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File: 59 KB, 618x400, kanye-west-on-jimmy-kimmel-618x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7045823 No.7045823[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is Kanye legit crazy? He just starts rambling about shit in this interview.

>> No.7045834

when was this? i htought they had beef

>> No.7045835

>no link to interview
great thread OP

>> No.7045837

"you can love me, you can hate me. In the end im gonna be me"

>> No.7045844


>> No.7045851

he dresses like a homeless person

>> No.7045852

nononononono. please don't..don't...don't tell me you're quoting what he said on the show

>> No.7045858

tonight. an hour or two ago

>> No.7045868
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>Kayne's weird awkward laughing
jesus, it's hard to watch

>> No.7045876

he doesn't even fully smile
it's such a fake awkward laugh

>> No.7045870

He works it though nigga

>> No.7045880

poor nigga getting destroyed by the kardashians

>> No.7045887
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>Say you don't give a shit about the walk of stars
>Go on a rant on how they won't take Kim
Bruh it's like you don't even know how hypocritical you is

>> No.7045888

I'm listening to it while the video is open in another tab and I must say

Kanye West sounds fucking white as shit

>> No.7045900

>walk of stars
does he know who he's with

>> No.7045906

he really believes she should have one


>> No.7045907

If Kanye is really making all of his decisions on an altruistic level, why the fuck would he choose Kim Kardashian as his baby momma and love interest?

>> No.7045913

the whole thing was really tense and awkward. kanye isn't even talking to kimmel half the time. he's just kind of pontificating to the audience

>> No.7045923

This is true

Still, I stand by kanye
He has a real ness and a boldness that a lot of people lack

>> No.7045929

yeah hes pretty eloquent when he wants to be

>> No.7045936

But his choice in words also leads to a lot of misinterpretation
This is why people misunderstand him and call him things like pretentious, ignorant, etc

I can provide and example

>> No.7045945

man his voice is so white

>> No.7045949

He can certainly brain dump without saying "um", but as a whole it doesn't make a whole lot of sense. He bounces around topics that make it difficult to really grasp wtf he's talking about.

>> No.7045951

He said in the interview " genius"
He calls himself that a lot

He is looking for a word that means he is an artist that takes his work to an absolute aesthetically potentlevel(more on this in a bit)

He often is unable to articulate himself, and he is even aware of it. This is why he is so quick to catch his "error" in the interview, saying " I know you're not supposed today this"

>> No.7045955

>eloquent when he wants to be
before abruptly changing the subject to something else several times and then raising his voice and becoming overly affected and then sullen. Between that and the obvious delusions of grandeur and prosecution, I'm convinced that he literally has a mental illness.
>pretentious, ignorant
he is

>> No.7045956

Yeah I'm like that too that's why I feel like I kind of get where he's coming from

>> No.7045959

someone ought to teach that uppity nigger a lesson

>> No.7045961

He's actually on the Kimmel snow tonight? Hmm...have to check on it tomorrow. Afaik, I enjoyed his interview with BBC last week. While I don't agree with some of his opinions, you can not deny the amount of passion he has as can be seen/heard in the interview.

>> No.7045966

Obvious delusions of grandeur?

Once again I present to you the error of man
You can't fucking stop thinking about the ego for one second
Everything has to be about me me me
I need to look GOOD

It's not even about humility. It's about no giving a fuck what you look like

He said it himself " I don't give a damn about hear cameras and these TVs"

>> No.7045968

i wonder how much of that accent is a reaction to the his villification. like he'd be less scary if he sounds white.

just pulled up an old interview and his speech is dif

>> No.7045973 [DELETED] 

>im a creative genius
>kanye west
>the rapper


>> No.7045978

To continue:
In the Zane interview he mentioned that in very thing he does he wants to make " dope things"
He wants the "dopeness"

I think the best synonym for this is "god"
Or at least what god represents on a symbolical and aesthetic level

>> No.7045983

>kanye says some random shit

>> No.7045985

That's exactly what I'm thinking. I recall seeing a bunch of old interviews of his where he sound just like he does in his songs, except speaking normally.

