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/fa/ - Fashion

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7086446 No.7086446[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

my uni accom had a fire drill and every block had to exit and go into the courtyard, i saw a literal neckbeard with a band tshirt, long hair, acne, glasses, blue wash jeans and mountain hiking shoes. i really felt sorry for him because he was on his own and i wanted to speak to him

should i have spoke to him

>> No.7086447

what was the band

>> No.7086475

be kind to the neck beards. They'll never get better unless they learn about the outside world.

>> No.7086486

feeling sorry for people is the least /fa/ thing to do, you're probably a fat neckbeard too anyway so go and be with your people

>> No.7086490
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you should have.

>> No.7086512


i don't know i was so disgusted by his presence i didn't want to look at him, but i felt slightly sorry and wanted to joke with him, maybe he browsed 4chan (probably does)

i was thinking long and hard the other day too. Do you guys think that neckbeards/or people who dress like this have some sort of mental illness. Going into first year uni you KNOW you will be avoided because you dress like a fucking nerd, they could dress differently just to fit in with the crowd but they don't want to, it's like they refuse to and want to be friendless. i honestly think there is something wrong with them, any normal lonely person who is tired of being friendless WILL try to transform and make friends, they refuse it

>> No.7086527


You are the definition of fuccboi
Trying to be above everyone else with false or invalid achievements.
You are no better than the otakus that feel superior to everyone else just because they know about some shitty anime.

>> No.7086532


>> No.7086537

Where's the neckbeard and acne, fuccboi?

>> No.7086546
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the jeans are acne

>> No.7086558


I know you are an autist son, no need to tell me you have it like a cave man
>me autism you bunga bunga

Also defending empathy and social bonds is exactly the opposite of that.
The people who oppose such social values are often atheist and gore enthusiasts.
Guess which kind of people are in that game?
>tips le fedo do

>> No.7086567
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>acne jeans

>> No.7086565
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>> No.7086574


>Do you guys think that neckbeards/or people who dress like this have some sort of mental illness.
I used to dress like complete shit. It was because of complete lack of awareness. I hated clothes shopping; I would just run in, try something on, convince myself that it looked okay and that was that.

>Going into first year uni you KNOW you will be avoided because you dress like a fucking nerd, they could dress differently just to fit in with the crowd but they don't want to
You don't know you dress like a nerd. If I knew what was wrong with me, and how to change it, then of course I would have.

Well of course now I dress well. I don't know what triggered it.

>> No.7086579


protip: they just dont give a fuck

you guys might not realise this... but people who arent homosexual or insecure or so keen to be accepted (/fa/) .... they dont care about fashion or what is "in" on tumblr, and they laugh at people like YOU for exact same reason you laugh at neckbeards

for example if i saw one of you faggots walking around dressed in the latest queer goffninja cape or whatever , id surely make a snide remark about your faggotry to whoever was around

you guys are just too autistic to realise it..
at least the neckbeards know they are losers ... you guys are just pure autistic

>> No.7086632
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>tfw i'm not the only one who thought acne meant the clothing brand


>> No.7086649
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>this is who OP ran into

>> No.7086654


>> No.7086660
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I just figured it was the facial volcano of utter disgust since I've had it myself and therefore acne is forever engraved into my mind as the feel of revulsion and dread.

But yeah acne pants is "pretty bad" too, right?

>> No.7086661


I think half of it is comfort. They're used to dressing in stuff that they think represents them - band tees, geeky tees. And moving to a new place gives people two options - stay the same or reinvent themselves. Perhaps those that reinvent themselves are the ill ones. They're not happy with who they are and want to try to be something they aren't. Whereas the neckbeards get on with it.

The guys I know that developed into neckbeards are the same guys at highschool/college who were in pre-neckbeard mode. They're on the lower rungs of the social order, sometimes out of choice or lack of effort. They hook themselves into some sort of 'niche' because they don't think they fit into society. They isolate away from people not in their niche, and that's where they stay for as long as possible.

I lived with this one chick doing astrophysics. She was straight up bonkers. About 300kg, never washed, into MTG and stuff, and yeah she was a bonafide freak, but I tried to at least talk to the girl. It was painful and awkward, and smelly. But at least I wasn't just another asshole in her life that ignored her.

When I was 4, I was pretty good friends with this guy Ben. I didn't know it at the time, because I was fucking four, but he had some serious mental illness. I never got why his dad was so nice to me, and so grateful I was his mate. He was just ben to me. He moved to special school the year after, so I don't know how that friendship would have carried over years after, but I like to think I'd still shake his hand and say hi if he bumped into me on the street.

