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/fa/ - Fashion

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7066714 No.7066714[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What jobs are /fa/?

What do you do for money?

>> No.7066718

Private detective probably the most /fa/.

I'm a geotechnical engineer, i play with dirt all day.

>> No.7066720

The best job is being part of the land-owning gentry or whatever your local equivalent is.
When you own other people's homes, they have to go out and work a job to pay YOU for the right to live there. Meanwhile, you do nothing but change lightbulbs, unclog the occasional toilet, paint between tenants and collect a small fortune in rent checks every month.
You can sit on your stoop in the morning cold and sip a honeyed chai as you watch them file out of your building in grey suits and march to the subway like zombies.

Buy Land.

>> No.7066728

just started a minimum-wage-slave retail job at Santoni
gotta be wearing a suit and shit all day erry day
and jesus help me if I don't shave for more than two consecutive days

>> No.7066724

But then, you either have to be born into money, or you have to get a lot before you can buy land.

At least in the UK, that's true, land is so expensive here.

>> No.7066734

>not being a chef

>> No.7066730

holy shit thats a good idea

>> No.7066731

It's a lot easier in America, methinks - there's simply more land and less of an established landlord hegemony.

>> No.7066735

Except you're talking NYC, right?

>> No.7066741

True, i mean if you look at the space of a general house in America compared to the UK.

US 2,300 sqft
UK 818 sqft

>> No.7066746

You can run the game anywhere in America where there's desirable property, I really believe that. You acquire the capital to make the initial purchases by working for commission and selling homes/renting apartments.
I think it's the best option for true freedom in a late capitalist society.

>> No.7066744

I'd love a job where i would wear a suit everyday.
Fuck my Walmart/ASDA job.

>> No.7066753


Why do anarchists drink green tea?

Because all proper tea is theft!

>> No.7066760

Oh yeah, it's possible, sure. But this is the first time I've heard someone talk about there being "more land" in relation to New York. Versus like rural north England.

Why do you think it's better than other sitting investments - high yield international CDs, silent partnership in a business, etc?

>> No.7066773

fashion designer
other type of artist
cashier at rick store
catholic missionary

>> No.7066777

is that what you do for a living, poet?
also, you seem really friendly and like a genuinely good guy. i like that.

>> No.7066778

Or, less exotically, a laundromat?

>> No.7066781

Worked 6 months this year as an engineering intern, starting full time work after I graduate this year.

Been working casually at a butcher for the last two years too.

Very un/fa/
But I guess the money is /fa/

>> No.7066796

I work in a restaurant in both the kitchen and washing room. Not that effay but a shit ton of free food and all the quality coffee I can drink and the pay is of course pretty good.

>> No.7066802

Studying to become a teacher.Don't think beang a teacher is /fa/.

>> No.7066807

It's better because land, well chosen, always increases in value - they aren't making any more of it and its value tends to increase in accordance with inflation.
I don't know much about other forms of investing but I've seen a lot of people lose a lot of money on stocks and it's kind turned me off to it. I like a solid, steady investment.

>> No.7066822

I'd say architect, lawyer, sth in a bank or maybe work in a high-end clothing/jewelry store.

Damn, I love suits.

>> No.7066820


Me too m8
5 years in school and I get paycheck similar to a fucking construction worker

I really do love teaching tho

>> No.7066826

man I don't know why, but I always thought u where a socialist
I'm guessing I was wong

>> No.7066847

>work in a high-end clothing/jewelry store.
if you're just selling the stuff, and nothing to do with the creative or business side of it, then its not /fa/ at all. you're just a glorified shop assistant. couldnt think of anything worse either, you couldnt even be rude to them.

>> No.7066860

heroin addict prostitute

you know this to be true.

>> No.7066864

People always group me in with the commies because they think "intellectuals" (for lack of a better term) always check that box.
I do believe in social welfare programs and the like, I'm all for gay rights and women's choice, but I also love guns, BBQ and various elements of the patriarchy.
I think there's a very poisonous dichotomy at play in the world today - it's assumed that if you buy into one belief you buy into all the rest. Beliefs seem to come bundled, nowadays. I see it in the news and in various forms of discourse and it kind of bothers me. It's being used to divide us and keep us atomized, powerless.

