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File: 37 KB, 426x341, sweaty man maymay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7001582 No.7001582 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw a male model tier guy with his full potential unlocked (great haircut, wearing a suit meaning he probably has a job) sits next to you on the train

I wanted to tell him to become a model so bad, but the spaghetti-os would have been a flyin. He looked like a mix between Simon van Meervenne and Bastian van Gaalen.

Yes, this thread is full homo.

>> No.7001605

>b on train
>eye contact with grill
> smiles etc
>never make a move

>> No.7001607



>> No.7001623

>Be me, never mired by grills.
>Get gf, every fucking girl of my age stares at me for seconds in the train.
>Yesterday this girl with pretty eyes I've always looked at sits next to me at uni and stares for 3 seconds.
I dont even know what to feel.

>> No.7001656

time to start understanding your role as a man and stop being exclusive with any particular girl.

time to use women's hypergamy to your advantage and have multiple GFs at any given time.

time to step up and realize that you can be what every girl wants to have.
you can be the guy all the betas hate because while they're supplicating to these tricks, you're dominating her mind and body.
while some guy is on facebook chat with her saying "he's such an asshole, id treat you so much better," you're on your way to her apartment to get dome and then fuck her.

>> No.7001666

b-but I love her

>> No.7001677

of course you'd say that.
you think she's special too.

how old are you and how old is she (the most important question out of all these)
what are your long term plans with her?
what is her life goal?
what is yours?
how long have you been together?

btw, all of this is irrelevant because your poor fragile heart is preventing you from logical thought.
then she destroys it and then what?

>> No.7001695

am I the only one who thinks of possible escape scenarios when more than a few people make eye contact with you and say nothing in any given moment?

>be in japan
>on tokyu sen
>look around train
>hello kitty in really loud commercial trying to sell Calpis water yelling
>3 people make eye contact with me in less than 3 mins
>oh fuck they're going to jump me.
>slowly move wallet from back pocket to front.
>pull up sleeves.
>guy gets up stands in front of door to get out
>think okay, im going to hit this fucker in the mouth as hard as I can then book it the opposite direction

>guy keeps starring while in front of door
as approaches train station

>train slows

>about to hit him in the mouth , slowly raise ar, making fist

>guy just casually leaves

I had so many of those similar run ins at college too.

I used to have the 1911 in the trunk of my car too

>> No.7001733

next thing we know sieg is going to have shot up some unfortunate homeless man with a lazy eye your giving him the wrong look

>> No.7001745

I love u but
See a shrink
Ur gonna end up shooting up a kfc or some shit

>> No.7001744

Group presentation in college:

guy in group is telling long drawn out story

>girl in group starring at me
>does this bitch want to fight me? is she fucking serious right now? im bigger than her
>look at guy talking, if bitch is still starring im going to fucking hit this stupid ass bitch with a problem in the face with my fucking textbook
>super fucking angry at this point
>dat tunnel vision
>I swear to god bitch you have 10 seconds to stop starring or you're getting an "applied political theory" book to your fucking slut face you fucking 2 bit fuckslut
>slam book closed in angry manner, in order to hit starring bitch with it

>guy telling the story goes

*well I guess james slamming his book shut is a sign we should call it a day huh?!*

tunnel vision fades away

yeah, yeah lets....go.

im not going to make it to the next meeting unfortunately. so i'd appreciate it if you guys just covered my portion of the project and signed my name to it, thanks bye

>> No.7001757

>always mired by girls
>they sit beside me/infront of me on the bus train etc
>sit next to me in the library when there are loads of free seats
>dont know if i should say something
>then try figure out what to say
>by this point there has been silence for 10 mins
>do nothing
>she leaves

fuck, every time

some of them are pretty qt too

>> No.7001761

>Implying he wants to be a model

People big modelling up way to much

>> No.7001767

>one of your uni friends models frequently
>he's pretty stunning, dresses well and most crushingly is a really cool guy
>he breaks up with his 10/10 girlfriend so that they can both do other things for a couple months and maybe pick things up again after christmas
>I've also recently broken up with my first gf (who was also the girl I lost my virginity too) and have been pretty crushed ever since (reasons out of my control)

on a night out with said guy

>really qt girl starts talking to me in the club
>go out and talk over cigarettes and drinks
>oh shit I might be able to get with her and move on.jpg
>suddenly said model friend comes in and starts talking to her while I'm at the bar
>they disappear and I don't see them for hours
>he gets with her and gets her number

oh well, at least he's balding (like me ;_;)

>> No.7001776

I'm kind of like that but not that bad lol. I do get mad if someone keeps staring at me.

>> No.7001785

they sit next to you because they try to intimidate you and claim your "land"


no, the bitch comes in, see's you

decides she's better than you so decides, im going to claim this beta ass motherfuckers personal space and he won't do shit

next time some bitch is looking around for a seat, throw your leg up on the seat next to ya, and throw on the headphones

and if the bitch still want's to pull rank, stab her in the neck with a ballpoint pen

so she knows not to sit there and "fuck with betas"

>> No.7001784


my fucking latissimi dorsi

never change you batshit insane bastard

>> No.7001789

everyone wants to model unless they already have a decent job

just because you are a manlet or fatty

>> No.7001790

>In train, sick fit, reading biography on Einstein
>feeling (undeservedly but whatever) patrish
>see a good looking girl in another seat
>chapter comes to an end, look outside a bit, look at her
>just as I look away she looks at me
>look back but see she's looking at another direction
>same thing happens two more times

She probably thought I was the most insecure fuccboi ever.