Idk why the fuck I've typed all this. But, I guess I'm trying to say don't stop your self from speaking to someone just because they're retarded, gross, or dressed like a cunt. Especially in a new situation like halls. Just be friendly to people, smile, say hi. Don't be friends with the guy. Don't blank him either.

>> No.7086674

>acne pants is "pretty bad"

So you just discovered this board and you are just trying to fit in?
>Hey guise which is the lates clothing diss maymay?
>Am I patrician yet?
>please resbond guise!

>> No.7086680

>never washed

a hamplanet like this couldn't possibly exist


>> No.7086685

You call me the new guy yet you write as if you came in straight from reddit or some other dump.

>> No.7086687

Whenever I see peep toes I want to stick my dick in between the toes and the footbed. Does this thought arouse any of you as well or should I really lay of the porn?

>> No.7086698

I guess if you're into feet, that would make sense. Personally, I hate the sight of feet and/or foot fetish stuff, but I hope that you continue to enjoy them.

>> No.7086701

300 kg was an exaggeration, but she was honestly the fattest thing I've seen under the age of 30 and this side of the atlantic. Kind of like honey boo-boo's mum, but more squished in. And 40% of her mass was her ass. She had trouble getting through the kitchen door.

She was the type of person to have a pixie or some shit as her facebook profile picture, no pictures of her. She did airsoft. She dressed as the grim reaper (not on halloween) and went round the different halls knocking on doors and standing there with a scythe. She revealed one day during a game of I've never that she'd done anal. This prompted many follow up predrink conversations. Turned out her last boyfriend got her to come round, fucked her in the ass, came, and then broke up with her then and there, she had to walk home with a cummy butt (the size of a toyota prius) and an aching heart. She used to sing really loud, which sounds funny but was actually kind of sad. They would always be sad songs. Like blue october hate me, which talks about people hating her today and cutting her self and shit.

On three separate occasions (and these were just the times I ran into them) I came across the maintenance guys either knocking on our flat door, or in her room. Every time they were unblocking her toilet.

She had her own pokemon roleplaying forum. She used to pretend she was pikachu and have relationships with other pokemon.

She walked into my stupidly hot flatmates room whilst she was having sex and stood there for apparently 30 seconds watching.

>> No.7086705

lose weight

>> No.7086708

Feet used to gross me out but i think some reason that's gradually reversed and i'm not really sure how to feel about that

>> No.7086717

I'd rather not have it, it's a bit creepy don't you think?
They generally don't know they dress bad, sometimes they even think they dress pretty fancy. And even if they do, they don't really care about it all that much.

>> No.7086720
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>I hate the sight of feet and/or foot fetish stuff
Have you ever tried being into someone A LOT? Everything you usually find gross or unappealing is just thrown completely out the window.
>normally completely disgusted by feet
>depending on the person, socks can also disgust me
>tfw wouldn't even mind sleeping with her feet all up in my face

>> No.7086722

I dunno, i don't think it's any creepier than anal or anything like that. It's a pretty tame fetish in the grand scheme of things.

>> No.7086732


Feet is definitely creepier than anal. Anal is a natural evolution to sex in my eyes. You like sticking your dick in stuff that feels good. Mouths, pussys and eventually asses.

Feet I do not understand one bit. There's no gratification to be had - It's purely visual, right?

>> No.7086734

There is a difference between
>"I don't try and I want friends"
>"I try but can't make friends"
>"I don't try and I don't wanna make friends"
Usually the last one is taxidriver-core
>you talking to me?
Usually neck beards are the first one
They don't try and don't understand why they can't get friends and stand alone when a fire dill rings and usually blame that they are just "too smart" to have friends or 2b understood
Don't talk to these people
They will try to with you allllll the time

>> No.7086740

No shame in having a fetish, bro. AFAIK, my own dad has a foot fetish, but he's still just a normal guy. Unless you're into vore, scat, or necrophilia, you're still "not weird" in my book.

>> No.7086742
File: 294 KB, 2000x1326, 1359932739094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

foot fetish is fucking normal. it's like the most common fetish

>Personally, I hate the sight of feet
This one's for you ;)

>> No.7086743

I guess that's true, that's pretty reassuring. Thanks anon.

>> No.7086745

those types can either be autistically offensive or pretty cool to hang with.

>> No.7086756

It's not like it's a conscious thing, like a few months ago i'd just look at a foot and think "oh a foot" but now if i see a "nice" one my dick will enlarge. The fact that i've somehow developed a distinction between sexually attractive and non-sexually attractive feet is still pretty weird to me. I have no idea where this fetish has surfaced from

>> No.7086747


Oh no I don't mean it's creepy. It's pretty common - it's just on a different tier to anal, which I think is on par with regular sex.

>> No.7086749

Acne is better quality than balmain.

