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7045178 No.7045178[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/fa/ feels? only got like 1 response to this and want some advice

>gril in one of my classes in uni seeems so into me, always sits right beside me, rubbing agsint me, touching/stroking my legs when she wants to talk to me, touching shoulders and stuff ya know regular gril shit
>this goes on every class so far for two weeks
>obviously I think "she's into me"
>find out we have 2 other classes together but they're both huge so we don't really see each other a lot and I don't really care for her (I'm working on another gril) so I don't get her number
>see her on weekend at huge street party with her friend, she literally sprints to me and hugs me, forces her cheek into my face so I have no choice but to kiss it
>her and her friend end up leaving because I was busy playing beer pong and they were going to find one of their gril friends
>get her number before she leaves, tell her I'll text her or her friend (already had her friend's number because she's hotter) later in the night and we'll meet up
>text her friend
>says they'll meet up with us at same place
>rest of night is a blur but I know we didn't meet up
>fast forward to this monday, see girl coming out of one of the other classes we have, say "hey what's up" like a regular guy would do
>she goes "hey how are you"
>good you
>she walks by me
>send her an fb message later because we some homework in other class and ask if she wants to go over it together
>read no response

>fuck girls

I don't even care about this gril but wtf is this, do all girls do this? Like I've never had anything like this ever, but she's now got my attention, because she's all over me one second, then giving me silent treatment the next. What the hell /fa/?
starfucks where you at nigga

>> No.7045188

Make a move. She's playing games.

>> No.7045187

Dog, I couldn't even finish that

Why are you not capitalizing on the first girl that obviously wants your dick

That sweet girl is being so overt, just take her in as your girlfriend - be alpha for once


>> No.7045202

That's the thing, obviously I know she's into me but all I wanna to is fuck and forget, I'm not down for no bullshit relationship stuff because I'm tryna wife anotha bitch

>> No.7045210

lmao ur getting played by a girl beta boi

>> No.7045218

You're fucking dumb

Have fun trying to chase some girl down and only getting yourself into a relationship where you have no control and have to bend over backwards just to keep some dumb bitch you've idealized

If you're so dense as to not take up this first girl, it's your own fault and I hope the bitch you're actually after gives you a perm. STD

>> No.7045238

the girl that's into me has more shot of an std than the one I'm going for. The one I'm going for is str8 goddess nigga

nigga I ain gettin played like i said I don't care for her, I just wanna fuck her but I want this other chick. I wanted to know if anyone else has had experience with these broads that play games so to speak

>> No.7045265

right now I'm pretty drunk so I may just call her out on it via text since it's pissing me off

be like "bitch why you playin games wit me, just get ready to fuc"

>> No.7045268

Really depends on your personality, but if you keep it light and don't engage in relationship-type activities then you should be aight to fuck the first girl. If she does ask for a relationship just say no and make up some BS story about having a previous relationship that went terribly wrong. Double whammy because girls love broken guys and you have an excuse for legitimately not wanting a relationship.

If ya didn't know now ya know

>> No.7045283

Don't do that, if she's playing games then just play games back. Withdraw your attention from her. Don't let her make you play into things. She'll come back to you begging for attention, then meter it out carefully.

>> No.7045289

haha I won't, it was joke

will do, I'll withdraw contact for until we have class again. Then what do you recommend? should i do something cheesy and ax that bitch out or somethin?

>> No.7045300

shouldnt have texted her friend dummy

>> No.7045302

her friend is hotter and I had no choice

r u a gril?

>> No.7045303

if you don't care, then why are you getting so butthurt over her? stop being a pussy and get over it.

>> No.7045310

I guess I'm afraid if I fuck the chick that wants me it'll fuck up my chances with the girl I really want

>> No.7045317

lol do they know each other? if so, don't dude. just fuck the one you want, problem solved.

>> No.7045324

i can be c:

but seriously tho. you cant expect her to be happy with you after you blatantly ignored her after she threw herself at you
>you text the friend
>her friend: ugh this jerk texted me! you gave him your number right??
>girl: yea ;-;
>friend: fck him!!! forget about him babe!

>> No.7045326

yes they know each other

and if that's the prob i gotta get the girl I want first. She's only sorta interested as far as my studies have gone. This other one is straight up interested but I just wanted to know if anyone's had experiences with grils playin dese games on em, and what they did with them

>> No.7045328

fuck I know i still cringe about why I did that

>> No.7045334

i'm a girl, and i'll tell you straight up from my experience is that i only play games with guys that only seem like they want to fuck. you probably gave her that vibe. also agreeing with >>7045324
because girls tell each other everything, and she prob assumed you were into her friend instead, which has basically pushed you into the point of no return.