>> No.7045987

>hes angry as fuck the whole time
>says some stuck up shit and gets applause
>face lights up
this guy

>> No.7045993

kanye west is a shitter

>> No.7046000

At the end of the day he's an average rapper and an above average producer who got incredibly lucky.

He is creative, but I think it's a gross overstatement to refer to him as any sort of 'genius'.

He has an enormous ego that seems to heavily cloud his judgement.

>> No.7046004

Why god?

Fabrixquare - the lowest rung
Acne - higher level yet, still lacking in certain traits
Rick Owens - a very high level- a designer who focuses on his world and on his aesthetic journey
All involve making clothes, but one obviously commands more attention

You can do this with music, painting, etc
Any art, you will be able to see that there are artists who have a passion for it and who seek the heights it has to offer
Artists are about creation and creation is god

When he says he wants to make " dope" things he is saying he wants his art to command attention and to reach levels that he and his fans can feel in see towards

But see how it can me misconstrued as simple ghetto speak?

>> No.7046005

because he is a nigger with an ego complex

>> No.7046006

Kanye is a real asshole, but he does make some good music.

>> No.7046012

bullshit. he's one of the best producers around. big dumb ego aside.
you clearly don't listen to much hip hop.

>> No.7046007

aka you dont own any leather jogging pants

>> No.7046011

Reducing him to a sentence full of hate is hardly a good alternative

Why not treat him like a human being?

>> No.7046017

>he's one of the best producers around

like i said, above average

but nothing to write home about

>> No.7046020

because he thinks hes a god, not a human being

>> No.7046027
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holy fuck that laugh

Also, as another anon said, this is less of an interview than it is Kanye using Kimmel's play time to give the audience a monologue

>> No.7046031

any other videos where kanye just rambles on forever like this?

>> No.7046030

why the fuck are you talking about god? there's plenty of normal ways to understand what he was talking about. How about fucking "good." Now that's a sensible word. He wants to create "good " things.

>> No.7046034

You can't control people
And so what if he thinks he is a god? Why does that offend you?

It is easy to point the finger at others, but it is much more difficult to look inside your own mind, to see te disturbed thoughts that you have

This is part of the reason I stopped coming on this board
I hate to be blunt but most of the posters I come in contact with are shallow and poorly developed
And no, shallowness is not a give When it comes to fashion

>> No.7046037

"good would've been god cept i added more o's" -kanye

>> No.7046039

shut the fuck up you fucking chode

i think you contradicted yourself about 4 times in that statement of drivel

>> No.7046040

It was an experiment
And the results were in my favor

I wasn't talking about god just like kanye wasn't talking about genius

I know it's called G. O.O.D. Music but I dont think Kane aims for mediocrity

>> No.7046042

Show me where
I bet you cant

>> No.7046045

>I hate to be blunt but most of the posters I come in contact with are shallow and poorly developed
so are you

>> No.7046046

fucking pleb missing what he's saying
>Kanye names his album Yeezus

You have the intelligence of a super kneejerk obese housewife who subs to Women's Weekly.

>> No.7046048

i has a song titled "i am god"

>all these butthurt kanye sheep

>> No.7046051

Two things I got from that part of interview is that his reference to being God was inspired by his most recent interaction with Hedi and that how the media felt it was not acceptable for a colored man to refer himself as a god, but was okay if he was a pimp, gangster, or drug dealer

Agreed. People who say Yeezus is garbage do not understand what it means to break the mold. Shit is nowhere near a rap album.

>> No.7046055

he actualy is overated as fuck though, but alot of musical geniuses are, think about bob dylan all his albums sound exactly the same, he has no progression what so ever yet hes still the goat cause he is, thats life

>> No.7046057

And Pink Floyd has a song titled Bike, that doesn't mean they're just singing about a fucking bike.

You are genuinely a sperg.

>> No.7046054

its kinda inspiring the way he goes off into those rants
hes full of passion and dedication

>> No.7046059

Explain to me how I am behaving in that way?

And even then it does not matter. I know I have my fair share of biases and hypocrisy and mental filth
But I try to have a sympathy for everyone because I know we all have kinks we are still trying to work out

Kanye is not any different, he is still human
He is still your fellow man, could what most people say in this thread say the same things to him in person?

