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7007138 No.7007138 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw no qt azn gn gf

>> No.7007145
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>> No.7007148


>> No.7007154

>tfw no azn girls in my area

>> No.7007161

>tfw azn girls only want azn boys

>> No.7007186

>tfw superior white gf
>tfw azns can't even gn as evidenced by OP

>> No.7007219



>> No.7007237

tfw I live in a mostly white part of socal.

white girls only want white (tattoo'd), Mexican (thug) or black (just for one night stands kept quiet)

>> No.7007248


the south sucks

>> No.7007279

Why don't you post your "bro" fits, don't forget to include your lifted truck

>> No.7007314


true man

>> No.7007368

>not liking white girls most

>> No.7007384

The only Asian girl I've ever been into was raised by non-asian family and thus didn't have any of those annoyingly coy tendencies that are only attractive to asian dudes and closet pedos.

>> No.7007424

post qt whitegirl goof fit
not the one with geos and night backround

>> No.7007436

have asian girlfriend, grew up rural so she was never in those 'asian groups'. she's pretty cool and doesn't have annoying tendencies.

>> No.7007447
File: 808 KB, 849x1274, tumblr_mjrx52Wdi71r028m4o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i would school her
if you know what i mean

>> No.7007478

fuck yuu

>> No.7007507
File: 344 KB, 1280x1990, 4c4a1f_4687839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw broke up with qt half chinese shoegaze weird grey zone friends with benefits but sort of not and I thought she just wanted to keep it casual so I did but I actually really wanted her to be my gf and I knew from the start that she had other fwb (and I sort of was too) and she is dating one of them proper now
>it still feel like shit

>> No.7007627

I'd "fuck" her if you get my drift

>> No.7007643
File: 9 KB, 164x155, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no qt white bf
Asian guys are gross.

>> No.7007658

pls b in trnto

>> No.7007659


>tfw asian guys are practically at the bottom of the dating hierarchy

>> No.7007667

move on. think of the other infinite possibilities you have missed either hanging out with the slag or crying about it. You could die tomorrow

>> No.7007669

pls b my gf

>> No.7007679

>TFW non white
>TFW your chancs of getting with an asian is pretty much non existent

I guess flips would be more open but they're not really asians

>> No.7007683

black guys do pretty well in thailand so i here, really what you want to do is join the military if you're a negro and want some foreign vagina

a lot of black guys that i know in the military are married interracialy, a lot to asian

>> No.7007698

>tfw only dated one asian
I'm trying to find a job in chinatown now.

>> No.7007722


try being me.

>be asian
>be whitewashed
>fobby asian girls too intimidated
>whitewashed asian girls dont want me because Im just an imitation of a white guy

I pretty much get stuck with whitewashed asian girls that cant pull white guys

>> No.7007729

>tfw every girl i like has an alpha bf
how is this even possible? most of the guys i see are ugly betas

>> No.7007735

Maybe in America, but you'd clean up in China. They'd all have massive daddy issues, though.

>> No.7007740

Cry more, faggot. It's way harder being a whitewashed black guy. At least white people don't automatically look down on you. And at least the majority of your women don't have an attitude problem

>> No.7007742
File: 16 KB, 200x200, 1377619382073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no asian or black qts anywhere in my country
>tfw slav


>> No.7007744

>>whitewashed asian girls dont want me because Im just an imitation of a white guy

>> No.7007746

Too much competition in China. Think about all the chinks I'd have to compete with

>> No.7007748

Guess that makes you a Gamma.

>> No.7007759


>tfw too spanish for the white kids
>tfw too white for the spanish kids


>> No.7007763

>tfw when slavic women are my weakness and there are so very few in my country.

>> No.7007764

lets be honest latinos are basically white people

>> No.7007767


you have not been around many latinos have you

>> No.7007769

lol, maybe in Spain but even then lol

>> No.7007770


it's ok my friend, i'll export some to you

>> No.7007776

>whitewashed black guy

>> No.7007777

first time I've laughed out loud this morning. Thanks anon.

>> No.7007778


eh, a lot of the spanish speaking folk from my city are mexican. annoying music and they dress even worse.