>> No.7066869

>be a chef de partie in a michelin starred restaurant
>work 6/7 days a week
>16 hours a day
>eat fuck-all, only coffee and cigarettes
>trying to teach three young commis chefs to be proper pastry chefs
>shout and slap them all day long
>they treat me like a god
>talk to myself all the time
>haven't slept more than five hours a night in the past 4 years
>going fucking insane

but i fucking love this

>> No.7066870

>I think there's a very poisonous dichotomy
based poet. People often think too binary. you're either this or that. and if you're either one, you're signing up to it in everyway

>> No.7066876

you've been insane for at least the last 4 years dude

>> No.7066884

Aight, yeah, I see what you're saying. But honestly, how can you enjoy "various elements of the patriarchy"? OT af, but I'm curious

>> No.7066885

a relative of mine owns one of the largest estates in scotland. got loads of little farms and villages and stuff on it that he collects money from. apparently all the tenants hate him though. w/ever, he seems to enjoy it. quite an elitist guy though, naturally

>> No.7066905


>> No.7066900

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't enjoying the experience of being a tall, dominant white male of reasonable means in an unfairly skewed social system.
It's nice to have a leg up on the game of life.

>> No.7066916


Still have 3 years ahaead of me and the pay in the beginning sucks, but I live in Germany and after you get your status as a civil servant is quickly becomes better.

>> No.7066917

Yup - If I were to actually vote once in a while, I'd find myself wondering which one of my beliefs I'd like to betray. There's no middle of the road anymore.

>> No.7066928

>very poisonous dichotomy at play in the world today

Nailed it.

> It's being used to divide us and keep us atomized, powerless.

Nailed it again.

>> No.7066940

In America there is nothing but the middle of the road. I'm German but even the Democrats are far too right wing/conservative for me. Your voting system basically promotes mediocrity and big muddled parties with no real agendas.

>> No.7066951

I think American politics have been getting increasingly conservative and bent to the 1% over the last 30 years. Hell, Reagan looks like Jimmy Carter compared to the way Obama has deployed our military and deregulated various financial sectors.

Obama's not a Democrat. He's a moderate Conservative at best.

>> No.7066953
File: 63 KB, 854x471, Image 2013-06-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i like the patriarchy

wow see if i invite u to my nxt bbq

>> No.7066959

Cheers, mate. Nice to see I'm not alone on this.

>> No.7066957

I suppose designer or CEO of some Paris/Milan based fashion house.

>> No.7066961
File: 10 KB, 400x400, politicalcompass.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think a good way of looking at politics is on a scale like the political compass provides (see pic). Left or right wing should only really refer to your views in relation to the economy. You could possibly be described as right leaning with socially liberal views.

>> No.7066966

Not the whole patriarchy. I just can't lie and say I don't enjoy some of the benefits, even if I disagree with it in principle.

>> No.7066975

I teach Koreans English via skype about 50 hours a week, as well as attend uni.

>> No.7066986

Yeah, politics in first world countries in general are developing more and more to the right, that's what constant fear mongering will do to people. And everything is about fucking money these days, and good business legitimates exploitation of all kinds, responsibility is abandoned.

Every time I take that test I move closer towards the bottom left.

>> No.7066989
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k ill reinvite u
i make my own bbq sauce btw

>> No.7066996

Will there be pork ribs?
Well said.

>> No.7067003

I'm a curator at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. I love my job. Actually, I love my job so much I would do it for free.

My job isn't really /fa/, though. I am supposed to follow the museum's bland dress code.

>> No.7067011
File: 312 KB, 534x767, House_Of_Worth_1882_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh man, I bet you get to see all kinds of wonderful vintage couture... Most of the stuff they have isn't even on display.

