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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/fa/ - Fashion

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7025588 No.7025588[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw accidentally told gf i eat once a day
>tfw shes now gonna start making sure i eat more
why i think im gonna kill myself

>> No.7025614

take your gf with you

>> No.7025611

>tfw never eat lunch at work just to cop dat hungry skeleton look
>tfw everyone thinks you starve yourself and starts offering you food

>> No.7025627

She wants you to get fat so you'll be unattractive. Many insecure women do this subconsciously to secure their mates so other women will find them unappealing, thereby drastically reducing the risk of their mate straying.

>> No.7025653

I had to tell my gf I was eating more than I do for this exact fucking reason it's pathetic

>> No.7025656

dump that fat bitch

>> No.7025664

shes probably just worried for his wellbeing

>> No.7025677

Or they don't like knowing their boyfriend is a drama queen who is trying to take the easy way out of getting thin.

You guys ain't walking for hedi slimane quit pretending you're a junkie

>> No.7025688


So what, she's not his mother

>> No.7025697

shes trying to get you fat. tell her to fuck off.

>> No.7025724

b-but i like here

>> No.7025730

no you don't. dump hear

>> No.7025731

i mean i like her

>> No.7025739

fuck that hore

>> No.7025746

stop guys youre being mean ;_:

>> No.7026090
File: 178 KB, 632x934, 1358460841889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7026144

think about all the times she acts bitchy and tries to be controlling. fuck that bitch, you were happier single.

>> No.7026151

>tfw main bitch is going all hot and cold
just gonna ignore her but shit
wheres starfucks when u actually want him

>> No.7026156

have you mongloids never had a girlfriend or something
shes not trying to make you fat its just generally its unhealthy to eat 1 meal a day and she cares for your wellbeing
that being said just tell her you're dieting or something

>> No.7026173

If that were true there wouldn't be any depressed fuccbois trying to compensate with used Rick knock offs

>> No.7026180


>> No.7026183

>tfw you google the person who bought something you were selling on ebay and you feel bad because it won't suit them

>> No.7026201

actual autism

>> No.7026209

i didn't eat anything today

>> No.7026241


>> No.7026254

i have work in a bit, but the best way to get her interested and/or see if she's even still interested is to back off.

it might sound hard, and it goes against what you feel is natural, but trust me, it makes sense when you break it down.

when you withdraw, it will make her want to figure out why. you will become a challenge again, and if she still has feelings, she'll want to win you back.

consider this:

>> No.7026255

There's better ways to lose weight than just eating once a day dude, I'm 5'10 , 120 pounds so I think I know what i'm talking about.

Carry around a pedometer, and go on all day excursions. Step a stepgoal from 10,000-50,000 everyday.

Fill up on Fibres,snack of Blueberries, oranges, grapefruit a couple times a day, you will be surprised how much fruit you can eat and go under your calories needs. you don't get bloated, granted you will gain water weight but this is only temporary and will never turn into fat.

Make sure you measure everything and get a Myfitnesspal account to log calories.

Weight train, if you're eating a deficient you won't gain muscle.

Cut all liquid calories.

Make sure you don't go into Starvation mode, and take supplements so you're getting all the nutrients your body requires, also set a goal and when you reach your goal, eat at maintenance, keep in mind there is nothing wrong with being underweight as long as your healthy and getting an adequate amount of energy, anyone who tells you otherwise is projecting, every doctor I've ever been too has said that I am healthy and most would consider me "Severely underweight"

>> No.7026260

yeh ill keep ignoring her then
thanks 4 the reassurance

>> No.7026293

real talk, though, it's for the best.

start exploring your options now and don't hold out for her.

>> No.7026317

that guy is the biggest fucking tool I've ever seen

>> No.7026362

breakfast: 2 blueberries and a tangerine
lunch: cucumber and one piece of chicken
dinner: salad

>> No.7026437
File: 108 KB, 600x336, low-carb-star-fruit-nutrition-information.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eat more at Breakfast, it's the time that your metabolism is the fastest and if you eat more breakfast you won't feel hungry throughout the day.

I'd suggest getting some of these lying around your house.