>> No.7046060


Maybe if he spent less time talking shit about higher education it would be less ironic when the biggest rapper in the world can't express himself cogently through language.

>> No.7046061

why are you so intent on defending the guy?

Regarding kanye's egoism, I think part of it is a cultural thing. That kind of unbridled narcissism isn't uncommon among black men and women in america.

>> No.7046065

yeezus didn't really break any moulds tho

>> No.7046066

>And Pink Floyd has a song titled Bike, that doesn't mean they're just singing about a fucking bike.
>kanye west fan logic

Okay if that's not enough for you he's stated very similar things in pretty much every interview in the last few years. Even in the interview with Kimmel he called himself a creative genius, trying once again to separate himself.

>> No.7046070

What's the experiment? To see how far we can twist and misuse words and then blame other people for taking us at our word?

You need to lay off the drugs, man.

>> No.7046071

It doesn't take a genius to figure out he's fucking playing you and the paps. He spouts shit about being a god, the retards miss the fine print, get mad but still continue to suck his dick by the simple act of continuing to whine and cry and trying to criticize him.

All their hypocriticism is highlighted by this simple virtue. You don't have to love him, but falling for what he does just makes you a huge fucking idiot.

>> No.7046073

Because, as strange as it may seem, I relate to him
When I talk about my passions or any subject in depth I am met with accusations of pretentiousness and pseudo intellectualism when in reality it is just an honest yearning for beauty and knowledge

I don't care who you are or who you think you are, I'll still talk to you like you're the only person in the world
I try to be the best person I can be and to try and Rid myself of all the mental filth that clouds me

Hate included
Anon, why is it no one as addresses any of the subject matter that kanye has presented?
It's because they are to focused on his ego

>> No.7046074

there is no fine point

he is not that smart lol

why do people insist on thinking of him as a genius?

there is no hidden message behind waht he says

he is a retard who happens to have musical ability

>> No.7046081

Haha I am on a bit of a buzz
But the point is what people do what that confusion
It's a fifty fifty thing
Do you use that misconstrued word and use it to slander the person who used it?
"A god?! Who do you think you are"
Or do you understand that words and their usage are often not a concrete method and then continue on the subject of your conversation?

>> No.7046085

is he still butthurt about the fashion world not accepting him

>> No.7046087

that's all he talks about really

>> No.7046088
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rappers or niggers in general being able to express themselves cogently

>> No.7046090

There's two large groups of people.

The ones who don't listen to his songs and just read about him. What they're fed is shit like the Taylor Swift incident, the names of his album, all the outbursts and crazy shit the paps and media love to relay. They fall for that image like lemmings and oust themselves as the hypocrites they are. Note how celebs are always being criticized yet incessantly followed? Every article about them always has comments deploring them, talking shit about their actions, yet those comments follow their articles everywhere. People use celebrities as an outlet for their own holier-than-thou attitude, this includes the retards who hop across Justin Bieber telling everybody how much they hate Bieber. It makes them feel big to talk shit about someone famous, so suppose themselves as superior persons to someone who is rich and famous.

Then look at how fucking ironic it is for Kanye to pull that god complex and have people criticize that. He's embodying the worst of their hypocrisy, and they criticize him. It's so fucking obvious that only the retards, aka you, would fall for such shit. The second group is the ones who actually listen to his songs and realize this very message in them.

>> No.7046092


As soon as you call yourself a genius, you betray a total lack of understanding of that word.

I don't think he is stupid, and I do think there is some profundity behind what he says but his vocabulary is so bad it is hard to take him seriously.

He's still very gifted and intent on always reaching new aesthetic heights which keeps his music fresh (not necessarily good) and different.

You have to respect him if you think about it objectively for what he's done in his life through his own entrepreneurship but I also feel sorry for him. You can tell he's not really right in the head with how he's shaking and how desperate he sounds. Desperate might not even be the right word. More like emphatic but also insecure.

