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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 1.17 MB, 968x1296, 1r8ybzw4.wizardchan.minimum_wage_waifu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7059960 No.7059960[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is bein a Shy Boi /fa/?


>> No.7059990

>That dude at 2:13
I feel so bad for him.

>> No.7059999

No being shy is beta bullshit

>> No.7060003

holy fuck the first 2 minutes i was loling so hard then i realised theyre just like me and i want to cry now thanks asshole

>> No.7060006

I'm probably one of these

it isn't /fa/ at all

>> No.7060016

Is that a waifu or is it b8?

>> No.7060020

fuck, I need to go re-think my life

>> No.7060021

my waifu

>> No.7060027

You shouldn't.
>dat uncomplimentary long hair
>dem nasty long fingernails
>dat attitude about being incel
It's mostly that attitude.
I can totally imagine him bringing that attitude along when meeting potential girls.
If it wasn't for that, he'd get a girl.

>> No.7060034

advanced is a psycho piece of shit

>> No.7060045

holy fuuuuuuuuuck that pua guy was 1000x more pathetic than the permavirgins

skip to 8:10

>> No.7060047

the pua dude is ugly and dresses like shit too.all these guys got it wrong.

>> No.7060064
File: 290 KB, 1170x681, dis part.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>at the part where the PUA guy is describing his bootcamp while the screen flashes his drawings
oh god.
my sides.

>> No.7060066

>tfw lost it at 17
>tfw 3 years since then and counting

>> No.7060075

Did Chris-chan draw that?

>> No.7060096

27k to make a shitty documentary. Fuck them. I'm glad the kickstarter thing wasn't successful. Greedy fuckers.

>> No.7060098
File: 123 KB, 1203x677, it just got effay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now it's /fa/

>> No.7060104

Woman: Hmm, how much will my college tuition cost?

>school: about 26800


>> No.7060114

>tfw you were shy and girls thought you were cool and mysterious

feels good I guess

>> No.7060115

lol the kickstarter failed miserably
just another rejection for the boys i guess

>> No.7060127
File: 36 KB, 530x581, 00000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

awww shiiiiiit

>> No.7060124
File: 93 KB, 617x680, don't hate me cause im beautiful.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7060129
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>> No.7060138

Is that from yesstyle?

>> No.7060146

he seems a little bit autistic

>> No.7060150

how the fuck did he think that looked better

looks like someone hit random on the oblivion character generator

>> No.7060144

Lol go to 12:06

that one incel has a white yesstyle tier jacket he goes to pick up women with

>> No.7060154


>> No.7060160

girls either thought i was a nice guy or an asshole

>> No.7060161


when they wear shopping i loled so hard when he said fresh jay's nigga

i would bro out with him we could swap that yesstyle jacket for some rick and raf ja feel me

>> No.7060168

Shy but is good at convos and how to react is /fa/.

>> No.7060169

Too bad he didn't make it make himself. He copied some stupid meme.

>> No.7060165

i just got to that part, and it is scary how similar there "art style" is.

also it's really funny how the pua guy was talking about positive, confident body language yet his own body language was completely unconfident.

>> No.7060172

jesus people are deluded. hobnestly tho i thougth he ws pretty good looking. if he j ust lost some fat in his face and cut his hair

>> No.7060173

thats cause the pua guy is a fucking loser who felt like he was cool cause he was in the presence of such aspies

in the real world, he's a huge piece of shit that i doubt would even get let into clubs

>> No.7060180

thats not shy, thats just called being strong/silent or soft spoken. A lot of intelligent people choose not to speak so much.

>> No.7060185

yeah i lold when he called himself skinny

that delusion

>> No.7060186


dont be mean anon

he could model for rick if he lost all that seal fat

>> No.7060188
File: 98 KB, 1280x720, [Commie] Monogatari Series Second Season - 13 [1ADD14F0].mkv_snapshot_20.37_[2013.10.13_00.33.47].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When was the turning point?
>When I got muscles and better clothes?

