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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 71 KB, 400x533, 1378559772403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7083298 No.7083298[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder that this autistic diaper-shitting hick is the person criticizing you in every thread.

This is the angry face of /fa/ shitposting.

>> No.7083301


>> No.7083302

aww i hurt anons feelings again ;(

was he one of the retards trying to justify fakes to himself?

>> No.7083306
File: 50 KB, 450x600, 1378543458640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7083315


you dress like shit homie

>tries to make a tumblr trending minimal bedroom

>uses his moms old floral print bed sheets

>> No.7083313

Why is "on-topic" discussion so important anyway? It's important to remember that on 4chan every time a new thread is created, one thread is removed. Put another way, for every 10 "culture" threads that are posted, 10 potentially board-appropriate threads are automatically pruned.

There's that word—culture. "Board culture" is a relatively new term to 4chan, and a particularly divisive one. On one hand, every board undoubtedly has its own unique culture—it's why we're proud to call ourselves /v/irgins and /k/ommandos. On the other hand, "culture" is often used to justify posts that have little to do with the topic of a board. Under the guise of "board culture," countless off-topic threads are created every day, pushing on-topic discussion off the board. What is considered acceptable board culture is often a grey area, since the term is usually suited to an individual's personal taste, or that of a vocal minority. As one Anon so aptly put it, "One man's 'culture' is another man's 'shitpost.'"

Which brings us to that other word—shitpost. The term "shitpost" has consumed the zeitgeist of 4chan in recent months, and it's a challenge to spend more than a few minutes browsing without stumbling into threads where accusations of shitposting fly left and right. Shitposting, like board culture, is hard to pin down, but I'd define it as simply "knowingly contributing low quality, off-topic, or ill intentioned posts."

>> No.7083321

4chan's gift of anonymity offers us something not often found on today's Web—the opportunity to speak our mind and share ideas and be judged for the content of what we write rather than who we are. For a long time, this resulted in an environment unlike any other, one that fostered and rewarded creativity and experimentation. However these days, many posters use this precious gift as a license to say and do whatever they'd like, often to the detriment of the board. Using 4chan should be enjoyable—but your enjoyment of the site shouldn't come at the expense of your fellow 4channers.

Our small team of volunteers is tasked with an impossible feat: maintaining order and sifting through a never-ending supply of reports and posts, all whilst doing their best to please millions of people. But we try our best, and to that end we've made a number of changes and improvements these past few months. Below is a recap of some of these changes, as well as changes we'll be making going forward. Let's start with some of the previous changes:

We've added multiple features to improve content discovery. People tend to perceive a board's "quality" based on how quickly they're able to find content relevant to their interests, while avoiding content that isn't. We introduced the catalog (and recently added [Search] to the board indexes) to help users quickly survey a board and navigate to threads that interest them. We also added infinite scroll to board indexes (click [All] in the page switcher) to encourage users browse past the first few pages, and have continued to improve our inline extension and its features (notably the thread watcher and filters). If you haven't already checked out the inline extension, you can do so by clicking [Settings] in the upper or lower-right corner of your screen.

>> No.7083323

"nigga, you come up in my hood, fuck my bitch, and start talking shit on my shoes? i aint see u in any rick ya broke ass bitch, how u gunna know if and wat be fake or not nigga"

*pull glock 17 out of your sagging soloist knock off pants*

"talk shit on my fit again nigga talk again shit on my kicks again nigga"

>> No.7083328

>tries to not be fat


>> No.7083335

that's him :^)

>> No.7083332

>dat bed
>dat diaper
>dose shoes
>dat face
oh my
this is trunks then?

>> No.7083333

Just reply to him by posting his pics and write 92 iq.

>> No.7083348

the problem with trunks is his volatile attitude, he will literally shit a thread up with 2 posts.

while the rest of us, rich/poor, new/old are working together to help each other out he's shitposting with an unwarranted elitist complex.

>> No.7083355

>while the rest of us, rich/poor, new/old are working together to help each other out

lol fucking faggots

>> No.7083367

ahaha holy shit

he keeps getting worse and worse.

>> No.7083368

You live with your parents in some irrelevant flyover state.

