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/fa/ - Fashion

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7010163 No.7010163 [Reply] [Original]

Your fits won't protect you when you get into a fight, you skinny fukers. How do you even protect yourself? How do you even protect your bitch? How do you even call yourselves men?

You guys even dress like weirdos, what wrong with you?

>> No.7010167


>> No.7010182

It's not a troll?

I'm seriously wondering how you guys are into "fashion" and aren't conscious of the real dangers in being a little skinny bith (no offense).

It seems like castrating yourself to me, idk

>> No.7010187

what kind of shithole do you have to live in to have this attitude?

>> No.7010197

Actually, a lot of /fa/ holds concealed weapons licenses from what I've seen. Personally, I pepperspray and a knife.

>> No.7010199

Not in a shithole, i just would never get caught with skinny jeans and all that other shit you guys wear. Don't you ever feel emasculated around other guys?

It must be like being a manly trap without the sex appeal.

>> No.7010207

Are u rly insecure or whats goin on here

>> No.7010214


>> No.7010209

I kick people with my docs and then steal their wallets to buy more fred perry polos/40oz

>> No.7010210

That's what I thought, but that's some pussy shit, you can't even hold your own in a fight, there's no difference between you guys and women.

>> No.7010215

Are u rly insecure or whats goin on here

>> No.7010217

lol, you sound like such a bitch.

"Help, I don't want to feel emasculated!"

wtf nigga, no real man worries about that shit.

>> No.7010222

Why would I feel emasculated? If anything, I piss a lot of guys off and get a lot of stares from them, it's the icing on the cake when I'm approached by a group of girls in front of those guys all complimenting my hair and tattoos.

Granted they're 3 -5/10s that approach, but that pisses of those guys so much, I see the red in their face, knowing that they just can't pull the shit I do.

>> No.7010226

stfu u skinny fuccboi, you're not fooling anyone

How's not wanting to look like a bitch being insecure?

>> No.7010237

dat irony

Obviously it sounds weird when it's said but you'll know that feeling if you've had your ass handed to you.

Real MEN actually do, you sound like a bitch nigga

>> No.7010246

The way your talking. It seems like some skinny person stole the girl of your dreams and then shot you with a tazer and you cried like a bitch because he didn't challenge you to a fist fight and you embarrassed yourself in public.

>> No.7010248

obviously people live different lifestyles where there is barely little need to fight. Your best bet it to avoid danger in the first place, run or use a weapon. Besides, Bruce Lee was a relatively small dude but an amazing fighter. Speed and ability > strength.

>> No.7010251

You're so insecure.

>> No.7010256

>implying you are able to deal with my bodyguard

>> No.7010258

/fiat/ here

1. very few people here are actually gooberninjas
2. Most people here are british high schoolers
3. Always go Goslingcore

>> No.7010263

fighting doesnt rly matter in society any more. just looks and money.

>> No.7010273

exactly, it is not really relevant. Getting into a fight is like getting into a car accident, except the accident is more likely.

>> No.7010275

you should visit Russia at least once m8

>> No.7010282

Just don't be an ass so you don't get into fights its not that hard.

With all this talk about being a real man you just sound like you're really insecure or a closet homo.

>> No.7010284

I don't have oneitis's and i don't approach skinny fuckers for fights that I know they'll lose. try again fag

keep throwing that word around you metrosexual faggot


It's about being physically imposing as well, when you're out rocking your skin-tight clothing or just looking like a typical starbucks hipster fuccboi someone will want to kick your ass, you'll never get respect.

>> No.7010285

I totally agree on OP.
You're all a bunch of faggots.

Girls need to be skinny for fashion. Real men need to be /fit/.

>> No.7010291

only poor people will ever be in a situation to get in a fight anyway. if you actually think fighting is a useful skill you probably live in the boondocks or ghetto and you should spend your energy getting out of your socio-economic stratum to avoid fighting altogether

>> No.7010290

>jus dunt talk back bro n no one will hurt u

That's how pathetic you sound

You guys need to wake up and stop faggot ass shit

>> No.7010292

see: >>7010187

>> No.7010300

Lol, do you live on the jersey fucking shore? That doesn't happen. No one gets in fights. I'm 6'2" and 195lbs and you're a dummy.

>> No.7010308

go be insecure somewhere else

>> No.7010305

>all this fat fuck butthurt


>> No.7010306

honestly. i find that the person your trying to be/imitate wears tight clothing more than the people on /fa/. to show off dem gainz bro.

>> No.7010332

That's wrong, fighting can occur at anytime and place and one day you'll get caught slipping and you'll realize just how much of a pussy you are.

You must live in the My little pony universe you sheltered fuck

It's only tight in that scenario beause the muscles fill it out, that's much better than looking like a "fashionable" twig

>> No.7010349

>quickly responds to every response with a rebuttal
>just needs attention

move along fuccbois

>> No.7010351

I'm white if that's what you're saying. Copped some Skandi genetics. Grew up in a 200k/yr upper middle class home.

