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/fa/ - Fashion

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7068651 No.7068651[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Alright /fa/, I have to do this real quick like while I still have the balls.

I am a fashion retard. I've recently dropped from 220 pounds at 5'4" to a much more reasonable 130. I'm still chubs as fuck but that's being fixed as we speak. I've had to completely turn my life around to get to this point and now I've hit a speed bump in my road to self improvement. I have no idea how to dress myself, what kind of hair cut to get, or how to do anything associated with make-up.

Now I've been full on cocoon mode battling with self inflicted depression and anxiety for the past two years and it's finally time to put myself out there. I've gained a lot of confidence and love my personality but my self image is poor. This is the next big issue to tackle if I want to be a fully realized person. I get it that most of you guys are men and you know what looks good on a woman. What path do you think I should follow? For now I've mostly just been picking up pieces that I enjoy but most of them are printed ts. I can't afford more than one piece a week, tops, but I can slowly build up a wardrobe.

tldr; fatty starting from scratch is totally directionless. Let's play dressup!

>> No.7068653
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Here's my other outfit. Yeah I know my pants are baggy but they're leftovers from the era of obesity.

>> No.7068660

Great job on losing that weight.

Read this before you listen to /fa/

>> No.7068676

the fit of your pants makes you look like a lesbian, I don't know why but the first thought I had when I saw the picture was "lesbian pants".

Also I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that based on what you've posted so far you should probably throw away every sweater and t-shirt you own

>> No.7068674

you need to incorporate more black drapey garments into your wardrobe

>> No.7068697

/fa/ - Makeovers

Congratulations on the weight loss.

What kind of style are you looking to get into?

>> No.7068715

get rid of those sweaters and get some jackets and better fitting pants.

>> No.7068729

I second this. Throw out every graphic t-shirt you own. Just, do it.

For starters, part your hair on the side for now. Go to a reputable salon and have them wax your eyebrows. Go to a makeup store like Sephora, have them give you a "makeover" and hook you up/teach you how to apply things like foundation, ect. for an everyday look. Be very vocal about your preferences and any questions you have. Don't invest in any clothes yet if you're going to be losing weight, but maybe post some pictures of looks that inspire you so we can steer you in the right direction?

>> No.7068733

Alright! Giving it a read now.

Black is boring. As much as I'd like to look good I feel my best when I'm wearing something loud that makes me stick out. I'd hate to feel like a "basic bitch". My confidence comes from the idea that as long as I look like I own it I can make it look good, for me at least.

Haha! I'll try and rock the lesbian look at Neo on thursday. It's 80s night and I have no idea what to wear but my mother is from that era so I'll just steal her shit. If anyone lives in Chicago and wants to party hit up Neo with me on Thursday! I dance hard and drunk.

So far people are just telling me to throw my shit out. I appreciate the responses but wow they are not helpful at all. Should I just go around naked then?

>> No.7068740

grats dude
what i could recommend from my own experience:

1. absolutely no rushing, it takes a bit of time to figure out what you like. just start making mental notes of what you like in outfits, save photos you find fashionable, window shop.; eventually that all adds up. 3+months later, if you can review what you saved up and think "wtf was i thinking this fit kindda sucks" that's progress

2. get more money, you'll feel way less anxious about spending on clothes. could be finding a better job, could be as easy as slimming down your grocery bill.

3. feel free to shop for basics and then slowly replace them with higher end stuff. in the end, having a small, versatile wardrobe beats a large closet of mediocre clothes

gl b proud of uself

>> No.7068755

Shirt looks bad. Especially with that sweater thing. The pants don't fit you, they are baggy just below the knee.

Try and build outfits with a few basic colors and make sure everything fits well. Monochrome is usually pretty easy to pull off. You can branch out to more interesting pieces when your basics are well fitting.

>> No.7068775


black is slimming (relevant to your case) and mysterious. black is powerful like a uniform.

>> No.7068781

Alright. First of all all you're dressed in is shit. Really. My advice is: cop some Topshop black skinny jeans, or cheap monday if u got some extra cash, + buy an oversized top, a sweatshirt, like grey blank one. You can even go with a guys garment until you lose those extra kg's. Feet: cop some sneakers or Hi Top canvas shoes, look at comme des garcons or chuck taylors.Don't buy anything expnsive until u reach the desired weight.