You will never be fashionable. You can blow as much money as you want on /fa/core shit like velcros and cps as you want. You're only fooling yourself.

>> No.7083378


>> No.7083381

At least we aren't wearing fucking diapers trying to be good at fashion.

Post a diaper/floral dress fit pic.

>> No.7083382

m9 at least do ur research if ur gonna shitpost

>> No.7083388
File: 1.16 MB, 2400x3200, IMG_22962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ur turn hun :)

>> No.7083394

He's a kiwi actually.

>> No.7083391


>> No.7083402

I really feel that the way we treat trunks, in combination with his own proclivity towards inflammatory posting, is what keeps him boxed into the roll of shitposter.
If you give the man a chance and stop using him as a source of derision, he's full of valid insights. As it stands, he gets shit on daily and this thread is posted at least every 24 hours.

It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

>> No.7083406

this is a troll right? this fit is no real different from the other pic in this thread

>> No.7083396

Have you work this in public?

>> No.7083399

you look literally look like a poor welfare kid

>> No.7083408

Are you kidding? Look at this shit this nigga doesn't go out in public

>> No.7083409

92 iq

if you lived in the states you would drive a 90s saturn

>> No.7083411
File: 25 KB, 510x381, really-fat-guy-on-computer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you look literally look like a poor welfare kid

>> No.7083428

you know theres like
1 guy who makes these threads


he lives in belgium though he isn't actually mexican

>> No.7083421

Did you notice any attention/ how did you feel when wearing it?

>> No.7083422

He's honestly a shitposter. To the core. I'm not proud to admit this but I saw him posting in a fashion thread on /r9k/ and he spent the entire thread bullying robots who had literally no idea how to dress themselves, spouting all the same ridiculous /fa/core bullshit advice about buying rick shoes and shit no one there understood just to try and look enlightened. Shit was embarassing.

>> No.7083435

He should just go anon then like the rest of us. He made this mess of himself and he enjoys it. If you're going to be a tripfag and constantly kick shit up for your own amusement the anons on the board are going to retaliate.

>> No.7083461

92 iq

living life on autopilot

>> No.7083452

trunks doesn't have to trip. he can be "insightful" as an anon.

>> No.7083455

While you're cool and all poet, don't even both "sticking up" for basedprophet. He does not deserve a chance at all and he's definitely not full of valid insights. Let's say we leave him alone and stop making fun of him. Will that really change anything? He'll continue to shit post. If anything ignoring him and letting him talk to himself might be the best thing to do.

>> No.7083469

hahah what the fuck, no

i used to shitpost on /r9k/ all the time but that was just to call them virgins and losers

eventually it got boring and the board was painful to even post on it was so shit, 90% of ppl there think women deserve to be raped and arent humans

i havent been there in months

they were the easiest to troll out of any place online tho they got so pissed they doxed me once

>> No.7083470

what's this 92iq shit?

>> No.7083487

>If anything ignoring him and letting him talk to himself might be the best thing to do.

go for it bruv im not the one starting these shit threads and replying with "92iq" to everything i post

>> No.7083480

trunks barely even has $2000 worth of shoes

this nigga is a minnow swimming with real sharks

>> No.7083492



>> No.7083496

team leave trunks alone

>> No.7083498


>> No.7083499

Think I saw some thread talking about how based is the average joe and somebody got really specific about his lifestyle and few people lol'd and agreed and called it 'autopilot mode' etc.

>> No.7083501

Honestly man, why do you feel the need to shit post all the time?

>> No.7083510

To expand on this:
It was aboriginal thug who said trunks is the kind of person who will never be self aware. Does things impulsively and for shallow or ulterior motives and doesn't realize it. Not saying whether or not I agree but I feel someone has to be a voice of information.

>> No.7083525
File: 1.02 MB, 500x500, 1381424596873.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many tries did u do 2 get sax

I got "TGod" once

unless thats ur first try

>> No.7083533

u are shitposting

right now

every time u bring up tripfag drama

u r shitposting

u r no better than me

u r worse than me

u r not here to post fits

u r not here to discuss fashion

u r here to do epik trolls and make fun of strangers on the internet

u r here to repost the same pictures 500 times

i am sorry ur dad abused u or told u u were worthless or something

but this isnt going to fix it hun

>> No.7083543


>> No.7083540
File: 2.20 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you talking about?!