>> No.7007781
File: 212 KB, 670x969, three-guys-in-boots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bitter cause no curly boots of your own

>> No.7007783

You have so much potential and you just ruin yourself

>> No.7007784


haha truthfully i've yet to see mexican guys wear that around here. i would love too though.

>> No.7007788

I think this is what latinos want to believe
>walking down the street and see four or five black guys approaching
>as I cross the street they get closer
>just some standard dark skin Mexicans smoking a joint in public

>> No.7007797

Whiny guys of all colors are automatically unattractive, whitewashed black guys are the most annoying on 4chan though, it's as if you constantly try to appease white people in order to fit in.

>> No.7007802


oh that man reminds me, would you happen to have any photos of those south american guys with their random pointy hair down the sides of their faces?

trend setting right there.

>> No.7007812


Man, I read an article about that stuff. It's super-baller.

>> No.7007819


do you remember what site the article was on? i would love to read it. i'm watching the vice mini-documentary on it right now.

>> No.7007835

b-but muh white wimmin

>> No.7007837

you can't pass, so why do you keep trying to pass? with your black ass

>> No.7007838

>vice mini-documentary
ooh man, I need to look that up.

>> No.7007845



>> No.7007850

I'm more a fan of the African dudes that live in crap shacks but own pristine brightly-colored french tailored suits. I forget what they're called...

>> No.7007860


oh yes, i know what you're talking about. there were a few images that would get posted constantly on 4chan with one of those guys. one of the captions on one of them was the "haters gonna hate" thing.

>> No.7007873


IRL I'll never admit to being whitewashed. And I standard black people things so people won't find out. I'm too insecure to let people know the real me

>> No.7007878

I just want to feel validated. Is that too much to ask?

>> No.7007884

>I'm too insecure to let people know the real me
and there lies your problem oreo, if you're truly whitewashed be whitewashed

you're not convincing anybody you're otherwise if that's actually the case, people probably see right through you

>> No.7008398

>muh socio-ethnic dating hierarchy
#get rekt

>> No.7008835

They're called Sapeurs

>> No.7008843

why are wite wimminz such disgusting feminist whores?

>> No.7008850
File: 84 KB, 384x500, SekienAkaname.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ppl dont like bein treated like shit
if u stopped mebe they wuldnt b all feminist at u

>> No.7008883

>tfw only filipino bitches that are into swagfags around here

>> No.7008915


tumblr has spoken

>> No.7008917

those shoes literally made me laugh out loud

>> No.7009444

Slav girls are fucking hot, but they age like milk in africa

>> No.7009501

>White people
>Age badly
Holy shit, you are retarded. Kill self

>> No.7009520

White people age the worst, asians only come close and that's like after 60. They go from teenagers to old senseis over night

>> No.7009517

Slav girls all look 50 past 30, it's ridiculous

>> No.7009526

post a slav woman over 45 that's not fat

>> No.7009534

>tfw going to japan later this year and want to find qt gf

w-what are my chances

>> No.7009541

Shit, I wish.

tfw azn girls only want white guys

>> No.7009542

White people only seem to age the worst because we're way up there when we're young, and then it evens out.

>> No.7009556


>> No.7009559
File: 6 KB, 225x225, feels guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw azn qt gf has vaginismus
It's like god is mocking me

>> No.7009552

Jesus, Google returns absolutely nothing touche, you got me.
it goes, Asians>whites>latinos>blacks
At least they're really hot until then, right?

>> No.7009574

>At least they're really hot until then, right?
Yeah, they got special white girl genetics that are different from western and northern european girls' genetics, it's cool

>> No.7009569


What are you talking about? That's a tumblrslut in black clothes.

>> No.7009581

White people age like milk, there's no ifs and or butts about it. A white female after 30 can't recover

>> No.7009582

Never heard of that before, that's hillarious

>> No.7009578

damn, that sucks

I'd love just to be able to hold an azn qt's hand

>> No.7009585

Asians look like pigs to me. Even the very attractive ones. There are only a handful of model-tier ones that don't. What do?

>> No.7009589

Any female after 30 is gone, dumbass.

