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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 940 KB, 1350x2000, acne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7016661 No.7016661[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are some good slim black jeans? Ones shown are ACNE max cash which I hear are really nice, but I want to check out some others before I decide on these.
Also, how often/if ever do these go on sale? I heard from a few people that these shouldn't be bought retail.

>> No.7016665

I own a very nice pair of Ben Sherman's, had them for quite some time and their build quality is really good.

>> No.7016672

aprill77 makes a bunch

nf black p stretch are cool 2

>> No.7016674

Bonobos black Travel Jeans are pretty nice.

>> No.7016680

OP here, I should have added I would like it to be less than 200, 150 would probably be the sweet spot, but I am willing to pay for for quality. Thanks for the suggestions, I am going to check those out.

>> No.7016686

Bonobos' are like $98

>> No.7016711

Just get some levi's you faggot manlet beta
If you can't look good in some fucking slim black levis, you don't deserve to live

>> No.7016720
File: 240 KB, 263x638, beta industries.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you're just getting a plain pair of jeans, I think it's all about fit. of course there is a difference in quality between $20 and $200 jeans, but with mens jeans the details are pretty much all the same (unless you get some balmain biker jeans or whatever). find a pair that fits you perfectly and don't worry about price. if the pair that fits you perfectly is $200, then get them only for that reason. max cash are pretty damn skinny. see pic related. I would try a pair of 510s and uniqlo skinnies before anything else. they might fit you nice and then you won't have to worry about dropping a lot of cash.

>> No.7016726

talk shit post fit mane

>> No.7016728


go back to /b/ or settle down bro

>> No.7016733

You know what percentage of dudes actually look good all decked out in "/fa/" shit? Less than 1%. You wanna play those odds? Didn't think so. Just get some fucking levis you fags, stop over spending and over thinking this shit

>> No.7016736

those acne jeans are like £150 full price, way less than $200 lmao


>> No.7016750

Is not less than $200 you retarded faggot.

>> No.7016757


you act like someone will look worse in levi's than acnes. it's almost the same thing but acnes are higher quality and a slightly different cut. just stfu. we are talking about plain jeans not geos or something.

>> No.7016760


i meant **better in levis than acnes** or alternatively **worse in acnes than levis**

my bad

>> No.7016763

No, the point is, acnes cost way more than levis, and nobody needs a fucking internet thread to know about levis. Just go buy them. $40, fucking done. You still look just as gay as you would in acnes

>> No.7016768

levis arent really effay
they're okay
if you cant back up your statement "you don't deserve to live"

>> No.7016766

>I can't afford it, why should anyone else get to enjoy nice things? Buy cheap mall-tier shit like me!

Nigger, get the fuck out of here. You represent every wrong viewpoint about fashion.

>> No.7016780

>faggot manlet beta
>you don't deserve to live
>you fags
>you retarded faggot
>get the fuck out of here

what's the point of this rhetoric? do you guys act like this face to face with people? no? so why do it on the internet? just because this is 4chan doesn't mean you have to act like you're on /b/. just state your opinion without the venom. YEESH.

>> No.7016784

I wouldn't wear that fag shit if someone paid me

Ever heard of diminishing returns brah? Shit happens quick with fucking jeans. If you are good looking enough to pull off "/fa/" shit, you are good looking enough to pull off levis

>> No.7016786

Boo hoo i'm so sorry
I'd say grow a fucking pair but they wouldn't fit in your skinny jeans

>> No.7016792


they're not not /fa/. I would say if they fit best on your body, just get rid of the back pocket stitching and you're good. if a more expensive brand's cut fits noticeably better, go with those.

NB that acne's black denim has a slight sheen. I think it looks awesome, but maybe that is not what you're going for

>> No.7016797

you've probably never owned a pair of acne jeans
you logic is one that i frankly dont agree with
"if you're good looking and can afford /fa/ things, you might as well wear cheaper things"
you sound like a person who probably doesnt act this way irl and only act this way because its 4chan
why be like this man?
im also just saying, talk shit, post fit or else your words have no depth

>> No.7016796
File: 2.52 MB, 2448x3264, 2013-09-06 14.00.16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7016795

>just get rid of the back pocket stitching and you're good.

God I love this board
You are all such fucking fags

>> No.7016799

thats pretty cool, not digging the waxed sort of look though

>> No.7016804


are those ramones? yours? I don't want to sound too harsh, but you kind of ruined the silhouette of the sneakers by letting jeans with such a large leg opening cover half the shoes. need something that tapers more imo.

>> No.7016810
File: 1.78 MB, 3264x2448, 2013-09-30 18.42.51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ordered black zespy track pant. It's in the mail.