>> No.7046095

i didnt even bother to read that wall of drivel

you clearly have way too much time on your hands, trying to justify a popstars actions

>> No.7046094

The right word is 'awkward'. Kanye is and has always been an awkward, anxiety ridden fuck.

>> No.7046098


Awkward has connotations of passivity and shyness though which definitely don't apply

>> No.7046096

Great post anon
There is a lot of psychology that goes Into this as well
Why isnt psychology a required course in highschool?

>> No.7046112


I'm not even trying to justify his shit, but I hate ignorant fucks who think they're better than celebrities because of this bullshit pap/media culture, and when the opportunity comes for me to berate and drive people like you down into the dirt, I'll fucking take it.

You're in this thread for a reason, you're in here posting shit about some rapper you hate for a reason. That reason is exactly what is in my post, and you know it inside and out. But if it makes you feel all warm and holy, please strap on those blinders and continue to gulp down that shit.

>> No.7046108

this argument is so flawed its ridiculous

>> No.7046114

i dont think im better than any celebrity

i dont hate him

i actually like his music

i jsut think hes a stupid fuck sometimes and people overestimate his intellect

>> No.7046116

>Haha I am on a bit of a buzz
yeah, i can tell

>> No.7046119

Hey now
There's a point to it
And I can see how it can still work even if you tweaked some of the details

I would definitely agree that there's a sort of tit-for-tat gossip game going on around any mass groups of people

>> No.7046121

No one needs to take psych to fucking understand this, just not be a fucking fire and pitchfork mongoloid.

>> No.7046128


holy shit this argument is so fucking retarded.

>muh flawed dichotomy
>muh strawman
>muh pop psychology
>muh complete misunderstanding of anything but the lowest common denominator interpretation of Kanye's music and persona

>> No.7046133

Should I listen to his music? Not a huge fan of rap, although I like New Kingdom. Is it more than rap?

>> No.7046130

t-that's n-not what yeezus s-sounds like... i-is it?

haha i've never heard him in an interview sounding so white.

>> No.7046131

General pyschology presents many terms, effects, and theories that can help teens articulate themselves and to tinker on their own little minds. Why is understanding how we work a bad idea to you?

>> No.7046138

>little minds
or big minds if you're a big boy like kanye

>> No.7046139


You can form a rebuttal any time you want, I hit the ace and you're wobbling with the bullet right in your ass. Also when samefagging, at least try to punctuate differently.

>> No.7046148

Come on now. See? That's exactly what I'm talking about.
I wasn't trying to say that one sounds better than the other, so don't bring a catty gossipy tone to the situation.
Or is that too hard loser?

Ooh that was catty.

>> No.7046150

Kimmel looks like ye about to catch his fade

>> No.7046155

you should watch his interview on his mother in-law's show

>> No.7046158

wait. Kris has her on show?
what has this world come to.

>> No.7046161

nigga, i don't even know what you're talking about. i was just making a joke

>> No.7046163

jesus christ kris looks so much like Kim, I wouldn't blame Kanye if he accidentally fucked Kris.

>> No.7046173


the fuck are you talking about? who am I samefagging?

do you need clarification on any of the terms I used?

False dichotomy is when you assert a disjunction that you erroneously think is exhaustive. Like when you say, "there are two kinds of people out there"

There are people that like Kanye's music but don't like or don't buy into his public persona.

There are people that respect what he is doing publicly that don't like rap.

There are a whole lot of people in between those two polar opinions you listed.


The first group you described are so obviously brainless and incapable of critical thinking that there is no point even discussing them. This is by no means a majority view and their opinions are so easy to dismiss the fact that you had to build up something so easy to knockdown shows that you're not comfortable dealing with a more challenging criticism.

>pop psychology

"He's embodying the worst of their hypocrisy, and they criticize him"

This kind of entry-level wikipedia psychoanalysis is so trivial that it is completely uninteresting. It also gets the matter backwards. Not anyone can just put on a "god complex" and then have people this pissed off let alone get as much attention. He gets attention primarily because he is very innovative and musically gifted, which puts extreme pressure and scrutiny on him, which then leads him to act out in these ways and causes people to criticize him. His "god complex" does not exist in a vacuum.