>> No.7086751

To be with you*
Also no one is taxi driver-core
Nexkbeards think they are and go "ya I don't want friends" then show autism when ordering coffee and start sweating when a girl sit next to them
Neckbeards want friends and gfs but don't try

>> No.7086753
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(i'm not the anon you're responding to anon)
The one "normal" fetish which really weirds me out, even more than feet stuff, is guys being into asian chicks. Fucking weeaboos and their
>mai waifu
>mai petite asian qt
which of course is never more than an actual 4/10 but since she's asian it's a 9/10 for them.

>> No.7086764

Female feet are just as different from male feet as female breasts are from male breasts. I think it's just a case of having one neuroconnector too much turned on or something like that.
I find that people like that generally don't have that good of a personality. One of my best friends is a trve kvlt fatty with überlong hair but he's just an allround cool guy, and despite being fat he does take care of his appearance, he's just a bit bear-y. On the other hand I know plenty of fat guys who aren't interesting at all, and they don't really give that much of a fuck about appearance, now that's where it slips into the terrain of disgustingness.

>> No.7086766


Shit like this really interests me actually. My friend has a rape fetish, and I knew him growing up. He was always into making people jump or panic.

Did you have a particular girlfriend or anything? Perhaps the dawn of high def porn has subliminally made you appreciate feet?

>> No.7086774


You're so spiteful.

I think Asian women can be attractive, but only SEA with darker skin... that's just personal preference, though.

Honestly, I think it's the power of suggestion. I doubt that the majority of people with a foot fetish would sit down and conceive of the idea of a foot fetish without the Internet or other people telling them about it.

>oh hey, it's my favorite pornstar
>why is this video called "Toes Before Hoes"?
>hey, she's doing what now?
>I never thought of that

Curiosity becomes interest, and interest becomes repulsion or attraction.

>> No.7086788

2 years ago I was one of those fatties. I dressed terrible, was overweight and completely unaware. I had some great friends but I was always uncomfortable with myself to some extent. After losing all the weight and lifting (thanks fit) my whole life changed. People that saw me back than don't recognize me today. That being said, I hate people like you. I'm glad you didn't talk to him.

6/10 if troll

>> No.7086793

It's only been in the past few months that i've been aware of it. I'm in a long term relationship and i've noticed that when having sex i've been more responsive to positions where i can touch her feet, like having them resting on my chest and stuff. I don't watch too much porn so i don't think it has much to do with that. I've always been pretty into legs and hosiery so maybe it's just a natural extension of that.

>> No.7086803

90% of the time people enter a socially rejective niche because of stunted emotional development. it doesn't indicate mental illness so much as neglectful, abusive and/or generally shitty parenting. lonely people who don't try to make friends probably had parents who didn't show them love or affection. the worst cases are when other siblings were treated well but one was made a scapegoat. social rejection would sting much deeper for them than someone 'normal' due to the painful childhood memories it would stir up; it seems safer to them not to try at all.

that said, it isn't your problem. i'd say you should talk to him, but be careful not to get caught up. the inside of his mind is probably a very dark place and i wouldn't be surprised if he had manipulative, narcissistic tendencies. learnt from his parents of course. mere acquaintanceship would be enough to brighten his existence. if you let it build slowly you will likely have a loyal friend.

>> No.7086814
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>>oh hey, it's my favorite pornstar
>>why is this video called "Toes Before Hoes"?
>>hey, she's doing what now?
>>I never thought of that

That not the way it works. There are fetish porn videos to satisfy people with that fetish; people don't get fetishes from fetish porn videos.

>I doubt that the majority of people with a foot fetish would sit down and conceive of the idea of a foot fetish without the Internet or other people telling them about it.
Is wrong. I had a foot fetish before I was really into porn. It look me a while to realise that people actually shared my feelings and made foot fetish material.

>> No.7086822

It's basically a subculture, like emo or whatever. Except while emos and other subcultures spend a lot of time trying to fit a certain image, the neckbeard image is defined by not giving a fuck how you dress and just going for what's easy. Like any subculture, it's good for people who want the security of being able to easily make friends with other people of the same subculture (i.e. other neckbeards) who will instantly recognize you as being just like them, and who don't have any particular desire to make friends with anyone outside of it. Different people have different values, priorities, and ways of doing things. If that's how they want to live their life then good for them, I guess, as long as they're happy and not hurting anyone then it's totally fine by me.