>> No.7010369

have fun maintaining your delicate ego protecting your bitch in the ghetto

>> No.7010373

I was bored, need time to kill so I made a thread questioning something that's been on my mind about you fuccbois, fuck off if you don't like it

You mean it was pre-ordered for your ass you pussy, this thread isn't about lucky fags like you

>> No.7010382

wtf. im not the guy thats shitposting.

>> No.7010385

200k/yr isnt upper middle class.

>> No.7010386


I dont worry about shit thats never happened to me and probably never will. I dont focus my life around "protecting myself" from dangers ive never witnessed and dont feel the need to worry about, that seems invariably pathetic/psychotic.

>> No.7010388

Really? I only know one guy with a better house than ours and his family makes 400k/yr.

>> No.7010389

I know this feeling, I was walking with my baby at the mall when one of two black guys who had been just flat out staring at her earlier bumps into me. I put my arm in front of him and then the other one comes up to me and says that he'll kick my ass and take my bitch

Now I'm mad and the two guys want to see me in a dark corner of the mall without many people, just as I'm about to go over against my better judgement this tall fat/muscular white guy with tattoos who was at the mall with his family stops me and asks me if I thought it was a good idea. Before I could respond the two black guys were already working towards the exit of the mall.

In all likelihood I probably would have just been jumped and robbed regardless of whether I had been lifting at that point or not, but even still I've never had anything like that happen since I started working out. Not to mention we don't live around those many black people anymore.

>> No.7010393

But the real question is, do you ever feel like a bitch? because judging from your post i KNOW you look like one

>> No.7010410

thats what im saying. i consider 100k upper middle class. both my dads side of the family and my moms side of the family all have roughly 100k or sub 100k income.

>> No.7010420


I feel better than most guys, I walk past with a sexy girl who I know goes for rock and roll men with skinny jeans and wild hair, I watch normal boring people stare at her ass as she walks past and I congratulate myself on having a fit as fuck girl who is never going to be interested in a man like that.

I look at them with their boring hair cuts, and their boring clothes, and I smile at the fact that they KNOW that the girls I know wouldnt hang around with them cause of how pleb they are. Thats what I feel when I walk past a typical "man"

I pull off a look that men laugh at, but wish they could pull off when they realise that that girl im with would never look twice at them.

>> No.7010435

Haha them niggas made you look like a bitch infron of your girl. This s exactly what i'm saying, your punk ass was probably dressed in your nice little fit feeling all goo and they actually tell you they'll steal your girl. lel I'd probably say the same thing if i knew you lurked /fa/ u btch

>> No.7010445

>you skinny fukers
OP confirmed for fat and unattractive

>> No.7010449


No not really, Im 6'3 and am fairly convinced I could hold my own in a fight if it came down to it.

Im not gonna go out of my way to work on my mad fighting skillz though because I dont get in fights. i dont live in the ghetto, people dont fight each other where im from cause its pleb as fuck.

>> No.7010458

post your girl then, i doubt she's a looker

You also sound like a bitch

>> No.7010502

same. plus i took a few years of martial arts. i sucked at it, but i got the basics down, which is more than any drunk pleb can say if they fight me.

>> No.7010513

OP has a point. If I get in a fight in my April 77 Joey's, I'm a skinny punching bag.

>> No.7010518


You WILL get into a fight eventually and get your shit kicked in you ignorant pussies

do yourselves a favor and stop playing dress up, that'd be a good start

>> No.7010515

i dont live in a shithole so i dont have to worry about this.

>> No.7010522

Well, it's 100k per parent. On good years they make 250k.

>> No.7010551
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Mfw I did wrestling

>> No.7010553


Haha no. Kid it takes a certain kind of special to call someone a bitch on the internet. You are jealous of the fact that skinny is what interesting girls want. Sorry if the only girls you can pull are vapid plebs. I don't have to defend myself, don't really care for spending my life training to defend myself and even in the event of having to could probably get by alright one on one.

On top of that I pull sexy girls who actually have brains instead of vapid bimbos who want some caveman, and make men jealous of the cool as fuck life I lead. I am not jealous of the fat builder sitting in his van, but I know he is wishing he was me when he sees me with friends or my girls.

anyway dude nice chatting, I'm fairly certain I answered your question.

>> No.7010574

getting into fights is the wet dream of kids who curl while listening to disturbed and wear tap out, not something that actually happens outside of detroit

>> No.7010580
File: 560 KB, 631x998, ryan-gosling-sighting-in-nyc-restaurant-09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mfw goslingcore and edgy hipster girl at work likes me

She doesn't like La Dispute though. So it's not going to happen. I'll give her a chance because she hasn't heard Wildlife, but that's a dealbreaker. Also she thinks Hawthorne Heights is good, gross.

>> No.7010589

>How do you even protect your bitch?
tfw no gf :/

>> No.7010606

just cop her poon already

>> No.7010621

>la dispute

my sides

youre supposed to pretend to listen to that awful shit to pick up girls with daddy issues not the other way around

>> No.7010631

Wildlife is amazing. The ep is shit, and the first record is good music wise but lyrically shitty.