Could I fold this denim into the shoe itself?

>> No.7016811

you blew the fit with the cut on the jeans.

>> No.7016812

Have to love how people get mad over a simple question
£150 is $240 bro.
I have a pair of 510's (not black), the fit is good, but not as good as I would like it to be.

The main reason I posted the acnes is a lot of the fit pics I have seen in them are the exact same fit, and material I am looking for.

The April77's look pretty nice, and aren't too expansive, anyone know of the quality of them?

>> No.7016817


then leave? don't post ever again, unless you are going to explain yourself?

are you saying it's dumb to remove the pocket stitching because you become a poser that wants to suggest they wear something better than levis / are ashamed of levis? or are you saying there is no reason to get rid of the stitching and to just embrace that you're wearing levis?

the reason I suggested removing the stitching has nothing to do with levis or branding. I just think from an aesthetic point of view, a blank pocket is much more pleasing than the arches.

>> No.7016819

It's inside-hemed

I ordered the pair 2 sizes too big :(

>> No.7016827

why didn't you return them?
your shoes look huge too? whats size are you?

>> No.7016825

i just dont like seeing stupid ideas being spread around. if somebody asks where to get a nice pair of jeans, and someones telling them no, you should buy a thin cheap piece of shit jean made in a third world country, that person should refrain from posting for at least two years.

>> No.7016830


>Could I fold this denim into the shoe itself?

yeah I definitely think that could look good. or maybe a pinroll that allowed for some stacking. the overall size of the shoes is really important though imo. wearing them how you had in that first pic is sort of like tucking in a long rick tank or something... just doesn't work imo

>> No.7016834

>pinroll that allowed for some stacking
>stacking on a denim that loose
stop posting anytime

>> No.7016837

Bro, get your jeans tapered to at least 6-7 inches across.

Tailor will have it done within 3 days for like 10-15 bucks. She will even taper from inseam to maintain the selvedge.

>> No.7016848
File: 1.60 MB, 2448x3264, 2013-10-03 14.54.07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't return shit
It's against my beliefs

>tucked in
does it look better?

>> No.7016844

Actually kind of like the material of those in your picture, but after looking at other pictures they look a bit too waxy (if that's the word) for me. Are they the Black Power Stretches?

>> No.7016854


>made in a third world country

tbh that doesn't really matter at all when we are talking about a pair of jeans. it's such a standardized and commonly produced garment, and of course the pattern or at least measurements are given by the designer. APCs are made in china (Macau so basically yeah china). the fabric is much much much more important.

>> No.7016859


>> No.7016860

>does it look better?
no it looks really bad because it's so fucking loose, enjoy your hobo-core fit.

>> No.7016863

>tucked in
>does it look better


>> No.7016865

take a front view

>> No.7016872

>I don't return shit
>It's against my beliefs
i guess good fitting denim are against your beliefs too.

>> No.7016875
File: 77 KB, 681x1024, 1369556666357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the waxed look is what you get with black raws. stuff like sulfur is used to get the deep color.

>> No.7016879


>pinroll that allowed for some stacking

yeah, pinroll doesn't have to give a cropped look although it commonly does. he could pinroll to the create the taper that his jeans lack but need, and then allow them to stack a bit on top of that.

>stacking on a denim that loose

the jeans don't appear to be that loose. looks like borderline skinny/slim fit to me. I would guess the hem is like 7.25-8" and mens jeans that are considered to taper a lot are 6" at the smallest. that's where a slight pinroll would be useful. it would pretty much look like a normal cuff but stop the jeans from falling beneath the top of the sneakers.

and you're going to tell me to stop posting after greentexting a bit and posting three words? ha

>> No.7016883
File: 251 KB, 1920x1080, 1379595790054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This brand is sulfur?

>> No.7016890

The chemical sulfur is used in the indigo on some black raws that give it that shiny look.

>> No.7016897
File: 623 KB, 2048x1536, 1373399219272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of course.

Do you happen to know who makes this?
I read Julius but can't find any links

>> No.7016902
File: 289 KB, 587x476, Picture 13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I wouldn't put to much stock into what these anons say. rick (blessed be his name) wears his big sneakers with baggy pants all the time, although I've never seen him have his pants covering the shoes. I think the way you tucked in in the second photo looks 100x better

but it is dumb that you "don't believe in returning stuff" as if it's unethical or something. if something doesn't fit just return it. or maybe you were kidding idk

>> No.7016907


**too much** before someone makes fun of me

>> No.7016913

lel that outfit must've costed you like $900 and it's damn boring

>> No.7016910

>comparing autism-return-anon to R.O
closing tab in....3...2...1...