>> No.7060197

to be completely honest, even though it's tough to admit, he probably can and does get laid frequently.
it may be with ugly women, and most likely he doesn't keep any contact with them after, but he does fuck them.

he is exactly what is bad about PUA, yet also the reason it "works"

>> No.7060198
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>I'd like to be a very androgynous korean guy

>> No.7060200

you dont understand
hes not doing any real pua stuff
hes doing the trickery hurr neg look at my fuzzy hat and chains type of stuff

you could totally tell that story he was making up was a lie too

>> No.7060203

yea now that i watched it i see that.
he's actually a virgin.

the doc has both types of "frustrated virgins," the guys who need a "one true love connection, and they guys who hate and over analyze women.

if you read my posts you know i feel like feminism is a problem in western culture, and clearly these guys have been turned on to the idea, but they fail to see the positives that come with that information.

they'd rather stay bitter and chase a dream, than look at things realistically.

i expected the guy at the end to actually start confessing his love to the interview woman at the end, because it's the most attention he's gotten from a girl in 10 years.

there are a lot of truths in this video, and a lot more in the comment section, which shows the OTHER side. for every shitty PUA there are five white knights.

both use "tactics" to (attempt to) get women.
none put self respect over getting women.

>> No.7060223

That Mike guy actually seemed like a pretty cool dude.

>> No.7060235

>tfw I've never approached a girl, but they approach me

>> No.7060237

>tfw this a sargin tie
>tfw this a sargin shirt

do you wear sargin gear?

>> No.7060241

>tfw I've never approached girls and girls never approach me
feels bad, man

>> No.7060247

why do u take pics of cute asian CVS cashiers?

>> No.7060248

>that part about soft core porn
omg that's me ;_;

>> No.7060254

advanced has gr8 teeth and decent features and if he lost his attitude and weight he would get girls no problem at all

>> No.7060269

Maybe if these fellas weren't complete pussies from day one or a thousand or whatever then they wouldn't be so miserable. I bet they think about it every single day. They seem like a bunch of ugly losers with no motivation whatsoever in life. They have no determination, no motivation, no goals, no attitude. Nothing. Nada. Zilch. They've (probably) been feeling sorry for themselves ever since middle school and they never changed. Did they ever think about getting hobbies, doing sports, losing weight, changing their attitude about life, ever try to not look completely disgusting? I don't think so. But I haven't watched the whole thing so give me a few minutes. So far they're everything I could have become if I didn't kick myself in the ass.

>> No.7060271

this is how i picture everyone on this website though

>> No.7060274

how do i not be an ugly loser :(

>> No.7060286

You can by shy, but people on this video are bunch of disgusting beta faggots.

>> No.7060299

>durr I'm so ugly
>durr women aren't people
>hurr my goal in life is to have those 30 seconds of first time sex
>;_; wahhhh I'm not gonna do anything about everything and I'll stay a faggot loser

These guys are everything that's wrong with people.

>> No.7060305

>women don't even like sex

That's it. I'm done.

>> No.7060318

>That's it. I'm done

>> No.7060319


>> No.7060326

>Waaaaaah someone used a phrase that i associate with a blogging website that i dooon't liiiike wahhhhhhhhh lets do a epic raid
actual aspergers

>> No.7060334

Oh he meant it that way. Yeah I don't go to tumblr so I don't know about the frequency of that phrase but it's a pretty common thing to say in real life since forever.

>> No.7060339

lol calm down dude i don't really give a shit

>> No.7060344

>only have dated 1 girl before (this was 1.5 years ago)
>she had a moustache and a hairy ass
>was stupid as a brick
>still dumped me
>haven't talked to any women in 1.5 years


>> No.7060346
File: 148 KB, 940x932, 19008267621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

laughed so fucking hard

>> No.7060350

fucking lel

>> No.7060369

"Smart people can talk slow."


>> No.7060371

christ that long haired guy is completely intolerable, this is what i imagine someone from /g/ trying to be alpha is like.

>> No.7060380

>I know the world cause my IQ is above average and my mum told me that I am a smart boy

>> No.7060384

do not disrespect #shyboys

>> No.7060391

with a look on his face saying "damn i just blew the bitches mind"

>> No.7060392


i'll give him one thing, he is model tier from the eyes up.

>> No.7060399

>tfw you talk slow because you're a social retard with a residual speech impediment from childhood, but everyone attributes it to you being smart and thinking about what you say before you say it

>> No.7060401
File: 76 KB, 545x526, 190827651662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this fucking guy

>> No.7060406

>I don't have a job
>I am ugly
>So right now my value is 0

Dat autist

>> No.7060415
File: 33 KB, 1098x281, dat model.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7060416


>> No.7060417

I'd feel bad for these people if they weren't just terrible fucking human beings.