>> No.7001792

sounds like a shitty friend

stop hanging out with him

>> No.7001798

nah, I'm going to let him off, he didn't know that I'm still really upset about breaking up with exgf

and he was telling me how he just wants to get with girls for a little bit as he was with his ex for 5 years

I understand, but much more of that kind of behaviour and I'm going to be pretty pissed

>> No.7001806

you don't have to let him off.

that cutie who was into you did that for him

>> No.7001808


i sat down in front of some guy the other day on the 4 seats facing eachother on the train

the fucking look he gave me
clearly waiting for some qt to sit opposite him but i do instead, and im pretty sure he wanted to stab me

>> No.7001809

>sieg in charge of having banter

just stick to being /fa/'s biggest autist, that's all you're good for

>> No.7001812

thats beta as fuck mate

tell your friend that he was a cunt taking the girl you were talking to

>> No.7001813


>look at girl
>eye contact
>instinctively look away as soon as eyes meet


>> No.7001816

if he is a lot better looking/taller than you that could happen a lot.

it's not his fault, unless he's swooping in and taking her but it was probably an accident.
that's gonna happen 9/10 times, especially if he is a lot better at talking to them than you are.

just saying that you may want to keep your distance at parties until you make moves with a girl.

or use him to bring the girls to you.
you can have the hot girls friend, who will still be somewhat hot maybe.

>> No.7001817


starfucks help me
seigs advice to stab the grills probably isnt good advice

>> No.7001818

i will next time, like I said, he's entitled to be quite eager at the moment

I just hope it doesn't continue

>> No.7001821

he is entitled to fuck all

if he is as good looking as you say, he can get any other girl, why take the one you finally get a chance with

>> No.7001824

you have to rough em up a little to show them you ain't fuckin around

girls like that monogamy shit

>> No.7001827

what i would do is say something like "you forgot to ask?"
"ask what"
"if you could sit there"
"oh lol blah blah"
"ha it's cool. what are you working on/where are you going?"

and there is a convo.

but you could really say anything that fits your personality.
and you should say something, every time, even if you're scared.

you may be surprised how easy it is to talk to grils once you start, especially when they are clearly interested in you.
if you say something dumb and nothing happens, oh well.

you may feel bad for a minute, but you'll be really happy you tried, and you'll learn from it.

>> No.7001828
File: 393 KB, 1200x454, 1380568032270.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>saleswomen walks up to me and tries to get a conversation going and asks me shit like if i live here
>are those supras?
>n-no r-rick ovns
>never heard of it
fucking pleb dropped wnb
i can't believe how much people are miring my fits

>> No.7001830

he's an inch taller (6'4" to my 6'3") and quite model looking and some girls don't like it but others love it

I'm quite frightened of the idea of going out with him all the time and him taking all the action, especially considering how nice/cool he is

the only thing I've got is that I'm funny and also dress well, and since gf I've been really good at talking to girls because I've become less nervous

I get what you mean, but I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt right now as he only became single 10 days ago. And pls don't say finally get a chance with ;_;

>> No.7001834


thanks bro

its hard though

i will try my best

>> No.7001840

if it's just been 10 days i'm sure he was kind of blind to you, if you know what i mean.
you can't blame it this time, let it slide.

i'm sure you both can work something out in the future.
i wish i had a good guy friend who wanted to fuck as many bitches as possible.
and had even a slight amount of game.

>> No.7001847

yea it is hard.
and most guys never work up the nerve, and never progress.

i guarantee you when you do it you'll do better each time.

>> No.7001848

yeah, I hope it'll be fine because he's a cool guy and we get on gr8 (he lives with a really close friend)

I don't want it to become a thing, I'm hoping we're both right

>> No.7001849

it sounds like a shit job tbh
stand around looking at things for five years until you're too old
everyone thinks you're a moron
shitloads of pressure to maintain an arguably unhealthy weight

no thanks i'd rather do a job that involves actually doing something

>> No.7001850


>tfw no bro to go out and get qt's with

all the guys i go out with in the past are plebs and like pleb girls and go to pleb places with no qt's

solo game is a lot harder

>> No.7001851

>tfw you see someone really beautiful/handsome and you know that you will never see this person again

all beauty must die

>> No.7001854

it'll be fine fam

>> No.7001855

I keep seeing men who look god tier sexy and I always spend a bit to much time "acknowledging them"

>> No.7001857

Some girl moved away from me when i sat next to her with one seat inbetween us, then another guy tried talking to her later and she turned around.
Is she a lesbian or something

>> No.7001861
File: 292 KB, 1251x700, the fuck you looking at.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw looking in every mirror and window miring myself
am i the only one doing this? i swear i spend at least 30 minutes a day staring at my reflection

>> No.7001872

no the both of you are probably just ugly

>> No.7001877

I was like that too, try to practice in looking at girls eyes. Remember that they like it. Men to men eyecontact in conversation is usually much more fleeting and short, men on girl is way longer because that's how they tick.
Just try and win the contest of who looks away first, you'll get a feel for what's the normal time.
You'll still get stuff like I described and you'll feel bad a bit but whatever. Plenty of fish in the sea, although the whales are taking up valuable real estate.