>> No.7046178

Nah man I am pretty crazy I think I'm Natalie Portman

>> No.7046186

I meant breaking barriers, so to speak. What other "rapper" released/developed an experimental album such as Yeezus outside of their "realm"? The only other person I can think of at the moment is Pitbull.

>> No.7046189

what, the album is just dickriding the new hype of whatever death grips are doing

>> No.7046193

YOURE dick riding death grips

>> No.7046198


His "message" isn't even that unique in rap.

Mos Def did "New Slaves" in '99 with "Mr. Nigga"

Celebrities have been claiming they are bigger than jesus since the Beatles.

What is actually interesting is his influence on the rap genre through the unprecedented level of production and attention to detail he puts into his albums. He is always striving to reach a new aesthetic level, both in his image and his music, and should be appreciated on that level.

also the anons that wrote these posts have a much more interesting take on this than you:


>> No.7046204

Regardless of the fact, list some other folks who are trying to adapt. Hell, who tf else you know have multiple artists record a verse so it can be layered in a hook just like the old days in recent time?

>All of the Lights

>> No.7046205


i fucking said level 3 times.

>> No.7046211

>new hype of whatever death grips are doing

/mu/ please go.

>> No.7046212

if the beatles proved anything it's that you shouldn't say that

>> No.7046215

i couldn't even get five minutes through this video, Kanye is so insecure and intense he's hard to watch.

>> No.7046269

stop sucking your precious MC Ride's dick and once you've wiped the cum out of your eyes you might realize that Yeezus is influenced by many more things than your entry-level underground rap group you tard

>> No.7046317

He was actually right, it's dark like death grips and new slaves almost has samples straight from it.
He is just doing the next cool thing, he has no original thought at all, please name a single song he has made that is progressive in any nature.

>> No.7046352

yeah dude most homeless ppl i see have huge gold chains

>> No.7046355

aw poor kanye i dont really want to watch this

>> No.7046366

>/mu/ calls black skinhead a death grips ripoff
>mfw its literally a marilyn manson beat that came out 10 years before death grips even existed

>> No.7046384

post link to manson song
>dem drums

>> No.7046391


>> No.7046397



>> No.7046408

ty for wrassling trax
so /mu/ 4 me

>> No.7046414

jesus christ he's such a dumbass

>> No.7046419

I always thought he was a jerk, but to be honest after this interview I can legitimately say I like him.

>> No.7046438

I love him so much. He's just so on point and open, specially compared to his peers in his profession.

>> No.7046436

sik fit west

>> No.7046442

jay z? mr. 3riple entendre

>> No.7046467

you're actually so crammed full of shit there's not point arguing with you
even if you don't like kanye he is one of the most progressive and influential to the industry.

>> No.7046475

He's split from the whole fucking programme.

he also seems to forget that he's a fucking ENTERTAINER. That's it. That is the extent of his abilities and power. I don't care what he says, he has never and will never actually change society. If he stopped right now he's be forgotten in ten seconds.

he's also a rampant hypocrite

>> No.7046481

Why should he let anon box him up? he can be whatever the fuck he wants, he can change society if he fucking wants, hes an artist.

>> No.7046492

>he's a fucking ENTERTAINER
This. However there's this little thing called celebrity worship especially here in US that kind of changes everything. Makes these singers, actors etc half deities even when they literally haven't done anything worthwhile in terms of benefiting society.

>> No.7046493

to be genius you dont really have to break every mould
like turny said about slimane
he innovated w/ slp and that formula is still consistent and used till today.
Kanye is one of the most polarizing mainstream music artist in the last 5 years

>> No.7046508

>he has never and will never actually change society.

rofl, he pretty personally killed the early/mid 2000s gangsta rap era, started multiple trends, hes had a huge impact on hiphop and fashion

>> No.7046510

pretty much*

>> No.7046511
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>new slaves almost has samples straight from it
lol how does a song have almost a sample from a different one?

>> No.7046521

its astounding that you're posting on fashion board yet are opposing innovation and flexibility.there are feel threads for your kind
how does releasing music not benefit society?
are u really this narrow minded?

