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/fa/ - Fashion

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7059553 No.7059553[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw 20, good looking, tall
>too beta to ever do anything with a girl
>tfw my looks are fading
>im already too old to model
>and soon enough ill start balding


>> No.7059563

The problem is you hold too high of standards for yourself, relax. I'm sort of the same way too though.

>> No.7059565

>>im already too old to model
shiiit i was thinking about doing some modeling but im 29 as well. whens the cut off?

>> No.7059570

post pics of yourself OP

>> No.7059572

20 as well**

>> No.7059581

yeah. its not even girls liking me or not. I've gotten so much attention growing up for my looks that I know girls wanna fuck me...but just knowing i dont look like francisco or sena opry or young dicaprio makes me wanna die

>> No.7059606

Im 19 good lookn, fit and born with a silver spoon in ma mouf.
No qts are worth it but im getting 2 know this qt.
Hopefully shes a wify

>> No.7059614

get out of here normalfag

>> No.7059620

>tfw youre me minus the talking to a qt part

>> No.7059623

Its a life m8
She stole my phone and snap chatted herslef 2 some guys from fa

Shes a qt patooty and I hope u all meet 1

>> No.7059628

She shown interest in me.
We have her fam over 4 dinner all the time and she always goes out of her way to talk 2 me

>> No.7059630

It'll fall apart, she'll turn into a cunt and there won't be anything you can do about it.

>> No.7059632

the only question that remains is...is she /fa/?

>> No.7059640

Her fam is in a lik economic trouble but she holds up reely well..
She will never be like that.
Theres something about her... m8 Idk

>> No.7059653

Hairline feels general

>> No.7059669

>>>/s4s/ faggot

>> No.7059672

>born with a low, good, no receding hairline
>20, no receding still
>all males in my family are bald

if i have a good hairline now...a-am i good?...;_;

or will balding hit me like a truck and ill be balding feel guy.ttf

>my worst nightmare

>> No.7059675


this. really have to accept the fact that you are nothing special and neither is anyone else. got to dumb life down a bit in order to navigate it.

>> No.7059679


>> No.7059691

It's incredibly hard to say. You might start tomorrow but not go fully bald for another 60 years. You might not go bald at all ever. Enjoy life dude

>> No.7059692



lmao no its not wtf

cole mohr peaked at like 24or smthing

>> No.7059810

>looks fading

try 30 m8

>> No.7059812

similar situation

dad is bald, so is my uncle

however i have my mothers hair; and both her parents still have full heads of hair

t-there might be hope

>> No.7059829

>tfw meet this 6.5/10
>dont want to be arrogant or egotistical but im out of her league
>tfw she is really cool, very easy to get along with, interesting, fun
>tfw cant get over the fact im much better looking
>tfw this narcissism is ruining my chance for happiness

>> No.7059863

fuck iktf.
>tfw know I'll never find a girl as good looking as me with good fashion and music taste
>tfw i will always have to settle in one aspect

>> No.7059887


>not being an alpha male and fucking litter as it presents itself to you

>doesn't like the same music

Are you some dumbass fucking faggot

>as good looking as me

Are you some dumbass fuckingfaggot

>good fashion

Are you some dumbass fucking faggot

Do you even know what a vagina looks like

>> No.7059906

>thinking looks matter when you are searching for a life long mate

How old are you kids?

>> No.7059913

>wanting to be with someone youre not even attracted to for the rest of your life


>> No.7059921

being ugly isn't much better

>dating girl who is way out of my league
>cant get over the fact shes much better looking
>worried she's going to leave me
>she leaves me

>> No.7059914

I like how everyone is so goodlooking here but you never see a single good looking person in wayw threads

>> No.7059915

>implying I am this picky
I've had good relationships with plenty of girls. Im just saying, I will most likely never meet my superficial dream grill.

>> No.7059916

>voluntarily bringing subpar offspring into the world

its like you want us become extinct

>> No.7059922

because the uggos have accepted their ugliness and dont give a fuck

>> No.7059924


putting pussy on a pedestal is not effay

log off

>> No.7059930

Think you replied to the wrong person

Think you need to log off

>> No.7059933
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>tfw gf


>> No.7059942

>tfw was an ugly child
>tfw girls used to tease you
>tfw had no confidence, never kissed a girl or even held hands
>hit puberty, got braces, went on accutane
>tfw 18 now
>tfw have been getting complimented the past year
>tfw girls keep saying how handsome i am
>tfw still think they're teasing me
>tfw scared of rejection

>> No.7059940


>> No.7059947

>tfw 22, good looking, tall
>too beta to ever do anything with a girl
>looks aren't fading and my hair isn't going anywhere
h-help me be not beta, p-please /fa/...

>> No.7059952

Congrats, you're a beta faggot

>> No.7059956

just got fuck a bunch and treat them like shit

>> No.7060050

>tfw 18
>tfw 5'11
>tfw skinny
>tfw people enjoy being around you
>tfw black
Can I at least be a print model or something. When will long arms be /fa/?

>> No.7060077

>implying any of those things you listed about yourself are impressive

>> No.7060087

I bet you're skinnfat, and congrats on being a manlet

>> No.7060113

Watch when araki-core comes into play

>> No.7060120


If you feel that way, then so be it. I don't have any reason to plead my case to you.

>> No.7060126

Except you indirectly did

>10/10 made you respond

>> No.7060134

You are 5'11, congrats on also being a manlet hahaha

>> No.7060128


/fit/s got another one!!!

>> No.7060148

I'm 6'1"

>> No.7060143

>implying that isnt close to the average female height in many european/white countries now

>> No.7060189

show me statistics proving this