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7091449 No.7091449[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Where my asian bros at?

>> No.7091463




if they're so powerful why can't they grammar

>> No.7091471


>> No.7091475

Do West-Asians count?
>you will never have perfect Korean facial aesthetics
>you will wield the Filipino power

>> No.7091499

Koreans have shit facial aesthetics. They just get a ton of plastic surgery.

>> No.7091517

>shit grammar

>> No.7091524
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im not ur bro mate

>> No.7091528

you're not asian your white
get out

>> No.7091529


nice facial aesthetics

very round

>> No.7091537

generally asian are pretty ugly but on the rare occasion that ones does look good (usually because they're only half asian or have really western features) they look goooooood

>> No.7091534


>> No.7091539

you're a cool guy aiouh, i wish i knew you irl.

>> No.7091542
File: 1.33 MB, 835x937, Prada 39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not that round m8

>> No.7091543

>be decent looking asian
>double eyelids, straight nose, high cheekbones, oval face shape etc.
>everytime I pass by another asian dude he gives me the fucking deathstare

fuck off, why are asian guys so fucking insecure.

>> No.7091547

I think the western european features are boring

>> No.7091548
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>> No.7091561

>tfw banana asian and not traditional asian

>> No.7091576

cos ur so pretty and all asian males are scum
speaking from experience

>> No.7091601


stop posting your ugly chink mug everywhere jesus christ

>> No.7091608

half taiwanese half viet master race reporting in

>> No.7091619

that's your personal preference but generally western features are considered the most attractive. that's why all these asian girls have surgery to make them look more wester

>> No.7091623

get the fuck out of here
you must smell like shit because asian bitches usually love chasing white dick like the whores they are
it must horrible to be an asian male

>> No.7091626

south korea is the master race. samsung and hyundai are dominating the global market in everything they do

>> No.7091641


god you make me cringe so hard, this isn't tumblr faggot.

>> No.7091703


im not ur mate nigga

>> No.7091702

That goofy looking motherfucker on the left


>> No.7091812

Tfw no Korean bish to Samsung in my Hyundai

>> No.7091820

>Tfw no Korean to Daewoo your Kia

>> No.7091948
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>> No.7091978


IMO the majority of asians are either super attractive or super ugly

Only a few fall in the middle ground

>> No.7091996

im not ur nigga dude

>> No.7092029

gna miss u bru ;_;

>> No.7092058

>tfw south korean but ugly af

>> No.7092110

stick2clicking m8

>> No.7092113
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>> No.7092180


im not ur dude, pal

>> No.7092204

asians are either ugly or good looking, there is no in between with them

>> No.7092258


>> No.7092295

>be indian
>be part of one of the ugliest races
>but also one of the most intelligent
it kinda evens out

>> No.7092733
File: 2.92 MB, 291x300, stalin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>get random roommate for college
>arrive on move in day
>roommate is total manlet, maybe 5'0
>listens exclusively to lady gaga
>mfw he starts singing out loud even when i'm there
>spends all his time updating lady gaga videos, blogs, and forums
>never opens the window, blocks it off so its dark all the time
>never leaves the room except to go to work/class
>talk like a robot
>has this weird monotone staccato laugh he does on the phone
>gets mysterious phone calls from relatives, tries to explain tech stuff to them but usually just gets super fucking pissed
>snapped his phone in half one time b/c his burrito was made incorrectly
>lived on a diet of exclusively microwave meals that i think he ordered through amazon

filipinos. not even once.

>> No.7092753

> one weird-ass guy who happens to be flipino
> now hates entire race
ahh 4chan

>> No.7092780

>be indian
>hairy but not too bad
>nose isn't too big
>pale skin
>big eyes, thick long lashes
>regular american accent

I got lucky, it could've been a lot worse. I just hope I don't end up looking like my dad, home grown Indian men age like shit

>> No.7092815

i exaggerate, i've met some cool filipinos too.

the only thing i irrationally hate now is lady gaga.

>> No.7092830

I tend to dislike anyone who's overly proud of their race/country or any other shit they had no part in deciding. And Filipinos tend to be the most vocally prideful as far as I can see.

>pinoy pride etc

Or maybe I'm just a racist, who knows

>> No.7092833

I feel bad for you. Americans all think indians are the ickiest. We talk shit about how you smell and are cheap. But that's in retail.

>> No.7092858

sounds like /g/

>> No.7092855

For some reason, I don't count Indians as Asians.
I just call them Indians.
Blah blah I know their country is in Asia. But so would half of Russia.

>> No.7092864

Yeah but that's just prejudice talking, it doesn't really bother me. I'd only care if it was a direct insult to me. There are always exceptions that people don't think about when they're spewing racist smack talk.

>> No.7092879

Indians used to be considered Caucasian on US government or related forms. It wasn't until they complained that they got their own status. When people say Asian I just think east asian or maybe some south asians.