>> No.7026448

wtf u think i live in fuckin asia?

>> No.7026454

you can get them at any grocery store, they're not that hard to find.

>> No.7026497

wtf u think i live in fuckin asia?

>> No.7026557

>making sure i eat more

she's talkin bout her pussy op ;))))) u gotta give her that lickaroo more often ya feel

>> No.7026574

wtf those are pretty much just carbs. I think op is trying to lose/maintain weight, not become a fat fuck.

>> No.7026589

i can handle eating once a day but my gf is made

>> No.7026651

>19 years old
>go to doctor
>tells me I need to eat more or i'll never grow more than 5'8 (entered puberty late)
>decide to start eating more
>ate a shit ton of food today
>calculate it

fuck that's like average
is that why everyone here is a manlet?

>> No.7026664

No, you can't.

>> No.7026678

>mfw I realized I haven't eaten all day

>> No.7026703

Carbs don't make you fat.
Excess calories make you fat, look at the fucking fibre content and the calories. You will get full eating nothing from these.

>> No.7026725

I do this too.
But I sell dildos. So.

>> No.7026737

Even Hedi uses real junkies on the runway

>> No.7026914

>tfw you go home to cop a piece after a long weekend of work and it sold out


>> No.7026959

>Severely underweight
ur bmi is just under normal weight what are u talking about

>> No.7026995

She's concerned for your wellbeing & should be: eating once a day is a stupid idea even if you want to lose weight/maintain a low weight

eating small portions throughout the day keeps your metabolism from slowing down (which it does if you don't eat for large periods of time) so you could be eating more & being healthier while maintaining the same weight

>> No.7027006

>tfw /fa/ has no clue how to manage weight and /fit/ is laughing at your pathetic attempts to lose or gain weight.

>> No.7027012


>> No.7027024

>tfw hate eating pussy.
>tfw love getting head.
I feel selfish as fuck. Thankfully I pull it off as being dominant. Also, most girls I've made whoopee to are self-conscious about their puss'.

>> No.7027106

where u been m8

>> No.7027132
File: 30 KB, 264x331, BrodieNoochies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What, you mean like fucking?

>> No.7027217

I mean oral sex, yeah.

>> No.7027841


>tfw love eating pussy
>tfw love eating ass
>tfw hate getting head

the shape of lips around my dick is fucking disgusting

O shaped lips are not fun to look at, huge turn off

>> No.7027868
File: 68 KB, 1024x768, yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw fucking a 38 yr old MILF on the regular
>tfw no boundaries, no bullshit, no drama, no baggage
>tfw I know it'll end one day
>tfw the sex is 10/10

>> No.7027884

>eating ass

>> No.7027891


rimming is the hottest fucking thing to do to someone

love it

>> No.7027894

dont you want poop particles all over your mouth? are you gay or something?

>> No.7027906


>poop particles


>being in charge of cleanliness

>> No.7027915

Only issue is sometimes the girl is doing this same thing to you. You both do it to each other then never speak again. Its happened to me lol

>> No.7028051

Good to hear from you, Matt

>> No.7028141

on /fa/? doubt it.

>> No.7028174

>tfw no qt3.14159265 bf to starve with

>> No.7028198


>doubt it.


>> No.7028233

hey /fa/ this qt fatty chick wants to fuck, but how do I fuck a girl with no thigh gap?

>> No.7028236

tell her to fuck off and mind her own business

>> No.7028243


>> No.7028412

it's for the best though.

even though it may not seem like it, it is.

if he is reaching out, and is constantly getting less and less, then you needs to pull back.
if she really cared about him and valued him. she'd work on keeping him.

i don't recommend going completely cold at first, but if that's what it comes down to, that's for the best.

>> No.7028427

yea older women are really good at sex and don't bring very much drama at all.

at least my experience showed that.
it makes sense in general since they would have learned from their stupid mistakes at a younger age.

when they are past 30 they don't want to play games, they want to get serious.

in some ways it's kind of sad knowing that i would never be completely devoted to her like that, but what the hell is she thinking dating a guy 10 years younger than her?