>> No.7086826

is it just me or are fat people rude as fuck?
in my experience neckbeards are clueless fucks with no social graces or manners..this one time i was at a park waiting for my friend and had my bag on the other side of the bench and this weird random fatso literally touches my bare upper arm and puts my bag on my lap to sit beside me and just stares..and there were like 10other spots he couldve went...fucking dumbass
and when you try to make small talk with them in lectures they give one word answers and seem really disinterested. like wtf are they giving me attitude for..im just trying to be nice

fat girls are hit/miss. they're really nice up front the first couple of times you chill with thembut then they start trying to pull shit behind your back when they know you trust them..they always have to be the centre of the "group" cause they have no other social validation/romantic prospects

im not the skinniest person out there and I dont mind chubby people(i actually love dating bigger guys) but past a certain point i think it makes them literally crazy (there are studies that confirm this)

>> No.7086823

wait, are you pic related? don't be too friendly then, he is guaranteed to fall in love with you.

>> No.7086827

It took me a while to work out that attraction to pretty feet was something that not everyone had. :^\

>> No.7086832

OP isn't pic related, newfag

>> No.7086836
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>> No.7086841

i think you have to be pretty antisocial to let yourself get that fat
people who care at all what other people think of them don't let themselves become hamplanets

>> No.7086850

I hate fatties too but you seem like a dumbass.
>makes them literally crazy (there are studies that confirm this)
Lets see some sources

>> No.7086853

sorry, wise and noble one.

>> No.7086859

>imagining some random fatty doing what you described
7/10 made me smile.

I think the reason it's harder to figure it out with fat girls is because girls in general love to snicker around each others backs. Gossip and all that sort of shit. The only times I've ever heard real "gossip material", is when I'm with female friends.

>> No.7086863

What about trap fetish? I thoroughly believe that without the internet the number of people wanting a pretty girl to have a penis would be significantly lower.

>> No.7086869

google it yourself jerk

>> No.7086873

research the halo effect. there may be some overcompensation/false confidence happening, but the main thing is that you let a huge amount of shit slide for attractive people.

>> No.7086878

that makes sense

>> No.7086879

>makes claims
>no evidence
l-look it up yourself!

>> No.7086888

ok so youre going to call me a dumbass and expect me to send you links to pdfs that you could look up yourself
my time is valuable

>> No.7086896

>my time is valuable
>is on 4chan
>on the fashion board
either post the source or stop posting "it's tru bcuz research!!"

>> No.7086897

I'm not the person you were replying to. But he is right, you do seem like a dumbass.

>> No.7086926


>> No.7086942

>second result
>"Should Obesity Be Called a Mental Illness? | Psychology Today"
>nope out of there
Fucking 'mericans and their love for Uncle McDonald.

>> No.7086956

it's more a sense that clothes shopping scares them, or is stressful to them, or seems too difficult. some people who are out of shape (or who just believe themselves naturally ugly) will think that clothes can do nothing for them. they might go to a Banana Republic at the mall, try on something that isn't flattering, and then just feel that clothing is not meant for them, and they should just stop trying. some people feel their body is shamefully ugly or misshapen, and wear clothing too large to try to hide underneath it. it does border on mental illness, in my opinion.

also, if you haven't spent some time observing other peoples' clothes, you won't have the knowledge or awareness with which to form opinions about clothing. when I was young I would get dragged into American Eagle by my mum and I just had no idea what I wanted, all I knew was that I didn't want what she was showing me. I also had no fucking clue about shoes of any variety. While it's easy to now take for granted categories like derbies, loafers, chukkas, mocs, boat shoes, brogues, hi-tops, etc., I would have had no clue what any of that meant.

also, there is a sense for some that they "don't belong" in nicer clothing stores.

peoples' minds work in strange ways. Keep in mind that some people come out of elementary/high school so emotionally scarred that they barely function at all socially.

>> No.7086981

OP, yes, give everyone a chance.
One of my best friends looks like a total Neckbeard except he shaves and his sister who is hairdresser sometimes uses him for practice.
My father is his supervisor, then dad asks me "Hey anon, how is person Y?"
Oh, he's a great guy, kinda weird humor (a funnyjunker) but kinda quiet and minds his own business, why are you asking?
Dad: He showed up to work today....
Aren't he supposed?
Dad: ...with a blue mohawk.

If you are going to hate a person. Find your own reason for it. (or in /fa/ terms: Don't be mainstream)

>> No.7087017

today in america we had a school shooting drill

>> No.7087028

In the Now Suddenly Right Wing Extremist Monarchy of Coldfuckistan, we have had ONE such excercise. Somebody was mad that after the Breivik-happening that we hadn't had one at all.

>> No.7087045

Nah they're onto something. Obesity itself isn't a mental illness but the addiction and lack of responsibility that leads to obesity in many cases definitely is.

>> No.7087078

Gotta start the fear mongering early. Maybe get some armed guards patrolling during classes so it won't even be necessary.


>> No.7087076

obesity can be secondary to mental illness too
or maybe that's what you're saying

>> No.7087091

Just give all the teachers guns. What could go wrong?