>> No.7067017
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Oh god
First time doing this test since i was like 18

Is this based on some kind of american scale or something? I mean, I know I am out there on the far left, but really? THAT far?

>> No.7067027
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Yeah, like half of the questions are kind of stupid unless you are a republican and I kind of get the feeling it's based on the assumption that you believe in the free market.

>> No.7067028

>tfw left libertarian shit tier race

>> No.7067035

Have you ever been to the armory? We've got plenty more arms and armor in the "back room".

My favorite piece is this gilded late 13th century Italian suit of armor that resembles a lion--complete with the cat ears and everything. It's hilarious to think of a knight dressed up as Catman in a tournament.

All this and plenty more at the Metropolitan. . .

>> No.7067038

Oh, wow.
You've just given me reason enough to visit for the first time in a decade. Gonna check it this weekend.

>> No.7067040
File: 9 KB, 195x258, ghjfgk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

call me libertarian again
i fucking dare u m8

>> No.7067049

is being an architect /fa/?

>> No.7067048

the test is p. biased towards the bottom left
doesn't ask many hard questions regarding personal freedom

>> No.7067052

yes very /fa/

>> No.7067056

fuk yea

>> No.7067098

I'm a brick paver.
I get a good tan and it has toned me up a little.

>> No.7067140


>> No.7067144

Depends on whether or not you're employed. I know a bunch of "architects"

>> No.7067149

that test is bullshit though b/c it assumes that progressive social attitudes = libertarianism.
like I'm a marxist-leninist but it puts me where anarcho-communism would be.

>> No.7067170
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>Claims to be marxist-leninist
>Spends his time posting in chinese cartoon site fashion board

>> No.7067185

sadly there is no proletarian revolution happening so I have nothing better to do

>> No.7067202

>like I'm a marxist-leninist
Top Kek!

Anyway, I'm employed as a graphic designer, but I'm looking to change my field of work.

>> No.7067207

if ur a ML u shouldn't be waiting for a revolution m8

>> No.7067218

Obviously poet's not a socialist, and it's not a label I use myself (I don't use many of them) even though I'm very left wing, but there's zero contradiction between working a system as well as you ethically can and wanting to replace it with something better.

As I see it, the goal is a society that promotes human flourishing. I think capitalism's way past the point of diminishing returns on that point (c.f. Graeber's "capitalism is a bad way of organizing communism) but there's no reason not to live in the world you have. It's missing the point in the name of some kind of basically narcissistic and self-limiting purity kick.

I just remembered the end of Sheila Heti's interview of Chris Kraus. (BLVR is Heti here, in her capacity as Interviews Editor at the Believer.)


BLVR: Finally, I want to ask you if you have real estate advice—because I think it’s ingenious to try to make money in a separate realm from your creative work, as you’ve done. Not only because it makes sense on a financial level, but because you absorb a world that you wouldn’t otherwise absorb.

CK: Yes. It’s tremendously interesting, and people are less petty there than in the art world, because it’s just about numbers. At one point, instead of getting a tenure-track job, I decided to make real estate investments and operate these properties as lower-income, affordable housing. Buying and fixing, and then renting and managing, was a way of engaging with a population completely outside the culture industry. Kind of like in gay culture, where hookups are a way of escaping your class. [Laughs]

>> No.7067224

>being political
>not being Apolitical and thus the most /fa/

>> No.7067228

Marxism-Leninism requires a mass revolutionary movement, without that, aside from agitating for proletarian revolution and supporting other causes that will help the working classes, there isn't much I can do.

>> No.7067233

BLVR: Do you have any advice for people who might want to go into that?

CK: Into an entrepreneurial activity that’s at worst ethically neutral, that can subsidize other activities? I think there are entrepreneurial opportunities everywhere, always. The thing is to look outside the key points on both coasts. Look at other parts of the country. If I were starting to do this again, I’d probably visit Detroit. The idea that came forward in the last couple of years, where people could buy fixers for practically nothing, then homestead—that was very intriguing. But the U.S. is full of dying cities and suburbs. I think there’s so much that can be done, so many opportunities, if you are willing to put yourself there. Take yourself off the career track for two or three years and just try something totally different.