>> No.7001873

I just study them like art pieces and think about how their parents might look like.

>> No.7001875

every time interactions with females are mentioned come this faggot with his shitty advises. Can't wait for the messaging pics

>> No.7001876

just keep staring at them untill they talk to you

id be more inclined to talk to a girl if she kept staring because then id know she was definitely into me

may include slight creepiness though

>> No.7001882

enlighten us all then

how do you get girls?

>> No.7001888

>Can't wait for the messaging pics
laughed irl

>> No.7001892


go away you stinky immigrant

>> No.7001893

How do you go about getting that female companionship then?

>> No.7001897

>The male latches onto the female like a parasite, living off her food and fertilizing her when she's ready to lay eggs.

>> No.7001909


stop giving this shit "advice" you dumb pua

>> No.7001919

yea sorry for encouraging guys to actually be confident and in control for once in their lives.

if you think my advice is shitty feel free to cite specific points, and explain why you disagree. bonus points if you can use your own personal experiences.

>inb4 that doesn't happen

>> No.7001922

dont ask a girl for relationship advice.

>> No.7001934

Not that guy but for me it was the part where everything you said could have just been out of a neil strauss book

fucking clown. Do you come here so you can 'peacock' better?

>> No.7001939

>dont ask a girl for relationship advice.
Instead, listen to some guy on 4chan named after an old Nintendo game.

>> No.7001945

a lot of people obviously think the same and have the same advice, its not gonna be 100% original stuff that starfucks is saying, he must have learnt from somewhere same as some people learn a bit from what he says

why are you so mad anyway? what difference does it make if he offers some advice to people who want it

>> No.7001954

i dont know who neil strauss is, and i also am not PUA

so no, i don't come here to peacock.
thats not my style.

let me ask you something, and this isn't disrespectful. i'm really curious, how do you approach women?

do you get girls often?
is it possible that this neil strauss guy may actually know something that you just don't want to accept?
do you have a hard time accepting that my advice actually works, and i'm using personal experiences?

i was kind of like that once.

or are you a girl?
i understand why girls argue and say my advice is bad.

explain how you would want a guy to approach you.

>> No.7001965 [DELETED] 

yeah nah,that "bro" of mine and my ex fucked each other after i'd told him to back off and i really helped him get with his current gf (2years now) i know stuff that will break their current relationship but i rathered to focus on my current happiness. i broke off contact with them and going solo is pretty nice,no pressure no expectations except of my own.

>> No.7001976 [DELETED] 

he actually knows a thing or two
i think i hear your vagina flapping

>> No.7001989

that sucks man.
but i feel you and that other poster about going solo.

it has it's pros and cons.

most of the guys in my main circle have no concept of game and call me misogynistic pretty much every time i open my mouth, so they can stay in a room of 20 guys and play Street Fighter. im finna get my dick sucked.

>> No.7002013

do you know how mad it makes her that we both knew she was girl simply by one single post?

it's got her going crazy.
she's probably posting more pics of sexy women on her tumblr right now just out of sheer anger.

>> No.7002042 [DELETED] 
File: 7 KB, 180x135, 1_180_135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im finna get my dick sucked

lol i remember in hs a lot of girls would love hanging out with me and whenever i "beat" them at their own game they'd get all flustered ,then later start calling for my D
1 of my nicknames was "Teh D" strangely i didnt know what it was and i wanted it to mean Daniel (vanzant)
may have been autistic in hs but i was a lot of fun too

>> No.7002089

I'm a man and I "get girls" by being attractive and well dressed, then going up to them and talking to them without being a goofy sexist weirdo that uses words like hypergamy.

Obviously there's some subconscious shit, like smiling and eye contact, but when dudes like you say shit like BE THE CENTER OF ATTENTION BE ALPHA BE AGRESSIVE B E A G R E S S I V E

you're just embarrassing

and yeah, i bet you get laid, and I know neil strauss does, but the point you miss and I know neil misses is that women are actually all individuals. Humans, in the same sense as men, with individual preferences, desires, life experiences, that lead them to the same spectrum of action that all people are capable of. Your advice, and PUA advice in general, does not just "work on girls". It works on some women, probably really shallow, boring women that reinforce your weird sexist views on women.

So when you say X gets you laid, I don't disagree, it's just you're getting laid by shitty people I wouldn't ever want to talk to, and you're doing it by being a shitty person.

My favorite example of this is when these people brag that they could fuck X woman in a committed relationship, just because they get some (shitty, asshole) ass from women in relationships. As if women are this monolithic entity literally not capable of being faithful. Let alone fucking these greasy fucks. Some of them literally say things like this. "Women don't understand honor"

Deluded, the lot of you.

