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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 56 KB, 960x720, 486433_10151228425606562_1452028705_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6974373 No.6974373[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey /fa/ Ive made a thread before asking about getting a nose job, back then I didnt have the money, but now I finally do and I have a consultation booked for a few weeks.

but now things are getting real. a lot of my friends are telling me not to go through with i, or they didnt even really notice anything wrong with my nose, or that it makes me cute.

I have a few questions, have any of you had a nose job and regretted it? do you think it would benefit me or make me look better? is it normal to fear regretting it before getting it done?

pic related, thats me.

>> No.6974378
File: 135 KB, 462x720, 425098_10151226308291562_1809618468_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and this is from another angle, you cant see it as much

>> No.6974383

You're not so bad, but it will definately look better

>> No.6974390


Your nose is terrble.

You're going to get a nose job and hate it, but it's a 50/50 chance of whether it will look better or not.

but remember, regardless of whether it actually is better or not you will hate it and feel uneasy.

I had the area above my nose bone done to remove the dip below my brow, I liked that but I know that if it was anything more significant I'd have certainly hated it regardless of how it actually looked.

>> No.6974392
File: 31 KB, 480x640, 1000469_10152042990686562_934547427_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6974404

i remember you

unless something structural needs to be changed (ie deviated septum, thanks for the frontal picture btw) then i wouldnt really bother

if it bothers you a lot, you probably have anxiety and self-esteem issues (regardless of nose size). if you can think rationally that life would be better if you got it done, then get it done. dont be too drastic with it.

>> No.6974412

>friends don't want you to look fine as hell

Yeah, you don't need a nose job. But if you've got cash to blow, time to kill, and if it's constantly bothering you, just go for it.

>Please be in Atlanta
I'll take you out we can pretend to be super heroes. I'll be the the Awesome Autist and you can be the Super Sniffer

>> No.6974417

>tfw no jew nose gf

honestly i think you look alright, but damn bitch u cray

>> No.6974420
File: 51 KB, 800x1200, 1324421705738.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a thing against Jews but you're p qt, I don't exactly like the nose myself but your looks seem to do it fine.

>I'll be the the Awesome Autist and you can be the Super Sniffer

>> No.6974424

I remember the thread, I think I shopped your nose. It would definitely look better in a traditional sense. It does look kind of cute in a way, but if you don't want to look "cute in a way", then just go with a nose job. It's your decision.

>> No.6974428

I find your nose very attractive;; it's distinguishing. I know nothing can stop you from getting the surgery but whatever. Just don't be afraid to pay top dollar

>> No.6974440

>tfw, Im not even jewish

>> No.6974445

then how did you get the money for the surgery


>> No.6974444

Quit crying & handle my taxes.

>> No.6974448
File: 98 KB, 389x597, 1380240170208.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Awesome Autist
>Super Sniffer
holy shit

>> No.6974454

But I dont think most guys do find it attractive. I was talking to one of my male friends and he was talking about how unattractive some girls nose is. he pretty much described my nose, I felt really awkward, and unattractive.

and not to mention even my grandma said I should get it fixed. its just hard to make up my mind when so many people are telling me to do different things.

>> No.6974455

if it really bothers you , go for it

>> No.6974456

dang OP i want you to deepthroat my cock and poke my belly button with that nose DAT NOSE dont do it OP i love your nose DONT DO IT DON DO IT fucking cunt you'll regret it

ps. im totes 4srs about the bj

>> No.6974466

work, and I got a pretty big scholar shit so I didnt have to pay tuition

>> No.6974473

scholarship, hah

>> No.6974480

Post another picture with a clear side view and front. I can't really tell but I don't think you should do it. As earlier people have said, it's 50/50 but I'd say it's even less than that personally. Once you shave that bit off it's going to be hard to fix.

Also I think you're fine.

>> No.6974492

>its just hard to make up my mind when so many people are telling me to do different things.
Imo you shouldn't listen to other people at all, just do what you want yourself.

