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File: 49 KB, 450x513, leo_dicaprio_18ggnos-18ggnqc (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7012423 No.7012423 [Reply] [Original]

Okay we all know you spend most of your money on clothes, but what else do you spend it on?

>inb4 edgy fags saying drugs

>> No.7012427

Shows and beer

>> No.7012439

CDs, records and mp3s.
Currently saving for a Specialized Allez.
Occasional travel when I have time off.
Gifts for friends.
/vr/ shit

>> No.7012445

Oh, concerts as well.


>> No.7012442

Video games

That's about it

>> No.7012448



>> No.7012450
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I'm big on drones

>> No.7012453

At the moment it's just clothes, rent, and food.

>> No.7012457

my dude 0:-)

i spend my money on comics and doing stuff with friends

>> No.7012458

gay prostitutes

>> No.7012461

Alcohol and unnecessary technology.

>> No.7012459

music equipment/records/books/rent/food

>> No.7012469


clothes, drugs, tech, bitcoin and tesla stock, sometmes junk food.

>> No.7012474

>tfw i finally got to ride in a tesla model s last weekend
invest invest invest

>> No.7012475

Heel ye niqqa. Unfortunately I don't get to actually play much lately, but it's stuff awesome to have when I'm not busy. I haven't bought any /co/related stuff in a while tbh though. I'm behind on my Chew trades and haven't really fleshed out my Hellboy collection.

>> No.7012492

I'll bet you guys read rebbit's investment subrebbit. You missed your chance to buy in on a great stock, it's going to peak soon, and the. If you didn't buy 3 months ago don't bother. study the markets and find something else to game on. Sheep.

>> No.7012496


it was 7 dollars a share this morning. Fuck off. you know nothing.

>> No.7012501

mostly just on alcohol+weed when go out with friends, takes up about half of my weekly paycheck

if i did coke/mdma/pills it would probably take up my whole paycheck but im not interested in that stuff

i also buy records and tickets for concerts/shows/festivals

saving for a ticket to paris atm

>> No.7012505



omg stop im literally cringing rn

>> No.7012506

Uh no, it was like 170 a share. Are you fucking joking me son?

>> No.7012509

it was mostly just to prevent pretentious faggots coming on saying that do H and mdma

>> No.7012510

>eating out

after rent, food etc

>> No.7012557

>cell bill
>grocery/eating out
>school loan
>sitter/stuff for my son
>gym membership

I'm not going to lie. Teen pregnancy and single mom thing worked out fucking brilliantly for me.

>> No.7012568

wait wut

>> No.7012592

fuck im paying for u to shitpost on 4chan!


>> No.7012627

Implying I get benefits

Lol no babby

>> No.7012631

Games and technology.

>> No.7012643
File: 27 KB, 488x247, toot toot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this a troll post

>> No.7012647

public service announce videogames are not effay

discontinue browsing this board immediately thank you

>> No.7012659

/fa/ should i buy gta 5?

>> No.7012688

idk i blow most of my mooney, gonna get a good job soon tho and ill be saving. been buying cds lately, i could easily download them but i like going to the cd store and ordering them and i like having something physical

>> No.7012689

>tfw never go out except work
>have $22.4k in savings
>no idea what to spend on

its true guys, money doesnt buy happiness

>> No.7012690


>> No.7012697

my advice to you would be to move out of your parents' house which you are obviously staying, and into a sharehouse, because then at least you will have contact with other people, and may have opportunities to meet some of their friends

inb4 "im socially awkward" - man up pussy, you'll never have a good life until you get out of your comfort zone

>> No.7012702


I thought it was shit, but I'm old. Sold it after a few days.

>> No.7012709

But don't raise expectations

>> No.7012717

thought it was pretty impressive, parts of the game were plain beautiful:) i thought it was reminiscent of san andreas and vice

>> No.7012789

>inb4: edgy mothafacas who say drugs are not enough edgy for them
There should have been instead.

>> No.7012801

>get out of your comfort zone
>to have a good life

>> No.7012828

if you dont youll have a boring uneventful life, duh

>> No.7012830


that's pretty much it
life is so boring

>> No.7012862

everytime I say "no" to an invitation or stop doing something because of social anxiety, 999 times out of 1000 I've fucked up and I will be depressed af

When you have social problems you're going to strongly rationalise why you don't want to do things, but the truth is you're just being pathetic and it's stopping you from enjoying life.

>> No.7013099


>> No.7013103

concerts and clubs
(drugs, sorry)

>> No.7013112

gym membership

>> No.7013137

food (as in fresh herbs, good meat etc)
gym membership

>> No.7013204

Meds (Still kind of edgy like drugs since its for depression/anxiety and ADD)
Art supplies
Loans and credit

>> No.7013217

production hardware.
It's a sad addiction, every spare piece of money is spent on it.

>> No.7013253

How much would a drone like that cost to buy and maintain?

>> No.7013254


>> No.7013301
File: 90 KB, 445x270, 35mm-film.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Film mostly. I spent $70 on 5 rolls of Portra a week ago which I regret. Thinking of trading it or selling it.

