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File: 76 KB, 480x640, Poop-head.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7100299 No.7100299[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

It's not troll you guyz

pic related, n o product

>> No.7100306
File: 44 KB, 500x500, hoop-pead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7100325

no wonder your hair looks so greasy

>> No.7100574

what does not pooping have to do with your hair

>> No.7100591

idk im starting to think it really is all a troll. I haven't pooped all week and my hair's no different.

>> No.7100602

>that grease

>> No.7100626


It's natural oil, and depending on how long he's been doing this his hair probably feels silky smooth.

Nice hair op

>> No.7100633

ew no. i bet if you ran your hair through his hair it would be like rubbing your hand on chicken.

>> No.7100721

You mean
>I can't afford Kerastase to make my hair be silky smooth, so I'll do the second best thing by leaving my natural oils in it.

>> No.7100723

jeff pls go

>> No.7100738
File: 7 KB, 242x208, 1364101494182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man ive been doing no poo for like 4-5 months now and my hair looks good but it cant stand for shit

>> No.7101078

So you wanna bald fast and make your hair straight or keep it for the future so that you don't have to wear a fucking fedora?

>> No.7101094
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>> No.7101186

been doing no poo for 2 months, i had long thick azn hair

personal results:
>hair is dry/wirery after a shower rinse, however it holds oil remarkably well after a day of no rinsing
>feels like i've used conditioner all the time, no it doesn't feel greasy
>doesnt smell
>hair feels less thick/strong, but now has more texture

best of all: i washed my hair (shampoo for a minute, rinse, conditioner without rinsing for the rest of the shower) and the effects seem to have lasted for a week rather than 3 days normally

i usually wear my hair down though. i'd recommend it but i wouldn't urge people to do it; contemplating on just washing my hair every 2 weeks cuz i miss it smelling nice

>> No.7101356

i tried no poo once. I think it was like 3-4 months and it looked like complete shit and I got a fucking blizzard storm on my head

>> No.7101359

You didn't wash your hair for four months?

>> No.7101363

no i did just didnt poo

>> No.7101377

well yea thats why I started to shampoo again

>> No.7101374

Has it not occurred to you you were doing something wrong

A "blizzard" of dandruff should have been a clear sign

>> No.7101382
File: 14 KB, 350x230, 1381615226737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has to be an elaborate troll. what fucking possesses you to think that not pooing actually makes your hair keep oil better? please, in the name of the almighty dollar, why.

>> No.7101414

It's the same logic as washing your hands too much=dry.

You think humans evolved needing chemicals to wash their hair? smh.

>> No.7101448

>tfw get huge pimples on my head if I don't poo

>> No.7101465

you have to wait at least a month, if not two

>> No.7101660

i noticed a difference in under a week

>> No.7101709

Been no poo for over half a year. It's great. I no longer need product for my hair not to be dry and uncontrollable. Also it is smooth as shit

>> No.7102476

What do you wash it with?
I have cut down on the amount of poo I use, now 2-3 times a week.

>> No.7102480

My hair gets that greasy smell when I don't wash it after a week or so. I guess it's just irregular washing for me.

>> No.7103654

I've previously had some problems with dandruff and dry hair, should I try no poo? I have medium curly hair atm. I'm currently treating the occasional dandruff with coconut oil when showering.

>> No.7103914

Is no poo a good idea for those whose hair is starting to recede?

>> No.7104042


is kerastase really this good?

>> No.7104658
File: 423 KB, 430x563, Screen shot 2013-10-20 at 4.56.06 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

naturalist fallacy brehbrehbreh

cavemen probs looked like shit

also people had all kinds of nasty lice

the elite shaved their heads and wore wigs

look up "polish plate"


>> No.7104679

I just started and my max was 2 weeks but the dandruff gets better fairly quickly. People might still call you Johnny Snowstorm but less.

>> No.7104700
File: 43 KB, 669x627, 1378107866637.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My hair is kinda dry and gross after I wash with water only, and I even have a shower filter.
Am I not scrubbing hard enough to distribute the oils, or am I washing it to much? Even if I just dunk my hair in the water and take it out, it feels like ass until later in the day.
I just used some coconut oil to condition and its at least soft now that I've washed it all out, but it is still dry looking.

Really this all started happening after I swam in a pool a few months ago. My BS and ACV stopped working, and now I can't get my hair hydrated. Hoping a haircut helps and it is jsut damage.

pls help anons.

>> No.7104722

Though my roots are slightly oily looking after I shower, but still feel dry.

>> No.7104772


How about regularly conditioning? With like high quality conditioner. I condition for at least 5-10 min every shower at least.

