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/fa/ - Fashion

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7031163 No.7031163[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Let's talk fukken skincare
>much smoothness
>how soft

Mr Porter just released some products from Aesop and Czech & Speake or w/e they're called, I wanted to get opinions on those

Pic related, how do you achieve that skin

>> No.7031191

>skincare thread
>pic of a guy smoking

>> No.7031208

Be born with it

>> No.7031247

Obviously smoke a lot. That guy is living proof OP. You should take up smoking.

>> No.7031443

Go to google. search, hungarian stonecrop eminence. Buy. done.

I work at a spa,i know my shit

>> No.7031455

Aesop is god tier. Expensive too but worth it.

>> No.7031647


This. It's hard to go back to other stuff after you start using Aesop.

>> No.7031655

if I want my skin to look smooth and need some shampoo/soap/conditioner and pomade, should I buy all my shit from aesop?

>> No.7031725


What are some essentials from Aesop, say you had to get 2 skin care and 2 hair care?

>> No.7031738
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cerave moisturizer and generic drugstore sunblock
my skin is amazing thank you

>> No.7031770

guys. guys. fuck all that expensive bullshit, get a bottle of jojoba oil and a bottle of castor oil. mix them together in an empty bottle, half and half. put that on your face after (or instead of) washing it then rinse it off and it will feel like a baby's skin.

>> No.7031773

I just use nivia's mens moisturizer because I'm poor but my skin looks great so it works out.

>> No.7031792

tfw don't know why casuals are so bad?

>> No.7031816

Why would you need any of this bullshit if you don't have acne?

>> No.7031880

I make my own skin care products from coconut oil and shea butter.

>> No.7031905

this guy has the right idea

you're an idiot if you buy into the mr porter hurrrr minimalist packaging/FOR MEN branding

>> No.7032476

Stop eating dairy.

Best decision I ever made.

>> No.7032545

Pretty much just this and using a gentle moisturizer will solve all skin-related troubles. Also lots of water.

>> No.7032559

>tfw mostly quit eating dairy but end up eating pizza whenever i drink

>> No.7032575

how can people smoke and have nice skin can someone explain pls

>> No.7032579

does this actually work? i've been trying to quit it, how long would it take to make a visible effect?

>> No.7032590

how does this work?

>> No.7032595

Use cheap but good moisturizer with an inbuilt factor 15 sunblock. For life.

Your future self will thank me.

>> No.7032597

>Pic related, how do you achieve that skin

by throwing away that cigarette as soon as the picture is taken

>> No.7032599

Osteoporosis confirmed for /fa/

>> No.7032623

Drink a lot of water. Eat a lot of fruit and vegetables.

Home made smoothie: Two bananas, can of peaches, fill the rest of the blender with spinach. Add water, blend to fine. A couple of glasses a day.

Best shit I ever invented. Good as a cheap sport drink as well. Really good.

>> No.7032637

1. dont eat as much dairy

2. cut junk food out of your diet except for special occasions

3. dont smoke cigarettes as they dry out the skin

4. get a good moisturiser

5. get a good toner

6. drink lots of water daily

7. try not to touch your face

>> No.7032653

>never touch face
>change pillow sheets every 1/2 weeks
>quit dairy
>quit processed shit
>quit sugar
>eat tons of vegetables
>eat tons of fruit
>drink loads of water
>exercise daily and work up a sweat (make sure you shower after)
>use a sensitive face wash (not one made for people with acne if you have acne) and moisturizer twice a day
if it doesn't work, you can't be saved

>> No.7033443

For god's sake don't use Aesop for hair. Stick to Kérastase for that. There's a reason the best salons in the western world and the majority of celebrities use it. Aesop is god tier for skin though.

>> No.7033520

>hungarian stonecrop eminence
should i get the moisturizer or masque?

>> No.7035511

what's dairy?

>> No.7035529

>exercise daily
Can I just work out for like an hour? Or do I have to go running or swimming or w/e
>never touch face
why and how
How many liters approximately?

Is it the best money can buy

>> No.7035553
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Can someone help me find a good moisturizer?
half way through a roaccutane cycle and my skin is very dry. I use neutrogena oil free moisturizer but within the hour it looks dry again.

I have resorted to using bio oil, but obvs my face then looks v oily

>> No.7035563

also would like to nkow if it is the best option for the money. How's American Crew compared to this?

>> No.7035569

Guy in the photo looks like an uber twink, most likely has a lot of make up caked on, OP. Stop being such a faggot and read the sticky.