>> No.7010646

fuck you. la dispute is amazing. i don't even scenester anymore but shit is gold, ponyboy.

>> No.7010643

everything is shit

just listen to my chemical romance fag

>> No.7010657

>calls ppl fags
>recommends that they listen to MCR
top kek

>> No.7010672

Lol, no one takes you seriously. Either you like wave or you don't. But there is no disputing that Wildlife is #nxtlvl shit on the same plain as The Devil and God.

>> No.7010699

i'm not impressed at all, i couldn't give a fuck about you and your super cool friends an your bitch-living girl, not the type to get to get jealous anyways so i don't know what you're trying to prove. It just seems like you're trying to coat your weakness by bragging about irrelevant shit, the point i was making was that you can't defend shit and you're a weak skinny fag, but i know you know that's true.

>> No.7010706

>Don't you ever feel emasculated around other guys?
No because I'm not a Neanderthal

Post-Gender Masterace

>> No.7010730

Lol, not even that guy, but lol

That's hilarious.

>> No.7010738

just because i go on /fa/ doesnt mean i WILL get in a fight and it doesnt mean i WILL get my shit kicked in.

>> No.7010748

go self harm and jack off to how deep and intelligent you are fuckn pussies lmao

>> No.7010743
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Also, where do you live? I live in a good area and have never been in a fight or known anyone my age who's been in a fight. Also I live in AZ so if you try to start a fight you might get shot so nobody gets in fights- other than mexicans.

>> No.7010746

you used vapid twice. come on dude.

>> No.7010758

Ok, prophet, the guy who has nothing but bad opinions.


>> No.7010781

I'd say going on /fa/ makes you more vulnerable to being targeted because of looking like a fag. Doesn't mean you will but it makes it more likely to happen.

>> No.7010788


Are you russian or black or something? Normal people don't feel an unstoppable urge to beat someone up because of their clothes.

>> No.7010820


You understand that I'm not impressed by your ability to fight though surely. What good would it be to me being able to fight, I never need to fight, my world isn't one where people get in fights because as I repeatedly keep telling you that is for poor people who because of lack of brains or culture have to show off with how Neanderthal they can be.

>> No.7010833


I know I'm on my phone and deleted half the comment accidentally, didn't realise I'd not deleted that part already

>> No.7010851



>> No.7010858
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>wearing baggy jeans

>> No.7010870

Where I live is irrelevant because It seems like any other place I've been to and i've been around. I wonder where you guys live to just walk around looking all vulnerable.

you guys have no shame, you don't deserve to have a penis at all

>> No.7010893

>cool as fuck life i lead
what do you do?
just curious

>> No.7010890


Sleepy suburban town in the North of England. Been in a fight once with a bartender who thought his wife was flirting with me and I floored him. After that nothing

>> No.7010909

>The Devil and God
brand new suck

>> No.7010934
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Seriously though, what idiot tailors their life to be prepared for ridiculously low probability scenarios.

>> No.7010936

Clearly you haven't left Romania.

>> No.7010943

Sooooooo much implying

bet u lstn 2 hip hops 2, kek

>> No.7010949

>low probability

not everyone lives in dinotopia fagmunch

>> No.7010950

You must listen to pure, unadulterated shit if you think la dispute is bad music for any reason.

You probably think Kanye has actually produced something good ever.

>> No.7010957
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>high probability

Not everyone lives in the states dipshit

>> No.7010960

"i'm upper middle class"
-every lower middle class person

>> No.7010968

We're in the golden age of hip hop budy, u'd be dumb to not listen to it.

>> No.7010970

well we do? What do you want us to do?? Stop using guns so you can feel better about yourself?

>> No.7010972

I love you. Fucking kanye is all hype. His shit is trash.

>> No.7010978

Shiny, sparkly, rose-scented shit is still shit

>> No.7010975

i didnt know /fa/had so many female posters, where are they all coming from? next ur all gonna be defending ja rule and n*sync lmfao

>> No.7010987

>getting this mad about being called out on ur godawful music by basedprophet of all people

that's just embarrasing guys

>> No.7010991
File: 47 KB, 496x350, 1359393412152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care what you do. Stop telling us to dress worse so you can feel better about yourself, how about that.

>Doesn't like Kanye
>Must be female

I bet you're real popular at parties kid

He really is.

>> No.7010989

are u really shitting on an irrelevant artist from a completely different genre in order to defend ur shitty emo girl trash? damn most ppl who do that shit are queen fans

>> No.7010993

Lol, it's bad though. Musically bad, as in I can't listen to the backing tracks (einstroomentos translated to english) because they're too terrible.

>> No.7011004
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>Calls people out for bringing up irrelevant artists/genres
>Brings up MCR, Queen

Top kek

>> No.7010998

summer is supposed to be over who the fuck are these people i'm honestly questioning that i browse the same website as people who think like this

>> No.7011000

pls tell me you fucked his wife after

Low-probability? I can always feel the physical tension (not sexual ok , no homo) when i'm around dudes, like their thinking if they can take me on, i get into stare-downs all the time. It's not even mostly about fighting, it's about knowing you can beat the guy up if that ever happened.

ha, way off the mark there buddy

haha this is true, i refrain from calling them out cause it's a touchy subject

>> No.7011016

You're probably the only one feeling that tension man. I don't feel anything around people I don't know or have any particular reason to care about.