>> No.7002101
File: 86 KB, 450x550, dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to cos
>searching for a jumper
>can't find the specific jumper
>see a girl who is putting a shirt back on to the hanger
>ask her if she knows where the shirt is, maybe it's out of stock or something
>Talk for about 30 seconds non stop
>She then answers
>"I don't work here"
>I panic a little
>"how come you look like you work here"
>shit shit shit, now I said she dresses like a store assistant
>"I mean you dress nice"
>She laughs and we talk for a bit
>She seemed kind of interested, was smiling and blushed a bit when I teased her about how she studied antropology or some shit
>Say goodbye and it was nice to meet you anonette, now i'm going to find my jumper
>mfw 5 mins later while I was trying on the jumper I realized I didn't ask her number

>> No.7002109

has it ever occurred to you that for every woman you've fucked, ten have perceived you for the shallow, self obsessed, narcissistic onanist that you really are?

Or that having a nickname like "The D" automatically and forever makes you an awful person?

>> No.7002115

oh, shit, i thought their name was antoinette

that'd be a cool name to have

>> No.7002138

You're great, anon, keep it up.

>> No.7002158

maybe if your a faggot

>> No.7002159

I'm a dude though I am not unfamiliar with the arts of faggotry i am not practicing at the moment
Ya i do as well. One guy wasn't so much interesting as just utterly beautiful. He had perfect jaw definition he was 6' and he was wearing a preppy outfit in a expensive part of town
> TFW when no rich beautiful genetics and parents

>> No.7002165

>we both knew she was girl simply by one single post?
The funny thing is I'm not a girl. Then again, I bet you're used to making that mistake.

>> No.7002183

>being attractive and well dressed

>talking to them without being a goofy sexist weirdo that uses words like hypergamy
eeeh they wouldn't think im sexist, and i wouldn't expect them to know what hypergamy means.
so check.

>Obviously there's some subconscious shit, like smiling and eye contact
big check.
this is the #1 most important thing.

>but when dudes like you say shit like BE THE CENTER OF ATTENTION BE ALPHA BE AGRESSIVE B E A G R E S S I V E
is that what i said? where?
you're making assumptions. i'm not the type of person who is loud, or needs to be the center of attention. i'm incredibly laid back. i listen more than i speak, but when i do speak people listen, and then i'm the center of attention.
you know what they say about people who assume: it makes an ass out of you and makes you look insecure as well.

>women are actually all individuals
agree, to a point.
men are predicable, women are predicable. everybody has their little differences, but they are slight.
if you want to get women, act like a man.

>boring women that reinforce your weird sexist views on women.
hmmmm, yup jealousy detected.
a guy who sleeps with a lot of women doesn't gain more respect for them. only less.
but it's typical for someone like you to say "you must only get slutty/dumb/drunk girls, not real girls" but you have no idea.
even i posted pics you'd say i was lying, or this or that. and to be honest, in some ways i would be, because deep down all women are pretty much the same.
just like how all men are pretty much the same.
as i was saying above.

>you're doing it by being a shitty person.
no. that's your opinion.
that's you being mad that women actually like a guy like me, and mad that her and i can both grow as people in the time spent together.

>Deluded, the lot of you.
you started reasonable, and then fell into the same, angry, cliche posts of any sad beta crying that alphas keep picking the jerk.
see this:

i used to think like you. kind of.

>> No.7002185

would the average female piss her pants if you pressed a knock off colt 1911 in their templ (rock island armory) and yanked the slide back while threatening her?

I want to lick piss off a strange woman's crotch and I think this is the best way to do it.

also, will she know that RIA 1911's jam like 25% of the time? so she has a VERY good chance of surviving the incident?

>> No.7002202

woah look at all that shit you wrote that i'm not going to read

>> No.7002195

consider this:

"what if it was beta males, rather than alpha males, who were the other prime movers of Boomer feminism? (Boomer feminism was the beginning of the really warped variety of feminism that supplanted suffrage and Prohibition.) Did beta males enjoin the feminist sabotage of civilization because they thought it would cramp the style of alpha males? The betas probably didn’t grasp the long-term consequences of their project, but crippling their competition was the short-term goal they had in mind when they allied with the femfreaks. They were probably thinking (beneath the layers of socially presentable equalese), “Aha, elevating women to positions of power will help kick out those entrenched alpha males and level the male playing field. More poosy for us!”

Poor pathetic beta male feminists. Little did they realize that helping women become economically self-sufficient and freed from the “slavery” of marriage allowed them to ignore betas for the sexy alphas promising nothing but a good time. The one bit of leverage beta males bring to the sexual market table — their emotional and financial provisions — they trashed in a fit of spite against the jocks they hated in high school.

That’s my theory. I think it makes sense in light of the whiny resentment modern “male feminists” like John Scalzi reveal toward incorrigible charmers who defy the logic of gender politics and not only suffer no consequences for their impudence, but profit from it."

