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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 96 KB, 500x500, tumblr_mu4j8jlMQZ1sov938o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7025918 No.7025918 [Reply] [Original]

>you will never try as hard as asians

>> No.7025929

>tfw no qt azn gf

>> No.7025933


>> No.7025936
File: 148 KB, 400x267, qBqbO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

daily reminder yall

>> No.7025946
File: 173 KB, 700x639, constanzavectors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when I thought I couldn't hate this picture any more I saw the beats sticking out of the dude's tote bag

>> No.7025956


you're good, but you will never be at those little Asian's level


>> No.7025962

>tfw philipino grill does shit house chores 5 hours a day for me

most powerful

>> No.7025960



he is literally wearing the name of a superior race on his forehead

>> No.7025976

>"l-look at me! I k-know w-who Rick Owens is! R-raf Simmins R-rick Owens..."

>> No.7025981

top rotflmmfgdao

>> No.7026003

Yeah, maybe at Subway

>> No.7026006

i go to a school with a lot of asian exchange students.

all of them try insanely hard and look fucking stupid.

>> No.7026012


It's not tryhard for them at all. From where they come from, it's normal for them to dress that way.

>> No.7026021

they don't really try though they just don't give a shit about your baka gaijin opinions.

ps-you're the one who is trying hard you browse fashion forums every day lel

>> No.7026023

>mcm backpacks
>fake pyrex
>muh givenchy

yeah im sure every housewife in Seoul is nxtlvl as fuck

>> No.7026028

asian manlet detected

>> No.7026031

chink defense force inbound

and you're here too, fuccboi.

>> No.7026045

ofcourse they are nxtlvl diamond league terrans you're just a bitter zerg scrub
git gud or git out

>> No.7026053
File: 206 KB, 736x1231, dirt farmer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wearing rick owens head to toe
>not operating a rickshaw

do you even #flip-a-pino dirt farmer core?

>> No.7026086

I think it's because they're aware of how unattractive they are- unlike indians. Indians need a slap in the face because they always dress and look like shit.

>> No.7026097

this picture is the dumbest shit i have ever seen and i spent the last 5 years on 4chan

>> No.7026217

Hong Kong native here. It's kind of bizzare to me bit basically the average Asian young adult dive headfirst into every fad or style that crosses their path. There's a tremendous amount of social/peer pressure to quickly conform (whereas in America you tend to find like-minded people eventually) so when they hype train starts rolling everyone jumps on.

>> No.7026313

Asians are all plebs with no sense of individualism.


>> No.7026336

>What is Japan

>> No.7026662

is that you, Kobe?

>> No.7026708

you /fa/ggot

>> No.7026831

a bunch of contrarians

>> No.7027058
File: 665 KB, 1280x853, streetsnaps-the-hamasakis-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7027101

yo whats with asians loving photography? you never see a pack without one guy with a camera

>> No.7027109

its an expensive hobby

>> No.7027161

What this guy is saying, and also (at least in Japan) it's a cultural thing, to take as many pictures as possible. I forget why though.

>> No.7027168
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Man I have no idea.

>> No.7027180


>> No.7027192

>tfw lonely short azn
I hate being asian

>> No.7027330

that girl is cute, doe.


>> No.7027359


>> No.7027404
File: 70 KB, 612x612, 5d195378175d11e3a64d22000a9f1590_7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying i'm white.

>> No.7027425
File: 179 KB, 640x957, comme des fuckdown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never be ass effortless as asians

>> No.7027438

i hate high fashion street crap.. and i hate people who like alexander wang

and if u want to rep rick just wear god damn rick

>> No.7027436
File: 55 KB, 612x612, 1373276035574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7027440

fucking swagfags

>> No.7027451

ew that entire outfit is fucking disgusting

>> No.7027493

i went to the opening ceremony store in nyc yesterday

fucking overpriced "designer" street wear garbage; cheap materials, and boring novelty designs

>> No.7027502

To capture as many souls as they can.

>> No.7027501

I felt similarly during a recent visit.

>> No.7027512

This from /fa/ where 70% of the front page at any given time is threads of

>I want to buy this
>no its shit follow my genetic fuccboi fashion advice

Not that the asians are good but it's two sides of the same coin

>> No.7027625

is there any reason for this other than higher profit margins? if i was a fashion designer, build quality would be top priority for me. it just seems like it comes with the territory, and would be expected beyond a certain price range.

idk, the few shops i visited in soho left a bit of a sour taste in my mouth. i've always been geographically distanced from major fashion centres - toronto isn't quite there yet - but i was unimpressed with the shops, salespeople, and atmosphere.

on that note, are there are stores you'd recommend i check out? i'm here for a few months.

>> No.7027633

that's ever more sad.

>> No.7027646

Because high-fashion is a scam fuckface hahahaa.