>> No.7045338

Don't ask her out directly like "Hey anonette will u go out with me plz respond." If you want to see her on the weekend then ask her indirectly, like "Hey do you know of any good parties this weekend?" or "Hey my friend is having a party and asked me to invite people, you wanna come?/ tell yo friends"

Then once you're at the party, start gradually responding to her advances and lightly tease her. Always smile, crack jokes, etc. Then once you have her touching her hair, laughing at unfunny things, touching your arms, etc, take her somewhere private. Next you're going to want to get on the floor. After that, have everyone walk the dinosaur.

But seriously, look up PUA shit or whatever if you want to understand the psychology behind dating and picking up girls. It's not hard once you know what you're doing.

>> No.7045353

not op but what should a guy do if youre playing games bc you think he just wants to fuck but in reality hes into you? play the games back or keep pursuing?

>> No.7045350

i definitely did not give off that vibe

i dress well and i talk a lot so maybe that got her into me? not sure because I'm an honest 6/10 lookswise

idk why but I know she's into me, any advice on how to get a gril that's sorta intrigued but nothing otherwise?

>> No.7045358

>do all girls do this?

>> No.7045367

idk i think you should just try to text her, and try to get close to her! it'll work especially if she's interested. she'll be on your dick really quick haha.

>> No.7045375

you can't be serious, she read and ignored my facebook message about meeting to do a test together, I don't want to seem like a clinger

>> No.7045383

plus she doesn't have mine, I only have hers because I asked for it that one night

>> No.7045386

lol i'm not a relationship expert! just a girl!!!! but ok i'll try my best!
umm, from my perspective, i can usually tell when a guy's into me because the one's that actually want to date me actually take me on dates, and are overly sweet. if a guy plays games with me (which has never happened) i'd cut him off right then and there, but that's just me!
i've found that when i play games (ignore guys, act busy, etc.) they cling to me so well, so i have no idea if the reciprocal would work!

tl;dr: i think you should just keep pursuing if you really like her, compliment her until she throws up from your excess sweetness.

>> No.7045389

do what >>7045338
said, wait until like friday or something and ask her about a party, maybe offer to go with her!!

>> No.7045393

also, wait. did you EVER text her??

>> No.7045394

ok I don't wanna seem like a dick because you're a girl, but the first girl that's into me:
- I just want to fuck her and that's it

on the other hand, there's a girl I'm trying to get, and she's definitely intrugues by me because (dont wanna seem beta but) she gave me the add on fb and always giggles when i see her across class.

how to into fuck first girl but end up getting second gril that's intrigued but not necessarily interested?

>> No.7045398

thanks for the info. now i just gotta find a girl thats into me

>> No.7045399

nope hahah i feel like an asshole

maybe will do, but the porblem is, her roommate is the girl that i texted that one night. they are bffs.

>> No.7045403

damn son...youre too greedy

>> No.7045408

nah dog just truly /fa/ all you niggas gotta goals like this

>> No.7045416

Roommates?? Man if you don't know what you're doing I would suggest calling it off and deciding on one. Pulling two roommates would be a pretty impressive achievement, and you don't exactly sound like you know what you're doing...

You can, however, play off of one if you don't make physical advances on her. Just make her want you; she'll talk relay how desirable you are to her roommate, and then you'll have a pretty sizable boost in value from that.

>> No.7045418

lol being a girl, i'm the same, there's some guys that are good just for fucking, and guys that are good for relationships!

and the chick that added you on fb, has to be into you, because that means she thought about you when you weren't around!

idk but if they're close-ish, they might talk about you, and the fact that you fucked the first chick might turn off the second chick to you.

>> No.7045440

okay Tiger, the roommate isn't the one I'm interested in, but that one night I just texted her because she was hotter than the one that's into me and I was really drunk.
I'm now having regrets thinking if i had've texted the one that likes me I coulda got it in that night

they're not really closish, we just share one class in which everyone is friends. tbh the girl i'm into is str8 gf material and I'm going crazy over her, but haven't made a move yet because I'm afraid she'll say no or whatever and is not actually into me. in short I just wanna be sure before I go all out tryna get her.
I'm really glad there's a gril on here lol