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/fa/ - Fashion

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6990418 No.6990418[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you realized 90% of /fa/ posters are between the ages of 17-20 olds who use their parent's credit card to cosplay gothnigger or class it up with dadcore.

I can't take this board seriously anymore, the WAYWT threads are literally filled with teenagers.

>> No.6990427

post fit

>> No.6990450

>not realizing this years ago
how do you not see all the w2c threads

>> No.6990456

I've been here since late 08 and the current state of the board is a joke.

It was never this bad.

>> No.6990460

>being older than 20

>> No.6990475

Agreed, it's a damn shame. Oh, how the mighty have fallen

>Being too young to have a valid opinion
Being older kicks ass, kid

>> No.6990492

>being 12

>> No.6990495


I've been here since 2009, I thought that a few months ago was the worst this board had seen and that since then /fa/ had been on the mend. However, looking back on it, I was just visiting /fa/ too much during this time. I think 4chan in general can act as a looking glass, reflecting your mindset. If you're trying to bury your head in the sand and ignore real life then 4chan tends to irk you more.

I find the trick with 4chan is moderation. Without moderating visits the shitposting, trolls and annoying trips are just too much to handle.

>> No.6990502

Of course back then it was great
But every year your standard for content raises while the website's content kind of tapers - remember that if youre in your mid 20s youre basically the minority

>> No.6990505

walt dies

>> No.6990504

>that one 32 year old guy who posts

wtf are you doing lmao

>> No.6990506

He prolly buying shit you can't afford

>> No.6990508

hes 32 and posting on 4chan

>> No.6990515

as to compared to what?
mfa, sf, zg? lol aspies no matter where you are

>> No.6990513

u will be too in 25 years doe

>> No.6990517

And? How old are you?

>> No.6990519

I've been here since 1994. Back in the day this board was bangin', dawg. So much bling-bling, beoootch!

>> No.6990530

>actually discouraging older people from posting
its like you're retarded

>> No.6990534

if youre over like... 25 maybe and posting here you need to stop and go get a fucking life

>> No.6990538


>> No.6990541

>but anything below 25 and you have a life
dats its mahn

>> No.6990547

ok dudes here's the thing

there are so few fashion forums OTI that it's hard for ppl to find one that fits their needs

poet doesn't like SF or sufu or sz and they're the ones w/ lots of older ppl

but he likes 4chan but it has all the yung gawds on it

so he gotta make do

>> No.6990550

I've been lurking /fa/ since i was 16 (i'm 22 now) and i still dress like shit.

It's really my fault for taking fashion advice from former emo faggots from 2001, but i feel like there is no other alternative out there for fashion advice and that is why i keep coming back to this shithole of a board..

>> No.6990552

>not being able to accept change

just let the faggots come and go. stop complaining about them and they will leave.

>> No.6990554

go to sf/sufu m8
now that i'm 19 this board is getting way too dumb for me
i browse 4chan/sufu 50/50 now and that's only cuz sufu is kinda slow

>> No.6990559

I pay for everything myself at least, man.

>> No.6990566

sufu site kinda confuses me
so you go to supertalk and then where?

tying to find the WAYWT thread on there

>> No.6990570

The fuck does age have to do with anything?

>> No.6990578

supertrash and supershopper have waywts

supershopper waywt is just pics

supertrash waywt is ppl shitting all over pics but its not unfunny teens doing it so it's kinda funny

>> No.6990576

everything else is just filler

>> No.6990575

Fck you. Most of the expensive clothes I own, i bought them myself.

>> No.6990586


>> No.6990587

walt dies

>> No.6990589

I'm a manlet check your fucking height privilege cis scum!

>> No.6990591

Shit. I forgot I already turned 18 years old this year. Feels old man.

>> No.6990609
File: 135 KB, 707x1080, 1369218888799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm 25
i stopped posting WAYWT pics after curlgurl called me ugly.

i had scars on my arms (heavily)
i slept in a canali shirt so it was sloppy and wrinkled and i was wearing heavily faded levis

and she said i was disgusting, and ugly and i think she uttered something anti-semetic in german :(

tfw when the best looking, best dressed female in /fa/ is disgusted by you

>> No.6990617

everyone is disgusted by you, sieg.
you're a disgusting fatfuck

someone post that pic of sieg and his fat gf

>> No.6990618

you are disgusting bro
sorry but it's true

and she doesn't dress well you tasteless fuck

>> No.6990619

It is beautiful, and I agree with everything you said. It baffles me how much shitposting people can do, but then again most people here in that wrong mindset like you said.

>> No.6990628
File: 34 KB, 640x480, 1369243880738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6990657

Nobody on sufu is funny though

>> No.6990664


I'm 34 and i post here, i remember this one thread with this one dude who was in his mid 50ies posting here, well not on this board but 4chan in general.

>> No.6990668


Rei stop being mad that you got ethered.

>> No.6990672

sounds like u got dissed

>> No.6990671

>use their parent's credit card
>tfw you are a 18 year old
>tfw you realize that kids use there patents money for stupid shit while i cant even get textbooks

Feels bad man

>> No.6990684

i didn't feel old until last year.

>fapping to a chubby german chick fucking herself with a 1911 with the slide pulled back

>video of her shoving a sponge in her pussy, then fucking her pussy with an empty wine bottle

everyone kept calling her milf, cougar etc etc
and she was my age.

>> No.6990693

This is easy as fuck: you don't need any advice with age so you don't post in waywt threads.
I am 28, I dress better them most of you and most importantly I absolutely don't have to prove it thus no fits. Easy as that.

>> No.6990787


>> No.6990803


>> No.6990804


>mfw i'm 25, have a life and enjoy posting on 4chan

>> No.6991346

That's really the size of it.

>> No.6991372

How old is doctor komme?

>> No.6991391



>> No.6991427


I first came here about two, three years ago and I think it was a bit better then. But even then people would laugh at me when I posted something else than Ray-Bans as a suggestion for shades.
/fa/ is and was full of young kids that have no idea of what class and/or style is, but there are some good posters that make it worth coming here sometimes.