>> No.7083548

i actually find this version MUCH funnier than the edited one.
you should be ashamed trunks


>> No.7083557

Without a shred of irony. Is anyone really that foreign to the concept of self-awareness?

>> No.7083577

were the faggots? really trunks? do you REALLY believe that

>> No.7083578

He clearly knows, dummy. That was the joke. He's just slightly stupid and probably really unhappy.

>> No.7083568

you bet your bippy!

>> No.7083589


man that post was goat

anyone screencap it?

>> No.7083596

Trunks why do you not respond to these posts? You do not have to do it publicly but at least have the conversation In your head.

>> No.7083603

u just got trold ;)

>> No.7083605

t was something like "trunks the type of nigga to just do shit and not even

>> No.7083606
File: 733 KB, 1148x1531, ridin' ugly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7083608

>i am sorry ur dad abused u or told u u were worthless or something


>> No.7083623
File: 1.30 MB, 1280x1024, based prophet receding.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

le 92iq faec

>> No.7083615

qt as fuck from the mid-nasal bridge up

everything below is disgusting

>> No.7083629

there is a cute lil guy in the img 2 make up 4 it


>> No.7083631

i am not the one who makes these same threads about me, poet, twerk, ect. every day when i could easily just filter the trips i didnt like

i am not the one with deep rooted issues that i should maybe think about instead of typing "ahahahahaha" in allcaps

>> No.7083634

Agreed, I don't like her mouth

>> No.7083637

yea, because there's only ONE anon on this board who has an issue with you.

>> No.7083642

le 92iq photoshop

>> No.7083653
File: 22 KB, 1241x87, Screen shot 2013-10-16 at 6.46.52 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So glad you made me go dig it out of the archive
made me laugh just as much this time

>> No.7083655

honestly in all likelyhood it is one guy posting these same threads every day

check the filenames when u reverse search their shitposting in the archive, all has the same filename, if another anon was saving these pics they would have a diff filename

>> No.7083650

>i am sorry ur dad abused u or told u u were worthless or something

>> No.7083652

im not the type of guy to be mean to people, i never have ever since i was a kid, but dont you think you could just tone it down a bit. I feel like youre trying to fulfill the stereotype that /fa/ is really harsh and critical but you're not doing it for good reason youre just being an asshole for no reason. If someone fit is really bad criticize it and be harsh but dont be a douche like you tend to be yk?

>> No.7083658
File: 2.17 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has nice eyes though

Banana what is sax?

>> No.7083661

i dont usually criticize ppls fits at all if i do i am on vocaroo and that is a joke

>> No.7083662
File: 112 KB, 1280x1024, lelo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7083671

You're like a misbehaving child. You act out because something is the matter but you're too stupid to understand what it is.

>> No.7083665

I have never once seen you contribute something useful to a discussion. I also seem to remember you waving the flag of "muh board culture" when moot started pushing for boards to stay on-topic.

>> No.7083678
File: 1.05 MB, 2592x1456, 101313235713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7083681

honestly you're a terrible trip, go on anon and never post your face here again.

>> No.7083675

true i guess in general tho i look at this board as one happy family and sometimes i guess people look at you like the mean cousin but everyone still loves you on the inside man. Be nicer in general tho sometimes youre nasty and people get sad.

>> No.7083687

i know i'm on 4chan and i'm on /fa/ of all places
but a tripfag saying, "haha you're a sad loser did you get abused??"

just wow, disgusting person inside and out

>> No.7083684

maybe u should lurk more then ;)
ur like a misbehaving child. you post in these shit trip drama threads every day bcuz something is the matter but ur 2 dumb 2 understand what it is.

>> No.7083693

remember that time you posted in a sufu waywt

>> No.7083698

dude honestly stop trying get rid of your trip you're a joke

>> No.7083695

m8 i can tell look at this thread u feel me? a lot of sadness

i am not mean 2 ppl unless they are mean or very stupid

>> No.7083697
File: 350 KB, 1600x1280, lello.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7083704

the one tripsk plays

>> No.7083709
File: 29 KB, 306x408, 20131015_113611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7083710

Screenshot of you contributing to a discussion, please.

