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/fa/ - Fashion

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7070568 No.7070568 [Reply] [Original]

/fa/, what do you wear to parties?

I've got a pretty good body, and was wondering is it better to dress more on the /fa/ side, or just try to show off gains with tight shirts etc?

are tanktops acceptable?

>> No.7070572
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same shit i wear anywhere else

>> No.7070589

nobody cares about your gains

what kind of parties do you go to?

>> No.7070595

fuccboi general?

>> No.7070604

>going to parties

>> No.7070605

Trust me bro, you want to look good at parties but you DO not want to get your shit fucked up or be worried all night about people fucking up your shit.

Put together a party fit that fulfills these conditions
-Comfy as fuck. No shit you have to carry around and worry about or potentially have to leave somewhere and worry about
-If you were in a situation where puke/liq gets on it, you can have it good as new (would be hard with delicate rick stuff, white stuff etc)
-shoes that can tolerate getting stepped on or look better dirty

I wore geos to a party.

I spent all day sat in corner drinking brain fluid making sure nobody stepped on my shoes.

And they got fucked up anyway. (fell on the sidewalk)

tl;dr wear shit that can tolerate a beating and washing

>> No.7070606

shit that i don't mind if it gets fucked
like i don't wear cdg i wear uniqlo

>> No.7070614

>Uniqlo Mountain Parka
>Plain oversized black sweater
>Black tee
>Zespy Pants
>Black Canvas mid-tops

>> No.7070618

black jacket or cardigan or s/t if it's real cold (bomber or overshirt or cardigan)
white tee
black jeans/chinos
black nikes

>> No.7070639

>went to a house party in dbss
>house was nice, had to take shoes off and leave at door
>got too drunk and passed out, woke up next morning
>shoes gone

and thats why i never leave my house

>> No.7070647

hahaha shit you;ve definitely posted this before

>> No.7070648

Guy in /fa/ feels thread just posted about how he got to a house everyone took their shoes off but he had new MMMs so didn't. He puked on them later in the night and hasn't worn them since.

>> No.7070657
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ill never forget

>> No.7070662

w2c basics online in canada

>> No.7071438

fuck asians/jews that make you take your shoes off. and fuck shoe thiefs. i've lost a couple pairs myself, nothing more than 1-2 hundo though. DBSS are high on my wish list, would never let them leave my sight or my safe.

>> No.7071487

Where do you live? It's common courtesy not to fuck up somebody's carpet, and I've never had my shoes jacked.

>> No.7071494

lol dude

>> No.7071524

typically when you go to dorm parties or some such shit where not everyone knows eachother

>wear docs to dorm party
>insist i dont take them off because they take like 20 minutes to put on and take off, they arent dirty anyway
>host reluctantly agrees
>pass out that night with a bunch of other people on a bed with my feet hanging off
>wake up the next morning with one boot half undone
>2 people had their shoes stolen, some vans and a pair of clarks

dorm parties not even once

>> No.7072495

that fucking sucks dude.

>> No.7072499

fucking gross

>> No.7072503

>stealing shoes off peoples feet
why I didnt wanna live on campus and thankfully got a house w/ friends and avoided all dorm parties

>> No.7072507


I am worried about this. I don't want to wear my most valuable shoes and jacket to a party in case someone jacks it

>> No.7072517


Also, about showing off gains: If it's warm outside, I usually wear a polo shirt. But on all other occasions I wear /fa/ stuff. People can usually see your broad shoulders anyway.

>> No.7072518


babying rick sneakers is stupid anyway tho bruh

they always look better beaten to shit and still resell for at least half the retail value in that condition

>> No.7072649

depends on the party. if you're going to an art gallery showing, an after party at a private members club, a dinner party hosted by someone dignified etc.. then you probably want to wear your best, most expensive looking shit or maybe even a suit

if you're just going to some pleb fucking "house party" with a bunch of 18 year old, meme spouting, tasteless cretins with the aim of getting "laid" then it doesn't really matter. just show off your gains, they'll probably be most impressed by that tbh

>> No.7072681

A girl threw up on my Undercover Rider and Scab jeans last year. The dry cleaners did a pretty good job and there's only a tiny bit of discolouration. Even so, I'm only wearing Uniqlo , N&F and maybe a tiny bit of APC to parties from now on.

>> No.7072718
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>shoes that are fast to take off and to put on for smoking purposes
(i don't live in a shitty 3rd world country where you keep shoes on inside)
>nice clothing that isn't hard to clean, cause drunk people usually spill shit all over the world

also parties are great places to meet new people.
so you should dress like yourself, to give the right first impression.
here's something i wore last weekend.

>> No.7072745

good advice

>> No.7072749

Wear whatever the fuck I want because my friends are dignified enough to not throw up on themselves when they drink.

Is everyone on /fa/ 15?

>> No.7072748

>would not drink beer with and have a smashing time with

>> No.7072772
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and then you take it off