>> No.6974503

not everyone is a forever insecure dicklord like you. some people are willing to embrace their "flaws". you're exactly the person who should not be getting a nose job, but mental help.

>> No.6974505

I find your nose interesting from an aesthetic perspective. But I don't personally find it attractive. It seems like something that could be an asset if you had a very strong personality and could completely own it. But if you're insecure about it (i.e. not "owning it"), it might be worth making it less noticeable.

Like most aesthetically interesting things, only some people can pull it off. On others it can just look silly.

>> No.6974508
File: 102 KB, 960x720, noseshop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a bad shop.

>> No.6974515
File: 394 KB, 1600x1067, moviestars2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey OP, I just wanted to stop by and say you look like the mix of Natalie Portman, Keira Knightley and Audrey Hepburn.

Although your nose is a bit accentuated, but it's ok.

>> No.6974522

jesus christ i cant even believe this is a discussion. you should be ashamed for even considering a nose job. you look great, just be proud of who you are. dont mutilate yourself just to satisfy the whims of our culture like some kind of slave or sheep.

>> No.6974519

I spent my scholarship refund on music studio equipment a few nice clothes B^I
But if you're 100% set on it, go for it, it's your decision not your friends and if it's something that you truly think will make you content, then by all means.
Just try to make sure it's what you -want- and not some mental insecurities that are projecting on some flaw you may not actually care about.

>> No.6974524

Damn, 8/10 for sure.
But wait, OP, think for a second, you can infiltrate the secret Zionist meetings and gain their trust then expose them for the lizards they are!!
Fuck the nose job major in finance.

>> No.6974529

I actually got the Audrey Hepburn one before

>> No.6974535

You do know people can see her from the side and not just the front with grainy quality, right?
It's not like it represents who she is (like South Koreans trying to eliminate their Asian looks), it's just something she finds as a flaw and what's to fix.
But like you said, don't do it because the culture tells you, do it because YOU want to.

>> No.6974537

It's really not all that bad, except in your profile.

If you really hate it and it bothers you go for it, just make sure you're doing it so you feel better about yourself, not because you're worried about how others think.

>> No.6974539

don't do it, think of all the jawnz u could buy
honestly tho
don't do it

>> No.6974544

>being insecure enough to let people cut open your nose
hahaha my nose is fucking horrible and i would be a 8.5 without it. feels good to love myself

>> No.6974549

>just make sure you're doing it so you feel better about yourself, not because you're worried about how others think.
b-but you feel better about yourself if others think about it differently

>> No.6974546


jesus christ
you don't need a nose job, you look good

>> No.6974556


Did you actually read my post? I'm perfectly happy with the results of my cosmetic surgery. The point was that if it was too drastic it would lead to regret.

>> No.6974567

>looking this good
>want a nose job

No offense OP but don't be retarded

>> No.6974580
File: 61 KB, 720x960, 996845_10152245691491562_210972524_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright here

>> No.6974581

qt as fuck, get a nose job, or don't.

>> No.6974577
File: 294 KB, 500x377, tumblr_lliiqjr7Ky1qejgfro1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not being insecure and stupid
top kek

>> No.6974587

I know two people who were in situations like yours, OP. 'Clasically' beautiful except for their noses. They saved, got proper work done well and they both say it's improved their lives considerably. Everyone treats them a bit better now. Sad but true.
Recovery is a bitch, tho.

>> No.6974598

that hawk nose completely ruins your otherwise qt face, 100$ serious

>> No.6974601
File: 53 KB, 720x960, 1379272_10152245688106562_914891131_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and heres the front, sorry didnt have time to put on much make up or anything

>> No.6974608

Small noses are a fairly recent fad. You're gonna want that nose when big aquilines are back in

>> No.6974615

so cute
pls b in london

>> No.6974621

You're already pretty even with the nose, which imo is not that bad... your other features balance it. If you want to get it you'll definitely be more attractive according to general standards.
But do whatever makes YOU happy. Don't do things to please others for god's sake. What if others don't like your nose? if you like it don't do it. If you don't like it (because of YOU, not because others), then go for it.