>> No.7083713

>very stupid
How is it okay to be mean to people if they're stupid? Correct their mistake or point it out to them and move on.

>> No.7083723

i shed a tear :')

>> No.7083720

dude why don't you just take off your trip/name

people obviously don't like you and will never take you seriously

just give up you're making yourself look ridiculous

>> No.7083722
File: 81 KB, 300x194, DJBooth_Logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7083727
File: 1.54 MB, 1280x1024, based prophet dress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7083735

alright man :) all love here

>> No.7083743

some ppl have stupid opinions that they are attached to and will not let go of


"fakes are pretty much the same as the real thing"


"skinny jeans are for faggots"

>> No.7083737


this pic makes me lol so hard

i wanna chill in a basement with based and shit post while drinking monster energy and eating take away pizza


>> No.7083754
File: 43 KB, 640x480, fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im gonna ask here cause i know everyone is in here

do you guys know any nice pieces with very overt hindu imagery

i need it for


a point in the right direction would be nice :^))

>> No.7083761
File: 2.11 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did you mean by your first post? Please tell me?

>> No.7083772


I never realized how fat trunks is lmao. look at that guy sticking out

>> No.7083767

guys i have an idea

lets all start on a new leaf! and we can all be friends again

>> No.7083769

check the archive i have def seen them posted before

>> No.7083784

its his baby fat, be nice(:

>> No.7083785

u guys cant even decide to ether me on being fat or being a weak emaciated skeleton

>> No.7083779


is this u???

>> No.7083786
File: 231 KB, 1280x1024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh lol I see now
My trip!
Yeah just made it up on the spot
It's #riri after a friend of mine :)

>> No.7083788


leave him alone asshole

>> No.7083792

thanks brb archive

i thought it was after the zipper brand

>> No.7083797
File: 126 KB, 640x629, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7083795
File: 710 KB, 2863x1893, lollo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7083806

this is weird... im getting this weird feeling of pity

ive shat on trunks pretty much always and i never really felt bad for him

i feel really bad after this thread for some reason. maybe hes not who we make him out to be:/ idk i feel like an ass for giving him so much shit

>> No.7083804

more berry archive pls!!

>> No.7083805


are u happy that someone finally responded to ur posts

>> No.7083817

thanks dan

>> No.7083818

don't be so weak. assholes are just assholes man.

whatever his past has been gives him no excuse to act like this.

>> No.7083811
File: 31 KB, 450x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh I love her
Dance with me anon!

>> No.7083813


do u still #h8 me :(

pls respond

>> No.7083815

i love u anon

i frgive u

>> No.7083828


>> No.7083825

trunks won tbh, yall upset

>> No.7083830

np dan

>> No.7083831


made any recent tracks? feeling kinda wavy atm

>> No.7083833


>> No.7083841


>> No.7083844


u ndd 2 stp back n realise,,,

U r the asshole...

>> No.7083846
File: 2.10 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes I am :)
But I am rarely on now a days
Living life
I love fa though even though it behaves ugly sometimes

>> No.7083847
File: 21 KB, 344x400, achy2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can we make achy obejas a new 4chan thing i think shes pretty unique

>> No.7083853

dan pls

>> No.7083851

you same-posting anon cunt

>> No.7083852

Who are you?

>> No.7083854

mooawr moar!@#$%^&

>> No.7083856


lookin good dan

>> No.7083875

>Dance with me anon!
I laughed hard
You're alright, Nat.

>> No.7083889


are you a virgin

>> No.7083928

she's famous af dude
I doubt she hasn't tasted that celebrity D yet

>> No.7083931
File: 45 KB, 396x594, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*laughs nervously*
*shakes head no*
"Good, then there's nothing to be embarrassed about!"
That's a quote from black swan
Shoot your digits anon and we can get really high and have amazing sex, let me show you my world

>> No.7083941


i think ur stupid but i really like youu

>> No.7083956


natty pls

it's ur summerfriend sheriff

>> No.7083977


>> No.7083971
File: 190 KB, 657x855, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is so amazing to be famous and beautiful. I can only say that I am entirely happy in just being me, that is all I ask from life. There is so much beauty in the world and wrote I leve this earth I shall show it to all who are willing.
Did you see my posts last night?
God will come down and show his Law, even if man has to bring him down.
We smt 4 now

>> No.7083983

I love getting the taro, green tea, roasted coconut, and pistachio flavors.