>> No.7009593

it's when her vaginal walls unconsciously contracts because of the fear of penetration or some psychological bullshit that sounds like it was made up by some feminazi

>> No.7009606

be a weaboo, that fixed me up proper

>> No.7009605

Halle Berry is 50 and still completely fuckable, she didn't even make Monsters Ball until her 30s

>> No.7009608

Whites look no worse than any other age after 30. If you knew what these 30 year old azn women look like underneath the makeup and clothes, you'd understand.

>> No.7009609

I know, I looked it up.

>> No.7009618

You are free to like whoever you like, regardless of race maaaan.

>> No.7009623


why people would ever want an azn gf boggles my mind

they are so boring

it just makes me sick...man

>> No.7009631

Not what I'm implying. I'm implying that azns just know how to clean up more nicely.

>> No.7009625

>implying white women don't wear makeup and clothing

>> No.7009629

but you're gonna stay with her because you are that pathetic.

you are supposed to not have sex with your girl until after she's tricked you into marriage.

why are men so weak nowadays?
this is one of the most pathetic feels threads iv'e seen.

>> No.7009636

And you're telling me you wouldn't have fucked Audrey when she did Breakfast at Tiffany's?

>> No.7009639

But every other race of women still manages to age better past 30..

>> No.7009641

>but you're gonna stay with her because you are that pathetic
whatever man, she's getting therapy now so its k I guess

>> No.7009650

Of course I'd do her, but I like older women personally so her aging isn't an issue for me.

>> No.7009651

Not that guy but I would stay with her in the fear that no other girl would like me as much as my super tight GF

>> No.7009658

>But every other race of women still manages to age better past 30..
No, they don't. You just pay attention to the rare ones that do like Berry.

>> No.7009661

Sexual therapy, with Jerome Denzel "Trey" Ahmed Whitaker

>> No.7009669

Yes they do, this is just common knowledge. Darker skin is more forgiving, and light skin asians just manage to postpone what happens to white people in their 30s and 40s, white people age horribly.

>> No.7009671

Audrey should get a permanent position as most beautiful woman in history.

>> No.7009690

>mickey rooney as the chink
I love the 60's

>> No.7009691

>Yes they do, this is just common knowledge.
>common knowledge
You mean bullshit that is perpetuated because of anti-white propaganda?

No, you're going to need actual proof.

>Darker skin is more forgiving, and light skin asians just manage to postpone what happens to white people in their 30s and 40s, white people age horribly.
Saying it won't make it true.

>> No.7009708

yea i know that's why he's' gonna stay with her.
out of fear.

he may call it love, but it's fear of not finding someone else, fear of not having someone, fear of hurting her, whatever.


that is one of the most beta and pathetic traits there is.

>> No.7009721

>anti-white propaganda
Well that escalated quickly

Also some notable examples:
Michael Jai White, Will Smith, Pharrell Williams, Sydney Portier, Naomi Campbell, Will's wife, Angela Bassett, etc.

>> No.7009752

But yeah dude if it helps you sleep at night the Jews are probably mostly responsible or something like that. Gotta go, ily (:

>> No.7009755
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>Implying Natalie portman isn't hotter

>> No.7009766


Natalie Portman id GOAT in every single way


who is her bf?

>> No.7009794
File: 226 KB, 1280x925, Audrey-Hepburn-audrey-hepburn-30086575-1280-925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, to me Audrey will always be the most beautiful woman who ever lived.

>> No.7009814

>No aesthetics

>> No.7009846
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True qt azn waifu

>> No.7009859

>not aesthetic

>> No.7010712

americanized asians are literally the sluttiest, most obnoxious, terrible group of people that exists. i don't know why it happens, but it's such a disgusting phenomenon

>> No.7010760

>tfw azn boy

>> No.7010773

why cant my yellow waifus be pure virgins like in my animes :(((

>> No.7010801

asian chicks like it when you hint that you're into asians

they'll usually reciprocate with "yeah we like white guys ;))))))"

>> No.7010894
File: 11 KB, 213x256, 1379864601370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw whitewashed azn in top frat of my school and a model
>still don't pull

>> No.7010908

lmao asian men are a joke

i have friends of every other race/sex/sexuality except asian straight dudes for some reason, they are just all weird

>> No.7010935
File: 125 KB, 924x572, 1361545618946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I have terminal yellow fever
>tfw I would probably fuck any asian girl above 5/10
>tfw I don't feel anything when I see white girls

How do I cure it? I want to like white girls again

>> No.7010940


>> No.7010942

>tfw Mexican and dark and into white qt's but they aren't into my dirty kind

>> No.7010945

have you actually fucked an asian girl? usually terrible in bed. made me miss talented white pussy immediately

>> No.7010963

Stop being 16? I grew out of finding anime attractive at 15 and was cured of yellow fever a year later. Personally I just binged on it. Couldn't get enough of the shit and eventually I started looking at more western comics, paintings, and girls (slavs are the best) and realized how much better they looked.