>> No.7060409
File: 319 KB, 640x480, 1378607186310.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw those people who have a stutter yet still try to talk as fast as possible
>mfw you try to stop them but they just keep on going
Good thing you're not one of them, anon.

>> No.7060422

t-thanks anon ;_;

>> No.7060423

>Give me fuck off signals
>Over one thousand rejections irl

Dat motherfucking autist.

>> No.7060426
File: 33 KB, 614x435, dickheads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hang on, is the guy on the left a PUA or not? he comes across like an autist.

>> No.7060427

what they all have in common is that they are insufferable cunts

the long haired dude is a downright narcissit autist of maximum proportions

the glasses guy is incredibly selfish

the PUA recruit is just a fucking douchebag who happens to be ugly

>> No.7060430
File: 21 KB, 477x256, trap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he'd make a great trap

>> No.7060432

is someone impressed that these cretins come across as jerks. it's a defensive reaction they have been developing all their lives to counter the fear of rejection (note: not actual rejection, but the fear of it). like all humans, they have learned from early age that confidence needs to possess a degree of arrogance but since they are autistic they don't know where to draw the line. this is tied to all the pua negging bullshit and david deangelo's "cocky comedy". david deangelo is the only pua artist worth listening to .

>> No.7060433

why are you so mean and judgemental?

>> No.7060435

guy on left is PUA-guy, guy on right is autism-guy

>> No.7060437

I'm a virgin at 20 and I'm not that big of a dick.

>> No.7060442
File: 342 KB, 856x475, dead eyes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, look at the love-shy dude. He's got dead eyes. Literally dead eyes. Meanwhile Adam seems someone you could actually talk to.

>> No.7060446

Thats because that guy on the left is literally autistic.

Not even aspie autistic, he literally has autism.

stop being a dick and putting yourself up on a pedastal cause you can make fun of mentally deficient people. They enjoy their lives and have fun. Much more than you even.

>> No.7060443

see how that turns out for you in 10 years m8

>> No.7060447

Maybe like Adam who prolly get girls. Or dead eyes like Anthony who ain't even able to smile.

>> No.7060448

he reads about PUA but is a virgin, therefore he can't say shit about it.

he speaks as though he's PUA but he has never fucked a girl before.

he has a sarging shirt and a sarging tie, and goes sarging, but he has nothing to show for it.

basically, he's PUA.

>> No.7060449

Adam even has a nice costume on for the con.
Would take to.

>> No.7060450

The guy who runs the site seems chill
just really depressed

also long-haired guy seems to have a body dysmorphic disorder. partially explains why he's fucked up

an autist trying to be a PUA

>> No.7060456

That's a big risk, becoming dead inside sounds pretty bad.

>> No.7060453

i told myself to lose my virginity before my 16th birthday
i'm 20 now and i'm not even ugly or autistic
the girls i meet are just not good enough

>> No.7060454

>They enjoy their lives and have fun

>i'd lose my limbs in battle just to guarantee me a 300 pound woman for life.

>> No.7060455

>the girls i meet are just not good enough
top haha

>> No.7060452

>Autists are unable to smile
>Unable to have some kind of light in their eyes


>> No.7060462

>top haha
made me haha out loud

>> No.7060460



>> No.7060461

I'm talking about Anthony.

He really has a problem. It's called autism.

>> No.7060464

i feel this. these are guys "taught" by the internet. they have heard the messages about our feminized society ruining men, but they have never figured out how to accept it.

that's the difference.

>> No.7060465

Watch the video, it's actually fun. Especially when they go shopping. The PUA-guy looks terrible yes acts as if he knows what he's doing.

>> No.7060463

So, you've got the narcissist autist who thinks the world should revolve around him. The awkward depressed as fuck owner and the dead inside autist. Dat complexity.

>> No.7060467
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no disrespect to sieg heil intended with this pic.

>> No.7060466

they are boring and stupid as fuck. i'm attracted to hot sluts with daddy issues but i despise them
if only i could meet a qt that's exactly like me with a vagina

>> No.7060474

Oh wow, Adam is able to talk fast, be clever etc. Heprojects confidence. Confirmed alpha as fuck.