BLVR: That’s something you would advise to all young artists?

CK: Absolutely! Do something else. Because what’s going to happen in the next five years if you stay within your niche is already so circumscribed and predictable. And what can happen if you leave it and do something else is unknown, and therefore bigger. Experiences like these, and the people you’ll meet, can inform your work in the future in so many ways. Young people in the U.S. don’t travel. High school, college, grad school, and then work to pay off the loans? It’s a prison.

What kind of a Marxist-Leninist are you if you're not working towards anarcho-communism?

Anyway, it's doing that silly thing where it asks you to dream up an ideal society by setting policy.

>sadly there is no proletarian revolution happening so I have nothing better to do

Lol haha, get out of Das Kapital and into organizing and building alternative structures. How many real revolutions go down like a cartoon 1789 or 1917 or whatever? Revolutions are always processes, not events, and when there's a civil war it's already way far along (and you probably fucked up along the way).

>> No.7067240

You could drop this frail attempt to come off as politically enlightened and stop identifying as something you're clearly not.

After all, what's the point when no one who actually knows anything about politics or history takes you seriously?

>> No.7067241

i got a lot of friends who are ml, and i agree with them/you on many point, but honestly, if you truly believe in it you should dedicate your life to it

if everything is going to be so much better after the revolution, why don't you spend every waking hour on political agitation?

>> No.7067247
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>i got a lot of friends who are ml

>> No.7067248

"Politics is the art of controlling your environment," as Hunter Thompson put it. The alternative is letting your life be *entirely* determined by people and processes that DGAF about you or the people you love.

Yeah, and how many proletarians have you converted selling papers, Comrade Laski? Try getting involved with some mutual aid effort.

>> No.7067257

they claim that they are at least
I'm studying social science at a uni in fucking sweden

>> No.7067259

I'm studying fine arts at uni. Is it /fa/? even if I will not get shit tons of money in the future. Also, the test put me in the social-nationalist part of the test. I find it funny.

>> No.7067272

Politics is the pursuit of advantage over other men.

>> No.7067298

I'm working at Marks and Spencer but it's shit.

Did anyone work in AA here? Or Uniqlo? How was it?

>> No.7067438


What are the prerequisites to becoming an architect?

>> No.7067451

r u gordon ramsay

>> No.7067452

shit if i were, i would to

that job is going to be replaced with an instagram like app soon.

probably in adobe's new subscription based creative suite

adobeInstant design suite or someshit

>> No.7067454

is being a busboy /fa/

>> No.7067459


used to work with a guy who used to work with marco pierre white.
he was fucking hardcore, proper old school chef.
haute to the heart.

>> No.7067456

education and artistic skill

>> No.7067462
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plz tell me all about it

>> No.7067467


Scam rich kids

>sell fake bottles of premium moet on ebay by buying originals and scanning the label and printing.

I've made 55k this year

I used Reddit and steal opnions and high quality wines and brews and im ebays most recomended salesmen for liqour.

I almost had a deal with gilt food before they died.

>> No.7067473

What's actually in the bottle?

>> No.7067476


>> No.7067477


i'd rather sell cognac.
cause wine is too easy to recognize.

>> No.7067478


a mixture me and a freind came up with, he has a job for Johnson and Johnson now making cleaning chemicals.

Proud of him! but i used to split it 65/35 for him.

65 for me because I was taking the most risk.

>> No.7067479

Well, as a graphic designer it seems like 90% of employers think I went to school for 4 years to learn how to use Adobe software...

>> No.7067483


also >>7067477

I did do that. and Beer when it was allowed on eBay.

Basically; don't buy spirits from eBay even Cologne. Its most likely fake.

>> No.7067507

I think you're confusing landlords with landed gentry, but being earning money just out of your possessions is indeed the most /fa/ thing.