>> No.6974622

and when do you think thats going to be?

>> No.6974641

look like a turkish

>> No.6974645

What a load of shit, I bet you think being thin is also something new

>> No.6974650
File: 71 KB, 448x597, mfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>431 posts and 72 image replies omitted. Click here to view.

>> No.6974656

if you go through with it i'll hate you 5 eva

>> No.6974657

I mean I feel like I dont like it because I dont think its pretty or feminine, but society and our culture is what technically defines femininity and what not. I also think about it frequently, and think that a lot of guys that I have been interested in wouldn't be interested because of my nose. and honestly I dont blame them for it, physical attraction is a huge part of a relationship.

>> No.6974664

nope, french, Irish, Ukrainian, english, German

>> No.6974672

oy vey

>> No.6974680


Protip: if you are this insecure no nose job will make you feel better. 99% guys won't care, but please continue your bwaaaaa I'm so ugly agenda if it helps you feel better

>> No.6974684

I'd french her irish ukrainian with my english german, if you now what i mean.

>> No.6974690

JUST DO IT. It will take you to a level where your nose held you back from.
These faggots on here are just trying to hold you back.

>> No.6974691

Not true, or at least it shouldn't be. As cheesy as it sounds, confidence can only come from yourself. Obviously compliments and outside approval is nice, but that's really just a cheap high compared to just feeling good about yourself.

>> No.6974695
File: 163 KB, 600x793, 1350937648402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Large noses aren't always a bad thing. Gives your face that distinctive Roman look

>> No.6974696

I didin't know Nike offered nose jobs

>> No.6974706

This. Stop caring so much about society's standards, you don't need to be perfect.

>> No.6974708

>all these fags projecting their insecurities by saying she shouldnt do it

You will look so much better without that strange nose OP, do it

>> No.6974711


>> No.6974713

>Small noses are a fairly recent fad.
Yeah no, you're fucking delusional.

>> No.6974716

It's a unique discussion /fa/ that's fashion related and interesting to talk about, also OP is a qt. Get fucked.

>> No.6974720

OP, what we need to know is what you really want to accomplish. So far you have implied that you need encouragement to gain the balls for the surgery, but if you want help, we need to know more about you. Do you have a significant other? In case you do, is he someone you would be content to marry?

I suspect that is not the case so I'm not asking any further. Do you live in the East Coast? Maybe New York, Philadelphia, New Jersey area? Is your true goal to land a investment banker from Manhattan, a successful artist or some other highly sought man?

I'm just trying to figure out the return of investment here, because there's not only money at stake, there is the risk of complications and less flattering results present.

>> No.6974735

no, please explain

>> No.6974745

OP if you ever plan to sing for any reason, a nose job might compromise that. Just a thought.

>> No.6974742
File: 752 KB, 565x815, Screen-shot-2011-11-30-at-10.22.45-AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is, though. Obesity has never been in, but the idea body shape changes all the time - at least within a certain margin

>> No.6974749


>> No.6974767

I do not have a significant other, right now I'm in a fwb situation. I love with him. I know he dosnt want a relationship though.

I live in Canada, Manitoba to be more
I do want to marry someone who makes equal or more pay then me, and who has an education (Im a second year nursing student) and right now I T.A anatomy and serve at smitty's family restaurant.

also I am 19

>> No.6974770

OP I think you'd look significantly better post-op but at the same time It's probably not worth sacrificing a sizeable share of your money for. If you consider it a good investment for your personal confidence then nobody can tell you it's wrong.

>> No.6974783

no, Im a terrible singer now, I just save that for the bar or when im drunk :P

>> No.6974810

girl on the left looks hot

>> No.6974823

I have that shitty bump on my nose too OP I know exactly how you feel

>> No.6974845

one kid at my school got a nose job, and it wasn't bad, but it was too different and just knowing it wasn't his realy nose it made him look uglier.

dont do it op ur a cutie already

>> No.6974852

do it

>> No.6974856

Naw if you want to do it, but make sure it's a quality one and either pay up or don't pay.
If you don't want to get a high priced quality one then mbb you should reconsider, and think about what you could do with that cash instead.
But if you do want to and think it's a worth while investment for your life, then do it man.