>> No.7013310

Honest question.
Why do people buy DVDs and blurays when you can download them free? I'm not a cheap fuck, I go to the movies etc because of the experience, I understand people buying Vinyls and subscribing on spotify, netflix and buying games etc, I just never understood people buying DVDs for like $25 each, at least that's what they cost here. It's a complete waste of money for something you may only watch a couple of times a year. They also take a fuckton of space once you get a big enough collection.

>> No.7013313

Oh Daniel, you crazy little scamp, just get a Fuji X100 or X100s.

>> No.7013318

Why are you calling Grant Daniel?

>> No.7013325

Why are you calling Grant Daniel?

>> No.7013336

I much much much prefer watching shit on my tv
that being said I don't buy movies on dvd just tv shows

>> No.7013341

i collect figures, and build gundam models. i've been thinking of getting into other types of models, like cars and stuff.

recently been looking into buying a gun and getting a second job. but, otherwise it's anime, gunpla, my computer, and video games that i spend my money on.

>> No.7013343

Most TV's have a USB port on the back and accept it like any other input

>> No.7013351

>implying drugs are edgy

food, rent, and drugs

>> No.7013355

they don't accept my HD
I can prob. stream through a laptop but w/e

>> No.7013356

I hardly spend any money on clothes; it all goes to rent and bills.

>> No.7013357

Jesus Christ I spend too much time on this website. I might do, I enjoy film tho. Plus I never have much cash at one time. Not sure why.

>> No.7013369
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>> No.7013373

Heh, I only drop by /fa/ very sporadically but your post was first thing I seen tonight, so I couldnt not comment. I was in your /p/ thread the other day and generally in most of your other /p/ threads you've made.

I'd seriously recommend looking into an X100 or X100s. Hell, most of the strict /p/ oldfags that stuck by 35mm for ages have converted to digital in the way of mirrorless or X100 or whatevs.

I know you're young so probably cant afford it - but I'd recommend looking into it. Film is good, but if you're not shooting 120mm or above you may as well be snapping away on an X100.

>> No.7013383

I work so I can but it's still expensive. Film was good for training me to not take so many bad shots but my last few rolls have been pretty bad. I'll look into the X100(s).

Still gotta find that lost roll in the house too.

Got a blog?

>> No.7013382

Well i buy them to support the people involved. Im very much into "pirate" culture, i always download and watch movies first, but then i "vote with my money" and buy the products i enjoy to support the machine that produced them. Im one of those weird people who actually paid for winrar etc. :)

The space thing i agree with, at first i enjoyed it when i looked like a library of movies but the dust buildup is pretty hardcore. So now i have them all sorted in a couple of those large ass cd-cases.

>> No.7013917


Pack a real chew you euro faggot

>> No.7014031

This was the toughest question of my life until now.
Spending 70$ on a t-shirt or GTAV ...
I said fuck it I got stacks on stacks and bought GTA

>> No.7014048

CDs and records
Travel, posters, novelty items, and concerts
Food y gym membership
Want to start buying weed and get my own place soon

>> No.7014063

Guns, models, smokes. Also spend a fair bit on antiques...

>> No.7014066


>> No.7014112


>> No.7014121

What drugs do you guys buy,except weed ?

>> No.7014139

oh and cigarettes

>dam im /fa/

>> No.7014149

Hallucinogens mostly. Occasionally various amphetamines when things need doing. But mostly just weed.

>> No.7014188

>Weed and tobacco
>Books and shit
>Eating out

>> No.7014230

paying for CDs, records, mp3s in 2013?
get your faget dick loving hipster face away from /fa/

>> No.7014243

food because I luv cooking

>> No.7014258

Coca?ne, MDMA, usually what I'm snorting

>> No.7014624

Comics, records, CDs, concerts, alcohol, and sometimes random little gifts for myself when I'm feeling depressed.

Like I just bought a camera yesterday after learning that my mom's cousin (basically like an uncle to me) has cancer.

>> No.7014626

>all this edge in one post

>> No.7014787

>2013, still poisoning yourself with overpriced chemicals.
comics are nice though

>> No.7014821

Lol, poorfag detected

hard copies are the shit

>> No.7014826

Dining out
Every month or two cigs/weed

Most of my money is pissed away on cabs during weekend nights

>> No.7014834


you have no hobbies

>> No.7014835

MDMA is the most effay drug
Then coke
Then things in the same category as adderall
Everything else is junkie tier.

>> No.7014837


das it mane

>> No.7014849

I play sports, but I don't need to spend money on it since I already got my equipment(I've had it all for years)
I also love music but I inherited a guitar and a piano.

Sorry that you think you have to spend money to be interesting

>> No.7014887

So you don't actually play guitar or piano.

>> No.7014908

I play both. As well as sing.

I also get laid too and unlike you I don't have to pay for it either

>> No.7014912

How do you expect to be heroin chic without heroin?

Also, coke is the most /fa/ drug.

