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7090632 No.7090632[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is being an asshole /fa/?

>> No.7090640

It is if you can pull it off by being charming too.

>> No.7090655

No. Girls always tell me I'd pull a lot of chicks if I weren't such an asshole.

>tfw it's not intentional and I'm just shy and bad with people ;_;

>> No.7090656

How does one do that?

>> No.7090678

lol not true

>> No.7090681

are you talking obnoxious overconfident asshole or autistic asshole?

>> No.7090679

Remove the "always" part and it's true. It only happens occasionally.

>> No.7090684

you have to know how to pull it off tho
if youre attractive you can be an asshole for some time but you always have to give love aswell
this is the magical recipe for getting girls

>> No.7090688

Sounds like you're an autistic-style asshole. You've got to be a subtle asshole, like a high-functioning sociopath kind of. Carry yourself like the only thing keeping your egregious arrogance and contempt for people around you in check is the realization that the people around you can be manipulated with your soullessly constructed mask of charisma. Of course no one will love you and you kind of need an angular 9/10 face for it to work or else you're just a cretin no one wants to be around.

>> No.7090689


>> No.7090692

Does the mere existence of high-functioning sociopathy creep anyone else the fuck out

Like anyone I know could be a serial rapist or murderer and they're so good at faking emotions that I'd never know

>> No.7090697

conversation i had with a couple of girls i had a few days ago

>girl 1 - i dont know what it is but im not attracted i nice guys, i like assholes
>girl 2 - yeah, nice guys are boring
>girl 1 - i want to be with nice guys but for some reason i always end up with the assholes

>> No.7090701

i almost dated a sociopath girl

thats actually creepy as fuck
she acted kind of autistic

>> No.7090700

If it's any comfort, I heard that it's something they consciously have to do at all times. Like they can never just learn to do it automatically since their brains straight-up don't get emotions and shit, so they can never wrap their head around it, so they're always doing a performance. If they get sick or injured or have something else on their minds or they're stressed or things aren't going the way they planned they flip the motherfuck out and suddenly it gets really obvious they're a few somethings short of a whatever. Like in a movie when the back guy loses their shit at the end.

>> No.7090708

They're basically the same thing, except from what I've heard sociopaths see everything around them as just a video game to fuck with and autists see it as a TV show that they don't get. Metaphorically speaking doe.

>> No.7090710

How exactly are they different?

>> No.7090711

autistic asshole cant socialise properly

>> No.7090714

Well obviously I'm the autistic kind then.

>> No.7090751

>note: this is pasta

Narcissistic men will be better at building an attractive identity, crafting an alluring image, dressing themselves for maximum impact, and comporting themselves with the utmost self-regard. Women love all these characteristics in men, even if these traits are not societally beneficial in numbers exceeding a tiny percentage of men. A man who is full of himself is a man who is full of women’s love.

You cannot properly seduce women if you harbor illusions about their nature. A Machiavellian Man, owing to his willingness to engage in personally, and oftentimes mutually, advantageous deceits, is a skilled hand in the subtle feints of flirting. No seduction will take full flight without recourse to innuendo and barely concealed intent. The tacitly adversarial quality of seduction emanates from the fundamental premise that the reproductive goals of men and women are at odds, and the Machiavellian is the man best equipped to leverage that sweet antagonism to his ends.


>> No.7090756

The darkest of the three traits. It’s a short neural skip from mostly benign, promiscuous psychopath to Hannibal Lector. What is it about psychopaths that women can’t get thoughts of them out of their heads? Besides their evocation of high status shamans and warriors of EEA yore, psychopaths bring one big advantage to the mating arena that quickly propels them to the top — fearlessness. That dead zone in their prefrontal gray matter means that psychopaths don’t feel much when women reject them. No hurt, no guilt, no shame, no doubt, no anger, no nothing. Imagine the power at your fingertips if you had the ice cold stones to approach thousands of women nonstop without suffering even the slightest ding to your emotional state from any rejections. Imagine that, coupled with this exotic imperviousness, you impulsively hit on any woman who piqued your interest. I don’t think you’ll need a calculator to figure out how fast your notch count would rise given these personality priors. Chicks dig a go-getter.

While the average self-deprecating beta male will find it nearly impossible to reconfigure his emotions and thought patterns to match that of the natural born narcissist, Machiavellian, and psychopath, he has now at his disposal tools and concepts — which fly under the banner of “game” — to inch himself closer to Dark Triad triumph. A small adjustment here, a studied mimickry there, and that invisible boring beta male is suddenly finding that the veldt of vagina open to his predations has expanded in every direction.

>> No.7090782

>How exactly are they different?
you clearly are autistic

>> No.7090798

Well, this thread turned into an aspie convention. This is supposed to be about fashion and projecting an image, not learning how to pick up girls.

The answer is sometimes. It depends on the type of asshole you are, who you're an asshole to, and the image you're trying to paint of yourself. Think of social interaction as a game. If you're the best player around, you win, and people see it. /fa/

But if you autistic fucks aren't the best player around, you know it, and you huddle in the corner hoping for it to end.

>> No.7090804

le edgy face

>> No.7090835

I used to think I'm not an asshole. I felt misunderstood. At some point I realized that I actually am selfish as fuck and don't really care for other people because I'm too busy with my own personal problems. It's not that I don't like other people and want them to feel bad or anything, I just can't really cope with social situations. I feels so exhausting.
Whenever I get to know girls I usually just tell them that I'm a pretty bad person and usually not somebody you want to be around. Interestingly, they don't really care, they actually seem to find that appealing. They think I'm just the mysterious guy who needs their help or something. They feel special, needed and important I guess. After a while they all realize how much I manipulated them into thinking all that when I was just using them.
I can't really help myself, I feel bad sometimes, but then again not really.

>> No.7090867

Be good-looking and give a "Heh I'm joking but can you tell?" smirk.

>> No.7090912

this isnt your personal blog faglord