>> No.7068782

Skinny jeans or leggings with oversized sweaters is a guaranteed way to look really cute as a girl

>> No.7068806

Still you can buy some dope shoes/sneakers. Your feet will always ne the same, +-5 killos don't play role here.
Save and cop some designer boots. It will be your first grail.

>> No.7068808

Throwing on random colours like that is loud, yes. But they don't exactly go together. Learn some colour co-ordination first (it's in the sticky)

The whole black drapey thing is most likely a reference to the goth-ninja style but in general, a black drapey garment naturally fits females pretty well and is a safe choice, maybe you could layer it if you think black is so boring

>> No.7068828


>> No.7068840


Are you French? Add me on skype and I will critique all your outfits bb

>> No.7068832

Mysterious is nice, but I'm not a mysterious person. My face is an open book and so is my personality.

This I can do. My black skinnies are worn to shit from working in them for the past year and I've been eyeing cheap mondays for a few months now just waiting to be thin enough to cop.

Thanks a lot for all of the advice so far, I really appreciate it. So far my priorities are:
1. Keep losing weight
2. Get some well fitting pants
3. Look into oversized sweaters
4. Part hair sidways (I've been avoiding it since that was the style I rocked as a fatty teen)
5. Get a store like Sephora to show me what's up with makeup
6. Watch people for styles I like (hard to do at community college)
7. Shoes. Canvas sneakers and some boots for winter.

What else to add to the list? A haircut? I really like my hair so I don't want to shave it off or anything drastic. Maybe just getting layered would be enough.

>> No.7068843

hitler youth

>> No.7068846

>Black is boring. As much as I'd like to look good I feel my best when I'm wearing something loud that makes me stick out. I'd hate to feel like a "basic bitch".

It's a common beginners mistake to associate standing out with wearing garish colours and patterns.

You should probably concern yourself more with the fit an silhouette of clothes before you go too loud.

>> No.7068841

Your hair is fine, it looks greasy though

>> No.7068853

you might have the face to go lescore if you get down to like 105

>> No.7068862
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Dumping qtp2t grills

>> No.7068874

where's the big bad wolf?

>> No.7068868
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>> No.7068883
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>> No.7068877
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>> No.7068881


I get that. That's a legitimate critique and I want to thank you. Well fitting is probably the most important thing I need to work on. I'm a little scared to jump on anything that isn't loose or something that I could pull off when I lose more weight. It's a hard line to balance on. I'll try some more monochromatic pieces.

Any idea where to go to try some things and see what looks good? I live in the Chicago suburbs and Woodfield Mall is the closest shopping center to me. Mall fashion is cheap but I know it's harder to find things that will last or fit well.

>> No.7068893
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>> No.7068889
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>> No.7068900

Big jaw, small nose? I'll look into this 'lescore'. I always thought I had a shield like man face.

>> No.7068915


Don't be afraid to buy things online even if it's just to try them on. I hate shopping IRL because malls are usually complete shit, and most places have free shipping and returns.

>> No.7068910

"loud" is dangerous territory as it can easily come off as obnoxious. i only know very few friends who can pull off heavy patterns and colors, but that's because they're eccentric to the point where it's appropriate. as for bright-ass colors, pls don't

black works great for balancing out patterned pieces, and you don't need bright colors to make a wardrobe colorful

read this it's hella useful (cant post cus duplicate file)

>> No.7068911
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i love this bitch her style but i hate her smug.

>> No.7068912
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>> No.7068922

That's some top tier advice. I just wish I had some people like you around to shop with me and teach me these kinds of things. It's true what they say about making friends as you age, it gets harder and harder. Try and guess how old I am, no one seems to hit it on the head.

>> No.7068917

For a beginner, while you're just trying to figure yourself out and don't want to drop a ton of cash, try H&M.

>> No.7068921


>muh fall clothing except heres a skirt and stockings

dont get me wrong the fit looks fucking great its just ridiculous

i feel as though the gap the skin creates is imperative to the look though. im torn on this

>> No.7068929


her style isnt anything special, just an oversized parka and some docs

her face looks piglike as well

>> No.7068926

i want to marry this girl ;////////;

>> No.7068934

tfw no gf

>> No.7068935

that out fit is rubbish

get a skrillex cut and an iphone and youre good, just buy whatever clothes are hot (read marie clair or w2hatever magazine is aimed at your age i dont know what that it)

>> No.7068937

Also Op
check out this thread for inspo

>> No.7068947
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>> No.7068943

why are you posting this on a fashion board....

are you trying to troll her..?..?..

