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6978415 No.6978415[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ill just leave this here

>> No.6978431

if only all niggers could look like this

what's that anyway, voodooninja?

>> No.6978433

That's not how you wear a hat.

>> No.6978438

the hat is flying away

>> No.6978441
File: 56 KB, 570x855, BTM9doyIAAADzq3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6978447


>> No.6978612

i can't take any more of this.

>> No.6978618

Jealous that niggers can into gothninja better than you?

>> No.6978749

no, i am a nigger, but this shit looks so ridiculous i need to go away for a while. and look at some julius and damir doma

>> No.6978764

>go to all the effort of wearing your hat and jacket backwards and dying your mother's wedding dress black
>fake louis vuitton bag
I don't even know why

>> No.6978770

guy on the left looks dope though

>> No.6978789

>I am a nigger
2/10 see me after class

>> No.6978790

yeah srs. I can't rock the high top fade without looking goofy doe.

>> No.6978810

what if he really is a nigger? what do you have against nigs? u racis?

>> No.6979650

She can't wear that shit correctly and she feeeeels it

>> No.6979664


This is why I hate fashion week and, if at all possible, only attend during market. You have huge crowds of people (mostly "art" students and fashion students) dressing up and desperately hoping to be seen or photographed or whatever. Meanwhile, people who are actually trying to get work done have to fight with them for space and cabs and lines at coffee shops are out the door. Every time my schedule forces me to attend fashion week instead I wind up hating every second that I'm out in public.

>> No.6979680

has the guy on the right got a blazer on backwards?

>> No.6979699

oh shit I think I have a class with the dude on the left lol

>> No.6979811

Is that T.I.

nigga's gon soft

>> No.6979838


>> No.6979888

Shit like that is the reason I'm glad I don't live anywhere fucking near Edinburgh.

>> No.6979892


I don't get it.

>> No.6979908

It's just so fucking trendy.

People like what you described are everywhere. All year.

>> No.6979923
File: 100 KB, 472x340, 1380350691899.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


skedoohe jane

>> No.6979937


That's really not my issue. And I don't really think people who are trend-oriented are the same as people who deliberately primp and preen and waltz about like they've invented something new and should be honored for it when they're just students who have just saved up for a Vuitton canvas tote and a pair of Karen Walker sunglasses and think they're hot shit.

I shouldn't be so frustrated about this, but it genuinely gets in my way and I always wish there was something that could be done about it.

>> No.6979936

It's willy smith's daughter. Or at least i fuckin looks like that bitch

>> No.6979944

>people who deliberately primp and preen and waltz about like they've invented something new and should be honored for it when they're just students who have just saved up for a Vuitton canvas tote and a pair of Karen Walker sunglasses and think they're hot shit.

No, that's them, dude. all over the shop.

>I shouldn't be so frustrated about this, but it genuinely gets in my way and I always wish there was something that could be done about it.

You could do some CBT if it bothers you that much.

>> No.6979956


Therapy isn't going to stop people from physically blocking my entrance to a showroom or obstructing my path to a vendor's stand at a tradeshow.

>> No.6979971

No, but it'll stop you getting frustrated by it.