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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 861 KB, 508x767, pEScgMT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7077423 No.7077423 [Reply] [Original]

what games are /fa/ to seen playing?

>> No.7077427


>> No.7077430

>tfw you get kicked out of the lumiose boutique
Anyone know w2c a leather jacket in that game or is it a npc thing?

>> No.7077434


>> No.7077443


>> No.7077440

this, but you can't be trying hard in Dota

also some phone ports of games like Final Fantsy

>> No.7077458

check my dubs please

>> No.7077477


>> No.7077490


>> No.7077515

check these

>> No.7077522



>> No.7077528

dorf fort
Europa Universalis 3
Pool of Radiance
Star Control 3

>> No.7077526


>> No.7077534


lmao those are sperg tier kill urself u unfash piece of shit
on topic shadow of the colossus

>> No.7077737

how the fuck do i get into the Lumoise Boutique
no matter what i do this bitch says im not stylish enough
i just want to cop dope fits

>> No.7077749

The fuck?
Games are for children.
You have life to entertain you now.

>> No.7077760

>Games are for children.
obviously someone born before 1985

>> No.7077782
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>tfw not 17 forever

>> No.7077781

No, I just grew up...
Once you get a real job you will understand...

>> No.7077787

Fucking laugh out loud

Did you finally score 20 hours a week at some retail?

>> No.7077798


tfw haven't played mount and blade for a year

>> No.7077799


CRPG??? :D


>> No.7077803


>> No.7077805

Now we know where neckbeards get their ideas from.

>> No.7077819
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pls be in na_1

>> No.7077862

my nigga

i havent played crpg in a few months but when i did i was on all day and shiet

my guys name is zesu ill go on tomorrow, its almost midnight here

>> No.7077886

Only /fa/ games are games that require high APM and skill.

Like speed Tetris. I play an obscure Korean port. If you never played speed tetris, check out Tetris sprint. A good time for 40 lines is 1:30

>> No.7077901
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I just started again last month. I'll be the 2h hilt-slashing agi whore on the top of the board B)

>> No.7077913

>tfw australian community is dead
we were the best in the world

>> No.7077982
File: 439 KB, 297x535, Dick Ovens DRKSLS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no one mentioning Dark Souls

>> No.7078007

you've got it backwards m8

any game that requires you to be 'in the zone' is pretty un/fa/

>> No.7078012

>tfw spent a week destroying australians after their server opened w/ ~150 ping


>> No.7078034

i havent gotten pokemon x/y yet but do any of u guys kno if there are any dope #sandninja fits

>> No.7078039

check out mah stacks

>> No.7078046


dota 2

>> No.7078064

i play league of legends

it is my only source of income so i can buy those sik clothes and yea.

>> No.7078076

Since it went free to play, nothing else compares!!

>> No.7078090


chess in the public park vs black homeless guys and elderly white people.

>> No.7078092


>> No.7078116

Actually just started playing Terraria again. The new updates kinda cool. Also hop on BF3 when I'm bored.

>> No.7078205


3/10 not /fa/ at all, re-examine the contents of your hard drive and the quality of things in your life.

>> No.7078257

The Walking Dead (Telltale one)
Yume Nikki
Time Crisis 2 at the arcade
Pinball games at the arcade

Pretty much it.

>> No.7078275


Post a fit fuccboi
You probably play maplestory or some shit

>> No.7078312

>implying I have a hard drive like some pleb shit
>not knowing I have a 1tb ssd

>> No.7078346

ps2 games for singleplayer
gamecube games for multiplayer
newer consoles shitty
previous too hipster
pc to nerdy (as much as i love it)

>> No.7078716

halo 3 to destroy newbies, lol for when youre playing with friends and gmod zombie survival for when youre lonely

>> No.7078728

an ssd is a hard drive
they dont make 1tb formfactor 2.5 yet

your macbook will bottle neck any SSD even an ocz vertex 1 from 2008 HARD

you don't even need an ssd with what most laptops from crapple ship with hardware wise

whats the point of throwing r-compounds on a geo metro? (macbook)

if you throw r-compounds on a track car, that actually sees wheel spin at speed ken block's subaru wrx sti for example

then yeah, tires or any unsprung weight modification will drastically affect the way the vehicle handles (ssd on a desktop PC with an oc processor, usb3 connections, and enough ram to move data)

>> No.7078738


>> No.7079157

sieg posting knowledge

>> No.7079164


>> No.7079166
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Probably this or Into the Void

>> No.7079183
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JRPGs on your PSP

>> No.7079187

Into the Void is a movie by Gaspar Noe, The Void is a video game developed by Ice Pick Lodge.