>> No.7068945


You now realize that girls don't even have to try. Oversized clothes? Girls can pull it off. Clothing that's too tight? Girls can pull it off. Clothing with masculine traits? Girls can pull it off

Doesn't matter if it doesn't fit or if it looks manly, a girl can pull it off

>> No.7068952

- Lurk here on /fa/
- Lurk other places (not sure what best grill forums are)
- think about silhouettes and color palettes
- buy only simple pieces for now until you really know your style
- don't fall into the trap of buying cheap shit - you will always regret it. whatever your budget range is, opt for fewer, higher-quality pieces.

good work, and good luck!

>> No.7068956
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>> No.7068964

why don't you just dump in the girls thread?

>> No.7068966

hory shet dats gud

I don't usually like /fa/'s grill inspo, but that is fucking amazing

>> No.7068969

Oversized parkas are adorable. Any idea what to look for when buying one? I was planning on saving up for a winter coat and I think parka is the way to go. So a parka for outerwear, what to put underneath? A pair of canvas sneakers, probably hightops because I love running around and jumping on things and the ankle support is lovely. A nice pair of boots for a grail as well. Black skinny jeans and leggings for the legs. Never worn leggings before so this'll be interdasting.

>> No.7068977
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Well, depending on what your target weight is, you may want to hold up on buying anything too expensive. Head into town one day and go to topshop and H&M.

If you think 130 is where you want to be, consider heading to Barney's. I was actually just there on sunday because my brother was running in the Marathon. I copped some acne jawnz(not sure if they stock fem acne) and the employees were not judgmental. I'd recommend heading in to just try on some jeans to see what fits well. You don't need to buy anything.

lurk female inspo threads to see what kinds of styles you may like.

>> No.7068973


girls definitely do have to try, just not as much as men

people think that girls have an easier time dressing themselves to look a certain way, which is true. for every 1 male clothing store there are 20 female ones. however when it comes to QUALITY clothing there are about as many options available to both sexs. females just have to sift through more garbage store and brands to find decent stuff

>> No.7068975
File: 57 KB, 500x750, 1326016033781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck!!!

what is going on!!

everyone here is so stupid!

what the fuck are you talking about!!!!!

okay ill answer cause you wont realise (too dim :^()

what you mean is youve seen one or two pictures of girls dressing in clothing thats masculine and oversized which are always reposted (you probs dont know that though) and youve assumed they can pull it off lmao (though youve never seen anyone do it in real life)

women have it easy, they can pull off anything!!! see, even menswear, look, look at my pic for proof!! i found it on tumblr (i have 3 followers and follow 6 blogs that were on the recommended page)

>> No.7068981

OH also there were a bunch of chubby asian fuccbois in givenchy when I was there lel.

>> No.7068984


i like these




>> No.7068993


holy fuck stop overreacting what is wrong with you

>> No.7068995
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refer to kasia struss, freja beha, and arizona muse

>8+/10 Girls can pull it off.


>> No.7069002

im enlightened

im cleverer than you

>> No.7069003

130 is amazing compared to 200 but I think I'd look best at 105-115. You can't tell because my clothes are baggy, but I to lose the weight I lifted weights like a motherfucker. Squat and deadlift are up to 2 plate. I have big quads and a large ass from the deads and lunges so fitted pants have always been a bitch to find.

Also I'm not sure you can tell from the baggyness of my clothes but I have man shoulders and a man jaw. Very masculine features all around. Do I play off of this or try and hide it?

>> No.7069036

if u drop down to 110 i think it'll be less noticable

where is that photo of that girl who went from frumpy 130 to a petite 110 a thigh gap?

>> No.7069040
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Another question, is there any way to pull off the shirt? I really, really like it. My sister just got me this shirt as a gift as well and I'll need to wear it around her. How do I pull this off, just to at least let her think I think it's awesome. (secretly I really, really think it's awesome)

>> No.7069041

nerd faggot

>> No.7069045



>> No.7069059

Raglan helps to tone down broad shoulders. Don't try to show off cleavage, because, frankly, you don't have much lol. Buy some crewneck sweaters.