>> No.7046525

1 more comment
does anyone think kim is the fall of kanye?

>> No.7046529

>its astounding that you're posting on fashion board yet are opposing innovation and flexibility.

half the people here say that niggers arent people and that they will beat up anyone they see who wears black it really shouldnt be that surprising

>> No.7046535

Pop music is just entertainment. I'm really glad in excists but I still kind of sucks that Nicki Minaj or Kim Kardashian has hundred million die hard fans who would lick the dog crap from her soles, but no one knows who say Norman Borlaug is.

I appreciate skilled entertainers as much as the next guy but doesn't change the fact that mere celebrity status is kind of self-sustaining in a wrong way.

>> No.7046536

nah but hell probably be less focused on music/fashion/media when he has his kid

>> No.7046540
File: 5 KB, 221x273, joke1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how 1 thing affects you will not do the same to others.Pop was a great innovation.You just hate the fans/celebrity status of celebrities.Would you still enjoy Norman Borlaug's art had they kept their art and become even more famous than Justin bieber?
you're contracdicting yourself by using incorrect diction/vocabulary

>> No.7046545

please do correct my assumptions
but your case isnt really being made strong
its like saying you wont wear high top sneakers cuz thats what "hipsters" wear and you detest hipsters,yet you still post high tops in a cop or not

>> No.7046548

meant for

>> No.7046553

>I still kind of sucks that Nicki Minaj or Kim Kardashian has hundred million die hard fans who would lick the dog crap from her soles, but no one knows who say Norman Borlaug is.

why does that suck

>> No.7046582

I have trouble expressing myself because I'm not english speaker so I have limited vocabulary or sometimes I use wrong words, but anyway I try to make sense as best i can.

Sets bad example of what is desirable in life, makes rotten society.

>> No.7046591

ur morals shouldn't be imposed on another bruh,you'll be so frustrated u might kill yourself
shield your kids if thats what really bothers you

>> No.7046612

I won't shield anything from anyone but hopefully raise them so that they won't waste money, time or other resources to follow what the likes of Kardashians or Farrah Abraham does this time.

>> No.7047723

Interview is up!

[1] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pGAqqjXPQP8

>> No.7048218

Oh man, you used that word twice now. I think shit's getting serious

>> No.7048248


kanye is pretty weird

>> No.7048245

He's a legit narcissist.

>> No.7048263

>yeah he-heh
>death stare

>> No.7048306

kanye has swag

>> No.7048434

kanye is an awful rapper with good production

he's also a crazy egotistical crybaby asshole and his latest album was total garbage

>> No.7048473

>he's just kind of pontificating to the audience
i can understand this in a lot of ways, and it's one of the reasons why i really like Kanye outside of his music.
he may come off as arrogant, but look at what he's doing. he isn't doing a canned interview, with no substance like 90% of talk show guests. he isn't simply out to plug a product (even if that's what got him air time), he is out to make a difference.
he goes on TV and speaks his mind, even if his mind is full of shit (which i actually don't think it is). even though he is completely concerned with his image, he wants people to know who he really is.

you can hear it in his lyrics, because even when they aren't great, they are how he really feels. they are what's bothering him, and what's on his mind.

>> No.7048497

your entire life is total garbage.

>> No.7048542

I just watched it and idk kimmel doesnt even have to make jokes, kayne IS a joke

his music is good I guess but its just a drop in the bucket

why do you care "how he really feels"

>> No.7048617

He really IS a mediocre lyricist, tho. I mean, he's gotten better but he's nowhere near the level his production is at.

>> No.7048649

i agree with most of what hes saying. but i cant say hes a creative genius. i just dont see it.
there is some artists i do believe have a creative genius and an innate purpose to create music, they were made to do this and it comes to them easily.

>> No.7048665


>> No.7048669

idk if you watch jimmy kimmel on his show, or even saw an episode of "the man show"

but he isn't a very funny guy.
he's always the 'agreeable well liked guy" while the other guy or character is the wacky one getting laughs

>> No.7048678

what rapper(s) do you consider good lyricists?
any mainstream rappers?

i know Kanye isn't a great writer, but his lyrics do communicate a lot of emotion. you don't need to break them apart to understand them.
i actually like that it feels like he hasn't put much thought in them sometimes. it seems more raw and honest.