Sounds to me like you're trying to hard to prove something to yourself, looking for reasons to feel superior over the random people you see in your day to day life

>who is this guy
>could I beat him
>is he tougher than me
>If I ran right now, nobody could catch me

>> No.7011017

>I can always feel the physical tension when i'm around dudes, like their thinking if they can take me on, i get into stare-downs all the time. It's not even mostly about fighting, it's about knowing you can beat the guy up if that ever happened.
>no homo

pick one
>haha stop talking about how shitty la dispute is, this popular mainstream rapper sure is b-bad r-right guys? haha i sure do wish more people listened to REAL music

>> No.7011028

Lol, I love how poor white kids try to be black.

>> No.7011021

shut up you stupid mexican, yo're not 6'1 manlet faggot beaner.

>> No.7011031

i don't think i've ever seen anyone get this mad on the internet lol

>> No.7011038

>Musically bad
wtf u talking about dude. that means nothing to me. Hip hop can be as complex as any other genre.

>> No.7011036
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>s-stop liking la dispute guys! It doesn't go way over my head, if I don't get them it's because they must be bad! A time signature? W-whats that?

>> No.7011045

>Stop telling us to dress worse so you can feel better about yourself, how about that.
when the fuck did i do that
i'll keep carrying guns
you didn't change shit

suck it

>> No.7011052

I'm not even like that man, I don't go around trying to be imposing or thinking like that but I'm aware of this shit. How are you so oblivious? Have you ever had "the look"? The look a dude gives you when he's judging you up (not your fit) but to see if he could kick your ass?

In my experience most guys think like how you described, it's definitely not me.

>> No.7011054

But it never is. Outside of The Roots (god bless them) Hip-hop almost never deviates from standard 4/4 time signatures or generic chord progressions.

>> No.7011047

>shitty preteen girl emo whining music

i bet you listen to andrew jackson jihad too you fucking faggot

>> No.7011048

holy fuck i'm literally crying from laughing so hard
like i swear to god i'm not even exaggerating there are tears in my eyes its hard to even type out this post

can we get this thread archived?
can someone screenshot please?

>> No.7011051

I wish we had been friends as kids so you could have said bye to me in the summers when I went to sailing camp while you stayed at home eating pb&js playing your second hand sega genesis.

>> No.7011061

oh my god this is even better please tell me you listen to the mars volta it would make me the happiest man alive

>> No.7011055

brand new fucking blows
my opinion > your opinion because i've definitely listened to more music than you

>> No.7011063

Yeah, but you're probably poor, and I'm whiter than you so my opinion matters more.

>> No.7011065

>thinking time signatures are a valid way of judging music
everything you say is now invalidated

everyone who says this doesn't even know music theory

>> No.7011069

and metal almost never deviates from guitars, drums, and screaming

and electronic music almost never deviates from keyboards and synthesizers and shit making bleeps and bloops

and reggae almost never deveates from some guy with dreads singing about weed over bongo drums and shit

its almost like these things are what make genres genres

>> No.7011074

Heh dude ur so dumb.
go learn you some

How much hip hop have u even listened to?

>> No.7011072
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>All of this ad hominem

You've yet to describe a single reason as to why la dispute is bad, aside from the fact that the girls who regularly turn you down listen to them

>> No.7011075
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Muh relativism
no body is bttr thn anybody ok guise
Ther is no good or bads oly hapy feels all arund

>> No.7011086

faggot probably listens to meshuggah
>LOL this has a complex 17/14 time signature so its automatically good! the drums and guitar not playing at all in time with each other may sound like complete shit, but little do these plebs know that these complex time signatures make my taste better than theirs! now that im a qualified expert in musical theory i can show these nerds on 4chan /fa/!

>> No.7011083

cringe worthy lyrics

>> No.7011084

actually that's not true because all the music you like is garbage

it certainly doesn't have anything to do with time signatures though you stupid motherfucker

>> No.7011100

yeah dude didn't you know that all music that's ever been written in 4/4 or 3/4 is bad music?

>> No.7011101

>tfw i agree with all of this

>> No.7011093

his voice is shit
the lyrics are shit
the insturments are shit
the album cover is shit
everything is shit

>> No.7011097

...They are a valid way of judging "complexity" m8

Musically complex pieces typically incorporate shifting time signatures. It's basic stuff.

You must not listen to a lot of any of those genres if you think any of that true.

I don't really listen to them. I learned how to play Wax Simulacra on drums a bit because Thomas Pridgen is a great musician but they're not really my jam. They kind of remind me of a more extreme Kansas I guess.

>> No.7011109

Hip hop is poopier. There I said it. It's poopy guys. Let's just fling poop at each others genres because we're all narcissists who think we're better than each other.

Nah, but really, hip hop is pretty shitty, at least all the mainstream stuff is. Also death grips are shit. The guy sounds like the cookie monster.

