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File: 12 KB, 228x360, skinny-model.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6977172 No.6977172[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What does the average male runway model eat per day?
What does the average female runway model eat per day?

Do they work out? How many of them are bulimic?

>> No.6977178

cigarettes and coffee. the meal of champions.

>> No.6977183

>Male Model
Nothing, apart from crack.
>Female Model
Nothing, apart from crack.

>Do they work out?
No they stay fit by keeping to the regime ^

>> No.6977222

they have half glass of orange juice and a few carrot sticks for breakfast, coffee for lunch, and they usually skip dinner.

>> No.6977237

op, specify who.

like the average runway model is probs eating about 1750 cals a day, jogging several times a week, and doing calisthenics or weight training for dat der vascular ottermode.

The grill in the OP starves herself.

>> No.6977241
File: 89 KB, 450x695, pic16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a model like ryan taylor

>> No.6978489

eat a deficit until youre at desired weight, then maintain, lift and run.

>> No.6978529

what if i am skinnier than most models ???

>> No.6978559

youre not

>> No.6979090

Most of them workout when they can, which isn't that often if you have castings and shows all the time.

They eat maybe 1000 to 1700 cal per day depending on genetics (Bone frame and metabolism). There may be some days when they barely eat though, especially if they're very busy.

None of them are bulimic. Bulimics tend to be "chubby" and have bloated faces, bad skin and hair, etc. As a model you have to look GOOD.

>> No.6979131

>Bulimics tend to be "chubby" and have bloated faces, bad skin and hair, etc


Bullimia makes your hair fall out and shit.

>> No.6979174

malnutrition in general makes your hair fall out

bulimia specifically fucks up your teeth and other shit in that area

>> No.6979209

tbf it's not difficult to be skinniest than most male models.
most models at least have a bit of muscle mass

>> No.6979220

generallyjust does the opposite of what models want.

>> No.6979237


>> No.6979797
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it varies, depends who & when. most females at least opt for healthier/"trendier" options, think kale/edamame/greek yogurt/pressed juice/sushi/salads/tilapia, snack on fruits etc., a lot of shows mandate not eating more than a fistful of food prior to avoid bloating. i know some that eat a lot of shit but only once or twice a day. lots of coffee, tea, coconut water, diet soda. they dont outright starve themselves, but fashion weeks are chaotic so foods on the back burner. most models are hyper metabolic & tall as it is so often it doesnt even matter since they'd be slim anyway.

male models are way less strict and have huge appetites. a lot straight up eat mcdonalds on a daily basis and it doesn't make a difference, hence why they're models. they're special duh!!!

>> No.6980762

Also depends on bone structure as I've said before.
I was at a shoot yesterday and a skirt didn't fit me well (I have 35 inch hips) and it fit a larger, 36 inch hip girl no problem, because she had narrower hips, even though her thighs were much larger, and she had quite a butt.
So basically I have to be further below my healthy weight compared to a girl with narrow hips and shoulders to get the same measurements.

>> No.6980771

>I have 35 inch hips
>and it fit a larger, 36 inch hip girl no problem
>because she had narrower hips

I don't get it

>> No.6980813

less than a US marine soldier in the Antarctic, more than any given dead person

>> No.6980848
File: 44 KB, 480x360, GuAELykp[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My actual hipbones stick out more than hers. It fit over my butt and lower hips, but not higher up.
(Where I'm pointing).
Her measurement was larger cause she had a big butt. You can lose weight from your butt, you can't lose bone.

>> No.6980922

Hip measurement is taken around mid butt. So two girls with the same measurement can have completely different bodies. 35 inch girl has no butt and wide hips, 36 inch girl has no hips and big butt. Basically.

>> No.6980930

AH okay thanks guys

>> No.6980935

r u a model grill
post body

>> No.6980960

>ugly as fuck eyebrows

He only trains his biceps+shoulders a little bit. mebbe he runs but he looks like a bitch that wouldn't want to put much effort into stuff so he goes the lazy way and just doesn't eat more than 1200 calories or so.

>> No.6980993

1200 kcal? I look similar and eat twice as much and even more when I run. 1200 kcal is not even BMR.

>> No.6981007
File: 59 KB, 450x675, _YVS0217.450x675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would I have to work out to get a Saint Laurent model's body or just not eat?

>> No.6981016

I think they just suck on meat stock cubes

>> No.6981025

Just don't eat. I would even advice you to avoid any unnecessary movement, especially walking.
But I don't really know how you get so ridiculously thin as a man.

>> No.6981026

Kids these days insist on dying from eating disorders, it's giving skinny girls a bad rep.

>> No.6981037

what model is that?

you have to do both, if you choose to eat less you have to work out less but if you choose to workout you can eat more

working out is the healthier option

>> No.6981048

eat at a deficient and cardio. alternatively, be a rock and roll musician and pick up a coke habit

>> No.6981050
File: 56 KB, 450x675, _YVS0063.450x675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would I just get skinnyfat if i never work out?