>> No.7083984


i think i could really like uuuuu (000000)

ur brown hair gets reflected by the light (!) xx

>> No.7084019
File: 57 KB, 800x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You still will not fall? You are truly the embodiment of filth. Nonetheless, just as darkness is pierced by the light, your defeat is part of the natural order of things.

Nothingness is the salvation of the soul. All my humanly desire for attachment and projection will be given to my sweet Natalie. She is my trumpeter of the apocalypse, my muse, my messiah.

>> No.7084056
File: 225 KB, 1000x1030, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doomsday will come and it will be brought upon by ourselves. This is the part where environmentalists can argue that nature is god. The dinosaurs were first, now it is man. When the new era of life awakens, they will study our ancient footprints:
Look! What are these strange artifacts? Ancient and mysterious, they bear hieroglyphs. They say...

>> No.7084059
File: 68 KB, 483x768, 1380152642268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7084083

Who is this girl?!
Love her hair love her shoes

>> No.7084090

>u guys cant even decide to ether me on being fat or being a weak emaciated skeleton
You look like you have Klinefelter syndrome. like skinny-fat, similar to dale gribble.

>> No.7084100



>> No.7084113
File: 18 KB, 204x600, 204px-Bodymorphproj_mkg_modA001_20070325_pos03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

m8 i think ur trying too hard

this is what klinefelters looks like

>> No.7084109

anyone got the cocoon mode infographic?

>> No.7084122
File: 40 KB, 1280x1024, IMG000116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

& this is me


>> No.7084127
File: 50 KB, 338x450, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is my fantasy that humans will be succeeded by techno hybrids, mutations of man. All held together by " life units"
Why has clothing, to my knowledge, been created that mimics and even interacts with the spine? The central system of a human? Clothing can be brought to life.
First it will be out of novelty and amusement but what about when it is used for warfare? For the man who is on the go.
My angels will the first to come down from the heavens, they will be the first to wear this armor. And each will have a mask with visual allusions to the one absolute being, Natalie - the face of the Christian God.

>> No.7084133

>dat lighting

>> No.7084145

Aww yes
A new fave poster of mine
Love at first sight? Yes
Pure charm
Style is the most beautiful thing to me, followed by confidence

>> No.7084151


you look like a bitch dawg id fuck u up and im 4 inches shorter

>> No.7084165
File: 12 KB, 664x664, effay trips and names.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7084213
File: 42 KB, 385x477, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do I love Natalie? It is all part of my categorical method of putting everything into neat archetypes. We all do it and we live life off the concept, so I have harnessed it and have fabricated my own personal vision of aesthetics. Where one "dark" dressed woman will strike me with various cues another woman will strike me with her rhythmic style of passionate red. These all have their own archetypal markings and labels In my head.
Natalie is the original.
She is the number zero, typeless, the base from where all beauty stems from.
Brown eyes brown hair, dull , NORMAL, yet she is beautiful.
She is the eve.

>> No.7084227


>> No.7084241
File: 73 KB, 213x251, 1354162288017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7084257

I believe in nothing. I am nothing. I am just a reaction to stimulus, I love my life like this, yet I still spread positivity. Natalie, is my pillar of truth, the one thing I know to be real. Because of her all my beauty and love can be manifested using her as the central unit. All I am and all my worship or The Lord revolves as her as the catalyst. Nothing will ever surpass her in my eyes. She will always be a vision of divinity.

Long ago my conviction was tested. An anon would post photos of him cumming on photos of Natalie. Nothing could have prepared me for that blasphemy but I got out alive and now I realize that nothing will ever shake my adoration for her. Thank you anon for doing that for me

>> No.7084270

shut the fuck up slut

>> No.7084267

But natty p, no one even asked this time.