>> No.7067525

Not so sure whether that's accurate. I don't really believe land has any intrinsic value whatsoever: only a perceived value. And sure, there are indeed more people and just the same amount of land, but to really make money off of it, you need a demand so artificially high that it collapses whenever people realize how much they're paying for it (aka, bubbles, like 'murica in 2007).

>> No.7067743

someone, plz tell me if studying fine arts is /fa/. I feel alone....

>> No.7067763

Why wouldn't it be? You're creating something, expressing yourself, and if you're any good, improving the world.

>> No.7067776

can youget ride of some skunked beer and wine for me?

a friend of mine lives with his parents in a temecula valley winery and is always giving me bottles

throw up a few bullshit reviews saying it's some hipster label nobody has ever heard of andkick me back some shit?

>> No.7067786

Paradoxically, you're setting yourself up for poverty for the first stretch of years after graduation.

>> No.7067838

thanks anon, I feel better. I'm actually creating because it's the only way that I find to express myself and my feels
yeah I know, I won,t be able to be /fa/ for awhile when I'm gonna finish my master. but, I might find a side job to be able to live on.

>> No.7069831

I'm a designer in NYC. I'm also a freelance illustrator

>> No.7069875

I'm a sex researcher

>> No.7069891

i watch fires

see u go up on the hills and they giv u a extinguisher and u make sure theres no fires about

>> No.7069901

Cocktail waitress at a stripclub. I make just as much money as the dancers without having to get naked.

>> No.7069907

for real?

How much does that pay?

>> No.7069909

Im an apprentice at a funeral parlour.

Ironically im in the gothiest job I could be in.

>> No.7069918

jobseekers allowance

>> No.7069928

u a creative bud

so am i

this is me

>> No.7069933

not sure but my friend was a park ranger up in the middle of bumfuck nowhere for a year and he lived in a little employee camp with other loggers and shit and he made 50K

>> No.7069943

that must still suck, what with all the drunk horny guys around you that probably assume your goods are for grabbing

>> No.7069952

Is being a pharmacist /fa/?

It's hard to make my white lab coat work.

>> No.7069963

not bad about 15 an hour which is like 25 in ameridollars

>> No.7069973


>> No.7070005

damn is it just me or is this new eminm song pretty good?

>> No.7070014

I think you'd like Alexis de Tocqueville

>> No.7070022
File: 820 KB, 2048x1149, lmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn this shit is good

and ive hated every eminem song since mmlp (didnt even like eminem show)

>> No.7070060

>tfw can't continue college next semester because of crippling social anxiety

What can I do? Should I just get c++ and java certificates and look for low paying internships?

>> No.7070069

That's insane for just walking around with a fire extinguisher.

>> No.7070077

can anyone in manc hook me up with a job

>> No.7070086

Get in Skype

>> No.7070102

ok im on

>> No.7070129
File: 104 KB, 1024x682, 1024px-AlineaDessert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got a job for a catering company in Chicago. Apparently they work all the high profile events in the city: Yacht Club events, Oprah's going away party, etc

Is this /fa/?

I will be able to absorb the traits and culture of the patricians by observing them from afar

>> No.7070162


no you shitnipple you will be scrubbing pots most likely not even at the same place as the party.
enjoy working in the shittiest business of all time.


>> No.7070169
File: 218 KB, 620x430, PartyDown20_harticle_intro1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You have to watch Party Down. It's a sadly-short-lived comedy series about a catering company, it is so fucking funny. Go now.

Polite sage for off topic.

>> No.7070172

literally just finished season 2 yesterday.