>> No.7060470

yeah i'm 20 minutes in now, i just didn't get why the PUA guy was there but now i realise he's one of them too.

>> No.7060471

You don't need to love them, just fuck them. Your dick isn't some golden rod, just a medium for you to feel good.

>> No.7060472

You don't want a girl exactly like you.


>> No.7060475


anthony is slavcore af

>> No.7060476

yes i do. i don't like women. i need a trap

>> No.7060477
File: 497 KB, 210x224, 1740020.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i just didn't get why the PUA guy was there but now i realise he's one of them too.

>> No.7060479

fucking hell they need to bust their pimples

>i know what happens
>question mark question mark question mark question mark

oh christ he's a /b/tard

>> No.7060482

more like /r9k/

>i deserve sex
>women arent people

>> No.7060483

thank u op for making this wonderful thread
u are a scholar and a saint
everyone shud commend u for being such a remarkable poster

<not op>

>> No.7060484

>implying they are

>> No.7060486

Anthony can't even have fun when around "friends". Sad as fuck.

>> No.7060494
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>> No.7060495


>> No.7060503
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>> No.7060508

Fat as fck

>> No.7060510


thanks m9 i thought that exact thing

>> No.7060512

that dudes ruling tbh, you can tell he would of thrived in life if he didnt get 1 out of 10 aesthetic genetics

>> No.7060516
File: 146 KB, 1280x1024, 1378791736318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7060519

I find it kind of pathetic that you guys are putting these guys down to feel better about your own pathetic lives. You say stuff like "Haha look at these pathetic beta losers"!, Just to affirm to yourself that you aren't as bad as that and that totally isnt you.

but it is. Just on a slightly lower level.

This is the crux of beta threads. People search for these beta cringe things to feel better about themselves and tell themselves they arent that bad.

You are that bad.

>> No.7060520


He is fat. Lose the fat and he would not be that ugly.

>> No.7060521
File: 28 KB, 276x277, 1381095149493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>The guy who runs the site seems chill just really depressed

he does, he's bro tier

>mfw when he walked past the wedding and talked about jumping off the side

>> No.7060525

He seems like a dude who will get a woman eventually.

>> No.7060531

Marry her and end his life in a little town of amurrica.

>> No.7060526
File: 476 KB, 200x199, 1378662748624.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7060532

Those guys are just like how I imagine all the anons who pretend to have problems and conditions preventing them from getting a qt gf or having friends.
>implying I'm better than any of them
>implying I don't make real efforts instead of pretending to be a shyboy

>> No.7060539

why do people on this site think losing weight is going to suddenly make them good looking, lol yall crazy

>> No.7060540

and ur doing the exact same thing to us right now

fuck off

>> No.7060536

I thought we call this Beta? or autists bronies?

>> No.7060546
File: 981 KB, 290x218, Mesut_Özil.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have a girlfriend and i still find this shit funny

calm your tits m80

>> No.7060542

Because being fat makes u ugly. What are u, fat?

>> No.7060543

That guy who was with them and tried to get them to wear better clothes was so fucking annoying, he looked and dressed like shit and was a complete asshole

>> No.7060558
File: 19 KB, 217x292, Screen Shot 2013-10-13 at 7.47.48 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, this is the sound guy they were all gushing over?

>> No.7060567

i thought he was like some super shy autist lol

>> No.7060559

I think so.

>> No.7060564
File: 45 KB, 610x503, 1011466_3562260810239_2073632846_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat filmmaker on the left


>> No.7060566

lol he thought he was so much better than them for working out and buying clothes and still being a virgin instead of being lazy as fuck and being a virgin

>> No.7060574
File: 64 KB, 664x499, 1900727658146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this guy

>> No.7060579

>Owner talking about suicide

He is resigned. Oh my god.

>> No.7060580


>> No.7060583

Shit I thought those guys were pathetic, but the founder (first guy you see) is actually touching.

The others like the PUA and the long hair dude are plain disgusting. They are like the embodiment of most cliche about permavirgins and beta neckbeards. Even fedora wearers are better than them.