>> No.7011113

>mfw i've heard over 2,500 albums and yeezus by kanye west is one of the 15 greatest

>> No.7011112

>tfw i agree with all of this

>> No.7011123

I can get the voice, but the instruments? I don't think that could be said even if you don't like them. The shit they come up with is out of control.

Why do poor white kids try to be black?

>> No.7011116

are you high? what the fuck are you even talking about you autistic faggot

>> No.7011119

I've played drums live for a few hiphop artists, nobody incredible. I've played jazz fusion, metal, funk, afro-cuban, latin, gospel, etc and hip-hop remains some of the most boring stuff I get paid to play.


More ad hominem/opinions. I don't even like meshuggah, it's way too drone/repetitive

Opinions with no objective basis

You don't even play an instrument nor sing, you really have nothing to go off of when it comes to judging the instrumentals of a band.

>> No.7011121

>hip hop is pretty shitty
>at least all the mainstream stuff
>also death grips are shit

so you have barely listened to any hip hop and then you call it shitty and then u call a band shitty in a genre that u know nothing about

>> No.7011126

>You don't even play an instrument nor sing, you really have nothing to go off of when it comes to judging the instrumentals of a band.

You don't have to be a cook to tell something tastes like shit. This is like, the fucking oldest fallacy ever

fuck off

>> No.7011124

this actually isn't even fun anymore i feel like i'm arguing with a literal retarded person or something
do you have a mental disability? you don't have to lie its ok

>> No.7011125

>hip hop is pretty shitty, at least all the mainstream stuff is
*tips fedora*
I was born in le wrong generation too!

>> No.7011130

why does every single person who plays an instrument, not only has a COMPLETE SHIT taste in music, but also thinks that knowing how to play an instrument makes their shitty taste objectively better than everyone elses

you sound exactly like my friend

he plays guitar

his favorite bands are trivium and black veil brides

he things rapping is just talking, producers just mix together vocals and beats (lol), electronic music is just mixed together on garageband in 5 mins, ect.

and he is objectively right about all of these things because he plays guitar in the shittiest post hardcore shitcore band

that is you right now

>> No.7011128

I'm phishing for links bud.

>> No.7011135

Send me a link bud. I doubt it will be stimulating enough musically.

>> No.7011138
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>One person brings up time signatures
>Everyone argues about them and their merits despite not actually understanding them
>Meaningless numbers and stats are exchanged
>Cue pointless name calling

4chan never changes

>> No.7011139

at this point i'm pretty sure that this is just an incredible troll, i'm honestly impressed

it's a lot easier to believe that then believe that there are people this stupid

look at
>>7011135 theres no fucking way this is real

>> No.7011141

i only know one person who was ever 'mugged' and he wasnt mugged. the guy just cornered him in an ally when he was loading gear (roadie) and said give me your money, so he did. cause hes a beta faggot.
how do you like your not 'murica now faggot.

>> No.7011146


>> No.7011144

Why do poor white kids want to be black?

>> No.7011152

its not so much that i consider myself upper middle class, its more that i guess i have lower standards of what i consider rich, thus forcing everyone else up a sub-class by comparison.
ill work on my world views.

>> No.7011157


>> No.7011158

so much this.
you could have said 'a rose by any other name would smell as sweet'

>> No.7011153

if i wanted to impress you id just post faggy shit packpacker shit like hopsin or immortal technique or aesop rock

but why would i want to give another backpacker shit taste god knows theres enough of them already

go listen to thee 6 mafia and hit up a party instead of sitting at home masturbating and playing eve online to math rock you fucking queer

>> No.7011156

Exactly! You don't need to understand the rules of chess to know what moves are good or bad!

Right guys?


>> No.7011160

>implying some faggots punch can penetrate my sick layers

#rickarmor #heprotectsme

>> No.7011166

Too bad no one can actually win or lose when it comes to music or cooking like they can in chess.

>> No.7011167

chess isn't a fucking consumable medium meant to appeal to humans it's a fucking game you play to beat the other person

stop trying to make logical fallacies to backpedal ur way out of an argument

just fuck off like I told you to

>> No.7011169

Send me a fucking link to your sickest shit. I'm just saying, it won't be good. Prove me wrong. You insulted me for not delving into a genre whose entry level stuff is so awful I avoid it. So prove me wrong. Sent the super magnificent trax you got.

>> No.7011170

i know how to play the digeridoo does this mean my taste is as objectively good as yours??? can i argue the merits of technical death metal vs southern hip hop because i spent a couple classes in high school learning the bongo drum??? PLS RESPOND

>> No.7011177

the only time i feel any kind of tension about being beat up is when im with people who have a history of spontaneous anger and getting in fights. like whats his name in train spotting.

>> No.7011179

have you ever listened to good instrumental hip hop?

>> No.7011180

>Learn how music is written/instrument is played
>Suddenly able to hear nuances that you never would have detected before in the playing of that instrument

I never heard a ghost note in music until I started playing drums. Now I hear them everywhere.

It's simple. You simply can't get/appreciate the mindset that goes in to the creation of certain things until you are able to create those things as well.