>> No.7014916

The only things I buy are grettes & clothes

>> No.7014918

really hard pretzels
movies on vhs
a toothbrush every couple months
pizza every now and then
mexican coconut soda
soy sauce
phone bill

>> No.7014919

I doubt it, you would buy gear if you actually played. I'll bet its a dreadnaught and you learned 6 chords and play wonderwall all the time.

>> No.7015035

>Yard sales
>Personal items (Shampoo, acne cleanser, etc)
>Art/Office supplies

>> No.7015056

>calling them grettes
As if durries weren't bad enough

>> No.7015147

food, alcohol, drugs (lel), going out, books and essential household needs
in order from greatest to least

>> No.7015278

Mfw brother invested in tesla like two months ago
Mfw I found tesla motors on the Internet like a year ago
Mfw thought it would be a good investment
Mfw never followed through and now it's too late
I'm the biggest faggot on the chanz

>> No.7015283

Literrally all my money goes to drugs not even kidding. Haven't bought cothes in long tome

>> No.7015289

school loan
surfing equipment
photography equipment
probably a new car soon

my hobbies leave me with little money for clothes

>> No.7016006

>Implying lossless FLACS aren't top tier.

consumerfag detected

>> No.7016013

transsexual hookers

it's a terrible sexually deviant addiction..


>> No.7016040

w2c tranny

>> No.7016045


>> No.7016055


waste of money and you'll regret it every time. also, statistically speaking, you're in one of the highest risk pools for STD's and HIV.

it's sexual deviancy and perversion.

>> No.7016061

>waste of money and you'll regret it every time
sounds perfect

>> No.7016062

what board do you think you're on?

>> No.7016067

do something about it.

>> No.7016092

Probably about $500

>> No.7016165

>implying you arent a consumer

>> No.7016226
File: 127 KB, 1210x1471, 018550eb5e94003bc992f5fd8311758d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got these new iwatas on sale for 613$ pretty sick, looking to cop another one for clear coat soon

>> No.7016270

Mfw when my uncle is really good friends with the founder of tesla.

>> No.7016287

Hoard that shit. Nothing like knowing you can live for 2 years without a job. 5 months if you're browsing /fa/.
If you invest, invest half and in many investments in different areas. Do long term investments ftw. 10+years. Look into insurance.

>> No.7016316

is it /fa/ to be able to mix fancy drinks as a hobby

>> No.7016342
File: 23 KB, 600x600, mission workshop Merino Wool Pullover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in order of most expensive

>> No.7016352
File: 35 KB, 460x690, Theory-pepin-crinkled-leather-shorts-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just clothes
i date older men and they just pay for everything

>> No.7016404

...and I should care because? Do you even know his name?

>> No.7016426

can i be client #39?

>> No.7016436
File: 60 KB, 563x900, tumblr_mnqq994vxs1qb5tvbo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont put out w/o shoes

>> No.7016439

>i date older men and they just pay for everything
twerk no :(

>> No.7016443
File: 26 KB, 500x375, chuut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new pair of cp slippers if you give me the time of my life

>> No.7016459
File: 74 KB, 640x480, 20130707_364971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

older = late 20s early 30s nbd

make it rick slippers

>> No.7016470

oh nvm lol

>> No.7016468

Did twerk actually get hormone therapy to be a girl or is twerk just gay? twerk what do you identify yourself as?

>> No.7016473
File: 310 KB, 450x675, 6a00d83451f3fc69e2014e895675f9970d-800wi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i identify as twerk and my pronouns r "your majesty" "your highness" and "your excellency"
pls b respectful

>> No.7016499

nice are those from ss14

>> No.7016505
File: 17 KB, 320x480, undercover labs x nike gyakusou x crypton for project diva.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk but they remind me of japanese running slippers

>> No.7016509

You're a dork and I'll address you as stupid lame-o.

Suck it, bitch.

>> No.7016515

about to buy another car. pretty much all my money goes to savings, cars/parts, or clothes. i have no problem with this.

>> No.7016522

so glad I fell out of technology. got my computer engineering degree, used to be on /g/ all the time. then i started work and just stopped caring about it for some reason (i'm using a fucking mac keyboard right now because i didn't want to buy a new one). it can be expensive as shit though.

>> No.7016538

twerk do u kno where to cop japanese running slippers


wow rude

>> No.7016679

I have the Allez, it's pretty damn great just make sure you get some clipless pedals and cleats

>> No.7016708

honestly I haven't spent dick on clothes this whole year. bought a few random pieces from the goodwill I work at (poorfag) but I really don't have any desire recently to get new stuff. All I want is a really dope pair of high tops but I always second guess myself at the last second.

>> No.7016713

Old film cameras
Vinyl LPs
Cigars and Fine spirits

Its good to be a single male with job security.

>> No.7016839

cigarettes and alcohol
pot plants (ie plants that are in pots, not the pot you smoke)

I own about 50 typewriters, most of which are fully functional. It's a weird hobby I guess, I'm not even into the mechanics of them or anything I just think they have charm.

>> No.7016846

that's actually autism