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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 36 KB, 600x367, Head-shape1-600x367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7015223 No.7015223[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Guide to picking glasses that work on your face? I lost my old ones that I thought looked good, and now I'm going into lenscrafters tomorrow to pick out some new ones, and i'm hoping not to get neckbeard-tier ones. Also, fits with glasses.

>> No.7015240
File: 241 KB, 500x751, 1380154987666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7015253

>Tie tucked into pants

Nigger, what the fuck are you doing?!

>> No.7015255

do u evn tmb brwn lmao
fuken pleb

>> No.7015262


Yeah right m8 your telling me that tucking your tie into your pants is legit fashionable when your tie is suppose to end at the waistline in the first place?

hobo pls go

>> No.7015265
File: 441 KB, 980x652, thom browne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

muh thom browne
muh sean connery
muh fred mertz

>> No.7015267

>your tie is suppose to end at the waistline in the first place?
doo u cp ur suits @ walmt r sthn 4 ur shity ofce job?? lmao

>> No.7015288

did you read that at an mfw infograph?
it's called fashion, look it up

>> No.7015294


i swer i don't even no why i come here anymore, you guys are so fucking behind it's crazy man

keep up

>> No.7015304
File: 22 KB, 468x468, fashion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i looked up fashion and got this image

>> No.7015305


>> No.7015310

Snot came out of my nose

>> No.7015313

You're welcome

>> No.7015318

>It's called "fashion"; I don't got to explain shit.

>> No.7015320


this guy is rite all of u are wrong

>> No.7015347

what glasses work with an oblong head shape?

>> No.7015383
File: 13 KB, 350x232, polls_fat1_1231_253845_poll_xlarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7015389

Is she a good channel in general for /fa/? She seems more girl style oriented. Are there other good channels?

>> No.7015400


>> No.7017166

What glasses work with oval? I've had rectangular frames all my life

>> No.7017210

am i a huge cunt for wearing glasses with do-nothing lenses?

i wear contacts and glasses aren't nearly as good for my vision but they make my hideous face look a bit better. i've been thinking of getting a pair with do-nothing lenses and wearing them while wearing contacts.

>> No.7017656


>am i a huge cunt for wearing glasses with do-nothing lenses?

You'll come across as a total faggot no matter how good it looks.

>> No.7017678

Frame types for those with squarish/heart shaped faces?

>> No.7018466

what type of sunglasses work for a guy with a small upturned nose and a shallow nasal bridge?

>> No.7021049

Just buy fucking glasses and don't wear contacts.

Wearing fake glasses makes you the hugest cunt on the planet, especially when you *actually need glasses*. Holy shit.

>> No.7021060

American-style. Takes balls to do that.

>> No.7021064

no, it's not like anyone knows