>> No.7002205

>going to thrift store for my weekly size 2 woman's jeans purchase (I like to sniff the crotch and masturbate, then donate them, +10 points if I see a chick try them on and return them to the rack

>old bitch assumes I work there

>bitch?! do you not see me sniffing the crotch to these aeropostle female jeans? you think I have a job Fuckoff

>> No.7002208

;^) nice very random!

>> No.7002215

dude stop repeating all this shit every day, these fuccniggas won't learn

>> No.7002213

better reading than the rest of this shit

>> No.7002232
File: 8 KB, 248x251, wow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you just tried to assess me in one paragraph.
you're wrong.
Never did i say i fucked all of them(read again if you will),I called myself "Teh D" in reference to Daniel (Vanzant) which only people in my circle called me that anyway I was more known by another nickname.
I had to delete a whole paragraph disputing you and explaining myself but it's not worth it disproving false assumptions about strangers on the internet even if i made a few about you.
I'll just run you a nice hot water bath,buy you some chocolates and tampons mmmk.

>> No.7002234
File: 48 KB, 638x480, 1369069939487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he acts like a pimp, but he posts here every day like the rest of us

he acts like he gets women, but he masturbates to this

if he was really smashing 10/10 pussy everyday of the week.
why would he masturbate to a 2/10?

wouldn't he jack it to other 10/10's because a 2 does nothing?

>> No.7002243

>if he was really smashing 10/10 pussy everyday of the week.
I don't think he ever said he was

and yeah prodigy is uggo af like I just log off 4chan when I see her start selfposting

>> No.7002244

you are clearly going through some issues trying to make someone feel bad about their sexual activities, but i'll humor you:

>has it ever occurred to you that for every woman you've fucked, ten have perceived you for the shallow, self obsessed, narcissistic onanist that you really are?
so fucking what?
every single person you meets judges you in some way.
by your logic, if i fucked 20 girls, 200 girls would hate me. good thing i've been around thousands of women in my lifetime. 200 is a pretty small minority, and 20 sexual partners at my age is pretty damn good.

but also, you clearly don't understand women if you think that being "self obsessed and narcissistic" is a negative trait in their eyes.
women love what's called the "dark triad personality"
read up on it and start getting smart:

if you disagree with me, and have read all of this, fine.
continue calling out my posts if you want.

i can accept a difference in opinion, but don't try to change my mind.
i won't try changing yours.

if your happy with your sex life, great.
if not, well, you could get smarter about actual relationship dynamics,.

>> No.7002264


>go to nordstrom
>are those converse


i fucking left.

>> No.7002267 [DELETED] 

look man, the truth is i spend way too much time on 4chan.
more time than i, or anyone else should.

but i can, because i work from home most of the time, and im an introvert.

i remember a few months back doing nothing but binging on adderall, rarely eating, and posting on 4chan for a week straight.
i went out one night, and got laid by a girl i met that same night.

then i came back and went back on 4chan.
my lifestyles been a lot better since, and i've only been more consistently getting girls and they are hotter each time.
i choose to stay home instead of going to girls places. i turn sex down with hot girls often.

you can doubt if you want.
i'm feelng ashamed for even responding to you, but whatever.

if you don't believe me that's your problem.
i don't like bragging, and im sure i sound like i am. i want to help guys get laid, because i've been in similar positions.

why wouldn't you take advice on how to get laid from someone who can sit on 4chan this much and still get girls?

as for prodigy, she's cool.
doesn't mean i fap to her pics.

i actually don't fap at all hahahah

>> No.7002271

thats not a 2/10

>> No.7002272
File: 153 KB, 1242x807, gollum lord of the rings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so you read the PUA crap and repost as if it were fact?

this show was shot as a COMEDY

hence the fake tattoo sleves as a concersation starter skit


>> No.7002276

You could just try going about life well packaged, sensitive and fearless. You don't need to be narcissistic, disillusioned and sociopathic.

>> No.7002278

>tfw a couple mistakened for me for a salesperson after i discussed sneaker tech with them and recommended matching shoes for them
>tfw never going back to sportscene ever
man i miss prodigy shitting up the board,was worth a few giggles.dont want her back either

>> No.7002282

look man, the truth is i spend way too much time on 4chan.
more time than i, or anyone else should.

but i work from home most of the time, and im an introvert so it's all good.

i remember a few months back doing nothing but binging on adderall, rarely eating, and posting on 4chan for a week straight.
even though i was seeing girls, i was thinking i needed to get a new one.
i went out one night, and got laid by a girl i met that same night.
after spending a full week not speaking to anyone or doing anything productive.

then i came back and went back on 4chan.
my lifestyles been a lot better since, and i've only been more consistently getting girls and they are hotter each time.
i choose to stay home instead of going to girls places. i turn sex down with hot girls often.

you can doubt if you want.
i'm feelng ashamed for even responding to you, but whatever.

if you don't believe me that's your problem.
i don't like bragging, and im sure i sound like i am. i want to help guys get laid, because i've been in similar positions.

why wouldn't you take advice on how to get laid from someone who can sit on 4chan this much and still get girls?

as for prodigy, she's cool.
doesn't mean i fap to her pics.

i actually don't fap at all hahahah

>> No.7002317

yea, being a sociopath is not required for success with women.
it's still an interesting blog

i can respect peoples opinions, but at the same time i hate getting called out with misinformation, especially directed towards me.

i like talking about this stuff, and it was a thread on 4chan where i started learning these concepts 4 years ago so i know it can really help.

but sometimes i think im posting from my ego, and that's not really what im about so i'm just gonna chill.

