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/fa/ - Fashion

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7027972 No.7027972[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Did anyone else feel weird when first trying to be /fa/? I am not a 10/10 model, and I don't look like a man (baby face), so will I look weird trying to dress nicely?

>> No.7027981

>tuck in a shirt

>> No.7027983

that's what i'm talking about

you be you, op

>> No.7027975


own it homeboy

if thats u u look fine

work it

twerk it

>> No.7027987


Your belt doesn't match your shoes.

>> No.7027986

It's not me, like I said I'm no model, and I look like a boy.



>> No.7027991

/fa/ =! #menswear

>> No.7027992

>be skinnyfag
into the trash I go

>> No.7027988

it's cause you dont have confidence yet

>> No.7027994

kinda. i dress alright as is but im trying to change my style a bit. wanna get into wearing boots but thats where the weirdness lies. im afraid of looking goofy

>> No.7028001

if you look young its going to be hard to pull off menswear. wait until you grow into it. but theres plenty of other cool stuff to wear

>> No.7028002



>> No.7028010

It's != Think about it, you just said 'equals does not.'

>> No.7028069

What's with the chain?

>> No.7028112

just go swagfag, that's what all the other babbyfaces do

>> No.7028161

that's why you gotta try different stuff and go slowly until you find your own style, it's gotta feel natural.

if you suddenly change your style everyone will notice and it will probably look fake.

>> No.7028163

yeah you will look weird guaranteed but you're supposed to you idiot, do you think well dressed people just one day decided "im gonna start dressing nice" and woke up the next day knowing how to put together perfect outfits?


>> No.7028176

I'm slowly copping nicer and nicer pieces. Then the progression is natural. No one just spends 5g and dresses well the next day.

>> No.7028199

>that bracelet
>wallet chain
>belt not matching shoes

>> No.7028211


Holy fuck you are retarded do you speak english?

Reread my post, very slowly.

>> No.7028215
File: 1.77 MB, 350x174, 1352963612448.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yfw he still looks good because his body isn't shit

>> No.7028228

>No one just spends 5g and dresses well the next day
uh give me 5 grand and i can wake up tomorrow morning and be the flyest nigga in town

>> No.7028235
File: 1.96 MB, 220x165, 1377145254649.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7028264

bhahaha confirmed for autist

>> No.7028303


Matching up exactly is so lvl 1.

>> No.7028362

I would just buy everything cool Fjallraven has.

and a hamilton field khaki
and some iron rangers


>> No.7028400

I am a 10/10 model and I still feel weird. The only time I'm truly confident is when someone else styles me or I'm wearing another person's clothes.

I just gave myself am HY. Feels weird.

>> No.7028415
File: 73 KB, 600x447, tank-top-e1337018144501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7028442


Basically, as you browse more and develop more of a personal taste, you gain some confidence. You then realize that you're better than the people who make negative comments about your clothes IRL (unless they're super /fa/ which they probably arent). Then you know you can just pull off whatever you want to wear as long as you like the way it looks and are confident in it. sans fedora

>> No.7028449

dat 5 guys

>> No.7028466

10/10 model here.

Browsing more is the worst mistake you can make. All /fa/ will do for your is call you names and make you feel worse about yourself. It's the only reason people post here.

>> No.7028505

God I love doing that, and I love responding and making their insults inapplicable. But that's because I fucking looooove arguing.

>> No.7028518


>claiming to be 10/10
>not posting selfie

pics or you're full of shit

>> No.7028530
File: 49 KB, 304x304, hank-williams.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you really think someone would do that? Just go on the internet and tell lies?

>> No.7028525

theres only 2 guys in that pic tho lmao idiot

>> No.7028538
File: 230 KB, 1068x555, OEgcj03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wasn't there some service where you pay someone to send you a box of clothes you might like every month and you buy the parts you do?

oh i found it.


>> No.7028556

>body isn't fit
Do you not see his shitty chicken legs? Jesus I bet he couldn't even squat his body weight

>> No.7028595
File: 57 KB, 542x602, 1369032401580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>just had a vision of being someone who's connected and well to do and had a pretty lady friend of yours that you've known for a while just sends you clothes when you come into town so you have something nice to wear
>everything fits perfectly and looks great
>every time

man.. i don't often feel feels but..

>> No.7028602

you obviously do if you have feel images saved on your harddrive

>> No.7028616


I have been a professional model (that means no other job besides modeling and no outside support), I don't need you fucking retards to validate my existence. And besides, you faggots call me ugly anyways-- you wouldn't no a good model if one fucked you in the ass. By in large you all are only capable of dickriding models who've already popular.

I know both Miles and RJ IRL.

>> No.7028613


that's the only one i've got and i saved it because i save every effay related OC.

>> No.7028622
File: 148 KB, 480x480, Picture of me 6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think feels are funny and I like to see it drawn into different people. And the fact that those guys just openly state their most stupid thoughts is hilarious.

Like: No judging here boys in the safety circle.

No one will judge you, open up.


>> No.7028635


You're missing the point dude.

It's an anonymous forum. Your words don't have more weight than mine or anyone elses just because you claim to be a model.

If you ARE, prove it. If you can't, or just don't want to (because you're a fraud), then stop posting.

>> No.7028673

He'll just find a pic on the web then resize it then upload it so you cant google it.

>> No.7028758

he goes on fucking 4chan what the hell else would you expect?