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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 112 KB, 612x612, e4be47c47c0e11e2bccc22000a1f8cda_7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7012149 No.7012149[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

rate me FA

>> No.7012154

You look like you are one of those people in the reflektor video

>> No.7012157

Explain pls.I am British

>> No.7012161

The size of your head is not proportionate, gain some muscle, get a different haircut that matches the shape of the head. Good luck man.

>> No.7012165

how the fuck haven't you seen this video yet?


>> No.7012174

I am a Burberry catwalk male model. You are a shit-nigger who attempts to slander my qt.14 looks as you have nothing better to do. Get rekt.

>> No.7012183

i love that song

>> No.7012200

You have a huge head. Get some traps.

>> No.7012202

fa provide constructive comments pls

>> No.7012205

lol so many newfriends. how have you not seen this guy b4...

>> No.7012210

what nigger?

>> No.7012213


someone posts this fag with the weird head and tight suit bi monthly

>> No.7012220

I am OP and this pic was taken 2 days ago autistic nigger

>> No.7012224


watch that language sonny how would the law firm react if they saw you being so edgy on the internet

>> No.7012242

>I am a Burberry catwalk male model who counts Cara Delevine as an ex-girlfriend and kate moss as an acquaintance . You are a shit-nigger who attempts to slander my qt.14 looks as you have nothing better to do. Get rekt.


>> No.7012269
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all my keks

>> No.7012280

kek all you want it is literally how it is. Laugh all you want I'm getting paid $400,000 for allowing my face to be in the autumn Chanel commercials you nobody

>> No.7012342

get rekt#

>> No.7012348


>> No.7012386


>> No.7012388
File: 114 KB, 315x300, 1379195861454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7012393

>calling a model ugly
get rekt faggot

>> No.7012408

>2013 best dressed on /fa/

niggers upvoting sneaker threads

end of days imminent

>> No.7012441


>> No.7012477

ITT: Expensive tailored suits - too edgy for /fa/

>> No.7012482

>ugly prince william/10

>> No.7012490

OP here. I'm a fucking legit catwalk model and you fucking compare me to some inbred faggot cunt go fuck yourself you know absolutely zero about fashion fuck off

>> No.7012531

/fa/ got no style

>> No.7012562

where did u get that suit bro?

>> No.7012573

Massimo Dutti

>> No.7012586

sorry main
maybe it's just a bad picture

>> No.7012601


fuck off please

>> No.7012608

fuck off shitskin

>> No.7012609

>asks for criticism
>you know absolutely zero about fashion fuck off

6/10 a bit too obvious but still annoyed me enough to reply

>> No.7012613

>suggesting you look this good in a suit

>> No.7012618

stop embarrassing yourself pls

>> No.7012650

I think it looks good.

>> No.7012655

the suit looks fine.. theres just something about his head/face that makes me want to punch it really hard. and his eyes are dead / too close together.

>> No.7012680

what's wrong with my face you cunt. My eyes maybe dead but fuck off with 'their too close together' dickhead come diss me when your a Burberry/Chanel model faggot

>> No.7012695


i have a great life, i wouldnt waste it modeling. you couldnt pay me a million shekels to trade faces with whatver you got going on there either

>> No.7012706

Literally you are a faggot who would kill their parents to have my face and sleep with 1/10 of the supermodels I have slept with seriously shut the fuck up you pathetic excuse of a human being

>> No.7012711
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this is quality b8

*tips fedora*

>> No.7012715

You are in a hole stop digging m8

>> No.7012719

I think i look better, but that's just one man's opinion

>> No.7012725


what hole am i in m8

thats a seriously weird picture tho whered u get it

if i look at it for more than a second i start to vomit :(

>> No.7012726

oh and sage for obvious b8

>> No.7012730

literally shut up you degenerate nigger

>> No.7012742

Trip fag fuck yourself and go back to reddit

>> No.7012754

/Fa/ supposedly about fashion. Multiple dozen replies in no one made a relevant comment on the cut of the suit. GG fa

>> No.7012763

haters gonna hate

>> No.7012780

nice tailoring

>> No.7012796


>> No.7012799

where is that suit from?

>> No.7012823

What's that tie?

>> No.7012829

>multiple dozen replies in no one made a relevant comment.

lol what.

>> No.7012867

suit is a decent fit but you are ugly as fuck and your head is way too big. nice haircut tho

>> No.7012878

should've gotten a different collar
your neck looks really really weird

>> No.7012890

Oh god this picture always cracks me up, poor Jesse Thorn, although he is a bit of a tool.

>> No.7012918

how is your head even that bigq

>> No.7012965

what the fuck is the bullshit about my head it is normal sized you cunts

>> No.7012980

Ugly as fuck - yet managed to have fucked dozens of super models and am a Burberry and Chanel model


>> No.7013031


>> No.7013049

ITT: Haters hating on someone who is actually /fa/ for once

>> No.7013169


>> No.7013172

Dat desk sweg!

>> No.7013185

Get a load of this faggot, he thinks suits are solely for 'offices' how tragic can you even be any less /fa/

>> No.7013505


>> No.7013579
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>> No.7013594

Really tiny body/10

>> No.7013694

Fag/10 would not rimjob.

youre so skinny ur a somolian at auschwitz

how big is your head

do you wear that all the time while at your desk because u have no friends

>> No.7013893

I'm not skinny at all it is just the flattering exceptional cut of the suit that gives that impression.

I wouldn't let you 'rimjob' me for £100,000 faggot

>> No.7013922

Number of things that need improvement:
1. No dimple in tie; there should be one.
2. Tie is not tied long enough, needs to be just poking out of the bottom of your jacket to aim at your belt
3. Are you wearing a belt? Or is your to loose shirt covering it?
4. Shirt sleeve length not proper; should be able to see cuff on both sleeves. Can only see on one currently, so suit is either uneven or you didn't prep right.
4. Modern suit; to flatter your shape ou should have your pockets flaps tucked in to create slits and give you a cleaner line.

What shoes with the whole thing?

>> No.7013941
File: 36 KB, 305x884, 923408_10151625342890119_1482325115_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these shoes.
A gentleman does not wear a belt with a suit of course. The trousers are tailored so one is not required.
Agree with everything else, thanks

>> No.7013973

Looks nice, though I'd recommend a quick polish and I've always preferred oxfords to loafers.

And with the belt; The pants are meant to be able to be worn without the belt, but the belt is worn as an accessory. It's a nice and subtle way to flash a little, along with adding on a minor brand name or logo.

With your silver tie, of course, there's no excuse to not have a nice buckle.

>> No.7014012

Are you American? I think a belt with a suit is a US thing, in the UK its a complete faux-pas. The tie is blue btw a silver tie is not a good look. Expensive belts are unsubtle, like a diamond necklace would be. Watches and cufflinks are the only acceptable bling imo

>> No.7014029

Picture makes it look silver, I do apologize.

Canadian, not American, though to be fair our style is incredibly derivative.
And watches are a great way to flash a little, agreed.

>> No.7014046

I don't know about other countries but in America cufflinks are unacceptable unless it's an important occasion or you're actually rich or important.

Cufflinks and french cuffs carry the same sort of Monopoly-man connotations as a tie pin (tie clips are ok)

>> No.7014090

Yeah that's a difference then cufflinks are fairly standard here. Tie pins not so much. Don't know why the tie looks silver, it is quite dark blue. Shitty camera I guess

>> No.7014294

mexicoland. the landd of the mexicoans. and do not worry amigo... friend... that is a typical reaction when faced with my... those people

>> No.7014331

what did you say beaner?

>> No.7014374

haven't heard it either. song's pretty cool.