>> No.7002322
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>> No.7002325

hey man don't take it personally, if you've never sucked a tranny's dick (or even cross dresser) I tend not to trust ya


you're a joke

>> No.7002323

>but most times i think im posting from my ego, and that's really what im about so i'm just gonna chill.

>> No.7002327

nobody wants your advice you fucking neckbeard

>> No.7002329
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>this thread

>> No.7002345

>be me
>dress nice because it feels nice
>not givin' a fuck about who's mirin.

>> No.7002340

there's some good points in that vid.
even though it's just two guys walking past the chinese theater 50 times.

>> No.7002348

you don't know rsd?

>> No.7002364
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i was serious when i said i wasn't into pua, so i don't pay attention to that stuff.
seems good though.

good thread guys.
see you tomorrow next time someone posts
>tfw no gf


>> No.7002382

lol u got ignored pretty badly

>> No.7002386

is kate fit?

i want to see a pic of one of the many hot girls you fuck

>> No.7002390

>be on train, dressed in suit bcuz gotta be dadcore for my CEO 10k/day job
>sweaty, fat nerd wearing moon boots approaches and sits next to me
>I can hear him mouth breathing as he attempts to say something
>he is dressed in all black, he must think he's a ninja or something lmao

why are people so weird

>> No.7002397

maybe she called him afterwards

>> No.7002404

>I can hear him mouth breathing
laughed for at least 40 seconds at this

>> No.7002498

at first i believed you. but now your arguing so much im inclined to believe your trying to overcompensate and what your saying is lying. im still on the fence though.

>> No.7002512

best trip no doubt. embodies all that is fa

>> No.7002515

thinking 10/10 would fuck, then i see the hat. nope.

>> No.7002538

I got offered and did model jobs and you know what? I feel flattered (but actually not that flattered, I feel more flattered when normal people just make compliments or something), but it's not something I want to do with my life. I thought I could model just sometimes, like when I have some free time, but agencies mostly want your full attention or none at all. It's not like people run after you just because you have the looks. There are just too many good and better looking people on this planet.
I often have the feeling that people on this board think about the model job as something that will deeply fulfill them. Like, when you get offered a model job, you are officially beautiful and automatically have all the self esteem you always wanted and stuff. But it's just not like that. It really really isn't. Especially when you associate your self esteem with the success at modelling. Seriously, if you do that, don't model EVER. You will get rejected so many times, people won't tell honestly why, people will say really mean stuff to you. It will destroy you.

>> No.7002545

jesus, stop

>> No.7002550

not that bad

saw some girl wearing a cocaine and caviar beanie the other day
fuck it made me pretty mad

>she wouldnt even do coke if she was offered it

>> No.7002558


what if you arent a pussy though?

is it good if you dont care about your precious feeling being hurt?

>> No.7002571

theres a girl at my college that dresses exactly like a dude. its creepy. her fits arent even that bad. if you took the exact fit and put it on me, or you, or someone, theyd be fine.

>> No.7002575


>is it good if you dont care about your precious feeling being hurt?

being a model is a shit job regardless of how you feel about it

>> No.7002591

I agree with his advice and I also understand why he posts these walls of text. I too enjoy thinking about interpersonal dynamics and writing about them in a sort of analytical way, some people don't though so I can understand the hate.

>> No.7002593


i just hate all the girls that think they are following the latest trends but they have been around for the last few years

they would be laughing at someone for wearing a certain thing and then a few months later be wearing the same stuff

>> No.7002601


This hits the nail on the head.

I've modeled for a famous clothing company before and it hurt my self esteem. I'm constantly insecure with how I look and I don't even have the balls to talk to any women at all. Sometimes girls smile at me when we lock eyes and I usually turn away out of anxiety. Some men that I talk to are intimidated by me and usually act passive-aggressive towards me. I have no friends.

>> No.7002631


>> No.7002641

>Applied political theory

Sieg is fat because of all the weight he has to carry for his 0°8329390I4 classes. Makes sense

>> No.7002672

I laugh at the fuccboi looking at themselves EVERY time there is a mirror. It's fucking hilarious. Especially when waiting in the subway, it's magic, Out of every walking people, half of them is going to mire at themselves.

It's insecure as fuck haha.

>> No.7002681

this is a 10/10 post

>> No.7002686

oh my god sieg is #1 trip confirmed

>> No.7002691

ive noticed that too. however, i just dont like it when girls look like dudes.
your fucking beautiful. inside and out. and dont let anyone tell you otherwise. i love you, keep up the awesome work!

>> No.7002697

i do it just to check my hair. my hair gets fucked up so easily. like today i finally got it to do what i wanted, and then i looked left, looked right, and started to cross the road, and i felt my hair fall out of place when i looked for cars.