>> No.7060590

yeah the guy in the fedora and wolf shirt with the speech impediment would probably get laid before the long hair guy

did you notice how like 3 of them talked weird as fuck? is that caused by being a permavirgin or is it the cause of it?

>> No.7060587

Owner is a koreaboo.

>> No.7060595
File: 8 KB, 243x250, 1375613605420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pronouncing beta as ''bee-tuh''

it's ''bay-tuh'', can't americans do anything right?

>> No.7060592


>> No.7060596

Americans pronounce it right, that guy's just an idiot

>> No.7060600

bay-duh mal from ostralia

>> No.7060601

These people aren't americans, anon-
they are incels

>> No.7060602

tfw shyboi

>> No.7060605
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>> No.7060607

anyone know what the music is that starts 45 seconds in?

>> No.7060614

hes basically a Based Alpha for them, also i want to rip that fucking sideburn with ductape with a burning passion.

>> No.7060610


>> No.7060612

>the 'pretty boy' sound guy

Top fucking lel

>> No.7060623


>> No.7060624

Owner should consult a doctor. He is evidently depressed.

>> No.7060625

>Every day is a sarge for me

God, I died

>> No.7060628

Yeah, the owner seemed like a nice guy tbh

>> No.7060629

A bit of both I guess. But yeah the fedora could probably get a nerdy fatty gf, while Advanced (the long hair guy?) would still be talking about sacrificing himself to get an obese uglyass women while speaking fast.

>> No.7060631
File: 341 KB, 455x347, 1375826788503.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7060637

"I would do anything for love, but i wont do that!"

>> No.7060639

I'm pretty sure they assumed he was banging the grill who made the documentary.
Him being considered an alpha male tells a lot about them and their delusions.

>> No.7060645


>> No.7060651

Grill seemed kind of cute.

>> No.7060652

god im just fucking proud i didnt grow up with internet, otherwise ill be just a shut in like these people.

>> No.7060650

that dude could be legit prettier than most girls

>> No.7060670

You're a retard. It doesn't matter how fast or slow you talk, you'll still stutter.

>> No.7060691

Same shit

>> No.7060705

w2c soundtrack

>> No.7060711

The strange thing is, some of the hipsterish alternative clubs i've been to have people who look the same or worse than these guys, yet because of the way they dress which allows them to fit in with the crowd and their outgoing personalities developed they manage to get girls and boys all the time. One guy I see around is the ugliest mother fucker I've ever seen, like 12 feet tall and a mouth overflowing with teeth, with unkempt greasy hair, yet he has a new woman under his shoulder every time i see him. The guy is just outgoing with an ego to boot, which tricks people into thinking he's a cool guy, similar to what that sarge guy in the documentary is attempting except this guy actually succeeded. The reality is it actually isn't all about looks in some groups and gatherings, just need to pick and choose where you can fit in best.

>> No.7060716

Oh but it does. This one guy I know, whenever he talks slowly, it's fine that he stutters, it's not a big deal. But when he tries to power through it at the speed of light it's unbearable.

>> No.7060723

i've never approached a girl ever. i think i'm love shy


>> No.7060766
File: 171 KB, 618x904, tom-sturridge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am i the only one?

dude just needs to lose some fucking weight and he would be ok

>> No.7060770
File: 48 KB, 552x720, 1363301760709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck the bullshit, my nigga. Y'all niggas started this shit. $tarfucks started it, y'all finish it. Don't let these mothafuckin' devils come between y'all. They start tryna separate shit, make this shit they shit or something that it's not. Y'all niggas got the mothafuckin' plan. Build the mothafuckin' plan, keep the team straight and keep that shit G. Don't let these mothafuckas come in between y'all. Y'all got the power, keep the power in y'all mothafuckin' hands. Fuck these niggas man, go get it. Ya feel me? Keep it G

>> No.7060776

lol waht

>> No.7060784


>3000 rejections.

I refuse to believe none of these were the fault of his attitude.

>> No.7060789

he's just an all around terrible package, refuses to change or grow up and just blames females for his own shortcomings, the reasons aren't even that deep.

He's just a manchild overly obsessed with looks.

>> No.7060797

Cause at the end of the day
Fuck what you say, nigga I'mma keep it G

>> No.7060819

The owner seems like a great guy. I'm 24 now and I totally feel for the guy.

That PUA guy is hilarious.