>> No.7011188

Ummm, how about dont step in anybody's way or pick fights?
I've never been in a serious fight in my life and I've been a serious fucking asshole to people stronger than me and they never "kicked my ass". I honestly wonder how people get in fights anymore.
nobody fights physically anymore, if you think that's what being alpha is in 2013, you need to evolve.

>> No.7011184

no, but really. what is a time signature?

also, not the guy(s) your responding too. just curious.

>> No.7011185

ok get ready this is the best song ever recorded


>> No.7011195

>I never heard a ghost note in music until I started playing drums.
fucking plebian

>> No.7011191


>> No.7011192


>> No.7011202


>> No.7011199

Lol, it sounds like someone who had a week of experience on a midi just did whatever they felt like and the lyrics are immediately about getting high.

Why would you think that's good? Why would you think the lyrics are good? I don't care how well it rhymes when the subject material is trash.

>> No.7011200

yeah now you can pick up the complex drumming in your amon armath songs good fucking job no one cares nerd your taste in music is shit

>> No.7011203


>> No.7011206

not the guy your responding too.

i mean yeah, but i dont that with girls too. and i definitely dont lock eyes with nigger when im sizing them up. its more or less of a 'if shit hits the fan who do i have to look out for'
in no way am i constantly planning out fights in my head and making sure the other guy knows im fantasizing about touching him all over.

>> No.7011216

Sigh. I'll explain this in the easiest way I can. When a member of a band suddenly plays polyrhythmically to the rest of the band, it sounds like he has lost the beat very badly.

What people who don't understand polyrhythms hear: A mistake on the part of the player

What people who do understand polyrhythms hear: Creative use of writing and dynamic

It's the same shit.

No wonder everyone hates you here. You are completely incapable of critical thinking or talking anything but mindless shit.

>> No.7011211

>The nights are getting stronger and the days are getting longer
>The buildings getting bigger
>Outside is getting smaller
>The lies are getting truer and the truth is getting brighter
>Things are looking blacker
>But black is looking whiter

try actually listening to it faggot

not like anyone expected you to not just make oversimplifications/exaggerations/generalizations after skipping around with the seekbar, though

>> No.7011212

sounds like you might just be autistic because normal people definitely don't do this


>> No.7011226


stop responding to him thanks

>> No.7011224

Well you aren't as bad as your scene kid friend but there is nothing special about the track.

and again the lyrical subject is utter shit.

>> No.7011230

yeah but i understand polyrhythms and i dont play an instrument.

>> No.7011241

Wow so nxtlvl

>> No.7011244

what people who do understand polyrythms but don't have awful taste in music hear: shitty music that is still shit with technical wankery mixed in

>> No.7011246

understanding something doesnt make it good

>no no no you guys you didnt UNDERSTAND that m night shamalayan movie! it has a complex plot twist, so its good!

>> No.7011250

Music is a language and they are in advanced composition. You are in high school english. That is the difference.

>> No.7011251

A time signature is the note value that commonly occurs in a song, typically before repetition takes place unless the next bar's time signature is different. It's essentially the method of measuring the length of a bar of music.

Ex: If the time signature of a song is 15/16, that means the bar ends after 15 sixteenth notes of the current tempo have taken place and the next bar begins. Regardless of whether or not 15 sixteenth notes are physically played, the next bar will not begin until that many notes/rests have passed.

>> No.7011258

if lyrics are all you care about then you're just gonna want backpacker bullshit

>> No.7011262

You're fucking delusional. I can see why niggers walk all over american whites.

>> No.7011263

understanding spanish is worthless if all you do is watch late night infomercials and listen to talk radio

which are the musical equivalent to your gimmicky meshuggah technical math metal shit

>> No.7011264

this. isn't. how. music. works.

>> No.7011272

"Understanding something doesn't make it good"

Is the same thing as

"I don't need to understand something to decide if it's good or not"

is the same thing as

"I don't need to know in order to form an opinion"

Good job m8

>> No.7011278

I like that more but for some reason the backing track sounds too stock and reminds me of backsteeet boys backing tracks.

>> No.7011275

the guy trying to act elitist about music likes fucking crybaby teenage wank for emo girls on myspace

cmon dude you'd be more convincing if you were only into classical and musique concrete

>> No.7011285

put your trip back on trunks, you're not fooling anyone

>> No.7011287

>I like that more

>> No.7011294

not all of us have to get a masters in musical theory to figure out whether we like 2 chainz or not

sorry m8

>> No.7011300

heres more backpack for you then

>> No.7011302

>Music with existential themes
>crybaby teenage wank for emo girls

I don't think you even know what emo is.

also I better listen to music about being a weed smoking plebeian from some thug niggaz

>> No.7011305

i bet neon genesis evangelion was ur fave anime too

>> No.7011306

go back to reddit you 16 year old
how many fedoras do you own?

>> No.7011304

>not liking certified bangers


>> No.7011308

>calls meshuggah gimmicky for defying stereotypical musical conventions with instrumental mastery and precision mixed with unorthodox structure and techniques

>wears rick owens

You realize that rick is the meshuggah of fashion and hiphop is the forever 21, right?

