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File: 64 KB, 1024x675, ox281293764271571152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7116059 No.7116059 [Reply] [Original]

>you will never be a dandy asian male bishounen
brb committing suicide

>> No.7116078

those niggas ain't even host club workers, quit playin'

>> No.7116077
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>> No.7116087


get the terms right. bishounen is a beautiful teenager. the adult equivalent is biseinen.

>> No.7116093
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>> No.7116104
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>host club workers
tfw you will never have sex 365 times in 1 year

>> No.7116118
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>> No.7116123
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>> No.7116127

>tfw not that pretty motherfucker

just kill me please

>> No.7116129

biseinen has that connotation of manliness tho
I think of Kaji from NGE when someone says biseinen

>> No.7116230

the dude in the pic is ugly as fuck though

>> No.7116246
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>> No.7116301
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what a cute beautiful creature

>> No.7117268
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>> No.7117771

I'm a 1.78 Scandinavian, weighing 260 lbs, mostly fat, how do I into Asian Club Host Guy thingy?

>> No.7117824

that's exactly what i am tho

girl i am nterested in said that her dream guy is tattooed and masculine tho

>> No.7117860

I swear that other guy was handsome as fuck.
I forgot his name but you know, the one that they even said was the best looking

It was hilarious seeing him riding a bicycle at the end though.

>> No.7117858

no chance
post selca fuccboi

>> No.7117871
File: 167 KB, 630x350, Screen Shot 2013-10-22 at 7.45.39 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy?

>> No.7117875

>girl tells you what kind of guy she's into
>not anything like you

take a hint anon.

>> No.7118311


>> No.7119816

Go to Japan.
Find a club that accepts you. There are some. Its tough,but they exist. Hence where there are Russian Hostess Clubs etc.
Warning: Japan is really super racist. You gotta be aware of the "No Gaijin" signs.

>> No.7119826

TFW he's the Number 1 Host in his club. He's got the most clients, bigger pay, and seniority. Sure he's not that pretty looking, but motherfucker has his way with words. Most guys wouldn't fail after 2 mins in a conversation.

>> No.7119841

If you ever watch the documentary, you'll discover that he's actually a super player. You know the one who fucks a lot of women and can't settle down type. I feel bad for the dude honestly.
True story.

>> No.7119852

I respect the guy for his skills and mad amounts of pussy he pulls. Sad thing is, he'll never get a gf or live to age 50 because of his fucked up liver.

>> No.7119857

lol this isn't remotely true, i'm currently living in tokyo btw.

>> No.7119867

What about it isn't true?
The whole "No Gaijin" thing is very real. Its really for American Soldiers.

Non-Japs living there are socially considered to be "Second-Class Citizens"

>> No.7119874

lol ok mr. "i just took intro to japanese studies". Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto-- these are international cities with a lot of respect for foreigners. I'd say Koreans and Burakumin are treated as second class citizens, but Gaijins are definitely treated as outsiders; not seen as second-class citizens. Yeah, there is a lot of prejudice towards American soldiers, but it's reserved for just that, soldiers. I've never come across a "no gaijin" sign, but I have come across a "no marines" sign.

>> No.7120087

yoouu must get fit and have fabulous hair

>> No.7121103


Im a Jap so Ill shed some light.

Burakumin - People with Korean descent that used to eat meat (back when Japs where mostly vegetarians) and dispose of dead bodies during wars. This turned them into second class citizens that other Japs discriminated against. They used to have their own communities where they would largely breed with other burakumin. A majority of rapists and murderers seem to be of burakumin dsecent. They are integrated into regular society know, so burakumin do not really exsit in modern day Japan.

Koreans - second class citizens if youre still new just like any other Gaijin. But many Koreans have been in Japan for many years and are considered Japanese (cant really tell anyways and most change their name to a Japanese one). This is especially true for 2nd and 3rd gens.

American army, marines, etc. - Mostly an Okinawa thing where the US is stationed. Soliders are notorious for getting drunk and raping, beating women as well as getting into fights. Japs cant do shit about it most of the time because theyre part of the military. A lot of half black half Japanese kids from Okinawa, many with no father in sight.

>> No.7121155

>your hair will never stay that thick as you age

>> No.7121180
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I don't get it, why would anyone want to be asian?

>> No.7121234


youre new here arent you?

>> No.7121271


>im a japanese american


>> No.7121316

What about Chinese people? I'm curious.

>> No.7121340


I suppose. Born in Japan, moved to socal when I was about 2. Went to Jap school so Im fluent though.

>> No.7121348


hee? honto? o.O sugoi desu ne. i always wanted to meet a real nihonjin xD

>> No.7123081

u know like 30% of /fa/ is azn right

>> No.7123299


Y'all niggas tripping, I've lived here for almost 5 months now and have had pretty good luck with women, and got gyakku nan'd more than a few times.

Japan seems racist to Koreans only on the internet so far.

>> No.7123348
File: 21 KB, 240x240, geografia_manchuria.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is best asia

everyone else consider sudoku

>> No.7123383

well if you're just there for a year to have fun, it's fine I guess

He is most likely talking about permanent expats

>> No.7123411


You're not Han?

>> No.7123428

>implying azns want to be azn

>> No.7123466
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those are just the uggos with potato noses and glasses tho

>not being a patrician azn

>> No.7123507

hows your fumanchu coming along 去吃大便

>> No.7123539


>> No.7123613


Not just for fun though, I've been going to career fairs and such since I graduate in a semester, and so far nothing has been discriminatory.

Hell, even when I was staying in the buttcrack of nowhere Japan (Shimane-ken) I didn't even get any racism from old people.

At this point I actually want to run into it once for the experience.