>> No.7060820

Nah, he is just a /r9k/ autist. He's got perfect defense mechanism. On the other hand, you've got really sad individuals depressed as fuck who have either abandoned all hope or, like the owner, still want to believe

>> No.7060825

Mothafuckas always at the barbershop saying "$tarfucks aint about this, $tarfucks aint about that", they say a nigga don't be puttin on no work. Shut the fuck up! Y'all niggas aint know shit. All you mothafuckas talkin' bout $tarfucks aint a hitta, $tarfucks ain't this, $tarfucks a fake: Shut the fuck up! Y'all know that nigga got caught with a ratchet, shootin at the police and shit. Nigga been on probation since, fucking... I DON'T KNOW WHEN! Mothafucka stop fucking playing him like that, them niggas savages out there. If i catch another mothafucka talking sweet about $tarfucks, i'm fucking beating they ass. I'm not fucking playing no more.

>> No.7060834

>Resting a laptop on your genitals.

Enjoy your sterility Urban White Trash.

>> No.7060838

Starfucks, incase you were wondering, I'm dating that girl now, thanks for the advice.

>> No.7060840

I think he snapped guys.

>> No.7060842

Nice. Keep keeping it G lil homie.

What was the situation?

>> No.7060847

We were getting a drink when I saw on her phone her saying to my friend that I was ugly.
I told her to fuck off and started to walk out but she got nervous and after about a minute told me she likes me.
We're going to watch a film next week
She's a solid 8.5 though.

>> No.7060852

Chief Keef King Louis this is Chi Right?

>> No.7060853

Man that whole thing is gold

>What's wrong with vaginas?
>they're too low
>too low?
>yea i wish they were parallel to my dick

>> No.7060862

holy fuuuuuuuck its funny cause when i was like 7 years old i though a vag was like on the front of a chick, so if u lied down on top of her flat like planking ur dick would just go straight in. i bet thats what he thought

>> No.7060863


i have no idea what's going on

>> No.7060866


>I told her to fuck off and started to walk out
for real, that's alpha as fuck.
not necessarily saying "fuck off" but leaving.
pro status. now keep it up.

>> No.7060867

>You've got a really good life, maybe not hte life you wanted but still a good one nonetheless

Ugh, the chick making the documentary is a bitch. Why the fuck would you say that to someone who is evidently depressed. Fucking bitch.

>> No.7060874
File: 82 KB, 634x490, 634x490xShecameforCWC_,P28200803,P29.JPG.pagespeed.ic.HVCbYlrC3-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres an actual drawing so you dumb virgins know what it really looks like

>> No.7060879

Yo son

What's good?

I gotta tell you like my dog told me
When you meet a chick, you gotsta straight slap her

Slap her?

Yeah, when you first meet her, just slap her

Off the bat?

Off the bat, just backhand her

Why's that, though?

'Cause later on down the line
You ain't never gotsta to worry about
That chick telling you --
"Cam, you don't treat me the way you used to"

>> No.7060915

It wasn't the documentary chick who said that, it was the asian fatty.

>> No.7060919

that clit does make me cringe

could be just the coloring tho

>> No.7060928

She the asshole then.

>> No.7060938

>that sonic ~oc~ necklace
>everything about proportion and shape

oh god my sides

>> No.7060981

It's really quite simple tomgayho: I get's lots of commas, you can meet my llama.

Now GTFO nobody cares.

>> No.7061064

lunarcore as fuck

>> No.7061123
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f o o l i s h

>> No.7061188


I lost it at 17 and I'm 18 now and have had sex with 4 different women but none of these times I've made a move on them it's always been them on me, I can't make a move on a girl, is this love shyness or what?

>> No.7061189

i really feel bad for him.
you can see it all over, all he wants is to be loved.

he wants to play this persona that he worked so hard to capture, yet now he has a chance to shine and it's clear how badly he fails at it.
i'd like to think the experience humbled him, but that's unrealistic.

>> No.7061197

>you can see it all over, all he wants is to be loved.
pretty sure it's acne.

>> No.7061199
File: 210 KB, 244x662, jerkin&#039; it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my fuck lol

>> No.7061226

>getting caught taking picture of cashier
could you be any creepier?