>> No.7069055

he was bein ironic

>> No.7069066

please b in london

>> No.7069062

i was bein ironic

you are v. cool

>> No.7069069

Go all black if you want to pull of something that loud.

>> No.7069077

pls b in north Cali

>> No.7069089

Not related I know but where to cop a shirt like that in good quality?

>> No.7069084
File: 114 KB, 500x498, 1372880591075.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dress like a woman and you can get real men.
You'd think this to be a simple concept but so few understand!

That means dresses not pants. Long dresses not the short slutty stuff. Coordinate your colors.

Go for minimal makeup. Keep your hair healthy and long.

Care enough to properly pronounce words.
Bathe. Shave. Save.

Throw out your television set and ignore popular fashion forever.

Hate me now. Thank me later.

>> No.7069085

This may accentuate your broad shoulders. Graphics can make you look childish a lot of the time. Of course, rules are meant to be broken and if you don't try and fail a ton of times, you won't learn what truly works and doesn't.

>> No.7069095

i missed this epic meme!

>> No.7069098

I have a gap at the top of my thighs already with my knees together so I know I have wide enough hips for the gap. It's great inspiration to continue to lose weight that's for sure.

Hahah it's so true. I have no chest and what is there is ruined from weight loss. Loose skin abound! It's disgusting hahah. So another point to add to the list, avoid showing cleavage. Thanks anons! You've been so helpful.

>> No.7069110

is this a guy or a girl?

>> No.7069111

Matt, you always show up in threads like this because you want to prey on insecure fuccgirls.

>> No.7069122

I've lurked /fit/ too long. Tinytrip pls come back.

The first one is really nice but that's more than two paychecks for me. The second one is good design wise, I really like the pockets but I wish it came in green. Green eyes just make me way more drawn to green. The third one seems like the best option. Time to get saving! Thank you anon.

>> No.7069117

he's just an autist attention-seeking tripfag who likes to show off his dick on /soc/
not to mention he dresses like a complete fuccboi and knows nothing about fashion

to answer your question, I think that good looking girls and boys both have it easy. But in order to really look good, it requires time and dedication
The girl in this pic >>7068911 wears a basic fit, she really isn't taking any risk there. You'd look good too wearing a parka, skinny black pants and docs. nothing awful, but she doesn't really look good imo

>> No.7069131

it's meant to be with your feet together not knees bby
you live in the US right? i dont wanna recc you european brands if so

>> No.7069140

Knees together is feet together if you're standing. I don't know how else you're going to get your knees together besides pulling some crazy drooping shit.

>> No.7069136

good post i rate it good

>> No.7069144

i do know about fashion

>> No.7069148

I'd guess that you're in your early 20s

We were all badly dressed at one time and it can be a minefield especially on /fa/.

If you're still planning on slimming down more I'd shop for fairly decent quality basics that are relatively cheap. When you reach you're ideal invest in good quality basics and progress from there.

In the meantime research and browse, use the internet a lot. Find out what you like, whether it's certain garments or styles, this will give you a clearer idea of where you want to go and how you want to progress your own sense of style.

>> No.7069150

Look around on lookbook

>> No.7069170

ALISON!!!?!?!!!? !!!! ????? ?!?! !! ?


>> No.7069204


>> No.7069206
File: 110 KB, 640x480, 1376747440115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you sure do you fat nerd

this is the last answer you'll get from me

mirin tits btw

>> No.7069211

yung lean?

>> No.7069209

fucking terrible
this is pretty bad as well it only gets reposted by entry level plebs
are you fucking kidding me
ok nothing special
same with this, the outfit itself is pretty sub par and the only good thing about it is the girl is pretty and good quality photo
ew again so boring and settling for "acceptable"

you have shit taste anon

>> No.7069213

yung lean?

>> No.7069219

oh shit did this thread just get interesting??

>> No.7069227

yung lean?

>> No.7069236

would milk dry

>> No.7069239


and on that note thank you /fa/, you've really helped me out and I think I have some good sense of where to go from here. You guys are no where near as dickish as I thought you would be.

