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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 646 KB, 1280x1881, 1377510300213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7042060 No.7042060[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

how do i know that i don't dress for attention? i like to express myself but don't care about others opinion as long as they see me the way i want to be seen
am i really depending on random people that don't matter to me?

>> No.7042067

>don't care about others opinion
>as long as they see me the way i want to be seen
Welp that means you care. Not in a complete attention whore way but you care.
>am i really depending on random people that don't matter to me?
ya. Mainly to validate your identity. Maybe to feel superior?

>> No.7042075

do you dress outlandishly?

then yes

goff inja, raf simons dino sweaters, or dem velcros

>> No.7042079

how do i stop caring?

>> No.7042081

If you wear stuff that you like and makes you happy then who the fuck cares what any1 else thinks

>> No.7042095

just give up

and do what you want

also just start sucking dick
once you suck a dick, it's like you have the world by the tip, in your mouth

not afraid of what people think of you, becuase you know if it came down to it, that guy judging you, would probably stick his dick in your mouth and you can work it to completion in 2-3 mins

so all the petty shit, attention doesn't matter at that point

like right now you think it matters what women think of you.

they don't care about what you think of them bleeding everywhere for a month, and fucking scceating muscus everywhere

infact they expect you to love that shit

thats the level of self confidence and don't give a fuck you obtain by sucking dick regularly

>> No.7042100

Well I dress basicbitch so I know I don't dress for attention. I dress to be better than other people. Same reason I work out.

>> No.7042102
File: 661 KB, 1073x366, Damned.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>as long as they see me the way i want to be seen
You're falling into a very tricky creative pitfall. You're trying to maintain complete control over how the audience processes your work (in this case your choices). This is an understandable mistake to get caught up on, I made it myself for years when writing songs. I would over-articulate my ideas because I wanted people to only take it one way - my way, the way I want.
Over time I realized that there's an incredible amount of wiggle room in the psyche of the human animal and that nobody will ever really understand why you made the choices you did in the same way that you will.
The best you can do is to reach a middle ground by adhering to or at least acknowledging the presence of certain aesthetic & stylistic standards. When you work with certain standards you gain the benefit of being able to communicate with more people than you normally would. Standards, norms and unwritten rules are tools that level the playing field. People may not understand your art, but if it's pretty to look at then that's usually good enough. Mere self-expression becomes communication, becomes a dialogue.

TLDR - It sounds like you're trying to maintain control but losing it in the process. Do you look okay to you? Fine, then.

>> No.7042113

Get of 4chan. Seriously. I stopped using it for a while and really improved my outlook on life. When a large majority of the criticism you get or read about is from maladjusted, angry people, it seeps into you too. It seriously will affect how your brain works. I only came back on here cause I was hoping to find a backpack thread.

On that note, I'm out.

>> No.7042135
File: 56 KB, 500x321, damn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck that shit was deep

>> No.7042148

Great post.

>I would over-articulate my ideas because I wanted people to only take it one way - my way, the way I want.
I learned to do the same. My voice is so monotonous that my only effective outlet for emotional expression is my diction. Been learning to tone it down lately. Less is more.

>> No.7042267

Let me suck your dick bby

>> No.7042341

i would but i get advice like this here >>7042102 (thank you poet)
4chan made me a lot more mature and able to think critically. i don't know where else i would find people like here.
the disadvantage of knowing a lot is you're getting way too critical about things because of those high standards.
>I would over-articulate my ideas because I wanted people to only take it one way - my way, the way I want.
i think this post is going to change a lot in my life.

>> No.7042485
File: 47 KB, 746x747, 1363291767690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7042500

>how do i know that i don't dress for attention?
You do, everyone does. Anyone who says they dress nice for themselves is mistaken as our definitions of being well-dressed or dressing poorly is based on the reactions and opinions of others.

>> No.7042508

i wouldn't look like a ninja if i base my clothes on the reactions and opinions of others.

>> No.7042515

When you have a uniform with minimal interchangeability you wear every day and no one says shit to you - you made it

>> No.7042530
File: 34 KB, 267x400, normal_Leon_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So much kek.

you're peacocking

you couldn't be craving attention and reactions more

>> No.7042564

>trying to stand out by identifying with a popular trend
So much kek

>> No.7042871

everyone dresses for the outside attention. Anyone who says otherwise is a filthy liar.

>> No.7042915

>this is what borderlines actually believe

>> No.7042919
File: 47 KB, 500x520, eye-candy-ryan-gosling-12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw you get the attention

some girl just walked up and told me I was handsome and said i should model when I was shopping

I'm only 6-7/10 but my body's gotten better, I think I'm going to be gosling mode in my late 20s. You know, 7/10 but somehow perfect.

>> No.7042964

kek of all keks

>> No.7042969

I'm probably better looking than you.

>> No.7042974

And taller.

>> No.7042976

With a better body.

>> No.7042981

not true lol, I atleast, sometimes dress to avoid attention.

not me specificly but I can imaging many people dressing to avoid attention if they are doing crimes like selling/buying drugs etc.

>> No.7043065

Schopenhauer was all like, after the artists says his piece (in this case an outfit) is done, he has no say in what the audience builds out of it.
You've got the material object (the clothing), the artwork (the fit you made out of it) and the aesthetic object (what people build out of your artwork in their own minds, what they associate with it might be very personal).
Now, he's very outdated, but I think he hits the nail right in the head, just as poet does here.

>> No.7044744

I always take some flack here for my view but I dont think its any less valid.

My feeling is that I dont really care about what I wear. I choose clothes based on utility. I dress in order to influence other people's opinions about me. Its not artistically pure or whatever but I'm not an artist I simply dont care. So when I chose clothes its for social utility because when you have no actual opinion one way or another might as well get something out of it.

I guess the difference is I dress for other people but it doesnt influence my opinion of myself. The self I project to the world is a construct tailored to suit my needs rather than a manifestation of my true identity.