>> No.7061230

>implying love = sex

>> No.7061244

how is wanting to be left the fuck alone a persona?

i hate this women on a pedestal thing

where in american society a woman can say and do anything and a man is always in the wrong

i think single mothers need to be slapped

and i think that mallali bitch crying about being shot for trying to go to school should be shot

>> No.7061304

pretty sure the "persona" he meant was his PUA persona.
it's clear he WANTS to be seen as that, but it just isn't him.
most PUAs are just betas in disguise, but a lot of PUAs actually get laid and start to truly understand what this guy hasn't.

Sieg it's not surprise that i really can't stand your posts. i see you as a straight up clown because you are a lot like the losers in this video: you talk a big game, but you have nothing to truly offer. yes, it's parly because youre fat yet act above damn near everyone else, and it's also because you gave your heart to some girl even bigger than yourself. one week youre talking about your amazing sex life, the next week your whole life is crushed because she left you.

I understand the feeling that women are put on a pedestal and constantly play the victim card, but I also understand that being mad about it is a pointless, stupid thing to do.
All you can do is make yourself better, and make it so it doesn't affect you.

You are like the guy in the video because you blame other people for whatever you lack.

Feminism isn't gonna go away, and the ironic thing, is videos like this only make more people turn into white knights. People hating on women, only bring more white knights.

Obviously i talk about the differences between men and women frequently, but read what i write and the message is always the same. you can't lose: put yourself first, keep your emotions under control and act like a man.

hate is fear, i know what you are afraid of, and loneliness is just part of it.

Don't hate women for being a woman. Would you hit a hungry dog for getting on the counter and getting food that's just been sitting there?

Get mad at yourself for putting yourself in the situation. Learn from it, and get better next time.

I know this will go right over your arrogant head, but i'm also writing it to any whiny betas who are angry about this stuff. yes, it's frustrating, but realizing it gives you an advantage.

>> No.7061339

>Men and women are differents

This is stupid as fuck. Men are complex and thus can't be categorized. Women are complex and thus can't be categorized. Therefore, if everyone is different, why the fuck would you set an arbitrary difference based on gender? That kind of thinking is inanely stupid.

>> No.7061360
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>> No.7061385

i don't really agree, to be completely honest.

obviously you feel different and are pretty upset by my view, but if you are really interested i could explain where i'm coming from.

first off, i didn't go into details, i said a very short sentence "men and women are different"

you want to take that as me saying ALL men are ONE way, ALL women are ONE way
which would be a stupid thing to say, since obviously everyone has differences. However, in GENERAL, men have certain traits that women don't have and vice versa. Besides basic and undeniable biology, it's also something easy to experience first hand simply by paying attention and living.

There are a LOT of people who think like you.
I realize i'm the minority, but I also know i'm right.

i know this response will just piss you off even more, but it is what it is.

>> No.7061386

"I aim as low as possible. I aim for obese women, ugly women-- ideally ugly and obese. Ya know, I aim for the bottom of the barrel"

It's like real life.

>> No.7061397

wow fuk u

>> No.7061398

>Implying you pissed me off

Dat delusion of grandeur. You can try to wriggle your way around but that won't change your statement "men and women are different" is stupid as fuck as is.

>> No.7061409

Shut thw fuck up you skinny jean wearing faggot

>> No.7061412

Wear to cop tea party hat?

>> No.7061429

Bro u mad. Plain as day.

>> No.7061435

Dropped ur trip bruh.

>> No.7061476

hold on, give me some time to photoshop a screencap proving i didn't.

PS that was sarcasm because i actually didnt samefag, but there is no way to prove it so you'd have to believe a young cool trip,and you don't have it in your heart. i can respect that. people have to earn trust. maybe some day we'll be good friends and sip Hennessy until the sun rises. we can respect each others opinion and enjoy a friendly debate, free of shitty tactics. I'm very much looking forward to your cool response.

>> No.7061498

this went better than i expected

>> No.7061520

It's hilarious as fuck. None of them reacted like /fa/ did.

>> No.7061552

/lit/ is populated by omegas like the ones in the vid
only /r9k/ is more autistic

>> No.7061580

>arrogant assholes
pick both

>> No.7061575

The guy with the long hair is a full on spas

i dont even feel sorry for him though

he seems like an arrogant asshole

>> No.7061599

This is too funny.