>> No.7079191 [DELETED] 

dat feel when I see people on /fa/ playing a game my brother made. made me smile.

>> No.7079196

That's Enter not Into bruh bruh

>> No.7079199

Well fuck, but yeah it's a pretty /fa/ game.

>> No.7079219

Style Savvy: Trendsetter

>over 100 hours

Get on my lvl

>> No.7079223

This is probably the best one.

>> No.7079227

Great game, don't be seen playing it.

>> No.7079237

yeah i'm all over that
cou;dn't fuck /w p3p tho
playing tt:luct atm, just at the start, but i am so shit at it

>> No.7079246

thanks bruh's.

>> No.7079476


>> No.7079536

civ 5

>> No.7079813

Currently, GTA V, F1, and sometimes Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit. Once the PS4 drops, I'm going to get Assassin's Creed 4 and Need for Speed: Rivals. I became a casual gamer ever since I got serious with college. Now that I graduated and have a job, I average about 0-8 hours/week of gaming.

>> No.7079848

protip: there are no /fa/ games

stop being nerds and live your lives in the present you fuckers

>> No.7079885


>> No.7080103

pokemon y

>> No.7080112


I still play games though...
I live in an un/fa/ city.

>> No.7080116

Played a 3 hour game last night.
Year 1995 AD, at war with Isabella, and she offers peace, Im like, okay.
I accidentally give her my city because it was a city state once, and I thought it was a peace offer for that city state at a quick glance. All of it for nothing.

>> No.7080118

Sudoku crossword

>> No.7080123


>Stop enjoying vidya!

I play like maybe 5 hours a month. Pls go

>> No.7080141
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/fa/ as fuck

>> No.7080178
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Nigga, you on a fucking anime website, you ain't no alpha male.

>> No.7080268

Add Hakblar on shitbox live if you're looking for someone to play GTA V or BF3 with.


>> No.7080275

JRPGs are the only /fa/ games.

>> No.7080284

does anyone have the shoop of this that says "Euphoric"?

>> No.7080962

You play this shit? What room?

>> No.7080976


jesus that's good

>> No.7081000


>> No.7081170

hats all day every day

>> No.7081274


One of the most autistic games of this generation. Would still play, though.

>> No.7081321
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I usually just have a DS Lite + supercard ds one with me, depends if I think I'll be waiting around a lot. I usually choose something that's easy to put down so I don't get too absorbed.

Some of my favorite games to play when I'm out in public

the 100 classic books collection on ds
professor layton
fire emblem
kinda silly but i play taiko no tatsujin ds with the stylus, songs are usually pretty short

I've noticed that if I ever play old school Pokemon I get a lot of comments/approaches from people. i don't really know if this is a good thing but pokemon is such a passive game it's great for being out and about

>> No.7081350
File: 80 KB, 184x184, 50c80a1add62d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you're trash

Tf2 is the fps for people who are shit at fps games.

>> No.7081370

dota 2

video games

>> No.7081375

not if you do scrims

>> No.7081376

Samsung Evo is available in 1tb you stupid pleb

>> No.7081390

>he doesn't play high open at the minimum
>he only plays in pubs
lol scub

let me guess, you aren't on a team in cs:go either and you're barely dual AK?

>> No.7081415

My favorite games are
dota 2

Operation c

Zombies ate my neighbors
castlevania 4
Any resident evil previous to 5
N64 zeldas

I hate anything turn based because it's too slow. I think only people with poor reaction times play them.

>> No.7081429


>> No.7081433
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>no results

Indie games are the only /fa/ games since they aren't "hard"(core) as to scare away people who don't even know what a Mario is. They are also usually small, unique and are more or less simple to play.

>> No.7081425
File: 1.10 MB, 1920x1080, shot1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i didn't buy clothes for a while a copped myself a noice pc with the help of the nerds at /g/

been playin some games i missed out since about 2006 i guess, i didn't have a console for this gen

so i've been playing gta 4 with some nice mods and it looks pretty cool

>> No.7081435

Dude did you cop those trees and buildings in the distance from 1995

>> No.7081438


nah man playing indie games is like copping brandless second hand stuff at the shit bazaar down the street

>> No.7081440

If I have a hobby I go hard.