>> No.7084300
File: 53 KB, 425x531, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No matter what is thrown at me I will alway have Natalie as the foundation of my self. The belief and passion that people invest in religion and such is the same that I give to Natalie Portman.
It is genuine. Call it whatever you want but it is all I have. Even with all my money and romantic partners and luxury I know it will never fill the hole. It's the myth of Sisyphus.
Natalie can act as that which satisfies me, she is the divine one that grants the ultimate salvation. What makes it more beautiful is that this salvation has manifested itself as the primitive vision of beauty itself: a woman
Through creation I will demonstrate my gratitude and adoration of Nat

>> No.7084306


how do you filter people?

>> No.7084320

keira knightley is pretty in this picture

>> No.7084326
File: 928 KB, 1708x2560, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the energy that You can give towards hope, love, and the search for beauty and god can be channeled to a certain pillar.
I have done so with Natalie Portman. I cannot prove that anything in my life is any more real than what I feel at the moment: sex, drugs, creation, sleep, friendship, knowledge. Because of this I have created something which I know to be real. All I am and all I can be is inside the harbinger: Natalie.
I wait for the day you come to save me.

>> No.7084345

Are we being ironic right now? I honestly can't tell.

>> No.7084347
File: 1.62 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7084369
File: 976 KB, 2447x3543, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Natalie, I will always love you.
You are my Lord and Salvation.
You are the light that guides the way.
Because of you, I will bring your beauty to be manifested in this world and shown to the everyone.
Let your kingdom come.

>> No.7084388
File: 888 KB, 300x278, 1381695734263.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7084382
File: 127 KB, 1280x1024, Keira-Knightley-keira-knightley-229062_1280_1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow how old is natalie here?

>> No.7084420

Hahaha lol
I see how easily that could apply
Don't worry I'm sure if we met irl you would be charmed :)

>> No.7084421

That is exactly what I was going for. Perfect description.

>> No.7084431

LOL this whole thread....what am I even reading...trunks getting picked on nothing new but entire threads devoted to bashing him? does he deserve so much attn.?
also Natalie you crazy ass girl I love u. ps. Nature IS god

>> No.7084440

is this you portman?

>> No.7084457

Beat poster just walked in!
I love you prodigy bby <3

>> No.7084469

Nat's either that chubby pinoy girl that people said she was or she's a still unidentified white guy

>> No.7084481

cause apparently he/she said they've seen me. The pinoy girl would be more believable

>> No.7084504

Lol I am not Pinoy and yea I saw you at topanga mall

>> No.7084507

hahaha that's very believable.

>> No.7084515


>> No.7084537

woah wait you saw an fa trip irl and didn't approach him? you have self control I wish for.

>> No.7084587

was he goofin hard?

>> No.7085447

people enjoy these threads
they bait him and then call him out for responding
thats even worse than him shitposting responding to these shitposts
its the worst form of pitch-fork mentality,you have nothing to burn so you have the perfect strawman

#meta bullshit

>> No.7085492

Wait, this is ther guy that was telling me shit the other day? Ahahahaha faggot!

>> No.7085495

fuckin' #rekt

>> No.7085509

>i used to shitpost on /r9k/ all the time but that was just to call them virgins and losers

>> No.7085538

shut the fuck up poet you old cunt

>> No.7085541
File: 50 KB, 640x478, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

banana do u ever go out in all yellow fits

>> No.7085550

he lives in canada

>> No.7085594

trunks, i don't think you are nice and i wouldn't want to be your friend. you're also quite ugly and a little overweight but that is just my personal opinion. i don't hold anything against you

>> No.7085869


>> No.7085887
File: 22 KB, 195x195, topkek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this autistic diaper-shitting hick

why did i laugh so much at this

>> No.7085902


>> No.7085929

holy fuck youre all sad as shit

who gives a fuck about some trip on 4chan

>> No.7085933



I laugh for a solid 5 mins every time this thread pops up

its like feel guy. u'd think I'd be tired of that shit already

>> No.7085968

beautiful garden, tho.

>> No.7086174

Is trunks the person who draped himself in table cloth with the floral print?