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/fa/ - Fashion

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7025100 No.7025100 [Reply] [Original]

>be a torontofag
>wearing my first pair of raws that are a bit long and need to be tailored
>get on the streetcar to get to kensington
>standing near the back
>effay as fuck guy and his 8/10 qt3.14 look me up and down
>says in a loud whisper to his bitch that I look like I'm expecting to grow into my pants
>internally burst into treats

if you're here asshole streetcar guy i want u to know u ruined my day

>> No.7025113

>not shrinking raws beforehand
u wot m8

>> No.7025118


most entry-level raws are sanforized tho

>> No.7025117

>wearing raws outside before a presoak and hem

I would have laughed at you too

>> No.7025123

what a cunt
next time that happens get all in his face and embarrass him
some people need 2 be put in their place
feel better OP

>> No.7025120

God damn I am about to buy some raws and the inseam is 34" and i am worried as fuck since I am like 5'8

hopefully it will stack well but some stacks just look dumb

>> No.7025132


Safornized denim still shrink a little. If youre going to hem, make sure to soak beforehand or you might end up with an inseam thats too short.

>> No.7025133

"Gotta get them mad stacks dude"

I saw a goof in toronto when i was in the art district once

he had a funny accent

>> No.7025465

Why don't you get 'em hemmed?

>> No.7025481

>not wanting ultimate $t@xx

>> No.7025505

The days of "the polite canadian" are over due to immigration. Not saying he's an immigrant, but when other groups set the bar low no one else can be expected to jump higher than needed.
Sorry for your feel, OP.

>> No.7025511
File: 1.66 MB, 390x285, 1351969472970.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go up to hit on a girl
>she says "come back when you grow up"

>> No.7025549

Stalk her for 20 years.
One night, sneak into her bedroom and whisper gently into her ear
>I'm all grown up now
Then take her.

>> No.7025606

>tfw you still can't cop a qt azn gf /w gr9 feets even though you live in toronto

What a horrible feel

>> No.7025700

this gif bothers me because the fucking gun doesnt move

>> No.7025830
File: 127 KB, 500x281, feelbetter.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a fucking asshole op. But you sound beta af. Stop caring what people think, can't belive you let that dude ruin your day. >>7025123 this.

>> No.7026100

What was he wearing op? You said he was effay but didn't even post his outfit?

>> No.7026130

OP should have taken a pic of him so we could tear him apart.

>> No.7026143

I bet he would get so flustered if he found out a group of sexless asosbois were making fun of him on an anime forum

>> No.7026192


what a fucking dick

>> No.7026214

lel manlet

>> No.7026222

That is not nice of him

>> No.7026354


>> No.7026365

>wearing raws
i would have laughed too m80

>> No.7026374

to the movies and have a nice date night :3

>> No.7026383

>muh realism

eat a dick, bitchboi

>> No.7026398

>Caring about the opinions of some dude you'll never meet again
y? It's like being mad when someone tears apart your fit on here. He was just trying to impress a bitch.

>> No.7026401

hi op. that was probably me. we like the pedestrian sundays. sorry mate u just looked kinda gay lol

>> No.7026420
File: 91 KB, 474x604, 1362293736285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey op, its the qtp3.14 with the bf that u saw 2day, lmao i laffed so hard B^)))))

>> No.7026433

Sorry op, I laughed. I'm a torontofag too, but I would never do something like that.

>> No.7026445

I'm the homeless guy who was masturbating inconspicuously as I watched the entire thing and I agree that niggaz jawnz was awful.

>> No.7026450

I am doge.
woof woof

>> No.7026466
File: 41 KB, 640x480, 1373772584757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me too

here is a picture of me

>> No.7026561


>> No.7027122

You know you could just cuff them if needed...

>> No.7027321
File: 277 KB, 633x758, 1336904255339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i double cuffed and it still stacked at the ankles
today i also learned how easily persuadable i am by sale reps so i ended up buying a $20 bomber for $90
i feel like never leaving my house again

>> No.7027375

Something similar happened to me today
>Be waiting in line at the DMV
>Guy behind me is whispering to his friend about my chinos being too skinny
>Look back to see he's dressed in a fedora and black leather jacket
>Look him right in the eyes and ask him if he's fucking serious
>Looks directly at the ground and his friend awkwardly just stands there
I just stood there and looked at him for like 20seconds until him and his buddy just left, we were pretty close to the front of the line too. Sometimes you just have to tell people to shut the fuck up OP. Feel better

>> No.7027386

you honestly sound like a faggot. go return that shit and don't buy super long pants next time.