I bet you own a squire and can barely play chords.

>> No.7081454

>indie games
>blocky colorful 16 bit games with some ambient soundtrack
so original and unique~~~

>> No.7081455
File: 1.14 MB, 1600x1200, intelhdgraphics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you'll never do 5 man PuGs whilst leveling again
>tfw you'll never raid MC/BWL/AQ40/Naxx with 40 of your guild mates again

kill me now

>> No.7081458

Lahey didn't invent shit lists

>> No.7081448

is this a deliberate trailer park boys reference?

>> No.7081450

Video games aren't /fa/

I really pity anyone who thinks otherwise

>> No.7081451

Interactive fiction can be pretty /fa/. You have either older stuff (anything non-Zork from Infocom is bound to be /fa/, as well as the explosion of underground IF in the 90s like Photopia and Anchorhead) or newer weird IF by Porpentine and whatnot.

>> No.7081460

Not all of it is anime related tho, and he never claimed to be alpha. we just like clothes and being social. that isnt what alpha means

>> No.7081470

ah, ive heard hit list before, but only heard shit list from Lahey

>> No.7081465

the best years of my life were lived in a virtual space

>> No.7081479

Tfm confirmed for best game. Play that shit every day.

>> No.7081483

Okay, have fun playing Dark Souls with the fuccbois.

We're not talking about hobbies here, anon, we're talking about what's /fa/ and not. Playing, "hard", for example Brood War, is not /fa/.

It might be too weird with text adventure games since they can seem obscure, but I see your point.

>> No.7081484
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haha shit i didn't even realized how bad they looked till now tbh

i guess you don't notice them while in motion

>> No.7081489



>> No.7081491
File: 626 KB, 1920x1200, cave-story-3d-shinonoko-japanese-artwork-poster[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like indie games because they tend to be short, so I can get a full game experience without the massive time sink.

Recently finished Cave Story+ for the first time. Might play it again and get the better ending. Mark of the Ninja is also excellent, as well as Hotline Miami.

>> No.7081492

Fallout: New Vegas is the only "/fa/" game
Video games in general are not "/fa/"

>> No.7081506

fuck off you fucking retard. why do you namefag?

>> No.7081507

Damn though, the lighting makes up for it. I had it on PS3 and I don't think it had colored lighting.

>> No.7081516

Fallout is bro teir, not fah.

I like new vegas but it simply isn't /fa/.

>> No.7081511
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I haven't tried Hotline Miami yet, is it worth playing?

>> No.7081517

It's the fucking shit man, get it now

>> No.7081529

Fallout is severe fedora shit. It combines a generic "after the apocalypse" setting with le classy gentleman 50s trappings, all within the neckbeardiest of genres, RPGs. Just because this is a video game thread doesn't mean that shit isn't embarrassing to admit to playing outside of /v/.

>> No.7081540

Games where you have to figure shit out on your own are /fa/

resident evils

I can't shoot more sunshine and rainbows up pnumbras ass.

>> No.7081552

I like the western aspect of it, actually. I grew up watching westerns with my grandpa and reading lois lamour. The idea of a new wild west is appealing to me. And I like classic country. I'm an Arizonan btw.

>> No.7081556

Yes I would say so. It's a real experience.

>> No.7081561
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>> No.7081569
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Super hexagon

>> No.7081565

I can't see how it's fedora-tier.
It's just a nice western game with some Nevada desert vibes to it.
You guys take games to seriously.

>> No.7081574

The civil war barely mattered in the west. Arizona territory was on the Souths side though, which is sweet because we hate the northeast.

>> No.7081577

>this the excitement of waiting to get home to play WoW or RO with your friends and then talking about it at school
I miss these days

>> No.7081580

Rez hd

>> No.7081599
File: 152 KB, 720x480, Amala-Temple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SMT: Nocturne is /fa/ as fuck

>> No.7081652

>spending weeks wiping on a boss
>down it
>hear cheers of joy over vent/TS
>you will never feel this feel again


>> No.7081700
File: 500 KB, 470x296, tumblr_lnwy9d0X5u1qh2mpqo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not?

I played css pubs with the same guys every night in hs. I don't know the wow feels.

tfw knifed the awpfag

>> No.7081725
File: 39 KB, 378x386, sadboyz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Play at i40
>Get a 1v4 clutch on CSS
>Screaming of team mates and people standing around us at the time
>mfw I won't ever feel this feel again,

>> No.7081742

Clutches are amazing every time.