>> No.7002714

Jesus Christ, Starfucks gotta be one of the worst trips of all time.
>using meaningless sex with stupid girls to fill the void
>if it even happens, that is

>> No.7002716


some swag fgt was walking in front of me the other day, i dont think he realised i was behind him
>fixes cap
>pulls down jeans
>checks himself in office window
>checks himself in parked van window
>checks again in next office window

and this continued the whole way up the street untill i walked past him

i used to do this too but not hat bad, and now i rarely do it even though i know my hair is a mess, i just dont really care as much anymore

>> No.7002721

story of my life
I hate to look like a narcisistic fuck, but every chance I have to look at my hair I do. Most of my friends do it too, so I don't feel out of place or autistic anyway.

>> No.7002744

>tfw do fine with women, have a girlfriend and still keep in contact with women who are my friends
>never once done any PUA shit or tried to act like starfucks advises
>just kinda act like myself, dress okay, and know how to act questions / talk

it makes me sad when starfucks posts because he thinks getting laid is the entire goal of talking to women.
getting laid is fine, but it's not a big deal, and the reason he thinks he's a success is because he thinks it is a big deal, you all do.

if you change your perception of what matters when interacting with people, you'll be much happier in life.

it's more important for me to learn and connect and enjoy talking to someone and for them to feel the same about me than it is for me to get laid.

i hope one day you guys all feel satisfied with your lives, and i mean that honestly. makes me sad to think you aren't happy.

>> No.7002770

>It's not insecure I only do it because I'm insecure


>> No.7002785


>meaningless sex with stupid girls

who doesnt want this though? you guys are all mad jelly

>> No.7002794

why are you here if you are happy?

/fa/ is a sadboy club only

>> No.7002807

4chan as a whole actually.

Seriously, it kind of is.

>> No.7002812

>be grill
>walk by 10/10 qt with curly hair
>oh shit oh shit what do I do here's my chance
>should I smile at him?
>nah that would be weird
>walk by without doing anything

>> No.7002813

nice post

>> No.7002814


get out nerd

>> No.7002825


pls smile at us, it makes it a bit easier for us to realise you like us

that said we are prob still too beta to talk to you but its still a confidence boost

some girl smiled at me the other day and i just stared at her lel cause she was a qt, then i realised i should be smiling back but it was too late, felt good though

>> No.7002833

ur ugly

>> No.7002847

no im not

>> No.7002855

ok sorry

>> No.7002862

because i think /fa/ is a great way to learn about fashion for someone with a really low attention span

it changes daily, i don't have to worry about people knowing who i am or criticizing me for reasons besides what i post, and some of the people here are hilarious (sieg heil specifically) and some of the people are just fucking intelligent and great to be around (poet, twerk it, /fa/scist, user)

i've learned a lot from /fa/ and my wardrobe is slowly improving cause of it. it's the only board i browse.

>> No.7002864

>walking down the street
>make sure not to make eye contact with anyone
>bump in to some younger japanese guy coming out of some 3 star restaurant
>he mutters "watch yourself" in japanese under his breath

now every time I walk past that restaurant I stick gumballs in their pachinko machines (they really hate that)

>> No.7002869


i know

it was just a joke....

>> No.7002877

you should have called him the fuck out

if you're willing to punch a dude in the face for looking at you you should be willing to knock someone the fuck out for talking to you

>> No.7002902

if you smiled at me, i'd assume you're laughing at my 'fit and i'd prob cut ya

just saying

>> No.7002913

don't ever fucking tell someone to be a model when they're not cause your basically telling them to give up at any intellligence they have for being a high paied prostitute

>> No.7002927

walkind down the street in issey miyake shorts, ferragamo shoes that probably cost more than your entire wardrobe and a fredy perry collab with raf simons that i got off yoox for $25 forgot to mentoin he is in one of those street gangs here in LA full of 2nd generation foreigners who like to act tough, but run second rate restraunts and and groceries, every day it's the same think I'll play a round of pachinko and then stick gumballs in the macihne causing it to jam, the owner always gives me dirty looks

>> No.7002932

i do that all the time. i spend all day wishing someone would talk to me, and then when someone says whats up, or whatever, in passing, i just stare at them to shocked to respond until we pass each other. then they never talk to me again.

>> No.7002982

>Girl smile at you
>Talk to her friends
>Begin laughing
>W-why is she laughing about me ;_;

>> No.7002988

Sieg Heil don't off yourself when you are left with all those diplomas and no money. Reminds me of that Kanye West song. At least go into Research or something. If you are good enough, that is.


>> No.7003002

I know a grill who came into one of my friend. It's laughably pathetic. Invited him to her dorm after two horus of knowing him. Keeps texting him. Not-being subtle, at all about her intention. Girl is kind of a creep too. Don't do it. Don't be a creep.