>> No.7010974
File: 56 KB, 550x623, north-korean-girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have no idea
most of us are just way too self-conscious and status-obsessed for our own good
dont hold them on pedestal so much

>> No.7010977

no, but my illness is so bad atm that I probably woundn't care if I had to do all the work. in fact the girl could have just died in the middle of it and id probably keep going if she was still warm.

>> No.7010982

that gets boring so quick, most asian girls are really boring outside of the bedroom too.

yeah i find that, also racist as fuck lmao

>> No.7010981

they really are submissive and make weird little baby sounds in bed, just like in japanese pornos. fucking boner killer. occasionally you'll find the slutty whitewashed asian that'll rock your dick off though, then make you take her out for pho or some shit the next day.

>> No.7011022

Her feet looked shooped, also no qt azn girls where I live, they just look like ugly gooks who can do math slightly better than the average plen.
Aryan mustard rais

>> No.7011032

Don't you mean Indains?

>> No.7011043
File: 89 KB, 1600x480, 1379806222424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7011060

Somewhat true

>1st bf, white male
Was an asshole so he was dumped after a year
>Last bf was whitewashed, black, muscular jock who loves anime
I liked him because he's a gentlemen, hilarious, and whitewashed.
>Current bf is wealthy, privileged, white male
He is also a gent w/ dry sarcastic humor.

I guess if you're really really good looking, azns will talk to you.
I hate how azn girls and white males are together but I fell into the stereotype.

>> No.7011068

Reality: they look like hogs from the beginning to the end.

>> No.7011085

fucking mascara overload fuck that shit

>> No.7011094
File: 292 KB, 800x800, 1357771174873.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you me

>> No.7011098


That applies to pretty much every female.

>> No.7011120

other ones know how to do it right
asian chicks go watch a bazillion asian chick makeup videos and rape their eyes with fucking loreal or whatever

white chicks just get their mum to help them

>> No.7011140

lmao an asian girl that was thirsty for my dick had a face like that
actually worse, now that I think about it. She had terrible acne.

>> No.7011145


>That jacket with that ensemble


>> No.7011142


Hispanics are the worst from what I've seen, followed by whitewashed Asian chicks.

>> No.7011149

i'm biased cuz my uni is all azns but i think you may be right

>> No.7011154

Try endless foreplay. Make the bed a place to relax.

>> No.7011181

I saw an exceptionally cute girl this evening
skinny legs in skinny jeans, black sweater, sweet mannerisms
On line to get food she was obsessively positioning the salad on her plate, ensuring no lettuce leaf had even the slightest possibility of falling onto the trey beneath
The way she didn't look around, fell into herself... there was a carefulness to her which was so fucking alluring. I wish my anxiety didn't seep into my voice, else I would have loved to ask her name and give her my smile

>> No.7011189
File: 70 KB, 630x274, 67753_sapeur_img.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7011232

>tfw asian grils are lined up to go out with me
>tfw dont need them and have half white half jap master race qtgf

>> No.7011284

what does that face look like

>> No.7011282

shit mate her legs are going to break

>> No.7011293

I haven't seen you post in a long time. How are you?

>> No.7011593


>whitewashed azn in top frat at my school and a model
>top frat at my school and a model
>top frat at my school
>top frat

You sound like a stereotypical douche, you shouldnt have any problems pulling slutty asian girls

>> No.7011611


ah someone that knows my feels. Lately Ive been hiding my whitewashed levels to go after fobby "innocent" asian girls.

>> No.7011652

i'm very well thank you
everything is perfect

>> No.7011761

>top frat
lmao kill yourself

what school m9

>> No.7011963

fuck you

>> No.7012845

How does it feel to fill a quota?