It is so very good. Adam Scott is perfect for the role

>> No.7070182
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the routine maintenance isn't really the cake walk he's making it out to be if you're actually doing all of it yourself instead of hiring a management company, and there's risk like anything else

have you (or your parents or landlord) ever had major plumbing or electrical issues? pest infestations? have you ever had damage so substantial and unpredictable that an insurance claim had to be filed?
these things are likely to happen at some point in any building

you'll also most likely be forwarding a large part of your income to a property manager as well as an association
the association will have much greater influence than you as an individual in major decisions re: how the building is managed, renovations, etc.
you may enjoy being relieved of responsibility, or you may find that the association holds you back

however, i do think that despite all of this, it's better to be a (big-time) owner than someone working a day job because if you're anything less than big-time, you'll still need that day job alongside your income from the properties
i must say that most owners i've dealt with in property management had separate careers which they devoted a lot of time to

>> No.7070198

Alright so with all this talk of land ownership, i thought I'd ask for some advice.

I have approximately 250,000 dollars in Exxon stock right now (left to me by my rich grandfather). This gives me about 4000 a year in dividends, which has been pretty cool but I'd like to start using that capital for other ventures to try to get more than that out of it.

What are some smart first steps I can take, keeping in mind the amount of money I have available?

>> No.7070199

>visual effects
>post production

I live in Ontario. lots of jobs here. worked for blackberry.

~25/30 an hour

>> No.7070219

>ever had major plumbing or electrical issues? pest infestations? have you ever had damage so substantial and unpredictable that an insurance claim had to be filed?

These problems can be largely avoided by renting to the right kind of people - namely wealthy ones with good jobs and letters of reference. Even more important is simple prevention - put things in your lease and riders that forbid smoking or using drain cleaner, things like that. Take a hefty security deposit and use it to undo that tenant's fuck ups.
The shit has hit the fan once or twice - had a tenant use drano once and he blew out the pipe, caused a pretty awful leak that screwed up ceilings and floors, but even this is just a matter of calling up some hired help.

Even when it is a real pain, it always beats working for someone else.

>> No.7070227

invest in space x when they go public and get even more than that. i'm not experienced in land ownership, and I highly recommend consulting an expert and not an anime imageboard about this.

>> No.7070237

If you want to forward the dividends into further investing look into aggressive growth funds, small and micro cap funds and REITs. Of course talk to a real broker/investor/financial advisor before you do anything and lose all the money by thinking you can do it yourself.

>> No.7070239

Don't buy your rental property outright. Use about 10-20 grand to make a down payment on the piece and get a decent mortgage on the rest of the building (easier said than done sometimes). Use the tenant's rent to make the mortgage payments every month.

Because mortgage loans are untaxable, you've basically just walked away with a lot of free money. It may not be liquid cash but as they say, 9/10 of the law is possession and you now own the building AND the money. Get it?

Now you can take that money and buy something else.

Repeat until you're wearing Paul Harnden & CCP head to toe.

>> No.7070249

do you own land poet?

i thought you were a real estate agent.

i kind of have no idea what i want to pursue right now and like real estate seems fun since it pretty much can be like urban exploring with pay tacked on

>> No.7070279

So if I started on any of these right now, how much could I end up with? And how long would it take to get to a good point?

>> No.7070291

property laws vary from country to country

shit's a lot different in america than most euro countries

as experiencd as poet is it doesn't mean anything if you don't live in america and are in a different circumstance.

>> No.7070300

Industrial designer here

top /fa/

>> No.7070318

i have no income

the bank wont loan me money to buy property

what do

>> No.7070319

new eminem is garbage but I think all eminem is garbage

>> No.7070313

OH, and I live in Milan

>> No.7070320

I'm a librarian at a large public university.

How /fa/ am I?

>> No.7070322

God damn I just have no idea what to do.

As a kid I wanted to be a movie director, then in a band, then something with computer. Now I want to pursue fashion, but am worried it is another interest that will fade.

I wish that you could get any job and didnt have to worry about money

>> No.7070325

Sandwich artist here, come at me plebs

>> No.7070326

don't you lost money through paying interest on the mortgage, why no buy it outright?

>> No.7070327

I coach skiing......is that effay?

>> No.7070331

how much do you get paid?