I once one deag'd 3 guys in a row at long hall and clutched.

>> No.7081748
File: 78 KB, 400x890, 66-pe-aya-brea5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Parasite Eve. Aya is always fashionable.

>> No.7081752

I remember the times when I used to frequent the arcades. Playing the Initial D, winning them races, crowds all over muh back watching me.

Feels good.

>> No.7081757

I miss CS:S.
The feeling of going on MIRC for high+ and realising there was only 4 other teams looking for games.
Playing semi-pro leagues, then realising you really aren't that great.

Tfw it will never happen again.

>> No.7081798

I always liked doing a 2v2 man-fight.
>all 4 guys sneaking
>listening for a jump
>getting stuck on a prop and dying
>getting sniped 10 seconds into a round
>knife fights

I used to be so fucking good at knife fights they were my favorite.

>> No.7081834

thps games are most /fa/
most creative game ever

>> No.7081950


Alien Garden
Deep Contact
Deus Ex Machina
Trigger Happy
Font Asteroids
The Intruder

>> No.7081969


Lullaby for a Dead Fly
Pencil Whipped
Go Fish
Tropical America
911 Survivor
Escape From Woomera
Graf War
Left to my Own Devices
Waco Resurrection: C-Level
Samorost 2
Super Columbine Massacre RPG!
The Endless Forest

>> No.7082008


Airport Security
Armadillo Run
Line Rider
game, game, game and again game
The Marriage
Torrent Raiders
Glum Buster
Gravity Bone
I Wish I Were the Moon
Nom 3
Life is a Race!
Randy Balma: Municipal Abortionist
Seven Minutes
Tension a.k.a. The Void.
The Eggyard
The Graveyard
The Night of Bush Capturing: A Virtual Jihadi
You Have To Fertilize the Egg
And Yet It Moves
Blueberry Garden
Don't Look Back
Every Day The Same Dream
Evidence of Everything Exploding
Sidequest: Text Adventure
The Path
Today I Die
Cart Life
Sleep Is Death
Thomas Was Alone

>> No.7082034

fogot Heavy Rain and Deadly Premonition


Scrape Scraperteeth
Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP
Swashbuckel Ur Seatbelts
Sweat Life
Ulitsa Dimitrova
Art Game
Bientôt l’Été
Dear Esther
Papo & Yo
The Unfinished Swan
Walden, a Game
Kentucky Route Zero
That Dragon, Cancer

>> No.7082059



Holy shit I forgot about that

By the way, are these games all good or just "effay"?

>> No.7082072

just effay
I just got them from here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Art_game#List_of_arthouse_games

>> No.7082090
File: 106 KB, 1024x768, nodm9_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dune II (Genesis)
Shadowrun (Genesis)
Super Hexagon
Various roguelikes

>confirmed for older than everyone except poet

>> No.7082092
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sometimes i get tempted to play stuff liek touhou and dorf fort and quake again but i know it'll ruin my work ethic

jelly of anyone who play a lot of those

>> No.7082097


>> No.7082098

never played touhou/dorffort

>The graveyard
that isnt even a game tho lol

>> No.7082095

I wanna start playing 2hu because Reimu is hot.

>> No.7082101
File: 209 KB, 345x484, stop posting this picture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont give me this feel pls

>> No.7082111
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>tfw spent months looking for these
>tfw absolutely no hope
>tfw went through a gorillian pages with Japanese text and shit
Fuck 2who

>> No.7082112

old news, brah

>> No.7082138

muh stem omg

>> No.7082142
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Games are for kids, anyone who sees you playing something thats not the latest call of duty or gta will probably think you're a virgin loser. I grew out of them long ago, yet still tons of adult men on here play pokemon and defend it as if it's the best thing they've done in their sad lives. lel

>> No.7082143
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>tfw this will never fucking be a reality for me
might as well kill myself now

>> No.7082165


there's always bigcartel tho ;)

>> No.7082178

I saw that a while ago, is it any good or is just like cafepress aka a shit?

>> No.7082182

its independent people for every diff url so its hit/miss
the hentai tees come from givecchi.bigcartel.com
i don't know any other stuff like it

>> No.7082197

oh shit, no way

>tfw got the cheap $27 knock offs
oh well

>> No.7082305

Apparently it was sold here.

>> No.7082391

originally here http://www.askmakura.com/peromado.html
(that's just the Madoka version though)
Been out for a while.