>> No.7003009

na she was by herself, she obviously thought i was cute

too bad i dont know how to do anything about it

>> No.7003018


i wish a creepy girl would invite me to her dorm and keep texting me all the time

>> No.7003032

was she ugly
free dorm is a free dorm

>> No.7003036

>Implying you would not be freaked out by that freak

>> No.7003038

Then how do I approach a guy without being creepy?
>tfw no /fa/bf

>> No.7003040


>> No.7003045

Not ugly. Not to his taste but she is like cute in the literal sense of the word. She's got dem baby cheeks

>> No.7003059

don't approach men, let men be men.
don't look them in the eye either

also men wanting to fuck everything they see and constantly out looking to fuck is a myth

just leave us the fuck alone.

you don't want a bunch of guys hitting on you all day everyday right? you have shit to do, bills to pay. hookers to kil... I mean normal people thing here

>> No.7003067

ANSWER ME PLS. I want to know u won't do sth bad. Answer dat >>7002988

>> No.7003098

ignore the trolls

men are easy as fuck, just say hey to them and they will be all over you if you are a hot girl

or if they are highly autistic it may be a bit harder and you might have to talk a bit more

>> No.7003100

sth? and i got to second sieg on this one. never look a normal, well adjusted male in the eye. only the leader is allowed to look other males in the eye. its a dominance thing. if you do, he may go berserk, and attack you. ive seen it happen. but on the other end of the spectrum, he could become self consciously more reclusive, eventually leading to suicide. honestly, just leave males well the fuck alone.

>> No.7003107

>That dude who ain't in college

sth someth something

>> No.7003109

wtc desperate gf?
i don't want to win over a 10
i would rather have a qt average gf to feel depressed with

>> No.7003114

>that dude who aint in college

>> No.7003118


>a grill is trying to learn how to approach a guy and you are telling her not too

b-but this is what we are all waiting for

>> No.7003126

sieg does it make you made that you're probably smarter than all your professors

>> No.7003127


>> No.7003129


where do i find a qt girl that just wants a bf to chill with

im never sure which girls to approach and which ones not too

>> No.7003158

>implying you can't see a redacted degree in my living room picture

fathers side of family:

military -> college -> masters -> suicide

grandfather, 2 uncles followed this path

moms side aunt and uncle both single suffer from severe depression

>> No.7003221

>being scared of your shitty Filipino garbage bin gun

>> No.7003314

youd think all those hours of playing 3DS in public would have strengthened your wrists enough to not limp it

no guns

>> No.7003341

no. its only the creepy/fat/loser ones that will approach. better known as the ones you dont want to approach yourself. if theres a girl you want to approach you, then fucking do something. you dont have to ask her out or anything.

>> No.7003373

Oh fck. Pls stay safe. The humans I've seen who were the most interesting I have ever seen (well into their sixties) were intellectuals (as in College lecturer/researcher dunno what's the word) Become one.

>> No.7003376

This, I've had fat girls come up to me out of the blue and tell me I'm super cute, and it destroys my self esteem.

>> No.7003399

srs. there was this one loser fat girl in my highschool (into anime, the whole shebang)i talked to her once, being polite. she was on my bus, before i could drive. she would sit behind me and tell me my hair was really cute and stuff. i fucking hated it.

>> No.7003729

>used to be bullied when little
>did autist-tier shit to some grills when starting high school
>insecure as fuq w/ terrible haircut
>later on start dressing decent
>acquire gf
>still no confidence
>break up a year later
>se grills staring at me and sometimes giggling all the time on the bus and on da streets
>feel nervous as fuck
>think it's cause i'm too ugly or some shit
>hardly ever go out

>years later
>start lurking /fa/ more often
>acquire good haircut
>somehow that boosts up my confidence a lot
>meet patrician grill in plane
>turns out she lives near me
We're still together to this day.

>> No.7003744


nice story m8, gd for you

>> No.7003868

>did some autist-tier shit to some grills
>autist-tier shit to some grills
>to some grills

>> No.7003999

I was like 12 and I called some girlz fucking sluts cause they were saying shit about me.

Like half the school's girls knew that later.

>> No.7004091

you were 12 when you started high school?
also, phew, i thought you smashed them on the floor to see how high they could bounce or something.

>> No.7004123

Holy fuck I laughed harder than I should have. I knew a girl with an autistic brother that did that to their cat.

>> No.7004242

omg. have you never read of mice and men? also, thats fucked up. my sister was friends with some girl whos brother microwaved their hamster. some fucked up shit in this world.

>> No.7004294

Never read it, no. He wasn't trying to bounce it though, but apparently he grabbed it by the tail and slammed it headfirst into a wall. Its things like that that make you dry heave a little when you imagine it

>> No.7004307

holy shit dude. my friend never lets me forget about this kid whos dad was pissed and slammed a door right as their new puppy was trying to follow him through. crushed its head.

>> No.7004550
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>tfw can't tell if girls look at me peculiarly bc im attractive or just goofy looking

>tfw sometimes a girl smiles at me but I don't know how to smile so I probably look really annoyed at them

>> No.7004559


i usually just smile at people to be polite...

>> No.7004569


>> No.7005020

Well, I wasn't 12 when I started highschool. Also I said 12 but I meant 10-11, and at that time no one ever sweared and I was stuck in that shitty situation for a long time.

Also I said Highschool but I don't really understand 'murrikan education. I was on year 6 or so when I did that, In muh school junior was years 1-5, middle 6-8 and senior 9-12.