>> No.7035591


>> No.7035596

read /fit/ sticky
you need to do both weightlifting and cardio
if you try to only lose fat with doing only cardio you eat your muscle away too, if you only work out at gym you'll look bulky fattie

>> No.7035604
File: 485 KB, 2200x1467, bashar-al-assad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I shave until my face is smooth, but I still have a shadow left over where my moustache is. What's a good way to mask this? I live in Japan btw, so if you know some Asian products, it'd probably help more.

>> No.7035608

yeah; just grow a moustache

>> No.7035612

ew no

>> No.7035615

>exercise daily
No, you should definitely aim to run for about 5 hours per week if you already work out for an hour 6 days a week (I assume)
>never touch face
Not that hard. Just only do it when you have to
Not picking at pimples was a habit I had to break out of when I was a teenager
Aim for at least 6 glasses a day
I almost always have a 1L bottle with me and I go through 2 of them most days

>> No.7035617
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>> No.7035631

cool, it's on amazon.jp

Now I just need to hope I get the right shade.

>> No.7035635
File: 43 KB, 400x574, 6a00d834515c9769e20120a4cbcc4b970b-400wi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just go to sephora

>> No.7035642

do you mean 5 o'clock shadow?

>> No.7035647


It's not, my dermatologist told me the same thing.

>> No.7035659

tfw I just bought skin care pack on sticky
Is using 5 products twice a day gonna fuck up my skin?

>> No.7035661

Yeah, except 24/7

>> No.7035669

so is american crew the best one's available for haircare?

>> No.7035674

for care? nope
for styling maybe
if you want much qualty then ORIBE

>> No.7035673

it is. it has not in anyway been linked with better skin in studies, but even dermatologists and doctors say because anecdotally it 'seems' to work. (if anything I'd say it probably varies from person to person).

>> No.7035676

I use products in the morning and just wash with cold water at night.

>> No.7035675
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What does /fa/ think about Kyoku?

>> No.7035677

oh, i think you get that shadow because you have really thick hair.

there's really nothing you can do about it except shave well everyday to make it less visible.

>> No.7035679

you mean "SONG" xD
I was about to buy the lip shit but fuck the polies I just bought something from hippie shop.

>> No.7035725

Yeah, I have really thick hair.
I shave three passes with a feather razor, so I'm getting everything on the surface. It's just that my hair is very dark and my skin is very white, so I have a shadow no matter what.
If I can't do anything about it, I'd like to cover it with something.

>> No.7035739

try covering it with hair

>> No.7035782



>> No.7036678
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Don't forget to exfoliate. Exfoliation is very important.

>> No.7036754

What cleanser do you guys use? Is Neutrogena any good?

>> No.7036798

Neutrogena is shit. At least for my skin it is.

I use a glycolic acid face wash from Revision. It's $24 bucks from the dermatologist but it's worth it.

>> No.7036833

I can't be the only one who gets turned on by smokers, right? Everyone I meet says it's disgusting, but nothing attracts me more than a male smoker.

Also water. Consult a dermatologist if you can't find the right product for your skin type.

>> No.7036841

Nah, Female Smokers do it for me. Too bad they don't find me attractive back ;_;

>> No.7036853

Using Cetaphil right now, because of my oily skin. Perfect.

>> No.7036996

Why are you all talking about buying skincare...
>be me
>have little subtle acne
>go to the dermatologist
>gives me cream
>my skin be smooth as fuck
>now the only acne I have would be my sweaters
>can't complain

>> No.7037008

Purpose face wash. AHA souffle. Aspirin masks once a week. Kiehl's avocado eye cream.

Get compliments on my skin all the time. Feelsgoodman.

>> No.7037037

>everyone has the same genetics as me

>> No.7037038

it's the least important step

>> No.7037211


You are mistaken

>> No.7037230

What do you think about Dermarollers, /fa/?

>> No.7037248

also interested in this

>> No.7037256

You would be better off physically exfoliating your face daily with a razor (if you are a guy), a face brush (sold in Asian grocery stores in the beauty aisle or Sephora), or chemically exfoliating your skin with an AHA or a BHA.

>> No.7037332


Overpriced and unnecessary.

Also, they use sulfates.