>> No.6975027

ya, I wouldnt get a cheap one!

>> No.6977414

if you were a dude who looked like michael cera would you get some chin work done?

>> No.6977418

definitely get one. it'll make you look so much better. and it's such a common procedure. you won't regret it.

>> No.6977422

>I have a thing against Jews
unless you're Palestinian this is not okay

>> No.6977433

assuming this isnt a troll i think you are very good looking

and if you get a nose job you will be beautiful

>> No.6977449

i had a nose job last summer and i dont regret it at all. find a plastic surgeon who has a lot of pictures and you can look at his work. i originally went to an HMO because part of the surgery would be covered by it due to health reasons, but he didnt have any pictures of his work. then i found a guy who showed me how it would look like and i couldnt be happier. OP, youre pretty attractive as is, but youd be drop dead gorgeous if you got one. you have one life to live, and if you can afford and have the time for the recovery, id definitely let a trusted surgeon do it for you.
best of luck.
ill try and find before and after photos. ill post em in a reply if i find them

>> No.6977468
File: 105 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

notice i had a super deviated septum. dont have a picture of my profil but it was REALLY hooked like a bird's beak

>> No.6977473
File: 390 KB, 1280x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6977721

You look fine Op, honestly.. don't waste your money.

>> No.6977734


How much is it? If it's not a lot and you're guaranteed that the doctor is good (check previous work) I'd go for it.

>> No.6977738

everyone will just talk shit on you for getting a nose job. you might as well get a boob job and ass implants since you'll already get shit for getting a nose job.

>> No.6977739

your nose is fine trick stop crying

>> No.6977745
File: 344 KB, 479x397, freshoutdashower.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Step aside, noselets

>> No.6977746

#yolo brah get dat #tinynose swag going on homegirl u be a stunna fo sho get dem rich white actor boiz #gosling banging u 24/7

>> No.6977774

>gay and ugly

>> No.6977783

i like it OP, the nose suits you
i would rather date the pre-surgery you than the post-surgery you judging by >>6974508
but every guy has different taste

>> No.6977785

In case you think your nosejob will make you more desirable to him-- it won't.

>> No.6977796

Nothing says im insecure to the point of obnoxious vanity quite like an entirely unnecessary surgery.
Why not save the money and get therapy to realise that its retarded to think that your quality of life revolves round your fucking nose.

Your nose is fine, youre wasting thousands on petty vanity and if you think by going into surgery your life will improve then youve got bigger problems.

>> No.6977805

If you are doubting getting it I wouldn't

But if you find you really want to get one, go for it, but imo I quite like the "imperfections" unique features people have sometimes, you look great with your current snozzle

Don't get it if you're doing it for anyone but yourself

>> No.6977827

>wasting thousands on petty vanity
do you know what board this is?

>> No.6977841

Nose looks bad.

Looks like a nose an old jewish witch would have.

>> No.6977933

You look fine from the front, so its not that big of a deal.

My nose is similar to yours, but I'm a dude so I guess its different. Its not REALLY bad like I've seen some people.

But if you do decide to go through with it, do your research on surgeons. You do not want to take any chances with this kind of thing.

>> No.6978013
File: 127 KB, 609x1000, maria-callas-04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You look like Maria Callas. Elegant. I advise against it.

>> No.6978067

Holy shit, I was in that thread.

I have a thing for girls with concave noses so I do think you would look even better with a less prominent nose. However, it's clear that you're already pretty qt to begin with and having been recently reminded of the case of that Chinese man who divorced and sued his wife after their child looked nothing like either of them, discovering that she had had major plastic surgery prior to their marriage, I am somewhat more sympathetic to the idea that plastic surgery is a major form of genetic deception.