>> No.7069242
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but i didnt ask you a question?

what are you a retard?? huh? you retarded bro? you a special needs kid? a spesh? a spaz?
theyre pecs made of muscle and fat i bench 200


>> No.7069247

you already said your name when he said that


>> No.7069254


fatass fat ass
stop posting so much m8

>> No.7069264

what are you gonna do if he doesnt

lil punk

>> No.7069269

I actually really like this fit, even though its pretty generic.

the long cardi helps tone down your shoulders, and I like the colors.

>> No.7069271

I'd just really like to know someone on here. That'd be so cool. What're you, anti-fun? Nasty ass fun hater git out of 'ere.

>> No.7069276

>git out of 'ere.

mom help

>> No.7069279

>being this fucking thirsty

>> No.7069284

im gay

>> No.7069299

(I'm waiting for you to ask me what your last name is)

>> No.7069304

Hagan. Don't even care if troll.

>> No.7069306


>> No.7069308

it's /MFA

MALE fashion advice on reddit for a reason bitch

>> No.7069314

Oh shit this is what I get for trying to do this while getting ready for work. 2LATE4TAKEBACKS.

>> No.7069328

Idk but you can have mine bby ;)

>> No.7069334

i dont know what youre talking about and i know know if you understood me

i meant you said your name was alison before he said your name was alison

>> No.7069335

im not her

>> No.7069347


>> No.7069353

helders can bench press the fat bitch in OP's picture

yall niggas get domme'd by a 130pound 5'4" bitch

>> No.7069442

have you been drinking again??

>> No.7069456
File: 233 KB, 160x160, 197400271.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god fucking dammit matt u piece of shit hahaha

>> No.7069460

thanks sieg

ive been drinking reality for 2 months. and now high as fuck

>> No.7069707
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>> No.7069720

>118 replies

>> No.7069723


good jb

email fan art to chilldude372@gmail.com

>> No.7069725

Simplify the line work in the upperlip and philtrum.

>> No.7069734

I can agree with others but 5's look'in good. Just screams student in Paris. Course the look would probably be wasted on the plebs in Dakota CC or wherever you are.

>> No.7069731


>> No.7069753

yeah man i feel embarrassed for saying i thought it was good now

made myself look like a r8 plab didnt i

>> No.7069754

Definitely get a different haircut. Maybe something at armpit level with some layers in it. Ask your hairdresser to teach you how to style it/watch youtube tutorials.

>> No.7069757
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>> No.7069763


my quads are beigger than that though

>> No.7069770
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>> No.7069788

its okay art is for nerds i think

i wish the text said bald :(

>> No.7069790


the greatest image this board has yet seen

>> No.7069791

you know why you come off as an imposter as soon as you post? No regard for full detail or continuity.

>> No.7069804


>> No.7069809

i did it rlly quick and i'm pretty sure it's always been more than one person

sorry tp disappoint u anon-lun

>> No.7069848
File: 56 KB, 610x364, le-matt-bald.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The things I don't do for you fuccbois..

>> No.7070084

baldboi wud hav been better imo

>> No.7070215

im bored im gonna make a utube vid ask me questions ill anser the next 3 iu get if i get 3 and upload the vid today

>> No.7070218

tlk about drugs

>> No.7070272

making vid now reply and ill answer

>> No.7070463

talk about ur dik

also what does sttb mean i forgot

>> No.7070480

talk about what celebrities u would rail

was it u that was gonna rail that 15 year old off tumblr? talk about that

talk about how much u hate obama

>> No.7070481

talk about the norse store scam thing

>> No.7071880


>> No.7071925 [DELETED] 

Shoe collection thread. Still need something for the winter, either boots or sneakers that can take a beating. Suggestions?

>> No.7072067


was talking about milking those man tits dry, but yw tity boi

>> No.7072118


>self improvement
>I have no idea how to dress myself
>it's finally time to put myself out there

I recommend reddit ffa.

/fa/ is more like r malefashion e.g. it's more of a hobbyist thing and you'll probably end up looking retarded if you listen to us too much.

>> No.7072180

You know what that's not a bad idea. Just got home from work to see where this thread went and yours is a good post to end it on. I thought you guys would be good for a no bullshit/feelgood kind of response and for the most part I gathered a lot of helpful information in that regard. Thank you /fa/, you're not bad people.

>> No.7072560

/fa/ has the worst tripfags. The good ones are so apart. Pretty depressing. Please don't respond.