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7003140 No.7003140 [Reply] [Original]

I reached 125 pounds today down from 152 pounds (5'9). I'm gunna order a dominos tomorrow and eat the shit out of it and then go back to losing weight the next day.

That is all

>> No.7003169

I'm up to 125 lbs. I feel like a fatty

>> No.7003168

Ur still fat bitch

>> No.7003177

5'11" and 165 pounds. Completely average weight. Need to gain muscle weight

>> No.7003174

U shredded cunt?
mad cunt
sick cunt m8
getting ripped son?
Jelly mirin

>> No.7003181


lmao fat ass

i'm 5'7 and 99lbs get at me

>> No.7003184

Lol, nigga brad pitt was 165 in fight club
u gotta lose fat too niggie

>> No.7003197

hungry skeleton pls

>> No.7003203
File: 76 KB, 500x534, Kurt-and-Dave-kurt-cobain-25408178-500-534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw 200 lbs

I gotta get down to 185-190 for abs. Also I'm less fat than I look because I have wide hips and enormous obliques that look like side fat. But really it's mostly on my lower gut. I'll be there soon at this rate. I've lost 10lbs since school started because I can't eat as much with my schedule as is.

>> No.7003204

>i'm a manlet get at me

>> No.7003241

>im a mad fatty

well at least if an asteroid was gonna hit the earth ur so fat ur gravity will push it away or something so thanks i guess lmfao

>> No.7003261

I-is there any more OP?

>> No.7003290

You're a babbyboi from girly town. Pls grow man sized.

>> No.7003374

187 lbs, 6'3, lifting for 4 months
Getting stronger by a week but still got some fat on my sides
Should I wait another year until I *make it* or can I start getting /fa/ clothing now?

>> No.7003395
File: 290 KB, 540x516, 2013-10-02 00.27.33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 6'2" and >>7003203 and haven't cared about cutting until this coming spring. It's been like a year and a half since I started.

>> No.7003391

Dude. You're fat. No human should ever be nearly 190 pounds. Enjoy knee and back problems dumb ape.

>> No.7003413

Says a 110 lbs fag with matchstick arms who never held anything heavier than a pair of rick ovens shoes in his life.
Nah, I'd rather stay "fat" than be like you.

>> No.7003420

Cool bro, how much do you bench/squat/dl?

>> No.7003425

Haha butthurt pig. Enjoy your mcdonalds and getting 'huge' pleb

>> No.7003444

Since you brought up the subject, how is it hanging with your diet of starbucks coffee and nigger dicks?

>> No.7003450

Really low. I've only done a split and 6-10 reps. I've just been trying to get my shoulders and lats really wide because of my hips. I db bench 95s, ohp I never max on, but I do 50s for 10 reps so I'd probably max at 65s. Squat is 225 (never do it), dl is 320lbs, bent row max is 165lbs.

>> No.7003485

Well, your back is a lot stronger than mine, I'll give you that (I do 135 now). But why is your bench so low? I started with almost as much as you do now. You gotta work more on that. But I think you look fine already (better than me anyway).
Keep it up. We're all gonna make it.

>> No.7003549

You started with 95lbs in each hand? My friends all started with 55-65lbs.

>> No.7003558

Tastes great now take your dumb American ass back to /fit/

>> No.7003564

Oh, I misread db as bb, sorry. No, I started with 95 bb.

>> No.7003584

I do dumbells for all pushing exercises.

>> No.7003756

>tfw cutting for 10 months
>no cheat day
>didn't even eat cake on my bday
feels good though man. Down from 267 to 159 5'10" and considerably more muscular now. I'm still trying to get rid of the little bit of fat in my stomach.

>tfw going from XL and size 40 waist to medium and 31 waste

>> No.7003764

Gud on u m8 u got progress pics 4 my fatties that did it folder?

>> No.7003793

>tfw just finished making dinner for qt 5'9" bf that just made it to 160 on his bulk

>> No.7003804
File: 100 KB, 1225x783, makinit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best I could do right now.

>> No.7003802

Pls post bby

>> No.7003930

y u no respond bb?

>> No.7003942

spent a year smoking hella weed and eating anything i want, still manage to lose 50lbs. fuck yeah hyperthyroidism

>> No.7003947

holy shit dawg, i was u 3 months ago
now im ~103 pounds

>> No.7004062

Why no cheat meals?

I can have a big cheat day once a week and still lose 1-2 pounds. Also don't get cravings which helps.

>> No.7004083

sauce on the gif?

>> No.7004100

>year and a half

But seriously though, you should actually start lifting/eating, if you cut you will still look smaller then a female

>> No.7004192

I just don't. I eat clean all the time. I have a small desert (usually some skinny cow item) every night to keep my cravings at bay.

>> No.7004295


Thats not healthy skinny though

thats eating disorder skinny

I'm gonna start running to see if I can make my body less soft, I live a pretty much sedentary lifestylke

>> No.7004298


that doesn't sound like desert [sic]

>> No.7004310

dame salsa en esa picture pls

>> No.7004326

I'm 94.5 kgs, checked today in the gym

thats a little over 200lbs

>> No.7004460

mfw 210 lbs. but 6'3