>> No.7070335
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>you'll also most likely be forwarding a large part of your income to a property manager as well as an association
i forgot to mention city inspections in this part and possibly things like insurance and loans

>These problems can be largely avoided by renting to the right kind of people - namely wealthy ones with good jobs and letters of reference. Even more important is simple prevention - put things in your lease and riders that forbid smoking or using drain cleaner, things like that. Take a hefty security deposit and use it to undo that tenant's fuck ups.
most of the things i'm talking about are things that happen in any building regardless of the income bracket of the tenants
things break

you also can't really break into a scene like that without quite a bit of money already, but if you can afford property that wealthy people are interested in from the very beginning of your career as an owner, then you are very fortunate

>The shit has hit the fan once or twice - had a tenant use drano once and he blew out the pipe, caused a pretty awful leak that screwed up ceilings and floors, but even this is just a matter of calling up some hired help.
you manage everything yourself? do you mind me asking how much you own? like, are we talking about entire complexes or individual units? how long have you been owning/managing?

you'll need lots of solid connections to make it as a salesperson or a broker

>> No.7070341
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About 50K. Full benefits, great vacation time (one day granted every two weeks worked). It's p good for the area.

>> No.7070343

did you need a degree for it?

>> No.7070349

>solid connections
Can be made fairly easily if you know how to socialize.

I'd rather not discuss the details of my holdings here.

>> No.7070351

Yes. A master's degree (MLIS).

>> No.7070354

>masters degree to sort books


>> No.7070361

I think they help people with research and stuff, especially at a university

>> No.7070363

poet how do i find what i want to do in life?

>> No.7070368

But I don't sort books.

Yeah, reference librarians also need a degree.

People who just sort or shelve books do not. We usually use student labor for that.

>> No.7070373

Hey Poet, what books or resources should I start reading to learn about real estate? There seems to be so many out there.

Not looking to make it a career, but would love to invest in something with money my wife has.

>> No.7070377

About as easy as starring in a major theatre production is if you know how to act? As in not easy at all unless your lucky and talented?

>> No.7070389

How'd you get that job? What's your degree in?

>> No.7070445

I went to a library and information science school for my MLIS.

The field is more diverse than you'd think, as there are STEM nerds and qt library chicks all in one program. There's a lot of topics to specialize in, ranging from adult services (stereotypical librarian gig) to big data/metadata management.

>> No.7070467

Is that starting salary? 50k seems kinda low for requiring a masters, then again plenty of other fields start much lower.

>> No.7070496

Yeah, I mean, it depends on what you do. The people who are more information science oriented go to work for IBM, the CIA, and other big data institutions get big bucks. The CIA was recruiting at my alma mater last year, and probably will again. But as far as library work goes, 50K is decent and some of my coworkers make 75K+, depending on their specialty.

>> No.7070564
File: 180 KB, 966x1280, Y3PCe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What jobs should I apply for? I have a BS in econ with some programming experience and an IT internship.

Hard to get IT jobs because lack of experience and I never really focused on my econ skills either. Maybe some sort of finance analyst?

Some one hook me up with a job pls.

>> No.7070587

2nd year law student.

Tutor some first year kids in economics
100K line of credit

>> No.7070600

You already sound like a cunt

>> No.7070622

from 3 sentences?

jesus lol. i knew there was a stigma but this is retarded...

>> No.7070630

haha. Yeah you didn't say anything horribly bad but after re-reading it I see what he means.

>> No.7070632

The the smell of your wide open boy pussy is filling up my computer screen
But it's not bad or anything being a cunt

>> No.7070649


is it cause i was short and so came off unfriendly?

I don't understand.

>> No.7070667

An accountant.

>> No.7070671

Postmodernism, or the logic of late poet

>> No.7070676

You're a lawyer my friend
You will get this all the time
Prepare yourself
FYI I like cocky lawyers, maybe I watch too much tv but I met a few irl and I liked the cocky ones the best

>> No.7070702

He doesn't make the height requirement

>> No.7070698

what you doing after that though? arent you going to college?