>> No.6981056

Agreed. With the right build and the determination to eat healthy, unprocessed foods, you can be skinny without having to resort to extremes.

>> No.6981064

At some point you'll be just skinny, obviously.
Also that model in the picture is a girl

>> No.6981072

yeah, what model did you post before?

a low body fat % will give you a visible 6 pack
to have a low body fat % you need to have lots of muscle so you need to workout, generally people bulk to gain muscle and then start cutting to lose body fat

>> No.6981078

Coffee and cigarettes can keep you going for like two days with nothing else in you, but that don't mean it's a good idea.
People never realize anorexics/bulimics are actually insane people. Having an eating disorder isn't like catching the cold, it makes you crazy in the coconut and takes away your judgement.

>> No.6981074
File: 52 KB, 450x675, _YVS0509.450x675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>menswear show
>male models

>> No.6981089

>Coffee and cigarettes can keep you going for like two days with nothing else in you, but that don't mean it's a good idea.
What do you mean? You don't die after fucking two days of coffee and cigarettes. Two days is nothing.

>> No.6981085

Rian van Gend

>> No.6981099

After that you'll get very, very hungry, especially if you aren't sleeping.
The longest I've went without food is about 75 hours, and I'm never doing that again.

>> No.6981112
File: 103 KB, 800x1200, saintlaurentaw1314mencqc30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who is this guy?



>> No.6981107

i've actually modeled for slp before. i'm a little over 6' and usually around 130 lbs but sometimes it goes down to 128 and sometimes up to like 134. i usually just eat small amounts of quite healthy food and occasionally go through phases of starving myself. everyone now and again i will binge on crap though. i also go through phases of trying to workout but they only last a a couple of weeks and then i don't do anything for about a month before trying again. all i ever do then is pushups and pullups and stuff but because my diet is so bad i just get 0 gains. this post has literally taken my about 10 minutes to write and i can't actually read through it. i'm nodding quite hard atm

>> No.6981117

post pic

>> No.6981127

75 hours is the furthest you went, seriously? I did 400 hours once, although I was rather fat back then. When I'm fasting I'm hungry for the first 30 hours or so, after that it's all just in your mind. It's actually a fun thing to do. For me at least.

>> No.6981140

You ate absolutely nothing for 17 days?

>> No.6981163

Just drank water and tea. It's really not hard for the most part, although I felt really tired sometimes at the end.
I'm actually doing 7-10 days of fasting twice a year. I also run 30 minutes every day when I'm doing it. It feels good, I don't know why. You kind of feel the limits of your body so directly, makes you feel alive.

>> No.6981210

holy shit man, just workout.

>> No.6981220

its not that hard. i do 2 weeks once or twice a year.

>> No.6981230

Wow, I tried eating less than 500 for 5 days, and I had trouble standing up without passing out...

>> No.6981321

I don't really do it for the weight loss (I only lost 9 kg after the 17 days, I put two of them on in like a day, another 2 in a week). It's about the sensation and getting control over your eating habits.

In my experience it's all in your mind. If you want to feel tired because you don't eat, you will feel tired. Either that or diabetes.

>> No.6981332

you didn't feel sick or have a headache or bad breath?
i've always thought about doing it because it seems like a thing everyone should do.

>> No.6981398

Can't remember having a headache while fasting.
Bad breath might be a problem. Drinking a lot helps though.

>> No.6981405

maybe youd like this


>> No.6981410

I don't have type 1 and I highly doubt I have type 2. And I don't "want" to feel tired, half the time I wasn't even hungry, but after a while it gets really annoying to try and walk when you're blind and dizzy because you haven't been eating enough.

>> No.6981424

>1. Fast in a bright airy room, with exceptionally good ventilation, because fasters not only need a lot of fresh air; their bodies give off powerfully offensive odors.
>2. Sun bathe if possible in warm climates for 10 to 20 minutes in the morning before the sun gets too strong.
>3. Scrub/massage the skin with a dry brush, stroking toward the heart, followed by a warm water shower two to four times a day to assist the skin in eliminating toxins. If you are too weak to do this, have an assisted bed bath.
>4. Have two enemas daily for the first week of a fast and then once daily until the fast is terminated.
>5. Insure a harmonious environment with supportive people or else fast alone if you are experienced. Avoid well-meaning interference or anxious criticism at all cost. The faster becomes hypersensitive to others" emotions.

officially scared now
nah but i used to work with a guy who fasted and he swore by it, he really loved doing it and we talked alot about it. he said that he knew of elite sportsmen who did it while in training aswell.

>> No.6981439

Some people are just not the right personalities for fasting. When I'm doing it I'm just happy with it. I love that feeling of emptiness, of going to the limits. For me this feeling is enough as a reward. Some people just don't feel that. They don't even understand what I'm talking about. They feel hungry and weak, nothing else. I guess you need to have slight masochistic tendencies or something, I don't know.