>> No.7027872

Yikes...where did you get the bomber for $90?

>> No.7027937

He probably would.
It would hurt extra bad coming from people like us.

>> No.7027956

Not OP but I seriously doubt that would work for most people. Especially the softspoken aspies that comprise our ranks. People don't react well when others call them out on their bullshit.

>> No.7028172
File: 277 KB, 633x758, 1336904255339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AAA surplus
i am so pathetic for taking sale reps advice. my intuition told me it felt too big and puffy like a down jacket when i was looking for something slim and they were like "nah bro its a classic and looks good."
i went back 2 hrs later for a refund and cunt that runs the place would only let me exchange for other oversized army apparel

i basically paid for this shit

>> No.7028203

>goto club monaco in eatons center
>ask gay dude if tehy have dip dye shirts
>he says no
>hear him tell his co-worker


>> No.7028259

huh? What's he tell his coworker?

>> No.7028269

are all black leather jackets a sign of autism?

>> No.7028284

Oh shit, I was gonna go there looking for commando sweaters. Did you see any or would you not recommend the place

>> No.7028292

>canada, nation of immigrants
>immigrants are ruining canada!

>> No.7028289

tell his coworker what?

>> No.7028301


tell his co-worker what I asked for.

felt like they were makign fun of me.

>hold me /fa/

>> No.7028313

>Larry Clark
>real life
pick one

OP, people on the streetcar are all dicks. The only people who are nice to you just got out of CAMH.

>> No.7028308
File: 8 KB, 250x211, whispering_whores.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he asked for dip dye shirts
>ew, omg becky don't talk to him!

>> No.7028310
File: 278 KB, 633x758, 1336904255339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hate the place with a passion now so no their shit is overpriced and for once i wish i took yelp reviews into consideration
go and try on stuff then order what you like online

>> No.7028330
File: 293 KB, 312x205, 7GAVWwW.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

op, that dude was threatened thats why he had to make a beta comment to his girl while she is too busy mirin u

>> No.7028426

Well, /fa/ does rhyme with baaaa.

>> No.7028446

If the guy insulted you, why do you compliment him and say he's effay while you insult his gf and call her a bitch? Beta.

>> No.7028483

It's pronounced:


>> No.7028495

tfw have never been insulted outside of 4chan

>> No.7028504

being a cunt is not fa
post jeans

>> No.7028519

torontofag here too bruh,
just keep listening to drake and just hold were going home~*

>> No.7028535


protip yes it is

effay modelboi here

#socially polarizing u in public
#glaring at ur revolting outfit
#whispering 2 qtp2t gf abt ur ill fitting inferior garments


>> No.7028559

>trying to intimidate ppl rather than further relations
>buying clothes for the social status
lmao >>/fit/ while ur at it

>> No.7028589


the combined stench of ur asos rags wafting thru my monitor r attracting moths

go away i odnt want my superior garments 2 b eaten

>> No.7028626
File: 318 KB, 960x895, 1376970393337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao fuccboi as if

>> No.7028637

>asos rags
nigga don't lump my $100 topman chinos with dat cheapshit
enjoy ur walmart tier sweats u anime wan b mother fucker

>> No.7028656

those are going to be ridiculous looking on you. I'm 6'1" and 34's JUST fit me.

>> No.7028668

I'm 6'2" And I wear 34-34s.

maybe he wants ultra mega stax.

>> No.7028671

>tfw bought topman chinos
>tfw never even worn them

>> No.7028678

Y-you too

>> No.7028753

>tfw bought and wore hallensteins chinos

>> No.7028766

yeah I guess all countries are nations of immigrants huh? Japan, China, Germany, Greece - all immigrant nations formed by immigrants moving from other places in the world.

>> No.7028783

bro post pics of the jawnz and the bomber.

can't be worse than half the shit we see in the waywts