>> No.7070712

Law degree at york university

300k starting

>> No.7070719

bull-fucking-shit you got into Oz

>> No.7070745

whats oz

>> No.7070802

i think hes referring to osgoode hall but even still i YorkU isn't that great of a university not sure about the law program though

>> No.7070816

lol im not talking about the one in canada

>> No.7070889

>implying he doesn't know who that is already

>> No.7070976
File: 252 KB, 511x428, feeljammiez.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paralegal here

Do most of the work of the trainee lawyers for half the pay.

I try to dress well to overcompensate but I'm in law school part time and only 23 so I'll make it one day, but with student loans and debts to pay its hard.

Still living with your parents is definitely not /fa/...

>> No.7072296

Is majoring in Environmental Engineering /fa/ ?

>> No.7072313

Hey man, I'm in my first year of laws and I'm just wondering; should I kill myself or see it through?

>> No.7072326


>300k starting


>> No.7072339

I've been a lawyer for almost 5 years.
Try to get a job at and AG/CG's office before you go private. You don't have to worry about fucking up if you're a government employee.
Or be a jag for 4 years.

>> No.7072340

Petroleum Engineer here. Not very /fa/ but the pay more than makes up for that.
>dat 150K base salary

>> No.7072343

I'm a graphics programmer at a AAA game developer.
I do lighting mostly.

>> No.7072352

civil is the only engineering i would consider /fa/, and that's just because you have an option to do architecture

>> No.7072356

I paint sounds.

>> No.7072358

Hi Mary

>> No.7072361

i collect trolleys at a supermarket

>> No.7072365

hmm nah I think I'm gonna kill myself lmao thanks for the advice though bro

>> No.7072373

Trick question, unemployment is the most /fa/

>> No.7072412
File: 157 KB, 1920x1200, 1378860740446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a currencies trader. I work for myself. I was in the Navy before that working as a cryptographer. Recently bought a dryclaners too that I stop by like once a week. Looking into buying a strip club next.

>> No.7072524

If you're still around, if I have 10 grand lying around is this possible? Can I make the down payment with what I have, wait for everything else to pay off and go from there?

>> No.7072563

Reminded me of this, but the thing is relevant to the whole thread.

>It’s even clearer in the US, where Republicans have had remarkable success mobilizing resentment against school teachers, or auto workers (and not, significantly, against the school administrators or auto industry managers who actually cause the problems) for their supposedly bloated wages and benefits. It’s as if they are being told “but you get to teach children! Or make cars! You get to have real jobs! And on top of that you have the nerve to also expect middle-class pensions and health care?”



>> No.7072666

Interesting. i've also noticed some benefits of being 6'2 and attractive, but unfortunately my family has been poor for generations. i wasn't really raised to think about making money sensibly.

i've heard that tall people do better in certain careers and stuff, got ay tips or stuff to read?

I live in California btw, i don't know if you're still up but i'll check back.

>> No.7072702

Do a grad dip in applied finance or something, network like a motherfucker and try and land an analyst position.

>> No.7072708

Im probably going to change to a BSc next year majoring in Geology, im looking toward working on oil rigs etc. What subjects did you take to become a Petroleum Engineer?

>> No.7072837

>haven't slept more than five hours a night in the past 4 years
still has time to come onto /fa

>> No.7072881

Penetration tester/IT security

>> No.7072908

Did this for 8 years, after my nervous breakdown and kicking my coke habit I got a job in tech now where I make my own schedule and can go back to school. Stripper gf left me but things are looking up as I make a lot more money and have a lot more freedom and I can impress qts with my culinary prowess, although I end up having to cook vegan food 7/10 times.

>> No.7072915

Bartending, it will give you decent money while you figure things out.

>> No.7072916

ayy lmao

>> No.7073004

You're thinking of a library technician which is only a two year college diploma(I'm currently in it). Librarian's do all the policy and theoretical work.

>> No.7073064

lol! do you work at pastoral?

>> No.7073290

no you fuck its why doesnt karl marx drink earl grey

just fucking end your life you have no purpose anymore

fuck me


>> No.7073362

do u work for pastoral?