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/fa/ - Fashion

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7098896 No.7098896 [Reply] [Original]

how do you deal with not being perfect looking?
i feel like a good looking person stuck in an ugly body
>tfw looking in the mirror and seeing somebody you hate

>> No.7098907

I stop being so insecure and sage this thread.

>> No.7098908

Then keep improving yourself in any way you can... What is the problem?

>> No.7098905

>i feel like a good looking person stuck in an ugly body
this is what every ugly person in the world thinks, you are not a unique snowflake you ugly fuck

>> No.7098914

i never said that. i was asking how other people in the same situation deal with it

>> No.7098915

>sage this thread.
wow sweet downboat m8 u sure showed him


>> No.7098922

ugly round face
chubby cheeks
bad profile
sensitive skin

>> No.7098925

post face

>> No.7098926

>ugly round face
>chubby cheeks
hit the gym, lose fat
>bad profile
oh god iktf
>sensitive skin

>> No.7098931

rather not

>> No.7098932


Then stop bitching about it.

>> No.7098936

i am skinny
my skin gets red and dry easily
acne is almost gone

>> No.7098941

you already know you're ugly what have you got to lose, it's as if you don't want help

>> No.7098950

>i am skinny
you are skinnyfat, hit the fucking weights
>my skin gets red and dry easily
take better care of it

>> No.7098965

you can't really. you can act like you don't care about your looks, but you know you really do. just try to achieve perfection, op.
plastic surgery ;)
don't try to fucking settle with your imperfections for the rest of your life, then you'll just be fucking more miserable

>> No.7098969
File: 607 KB, 903x590, w7etQyI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's no such thing as looking perfect. Rock your look. If you're really that fucking ugly... well... idk. Work on your personality then?.

>> No.7098988

iktf op
what i did was taking the worst pictures of me possible and looking at them every day and just get used to it
i know i'm ugly but i don't care about it anymore

>> No.7099004

how to take care of skin?

>> No.7099038

Read the grooming section of the sticky, numbnuts.

Use face wash, an exfoliator, a toner and moisturizer. Wear sun block. Sleep with your face on a clean pillowcase or towel.

>> No.7099069
File: 25 KB, 515x600, 1381083339751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rock your look.

you are an individual

fuck what anyone says

be the best you that you can be

>> No.7099976

i am proud of my body and confident in myself, you should be proud of yours as well. quite a few people think im ugly as fuark but those that dont usually really get into my bod, it might be my hairiness idk... but unless you plan on being fake and getting plastic surgery then youll just have to become used to your "ugly" bod, put in some effort and actually do something about it (work out,get /fit/) or get plastic surgery

>> No.7100016

You don't need to "hit the gym" to lose fat.

Unless you're a faggot.

>> No.7100023

why not get shredded and increase overall health while you lose fat? also make great connections with people in the gym, thats how i landed my job bartending

>> No.7100050

none of what you just said was /fa/

>> No.7100075

theres no /fa/ in /fa/t

>> No.7100171
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>tfw average
>tfw insecure around mirrors

>> No.7101360

show face so i can judge, il be honest

>> No.7101362

implying that big nosed kike is perfect looking

>> No.7101367

i am perfect looking
i wish hedi would give me clothes take pictures of me though

>> No.7101368

OP, half your problem is you think it's possible to look "perfect" when it simply comes to down to opinion

Not everyone is going to like you, and not everyone is going to think you're attractive, but on the other hand - plenty of people will, so don't sweat dumb shit like that

>> No.7101412

can you read?