>> No.7061613

urban white trash is a fucking massive faggot

why does he think he is so cool?

does he ever actually get girls?

>> No.7061617
File: 41 KB, 500x500, waythrowed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the guy with the autism accent at 4mins.

>> No.7061627

no thats his thing. hes trying to be a pick up artist yets hes a virgin and scared of vaginas

>> No.7061630

no, he doesn't, he posts on 4chan as a trip named Starfucks now

>> No.7061652

i hate american culture and virgin woman are gods culture prominent among black and latino youth today

i hate that in america is if a bitch slams into you at 6omph at a red light, and sheds a few tears the male is found at fault.

i hate that i can't buy a folder, SCAR chambered in whatever the fuck i want becuase some middle aged women somwhere didn't like where you put your hands on the gun (pistol grip, barrel shrouds)

i don't like that women rule everything in the united states. it isn't feminism, it isn't respect for women, this isn't equality

who cares about my sex life, who caes about what i have to offer to some woman. i am not here to serve you people, im not here to be a man in service to others.

i hate, liberal america with a fucking passion
and all of my guns can't kill it and i can't stop it no matter how hard my allies in this political cause (calguns enthusiasts) try.

we have lawyers, we have more money than all of the youth combined and we damn sure have the firepower but the children today are giving into the liberal bullshit surrounding this nation.

drinking, smoking weed and fucking every weekend isn't life.

and if you're afraid of an ar-15 just becuase the magazine is removable then tough shit

you and your bitches can fuck off

i hope there is another revolution in the works, i utilize my decade in engineering, supply chain mastery and production and six sigma quality control princibles to heart as i produce ammo and weaponry to take this shit society to the ground

>> No.7061657
File: 479 KB, 520x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello hail

>> No.7061660


top lel

starfucks is actually a virgin that just hides it and talks bullshit

>> No.7061662

didn't u died at mcdonalds or somthin??

>> No.7061663

#shots fired

>> No.7061681



>> No.7061691

very true.

glad i can get that off my chest.
i feel reborn.

>> No.7061699

just to let all of you know almost none of this is really true, its just sieg heil bitching about america again.

>> No.7061694
File: 44 KB, 215x320, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only sensible guy in that whole 30 min video was the guy who was married and had that Indiana jones leather hat on
All the other fucks keep talking about how its so unfair, oh it's easier for women oh it's easier for pretty boys or its easier for guys with muscles etc etc

He had the right idea when he said he knows what he is (a omega or whatever he called himself) and he know its hard for everyone (women and men) to find someone to love

Self acceptance and keep trying is the only way someone will improve and maybe find someone you can relate with

>> No.7061703


>> No.7061717
File: 12 KB, 323x325, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fight me irl fgt

Jk ily hail

>> No.7061726

this, he brags about getting a returned text on 4chan. he is most likely a black or latino or lower class white youth, uneducated. surrounded by liberal media and liberal ideas.

hence buying into feminist bullshit.
he is actually the problem i outlined in my post.

what is his life...look at him, not a single designer on him, no hobbies, no passions in life, no opinion of political subjects, no philosophy

his entire idea set is what appeals to the lowest common denominator in pop culture in order to maintain his agreeable "chill" persona.

he is an idiot.

his life revolves around the attention he gets/doesnt get from females.....and then bragging about it.

we used to call that girl crazy in elementry school. he has nothing in his life.

>> No.7061737

Sieg pls i can feel u slipping more&more in insanity. Become a college teacher. U've got all da qualifications for that.

>> No.7061733

why do

you write posts

in this annoying

illiterate format?

>> No.7061744

And you have something?
What do you have? A overview of everyone? A good "understanding" of the faults in America?
You have less than nothing
At least he talks to girls what about you?

>> No.7061759
File: 51 KB, 500x347, IMPERFECTION.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like u literally view the world from books and internet forums.
I have no shame I've had and still have nerdy hobbies I'm not going to pretend for anyone.

>> No.7061749
File: 316 KB, 345x484, KEEP posting this picture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7061750

i do this too

its the best way to write a post

easy to read and new line for each point

fuck off m8

>> No.7061751

as the first chill of fall

sweeps across the wooden flooring

as I look skyward

I can see the birds making haste to the south

and I sit here, regretful on the ground