>> No.7037576

yo san, hows accutane going for u

>> No.7037585


>> No.7037607

Never go full retard, son

>> No.7037642

I just eat healthy, never touch my face, wash with cold water twice a day.
flawless skin

>> No.7037651

sunlight helps a lot imo

>> No.7037696


Water should be tepid, never cold or hot. Come on anon this is skin care 101

>> No.7037709

i just use cetaphil and body shop tea tree oil for the occasional spot treatment. that shit is amazing.

>> No.7037728

son, m8,

>> No.7037788

Did everyone have greasy-ass skin and hair back in the 19th century?

>> No.7037949

Will the Acne.org products/regimen actually work? Or is it just a ton of bullshit so they can sell three bottles of stuff for 50$?

>> No.7038112

if I have very oily skin, should I be moisturizing?

>> No.7038130

Yes, it can help. Look for "oil control" label. Your skin produces oil partly to compensate for it being dry.

>> No.7038150
File: 42 KB, 735x551, tiny red bumps on arm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picture is not me

I've got some similar looking red bumps or acne or something on my upper arms/biceps near my shoulders.

The rest of my body is fine; I don't eat anything particularly bad and I'm pretty hygienic.

What the hell is this? How do I get rid of it?

>> No.7038173

Is Origins okay?

>> No.7038180

I've got the same thing since like 15. It usually kinda disappears while exposed to sun in summer but it quickly comes back.

>> No.7038199

i want to invest in this shit, but my face doesnt looks particularly bad. i dont have any acne or blemishes or anything, and its not too dry or oily

im afraid if i start using all the shit im going to end up with a little girls face

>> No.7038208

it's probably just some fungus like athlete's foot, put some tinactin on there

>> No.7038216

its called keratosis pularis (im probably mispelling it or something). its a hereditary thing that a lot of people have. it helps to prevent acne, but its super hard to get rid of. tanning helps to hide it.

>> No.7038352

this tumblr faggot makes me cringe so hard and i see his selfies so much on my dash

>> No.7038457

it says you can lose up to 20 pounds doing this, is this true?

>> No.7038742


Sure, if you eat 20 lbs. of dairy

>> No.7038790

starting accutane this month yall

so excited

>> No.7040681

What product from Cetaphil do you use?

>> No.7040704

>tfw acne flared up really bad this summer
>almost cystic like acne mixed with herpes sores
>skin really infected
>couldnt do shit and got depressed
>use tretinoin, doxyclycline and acyclovir
>it works but never gets it to 100%, always at most to 90% and never fully goes back to normal
>medicine stops working after a couple days and i always get another bad breakout
>have to wait another week before the medicine starts working again but still only gets my skin to 90%
>finally go back to the doc again and they prescibed me new anti-biotics and anti-viral pills
>tell me too stop using the tretinoin because how damaging it is and how it never fully works for me
>it's been only 4 days and im almost clear
>tfw finally happy again
but i just have to deal with these dark spots
how good does tanning work on them?

>> No.7040732

>dark spots
hydroquinone prescription. 4 or 8% gets rid of brown spots. permanent red spots need to be lasered.

>> No.7040750
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>Tfw I have keratosis pilaris rubra faceii. >Tfw i have bumps and my face is red
>Tfw I eat healthy and drink lots of water
>Tfw it is still very noticable
>Tfw I dont know of any cures and tanning doesnt help

>> No.7041926

dude same I got that SPF 30 stuff and I fully enjoy it

>> No.7041947

my asian brahs

w2c perfect flawless pale skin?

>> No.7041972

>tfw eczema

>> No.7042052

I've neglected my skin for the first 20 years of my life, and my nose is a minefield of blackheads.

Anyone used these?

Are they effective? Should I order multiple?

>> No.7042194

I was in that same situation while in middle school. My skin became so dry that it would peel.

Try Avene's Hydrance Optimale.
Lasted all day and absorbed evenly.

>> No.7042673

>1tbsp brown sugar
>4-5 tsp honey
>fresh ~1/4
Mix all together, squeeze lemon in and apply on face.
Leave on for a few minutes

>1/2 cup brown sugar
>1tbsp honey
>1tbsp olive oil (extra virgin)
>fresh ~1/4 lemon
Mix all together, squeeze lemon in and apply on body.
You will feel (and smell) like a god.

>> No.7042676

*fresh lemon

>> No.7042683

Fuck skin. What about hair? What shampoo/conditioner do you guys use? Post your weekly regimen.

>> No.7042717

Nigga this a skin thread
There's already a hair general

>> No.7042978

>on face
Wtf are you doing. Coffee is 10 times better