>> No.7016919
File: 235 KB, 442x1024, 2013-07-23 02.28.20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Now this shit

Is this sweater too long? It's rick..
I'm hoping to wear it in two weeks to a outdoor concert

>> No.7016930

You posted this before you blep. It looks like you're wearing nothing but your little Rick sweater, if you're going to a concert just go without it, no one is going to care that you have Rick on.

>> No.7016935

lol you look like a girl wearing nothing but a long t-shirt

>> No.7016933

>zero contrast between clothing
>asking if something is too long

where does it even fucking end

>> No.7016934

hes not wearing anything particularly expensive. you're an idiot and should refrain from posting, you're a fucking waste of bandwidth.

>> No.7016937

this would be easier to pull off with PANTS. god damnit.

>> No.7016941

Julius paneled biker jeans

>> No.7016944
File: 661 KB, 500x246, 70545-Jesse-Pinkman-what-gif-imgur-lWaL[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7016945

with an awesome hood and texture that thick? not a t-shirt m8

>> No.7016968


then close it. I'm just saying if there's any definitive voice on what is acceptable to wear with rick sneaks, it's the man himself. some people were saying baggy pants are not acceptable and it's obviously not true imo. not really comparing the two; moreso saying that the anon in this thread should use rick's fits rather than the shitposters on /fa/ to decide what to wear with his shoes.

>> No.7016980
File: 1013 KB, 500x243, tumblr_mch524HNup1rtlett[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7016977


yeah the guy that responded to you is correct. nothing is that expensive. I didn't take that pic for a waywt. I took it to show bulky the alpha industries ma-1 is. it was supposed to be ridic. you'll notice the tag is still attached to the jacket and I sold it later on. only reason I reposted is to show OP how skinny max cashs fit :)

>> No.7016987

He made good points.
What the fuck are you doing?

>> No.7016989


I'm quite content calmly refuting you guys, although it is a shame that mcdonalds breakfast doesn't end later, as illustrated by this scene from big daddy :)

I would enjoy a toy from a happy meal though. wonder what they are giving out nowadays

>> No.7016997

since when is getting a happy meal negative

I was agreeing with anon

>> No.7017381


stop ruining the landscape with your awful outfit and fake shoes

>> No.7017600
File: 16 KB, 177x370, ,.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7017609

Thinking of getting max cash 'cause they look nice with back pocket rivlets and everything but I believe ace cash would be more slim fitting but they're also dadcore. Post fits with 'em plz.

>> No.7017828

how do you mean ace cash are dadcore?
it's just slim fitting black denim dude

>> No.7017847

nudie jeans, i love my skinnies

>> No.7017890 [DELETED] 
File: 154 KB, 640x360, I7I3KP9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seeing as this relates to fashion, any thoughts?


>> No.7017915

w2c tee

also are those fake ramones
tell me the truth I won't judge you or anything

>> No.7017986

theyre prolly drkshdw ramones
the ones in fabric

>> No.7018049

well now you know what happens when you order two sizes too big, I guess?

>> No.7018388

Should I get Petit Standards from APC?

140 euro. They good?

>> No.7018421

I admit it. I had a giggle.

>> No.7018436

I Ordered a pair of Naked and Famous skinny guy black power stretch from karma. If my waist size is about 32, then is a size 29 gonna be a decent fit for me?
The 31's I got in deep indigo, while they still look pretty nice, did stretch a lot. (And karma doesn't have the 15 oz deep indigo so I can't get dem sales)

Does anyone know how the indigo power stretch is compared to the 15 oz?

>> No.7018540

Just got a pair in on Thursday. They're nice, but my opinion is consistent with what it was when I checked them out months ago: they really aren't a very good value for the price. Ultimately they're designer jeans, not "serious" jeans. APC isn't a serious denim manufacturer and they don't make their jeans to the specifications that I would expect from a serious jean manufacturer selling jeans at that price point. There's no hidden rivets, no lining on the back pockets, no chainstitching on the hem or around the waist or on the coin pocket, no bulging on the belt loops, and they're now known for wearing out and developing holes very quickly. To top it off, they've been made in Macau for years. But that's not an issue of quality, it's an issue of price. APC jeans DON'T have all these things AND they're produced in China, BUT they still cost 185usd. These ought to be 130 dollar jeans, but they're not. APC cuts corners and then raises prices.

>> No.7018546

I've worn Levi's all my life so I can't really tell. I just want jeans which hold up but apparently APC is overpriced.
Can I really expect them to kind of fall apart after a few months?

What about Acne Max Cash? Or Naked & Famous Weird guy?