>> No.6981531

But I don't feel hungry/weak emotionally, it's just when I get too dizzy I rather eat something than faint and end up in an ED clinic. That would literally thwart any progress since their treatment starts with fattening you up.

>> No.6981535

no you didn't lol

>> No.6981543

What makes you think that?

>> No.6981557

no u havent

no u didnt

no its not

anything else

>> No.6981569

ITT: niggas think that they're models because they payed to get their cards made

>> No.6981581

I heard you usually pay for your own cards at FORD and Elite, the bill is just added to your file.

>> No.6981596

the implication was that the people ITT have little to no model aesthetics that just payed to get their cards with no agency (ie: highscool juniors and seniors)

>> No.6981604

Please excuse my dumb then.

>> No.6981689

yeah i have. emelie akerbrant came up to me in the street and asked if i was a model and i said no and she asked if i wanted to be

>> No.6982092

thats really cool, just saying. I WANT TO BELIEVE.

>> No.6982279

models dont eat, they nourish on attention

>> No.6982402

>be 5,10
>still eat like a teenager
>remained around 135-137
>want to start eating better
>started watching what i eat, making healthier choices
>anytime i give in and eat junk food i fucking hate myself and try to burn it off immediately with cardio
>i now weight 122

>> No.6982404

M or F?

>> No.6982413

my weight and height also, but i really have been trying to gain weight for months, metabolism too high

>> No.6982417

im obessed with keeping my face thin and defined
i guess it has gone a little too far

>> No.6982425
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Mfw I'm same weight and 6 foot

>> No.6982429



Give me height and weight, I'm skinnier.

3rd percentile BMI master race reporting in

>> No.6982444

Not guy who you're quoting, but what's your bmi? I'm curious now!

>> No.6982459


16, but I stopped doing cardio for the summer 'cuz it's too fucking hot :(

Usually around 9 once I start running and lifting for a month or two.

>> No.6982463

I'm at 16 too.
Also, your BMI is around 9 when you run&lift???

>> No.6982474

yeah you're basically describing how an anorexic feels about it, so obviously most people won't get how you feel

>> No.6982471

Either not a lot to auschwitz prisoner

>> No.6982475


Yeah, the fat sloughs off everywhere but my abs

And congrats for being skinny :) Do you catch a lot of flak for it? I can't go twenty minutes without some fat black cunt saying I should eat a sandwich :/

If I took the time to improve my diet, I could probably get below 9-10 bmi

I might if I can save up enough for the summer, good food isn't cheap

>> No.6982483

I get some concern, but that's about it. I've always been thin. I can't imagine how you can be that tiny without any health consequences though!

>> No.6982515


6ft 120

My bones are thin as shit. My wrists are only 2-3 inches wide, but my forearms are 1.5 feet long

Bitch hips too :(

>> No.6982518

Do you have any pics? Cause I just calculated and if I want a bmi or 10 I need to be 10lbs lighter than my sister, who's 13, a twig, and is 10 inches shorter than me... I'm trying to imagine someone that size and I just can't...

>> No.6982526

So you drop to 70lbs when you work out?

>> No.6982548


No, the fat is replaced by muscle, I get up to 125-127

The BMI is unreliable when considering excess muscle, what else should I use to measure :/


Give me a minute, my phone camera is being fucky

>> No.6982566

Well, if you get up to 125-127, your bmi isn't 9 or 10 lol!

You said 9 here: >>6982459
and there >>6982475

>> No.6982570

Use bodyfat%, duh

>> No.6982635


9% based on tape measure

>> No.6982651

Body fat percentage is not bmi...

>> No.6982673

this, eating disorders aren't trendy like /fa/ seems to think, they're actual mental disorders >>6981127
I know a girl who went a month once, was admitted to hospital and then an ed clinic afterwards (for obvious reasons)
this, at a bmi of 10 you'd be basically dead

>> No.6982742


jesus I get it

my bmi is 16 always

I guess I was talking about bodyfat %

that goes from 9 to 5 when I work out

>> No.6982808

15.7 whats good

>> No.6982830

I'm curious if they do cardio or strength training or both

I've started doing cardio but feel like dying after 20 minutes

>> No.6984255

I fasted over 90 hours, it's not hard, loser.

>> No.6984868

How do you guys not pass out in public? Do you have a lot of extra fat as backup?

>> No.6984886

thats not that long. that book that was posted here earlier had a doctor go 56 days.

>> No.6985391

Yeah but, doesn't your body shut down? I start passing out simply if I go too low on calories. I also get waves of black clouds in my vision. Not when I stand up, but continuously throughout the day, as well as tunnel vision.

Is it because I have IBS and I'm not getting enough nutrients?

>> No.6985524

great hip:waist ratio

>> No.6985530

in your dreams ugly fatty

>> No.6985548

that is really sexy

>> No.6985592

post bare hipbones

>> No.6985722


>> No.6985732

I would also like to see your bare hip bones, i find them really sexy.

>> No.6985803

Because, you got 10/10 hipbones