>> No.7027684
File: 408 KB, 854x1019, 207_Gun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know why this is, but even tho I know how hard it is to draw a good profit every season I want to say that the fast fashion paradigm has really lowered people's expectations and so it slips by easier. I mean, have you actually touched the shit they're calling helmut lang nowadays?
Go to the Drkshdw store before it closes! Has it closed yet? I don't know. near Spring & wooster. Go to Camper and look at the bernard wilhelm sneakers. Go to Hotoveli. Go to the rick store on 25 Hudson. Go to Le Labo and check their scents out. Ignore broadway. Go to IF Boutique. Check out Y-3 and SLVR, too - they're all pretty close to each other. Go to the Victorinox store and ask to look at the Christopher Raeburn jackets. Make an appointment to look around in Atelier. Check out consignment shops. There's two INA stores in Soho and one on the west side. There's a consignment place called Tokio or something, google it up but they often have drkshdw and rick in their racks.
The Julius Gas Mask sandals are on sale at INA right now. They were too slim for my foot. They look amazing, tho.

>> No.7027692

>25 Hudson
Should be 250 Hudson.

>> No.7027732

noted! i've only been to rick and IF boutique out of those so far, but i'll check the rest out next weekend.

cheers man.

>> No.7027754

No problem. You might as well give OakNYC a gander, it's relatively nearby.

>> No.7027760

are designer stores going to allow underage plebs that dress in hm inside?

>> No.7027759

Tokio 7

>> No.7027766

That's it, thanks.

>> No.7027777

walked into the NY Rick Store in chepa sweats and a hanes t shirt and sandals. i just woke up, and they didn't care, the associates were really nice. I did end up buying something so yeah.

>> No.7027791

i walked into the flagship uniqlo store and associates acted like i was going to steal shit. i felt awkward and didn't buy anything. i've been scared to visit clothing stores since but you gav e me some hope

>> No.7027792

Fugg, sorry to post so much. Be sure to check out Nike Town and 3x11 (they make incredible bespoke jeans). They're on the same block. Down in the LES you'll find Self Edge (workwear, denim), the cast (custom leathers) and if you get bored The Hoodie Shop is right near them both. That place has a lot of the weird nicholas K hoodies people are always askingme about.

>> No.7027788

sieg what's the most fucked up porn you ever watched?

>> No.7027789


>> No.7027863

all the better. thanks.

>> No.7027871

Why is it that Asians and black people can pull off stuff everyone else can't?

>> No.7027933

I think it has to do with it being a different culture.

>> No.7027943

Actual asian person here. You only say that because the only asians you see are in fashion blogs, etc. 99% of real-life asians look like shit.

Myself included.

>> No.7027949

Me too bro

>> No.7027963
File: 120 KB, 800x533, leopard onesie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a shitposting thread, i wasn't being entirely serious.

although a white person couldn't pull off footie pyjamas like this, damn.

>> No.7027970

Alice Glass.

>> No.7027968

>although a white person couldn't pull off footie pyjamas like this, damn.
They can if they're attractive

>> No.7028032

>be asian
>see these threads
>take mild offence but remember that I don't dress anything like this
>wonder why people still generalize like this
>remember that it's because they have simple minds that only understand groups and not individuals

>> No.7028268

idk man in sydney the wackiest fashion I see comes from asians but they're probably international students, most australians with asian heritage I know dress 'normal'

I guess it's skewed because they would probaby mostly come from well-off families in shang hai, beijing hk etc.

>> No.7028280

Saw an asian chick at uni wearing KVA side-laced sneaker things (don't know the actual name), and the rest of what she was wearing was absolute shit. They are seriously the biggest brand whores out there.

>> No.7028288


Actually I take that back. That's a gross generalization. But i've seen so many asian people with high end fashion pieces matched with regular shitty clothes. It's disheartening

>> No.7028295

kva isn't even worth brand whoring

shit is whack

>> No.7028327

>be fat as fatass asian
>autisticly obsess over every fucking detail because my mother used to be a tailor
>can't wear anything without having at least one part of it altered
>wear CP's and flyknits everywhere with the most basicbitch outfits

Yeah, I try pretty hard. I don't know why I do, I guess it's the compensation for having a shitty personality.

>> No.7028543

it's compensation for being a fatass lmao

>> No.7028545

slightly different, but i saw some asian guy at the library today with a cote&ciel backpack.
the dude was wearing cargo shorts

>> No.7028830


hashtag real talk

>> No.7028967

>not jews

Filipino's are one of the poorest people in the world, and have no power what so ever anywhere. Their country is ruled by Chinamen and Murricans.

>> No.7030034

>do you even ageplay?

>> No.7030114

I miss this tumblr.

>> No.7030154

i want it to end

>> No.7031837

the comments on this video are atrocious

>> No.7031851

is that why pokemon is popular?