly even post here now its so boring

same shit about stupid shit none of you can even afford. this board very nearly killed any interest i had in fashion

>> No.7124796

because leather jacket r bad

>> No.7124800

Because most people on this board dont like the idea of fashion as a form of expression, they want desperatly to fit in with whats accepted.

And to them whats accepted is grandpa clothes.

I walk around in flashy as fuck stuff.

>> No.7124807
File: 437 KB, 373x891, Screen shot 2013-10-24 at 12.21.06 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey thats me

hello there!

I feel famous

any attention is good attention

>> No.7124825

I fucking hate those boots, but everything else in your pics seems decent.

>> No.7124829

Coming from someone who's Lurked since like 2007, I've really noticed that people seem to shit post and can't give constructive criticism to one another anymore. People don't know what they're talking about much anymore (of course Some still have their stuff right).

>> No.7124839

I like your fits, but then I realize it's just because we have the same style but you're thinner and taller.

>> No.7124850

lul naw thats the angle. I'm manlet as hell.

>> No.7124848

I will never be able to take you seriously because you look 12

>> No.7124851


how tall?

>> No.7124858

like 5 8 or some similarly pathetic shit

>> No.7124861

Hey complete noob to fashion here who used to only wear gym shorts and cargo shorts, graphic tees, and sports goodies in highschool.
Can you tell me the difference between a regular button down shirt vs a oxford? I know the materiel is supposed to be different but how does a noob know the difference?

>> No.7124862
File: 39 KB, 600x747, qdKyKl5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've just matured and changed.

Every forum or even groups or gatherings seem special and great at first. You get used to it, become it and rise above it in time.

This place is just not catered for you anymore. Your interest is fading because it's more of the same but with less special feelings because you are so familiar with it now.

Just move on or accept that this how it always has been and will be. You are the one that changed.

>inb4 enlightened fedora

just sayin it how I see it

>> No.7124863


*tips fedora :')

>> No.7124875


I don't think I'll ever get used to ironic shitposting.

>> No.7124898

Lack of slater.

>> No.7124916

Because no one cares about the aesthetic anymore. It's all shit labels like "gothninja" or "dadcore" and everybody usually takes the usual basic bitch route because they're too scared to try something new or old.

Plus the hive mind here seems to have gotten stronger overtime, and now everyone tries really hard to fit in with whatever it dreams up as a good fit, and everything else is "autism". Creativity has been stifled, the well is now dry and all we're left with are the okay-ish buying guides people post here. Sad.

>> No.7125307

we're just desensitized to peacock behavior and more discerning now. it's more about authenticity/"pulling off" a look than pure fashion like it used to be. creativity isn't stifled, just more carefully edited.

>> No.7125313

post fit

>> No.7125326
File: 51 KB, 215x224, 1366173819723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

niggas we need a fit battle thread

talk shit post fit

>> No.7125348

you look tall as hell for someone 5'8'
i aspire to be you

>> No.7125363

It isn't mediocrity, you are missing the point, its like joy division wearing normal clothes to rebel against what the known punk look was

>> No.7125370

>people are asking if a brown belt goes with their chinos, or where to buy a fucking plain sweater.
you get the same sort of people here bruv


>> No.7125377

Because of these kind of faggots. It's always the boards with a disproportional amount of plebbit/tumblr users that have the worst levels of shitposting.

>> No.7126575

That's quite a suggestive question mate.

>> No.7126593

/fa/ in 2010: skinnies and peacoats
/fa/ in 2013: skinnies and parkas

>> No.7126598


my fucking sides

>> No.7126626
File: 58 KB, 250x334, ders.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ders? is that you?

>> No.7126688

but we actually have really low levels of shitposting, and when it is, its always some faggot from the sperglord boards saying HUR YOU LOOK LIKE FAGGOTS WHY DO YOU SPEND 400 DOLLARS ON SHOES

>> No.7126691
File: 81 KB, 852x480, 1379382759462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we actually have really low levels of shitposting

>> No.7126693

good response mate

>> No.7126700

for a second there I thought op posted an old fit pic of me from last year and my heart just about stopped