>> No.7011310

Does any of it have actual good music though. I could care less about what these guys have to say if the music isn't good.

>> No.7011318

have you ever been to a party

have you ever gotten laid

have you ever done drugs

have you ever made sikk cops

maybe the answers to these questions are the reasons you sit at home listening to nerdy shit metal instead of thug nigga hip hop

>> No.7011313

Any of y'all fuck with Spark Master Tape.

Mixtape of the year for me.

>> No.7011314

if by actual good music you mean a feminine guy crying about his relationship problems then no

>> No.7011320

Lol, once again; why do poor white kids want to be black?

proohet confirmed for j to the r o c

>> No.7011321

boy what a thread this turned out to be.

>> No.7011322

>I could care less
confirmed for retarded and/or underage

>> No.7011327

You're right. Simple music only requires simple understanding to appreciate.

Complex music requires complex understanding to appreciate.

I'm glad you finally understand.

>> No.7011326

oh ight. i didnt know there was a name for that. i tried to play saxophone in school but the teacher was an absolute shithead i couldnt stand him. so i taught myself at home.

>> No.7011334

OH MY FUCKING GOD he actually listens to meshuggah LOL

when i was about 15 years old i had the exact same taste in music as you, thought i was better than everyone else because of "muh complex time signatures", pretty much acted like as much of a faggot youre acting like now, listened to classical, jazz, didnt really enjoy any of it but hey listening to old/complex music means you have good taste right? and good taste is more important than listening to enjoyable music

then i got laid and got friends

now i listen to dipset and clipse

u could do the same if u werent so autistic

>> No.7011331

if you're so rich then why haven't you been educated well enough to know how to use common idioms without looking like an idiot?

>> No.7011332

thats what my gat's for. come at me irl and not online n see wut happenz

>> No.7011343
File: 35 KB, 519x346, 549991_359330920848975_2074768307_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 chainz is more complex than meshuggah

uhh who has a better flow? who has better beats? who name drops more designers?
shut the fuck up nerd

>> No.7011344

I mean the music being good. Not boring, stock sounding, or stupid. Here's a hip hop song that came on my nu disco pandora I liked musically.


>> No.7011354
File: 37 KB, 356x453, 996191_512896735444523_1937085452_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't listen to meshuggah. Just because I understand them doesn't mean I listen to them.

You are the master of jumping to conclusions.

You just don't get it.

You can't enjoy something you don't understand.

Keep that thick cloak of autism and denial around you though, I'd hate to keep shattering your realm with profound truths.

>> No.7011355

That's how we say the idiom in america. Supposedly ir is from some 40s movie and was said in a sarcastic tone implying that caring less was so obviously impossible that it was intended to be ironic.

>> No.7011356

Dude listen to this

>> No.7011365

just take a look at your life

and realize

you have autism

do regular people talk about time signatures for hours on end?

do regular people listen to porucpine tree

are regular people virgins at 34 years old?

youre autistic dude

just accept it

>> No.7011372

emo is not complex
modern classical, romanticism, orchestral, post-bop, spectralism, experimental big band, etc is complex

>> No.7011370

I had a decent, promiscuous sex life. Now I have a serious girlfriend. I listened to and still listen to Agnostic Front, Reagen Youth, Necros, Gism, Cockney Rejects, etc etc.

You're autistic for thinking music taste makes your life more social.

and lol at changing your music taste to suit others.

You fucking joke, people pleaser, living for other's.

>> No.7011371

what does killa have to do with immortal technique

>> No.7011376

>and lol at changing your music taste to suit others.

>You fucking joke, people pleaser, living for other's.

confirmed retard i never implied any of this

>> No.7011377

i'm american and this isn't true
that's how fucking idiots say it
the actual idiom didn't change and your explanation makes no sense

>> No.7011378
File: 12 KB, 285x288, 1365911824837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do regular people pose in their sisters room with a diaper on?

Do people who don't furiously masturbate over CP wear sitka?

You're retarded dude

Just accept it

>> No.7011375


>> No.7011381

It's a lot more complex than hip hop. It has these things called melodies and isn't a 4 bar loop the entire song. Plus the lyrics aren't jusr wankery.

>> No.7011383

those are good bands though
don't tell me you like agnostic front and la dispute

>> No.7011392

yeah in 2004 it was
everyone knows exactly what emo is, especially the people who listen to it

how out of touch are you

>> No.7011386

Emo is also just a buzzword used by people to describe an incredibly vague set of music types and is more characterized by the looks of the band members as opposed to the musical content

>> No.7011390

having some mental issue is basically a requirement to pick up a trip on 4chan

>> No.7011397

no, i'm referring to the genre. which is a real genre.

