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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 186 KB, 2048x1365, jackety.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7047563 No.7047563 [Reply] [Original]

Hey do any of you guys know the name of this jacket? Looks damn boss IMO and need something warm for the winter.

>> No.7047604

That guys a fuckin neckbeard m8
Do you want a neckbeard's jacket?

>> No.7047610

bump for sexy jacket
he's a legend bro

>> No.7047703


>> No.7047732


>> No.7047939

>he's a legend bro
so is that fat kid who got lightsabers for christmas and hit his aspie brother with them

>> No.7048397

no bro that's distance

>> No.7048424


>> No.7048450


>> No.7048459
File: 888 KB, 300x278, 1380049648242.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7048462

I'm not an autist, fuck off mate, I think the jacket looks damn good with jeans however

>> No.7049301


>> No.7049341

How about you go back to /v/ or wherever you came from and take your shitty opinions with you, Leather jackets are not cruise control for cool, synthetic leather jackets ( like the one in your pic) are cringeworthy at best, fuck off you autist.

>> No.7049352

That's legit leather jacket mate

>> No.7049369

lol, if you don't know what fucking model it is then how do you know it's real leather

>> No.7049364

You might as well buy a fedora that matches the jacket and your autism.

>> No.7049372

dude just ask distance where he got his shitty huge pleather jacket

>> No.7049384

yo he just said its a normal leather jacket

shut up kid, he sed so

>> No.7049378

that jacket is disgusting. go the fuck back to /v/

>> No.7049392

does BANDIT still post here?

>> No.7049388

hey OP

>> No.7049395

>not cruise control for cool
>not knowing how sexy Rick O leather looks

>> No.7049410

>distance on /fa/

lol i never thought i'd see that when i came here

>> No.7049425
File: 537 KB, 700x700, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's pretty damn /fa/

>> No.7049432
File: 117 KB, 1602x430, leather jacket.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

summoning bandit

>> No.7049436


but i love his music tho

he used to be a fat metalhead lol

>> No.7049443

/fa/ as fuck yo

and his music
is the SHIT
I've half his shit on vinyl or real CD

>> No.7049449

i cried when i found out titan was actually getting a release

same for the life you chose remix

>> No.7049456

it looks like a leather hoodie, something which I have been looking for a while.

>> No.7049457

have you heard his new shit on soundcloud, untouchable?

it's fucking sick and it's coming with CHST030 with new Chestplate+Distance tshirts

oh god my balls christmas gift so hard

>> No.7049483

yeahh it's good shit

need him to release more chestplate stuff, can't even remember what was before rag & bone

>> No.7049497

CHST029? hmm

in any case he said on facebook he's finishing a new EP yesterday, my body isn't ready

If he ever releases a new full album
my god that'd be best year ever

>> No.7049510

shit hadn't heard about that

tbh it would make my life if he released the swish remix. best fucking tune

>> No.7049530

yeah... I wish somebody made a distance compilation so far, same with burial

oh well, all I want is a distance jacket now

>> No.7049549

cant help with that

shout him on twitter he might answer

>> No.7049580

he just said its a normal leather jacket


>> No.7051466
