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/fa/ - Fashion

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7096240 No.7096240 [Reply] [Original]

>mom comes to visit
>"anon why do you have so many shoes"
>"w-what mom"
>"i mean you're a guy, why do you own so many pairs of shoes?"
>"i like shoes... is that so wrong?"
>"i guess"

do pleb genes skip a generation or something? or is it really so strange for a male to own around 10 pairs of shoes :l

>> No.7096262

yeah that's pretty gay. Not gonna lie

>> No.7096274


See where I come from being gay means putting your cock in another mans arse.

>> No.7096278

and cockgobbling isn't gay or what?

>> No.7096281

10 is barely anything.

>> No.7096305

Yeah, that's just a step above owning 10 pairs of shoes on my HoMometer

>> No.7096308

Especially in comparison to the 50+ shoes women usually have. Not to mention 100+ purses/bags.

Tell your mom to stop being a nosy bitch and shove your cock up her keester.

>> No.7096311

ikr? but i guess my mom came from a pleb family, class is in the dadcore genes

>> No.7096337

pleb detected

>> No.7096343

lel I bet you only have mall tier shoes and it's gay as fuck
you'd better off buying one pair of designer shoes

>> No.7096348

i only have 5, wish i could afford more

>> No.7096369

not if u dont reciprocate

>> No.7096426

>Someone sees all my shoes, I have over 30 now
>"Anon, why do you have so many shoes?"
>"I have a bit of a shoe fetish, and I mean that in the most heterosexual way possible"
>Usually get a laugh
>Everybody always complimenting my shoes when I see them

Feels gud.

>> No.7096436

if one of those pairs are ricks or boatshoes than yes, you're pretty darn gay

>> No.7096472

Work shoes, running shoes, boots, shoes for leisure, dress shoes, and that raggedy ass old pair that you wear when you got nothin to do, that's 6 pairs without any overlapping functions. It's not strange at all.

>> No.7096489

lol this girl i know at college always comes up to me and asks me what shoes im wearing today
she always asks about my clothes actually

>> No.7096499
File: 138 KB, 579x570, 1367238130202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw no short qt cultured blonde gf that's attracted to underweight metrosexual guys

>> No.7096538

dunno, my mum is pretty "patrician". she works in fashion and probably dresses better than me. she's always encouraging me to buy more shoes but only if they're like alfred sargent, church's or other classic, english shoes. she doesn't really dig sneakers no matter how baller they are

>> No.7096543

are you gonna smash the punani
you should

>> No.7096553

im trying 2 dw

>> No.7096559

you should invite her to see your clothes collection
then smash n bash tha stinky poon :D

>> No.7096560

that bitch notices ur fits m8 shes special u need to make out w/. her on a ferris wheel or some romantic shit like that

>> No.7096600


give her some of ur curry puff m8

surely u got some spare lying around at all times

>> No.7097481

10 shoes huh? Lemme think out loud the largest number of shoes that would be acceptable for a man to wear, assuming a standard job with enough wealth to own a home.

Formal (Black, Brown)
Running (+1 back-up in gym-bag)
Casual (Slip-on, sneaker x2)

= 9
I dunno, Ten isn't TOO many, but it is over the maximum for a stable, well adjusted male. Now, if you're mom is coming over and seeing your closet, you're probably in low twenties and have way too many sneakers, flipflops and think chukka boots are cool. Your mom sees any /fa/ shoe in your closet, she'll immediately believe your entire collection is superfluous and gay.

>> No.7097485

You know what feels better?
Financial security.

>> No.7097492

it depends what kind of shoes. there is nothing more manly then having the correct tool for the job. if you have a pair of hiking boots, then a pair of work boots, then a pair of winter boots, then a pair of sneakers for kicking it, then a few dress shoes for any occasion, etc. as long as they arent just splurges with no rhyme or reason. if you have uggs or some shit, gay. if you just have 50 pairs of sneakers, gay. if you have specific footwear for specific occasions, and a backup, not gay.
tell your mom you just need the right tool for the job.

>> No.7097506

if thats you OP, then your fine. i have 10.

>> No.7097544
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>Tfw no tall qt cultured blonde bf that's attracted to underweight metrosexual guys

>> No.7097558
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what's the point in living

>> No.7097575
File: 99 KB, 500x500, 1365399446265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, that would be considered minimal around here. Not your average pleb even cares about fashion, let alone spends time on internet fashion boards.

>> No.7097613

I have 10 pairs (not counting the shoes I don't wear) and I always feel like I don't have enough

>> No.7097632

plus at least three pairs of boots.

>> No.7097684

your mom thinks you're super gay lel

>> No.7097694



>> No.7097896
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>> No.7098255
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>Tfw no short cultured brunette gf thats attracted to underweight metrosexual guys

>> No.7098271

your mommy would never say that
your mommy would never visit you
your mommy doesn't love your ass

>> No.7098743



>> No.7098753


>> No.7098851


> 1 pair Nike Janoski's
> 1 pair Nike running shoes
> 1 pair Adidas basketball shoes
> 1 pair Chuck's
> 1 pair CDB's
> 1 pair Sperry's
> 1 pair brown Wingtips
> 1 pair generic black dress shoes

So I have 8. Once I get a pair of Wolverine's, 9. I can see 10 being the upper limit of normal for a guy.

>> No.7098859

i know that feel

>> No.7098935

dis nigga need a pair a jays

>> No.7098987
File: 715 KB, 2292x1542, landscapes164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did you seriously just propose a unified theory of an acceptably masculine shoe collection?

>> No.7099022

>I am tall and slender and girls like that

>> No.7099036

shoes are the most important part of a man's wardrobe

>> No.7099256

tfw might have ruined a relationship with one of my best friends because of a miscommunication + extremely intelligent girl

>> No.7099266


if you see this zack i feel gnawingly guilty