>> No.7104794

I thought about it, but I figured it would cowashes would leave a different result than regular no-poo. I have only been trying water only with this new shower-head for a few weeks though, so I kinda wonder if I'm in another transition period.

I might give that a shot though. It'd kinda be a bummer, since I was hoping to save some dough by doing this in this way as well.

>> No.7104804
File: 22 KB, 300x300, 3qcjz8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy hell guise ive been trying this out. does no poo with baking soda or vinegar bleach your hair? does it destory your scalp? im really worried guize.

>> No.7104822
File: 28 KB, 300x298, 3547382923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7104824

I don't want my hair to feel greasy. It's disgusting. Also, girls would probably touch it and feel grossed out. I use shampoo every 4 days and it looks great, doesn't feel greasy and smells good.

>> No.7104844

I just want it to be summer again so I can start cleansing my hair with sea water and go golden blonde again

>> No.7104845

Dont use baking soda. If you look up other blogs about no poo everyone is bitching how baking soda has made their hair dry after a few months in. I just use likewarm water and i use my fingers to pull down the oils (from my scalp to my ends) over and over. When im done showering i finish with cold water always and scrub away at my hair. Before no poo my hair would get so greasy easily after a day. But now i can rinse it every two days and its perfectly fine. Keep in mind that everyone is different. No poo isnt for everyone

>> No.7104881

>It's natural oil

I love this shit

>eww what the FUCK anon your hair is so greasy, did you shower?
>it's natural oil! shampoo is b-bad--is bad for your sc--
>it's b--
>where are you going?

>> No.7104908

Been on no poo for ten months now, never had better hair. No need for any product.

Get a lot of compliments on its appearance/texture, all from bros to girls (both before and after bedding them). Get model comments ever so often.

>> No.7104923

so you dont use anything at all? when i wash with water my hair is still smelly, greasy and hard.

>> No.7104968

so what happens when someone actually steps next to your hair and it smells like shit.
dont think water removes that smell

>> No.7105046

it's humanly impossible to not defecate for more than a few weeks

>> No.7105202

Uhh, water?

>> No.7105354


water 5-7 times a week. massage with fingertips 1-2 mins.

baking soda/vinegar every 5 weeks or so. Lot of people have smelt it but no one has said it stank, it smelled normal/nothing/fresh/hair.

>> No.7105380

i can't go a day without washing because my hair feels dirty and uncomfortable without it.

maybe its a psychological thing...?

>> No.7105389

My hair is generally dry and frizzy as fuck. Going a couple days without pooin' makes it a lot more healthier looking and feeling. But some people have naturally healthy hair and shouldn't really do it.

>> No.7105408

it's because you shampoo so much u need it
cut down slowly

this has never happened

>> No.7105438

Where did you hear this from?

What the hell does baking soda and vinegar do?

>> No.7105435

I poo every 4 days. Condition everyday. I use Brazilian Blowout Serum everyday in wet hair and I can't live without that. I have naturally frizzy, course hair, but the serum smooths it out and gets rid of poof/frizz

>> No.7105528

iirc baking soda cuts down on the oil and apple cider vinegar prevents your scalp from drying out from the baking soda

might have been the other way around

either way thats too convoluted for me so i just wash periodically with conditioner; i might just shampoo once every month or too

>> No.7105672

>mfw people think washing your hair leads to premature balding

biggest piece of shit i've ever read

>> No.7105960

Absolutely. Why do you think all the extremely high end salons use/sell it?

>> No.7106026


Are you implying no poo makes you bald less fast? How did you get that idea?

genetics=genetics, no?

>> No.7106070

Doing it excessively does.

>> No.7107372
File: 69 KB, 800x598, photo(5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey yall i'm getting my hair cut tomorrow but this is what i've been working with, just to give some folks an idea. this is dried after a quick rinse cus it smelled just the tiniest bit and i don't wanna gross out the salon tomm

before it was just matte black and straight but now i can get loads of texture, here is a basic example. also it was fairly dense but now it's soft and silky

going to get "that haircut" so hopefully my bangs will have beautiful texture, here's hoping!

>> No.7107822

>baking soda
Stupidest troll I've ever read. Do you fucking faggots really think I'm dumb enough to make a volcano on my head?

>> No.7108191

Supposed to be applied cider vinegar actually. No volcano on head.

>> No.7108207

yeah that bit is a troll you are basically using shampoo there

>> No.7108215

I feel bad for no poo. Their hair must be weak as shit and smell weird.

>> No.7108227

wait who actually uses shampoo ever

all you need is conditioner


>> No.7108235

2/10 senpai

Apply yourself, baldchan.

>> No.7108256

noo poo here for about a month but I've been using a honey and water mix. does this count?