>> No.7011393

wow confirmed shit taste in music ur not worth arguing with anymore
wow swag

>> No.7011396

>>7011377 http://english.stackexchange.com/questions/706/which-is-correct-could-care-less-or-couldnt-care-less

>> No.7011408

>Plus the lyrics aren't jusr wankery
good one

also a rapper almost never keeps the same flow and tempo of rapping throughout the entire track

>> No.7011405

In 2004 emo was used to describe a fashion and the music of the people who typically adhered to that fashion

and typically they only listened to that music because the people in those bands also adhered to that fashion

AFI and As I Lay Dying were both called emo. Their music has nothing in common

But they both had long haired guys with lots of tattoos.

>> No.7011412

That's the scene kids definition.
this is what emo sounds like


>> No.7011421

>listens to clipse
>Calls original punk and oi shit

>> No.7011422

modest mouse isn't emo

>> No.7011418

>confirmed for not knowing what tempo means

>> No.7011428

I don't even know know who la dispute is.

>> No.7011437

>not shit

>> No.7011433

the only appeal of punk is hearing it live

i cant believe retards actually get tricked into listening to studio punk

some shit oi band that broke up 20 years ago is the easiest way to spot someone who doesnt know what theyre doing

>> No.7011436

The first record was.

>> No.7011441

Idk much about emo but usually when I think of emo I think of bands like cap'n jazz, joyce manor, american football, dat type of shit

>> No.7011442

A good band, commonly characterized by poetry-styled lyrical structures and frantic pacing, as well as frequently going over Trunks' head.

check it out:


>> No.7011448

they're who this whole awful thread is about
and they're terrible

>> No.7011446

I was the guy who unintentionally derailed the thread about the hipster girl at work and I actually agree with this. 80s punk is unlistenable on their records, you had to be there.

>> No.7011455

in other words: some angsty faggot screaming/whining his relationship problems into a mic over badly played insturments. marketed towards 14-18 year old girls, latched onto by the more autistic crowd, sort of like my little pony

>> No.7011457
File: 12 KB, 356x496, George-Laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol, the song is about a drive by

just like your genre


>> No.7011458

>poetry styled lyrical structures
doesn't matter if the lyrics are actual shit. and this is la dispute were talking about here not parks or newsom or summthin

"Another shooting on the southeast side. This a drive-by, mid-day,
Outside of the bus stop, by Fuller and Franklin. Or near there.
Not far from the park. About a block from where the other shooting was last month.
Or was it last week?"

so deep

>> No.7011469

>implying you have to like one or the other, and can't like art music and fun music at the same time
most people who are really into music finally realize that pop can be as good as their deep shit, but still like both. plenty of the biggest fans of avant-garde music also have top 40 pop and hip hop sprinkled in their favorites

if you completely ditch a genre of music you're into, chances are you're trying to fit an image. you're trying to feel cool and as normal and hip as possible so you probably pretend to like crunk more than you actually do

>> No.7011472

if youre still not convinced they are shit, heres the lyrics to their most famous song

I think I saw you in my sleep, darling,
I think I saw you in my dreams you were
Stitching up the seams on every broken promise
That your body couldn't keep.
I think I saw you in my sleep.

I thought I heard the door open, oh no,
I thought I heard the door open but
I only heard it close.

I thought I heard a plane crashing, but
Now I think it was your passion snapping.

I think you saw me confronting my fear, it
Went up with a bottle and went down with the beer and
I think you ought to stay away from here
There are ghosts in the walls and they
Crawl in your head through your ear.

I think I saw you in my sleep, lover,
I think I saw you in my dreams you were
Stitching up the seams on every mangled promise
That your body couldn't keep.
I think I saw you in my sleep.


>> No.7011465

>Song about drive by gang shooting
>Ends with police raid against killers
>angsty relationship problems

How stupid are you?

>> No.7011473

The song is King Park by La Dispute dipshit

and nobody ever claimed it was "deep"

>> No.7011476

>if you completely ditch a genre of music you're into, chances are you're trying to fit an image. you're trying to feel cool and as normal and hip as possible so you probably pretend to like crunk more than you actually do

or you just didnt like it in the first place and only listened to it to get validation on the internet, just like every other meshuggah fan

>> No.7011481
File: 404 KB, 72x72, afro-shaking-head-no.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The first verse of a song
>didnt have the words weed or nigga


>> No.7011482

the people who like la dispute are the ones randomly claiming that all hip hop music and everything that isn't theoretically complex is bad though so i'm not sure what you're trying to argue

>> No.7011495

i was talking about van dyke parks u scrublord

>> No.7011493

Yay, the first record. The one I said was lyrically shit, at the beginning of this entire thing.

>> No.7011498

Only one guy here has said that hiphop music is bad and that was way at the beginning of the thread

Then it ended up turning in to an arguement about musical complexity

Hiphop isn't complex. That's why every nigger drops out of high school to release a mix tape

But just like every other genre, there's shit and gold, you just gotta look.

>> No.7011499

he's implying that you have to be faking to like "complex" music
the la dispute kid is braindead but trunks is delusional too

>> No.7011508

if you like meshuggah, opeth, porcupine tree, or mars volta, yes, youre either faking or have shit taste in music

>> No.7011509

There's actually been at least one other person defending la dispute against the whiggers.

>> No.7011510

ah, it all makes sense now.