>> No.7048695

Nas is probably my favorite.

>> No.7048704

ok but what about good rappers?

>> No.7048717

I agree, in an interview with Travis Scott (GOOD Music signee) he mentioned that working on Yeezus, Kanye said fuck lyrics its more about the energy now. You could already see that progression with his use of a vocorder in the end of Runaway that was used to make him sound like a crying guitar. MC Ride isn't particularly lyrical either which is why combined with the dark sound people think Black skinhead is a ripoff

>> No.7048754



kanye is a crazy person who has lost himself to his celebrity

>> No.7048834
File: 84 KB, 275x455, lynch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7048857

Nas is one of the GOAT

Lupe is very good lyrically and overall, but isn't pop so he'll probably never get huge.

Eminem is God-tier when he is angry, but now he's too happy and it made him soft.

Macklemore is a better lyricist even though I don't really care for him.

Pusha T and Malice (Clipse) are both better lyrically

Kendrick Lamar is better lyrically as well

There are tons

>> No.7048865


>> No.7048874


>> No.7049170


Lol, fuck off nerd

>> No.7049163


>> No.7049172


>> No.7049184

Hungry ass bitch told me take her out to dinner
Knowing damn well she'd order half the shit that's on the menu
Reverse game, hit her with a cold line
Told her I don't want her pussy, yeah that really fucked her mind
Learned that from a cold mack
How to make them come back
How to make her run back hanging off your sack
How to make a bitch take a bullet like the secret service while you sit back and watch the Kentucky Derby

>> No.7049310

I like Kanye, I love his music whether it is such lyrical or not...but he needs to take it easy. I mean, not everything you talk about has to be "so deep" and "wow insightful." Sometimes you gotta just lower your intellect and act stupid, it can be fun. I think since he labeled himself a genius, he thinks that he needs to keep that persona, and always look smarter and better when he is in front of the camera. And yeah, he is being watched by everyone so he wants to appear as a genius, but really some of the best interviews are when people let go and be hilarious and stupid, but allowing their persona and their jokes reflect their intelligence without having to prove it.

>> No.7049346


fuck off he strings words with no meaning with the same flow and same beat in every song

>> No.7049380

I don't know, but I know Kimmel was legit scared.
Poor Jimmy
Also, does anyone else feel that Jimmy Kimmel is one of the few celebrities who lost weight and actually looks like he's not dying of aids?

>> No.7049389

>MC Ride isn't particularly lyrical either

Have you ever read Death Grips lyrics?

>> No.7049393


>mf doom looking up one syllable rhymes on rhymezone

>> No.7049396

Lupe's problem isn't that he's not pop. He's too full of him fucking self, and dropping nonsense "metaphors".

>> No.7049403

jimmy and kanye both sound like they're about to cry

>> No.7049433

>drew carey
thats some scary shit

>> No.7049480

nas spawned 10 generations of dickriders with one "great" (7/10) album

eminem can write a few good tracks but then you realize the other three quarters of songs off any given album are him whining about being white and trying to be edgy

macklemore is a huge shitlord making millions off of singing about anticonsumerism

clipse is great, but lyrical? its coke rap and pharell beats, come the fuck on. my name is my name was disappointing

kendrick is the most circlejerky dickridden rapper of the last 10 years, hes not awful but good kid mad city was only like 6-7/10 hop off his cock

>> No.7049489

oh and lupe is certified shit now lasers was the most mediorcre album ive ever heard

>> No.7049520

>my name is my name was disappointing

It's the hip-hop AOTY.

>> No.7049538


drake and 2chainz new albums were more enjoyable

>> No.7049543




>> No.7049559



>> No.7049563

lasers was released because his label told him to, haven't you heard his newest album? or his newest songs?

>> No.7049564


bitch nigga, bet you aint never sold dope

>> No.7049581

if i want coke rap ill just listen to old clipse and dipset albums that actually had good production not lame boring ass 90s shit beats