>> No.6978104

If you're still here, you might as well get facial surgery if you want it. Just remember that if you don't like it you can't exactly go bad to how it was originally.
I'm getting a forehead reconstruction to look more androgynous/feminine , so I might be okay with surgery more than most people, though,

>> No.6978117 [DELETED] 
File: 32 KB, 379x317, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, nose.

>> No.6978123


The frequency in which you post your facial features makes me question whether or not you actually dislike them. This has to be the 3rd time I've seen you post them today.

>> No.6978129

First time.
I probably have terrible image issues though.
Also I like my nose.

>> No.6978130

Meant for:

>> No.6978156

You srs look fine op, but if you feel you need to have it done then i say go for it bruh.

>> No.6978205
File: 119 KB, 960x720, get it done like this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just my oppinion

>> No.6978213

Yeh that looks way better.

>> No.6978224
File: 35 KB, 500x375, 1375824187101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You already look good in these pictures, but if you're going with a reputable surgeon and have money to spare, then it shouldn't be a problem I don't think. Just make sure you don't start obsessing over your flaws.
>despising some of the people driving our society into the ground isn't okay

>> No.6978233

You'll still keep your pre surgery nose genetics

>> No.6978242
File: 40 KB, 500x375, 1380371723209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6978249

thank you asapchan

>> No.6978305

I would fuck you as long as you didn't turn your head to the side.

>> No.6978347


>> No.6978376

this makes the original look like a cruel photoshop

>> No.6978391

WOAH, definitely go for it op, you'll be a 8/10+ qt

>> No.6978448

Goes from a 6/10 to a 9/10
Are those 3 extra points worth 3k +
I think yes.

>> No.6978487

I remember the thread. The problem seems to be more than just the nose but all cartilage features; >>6974508 here it is very obvious that your ears are massive too. So, for now, at least your nose and ears look balanced...

>> No.6978491

fi fy fo jew
i smell a kike this i don't like

>> No.6978506
File: 131 KB, 957x485, kike dyke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw this kike isn't a dyke at all

she's planning some shit with her jew boyfriend

sieg heil!

>> No.6978536

this looks 8 times better, anyone to disagree is an idiot

>> No.6978539


>> No.6978565

OP do this one >>6978205 and not this one you uploaded >>6974508. As the one you uploaded looks too much like the generic american model. You'd want to stand out beautifully and originally. It also keeps this roman beauty aesthetics.

>> No.6978561

Yes you severely need a nosejob. In the fixed nose shoop you look very cute.

>> No.6978576

>sitting there fucking
>accidentally look up
*hank hill* uhhhhhhhhuhuuuuuu voice
>go soft
"what's worng?"
>n-nothing, i accidentaly saw your, never mind

>> No.6978597
File: 28 KB, 474x304, mejewsa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off you smelly kike

>> No.6978639
File: 470 KB, 960x720, DoIt2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6978646
File: 27 KB, 460x276, lauren2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Now she looks like Lauren :3

>> No.6978729

Your nose is fine imo

>> No.6978760
File: 439 KB, 720x960, nose2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6978773

Nobody who is really your friend will ever tell you that you look bad. Especially in regard to your physical qualities. But the choice is entirely up to you, you shouldn't let anyone elses opinion affect your decision. If it's something you really want and you think will make you happier then the choice should be simple.

>> No.6978774
File: 297 KB, 668x760, 1375797359594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I am really fascinated with this whole plastic surgery thing. It's probably bad to have such a fixation on looks but the idea of just "correcting" the face really speaks to me.

>> No.6978782
File: 239 KB, 668x760, 1379065880564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6978807

>dat Rick Owens jaw

>> No.6978808

ya absolutely get it

>> No.6978814

he didn't even finish growing...

>> No.6978812
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>> No.6978821
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>> No.6978831
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>> No.6978845

Eh there is the potential risk of fucking up your face for good. If you do go through with it make sure you have a good surgeon. But I don't think you need it!

>> No.6978847
File: 384 KB, 525x594, 1379063965799.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6978854

you're probably long gone from this thread but an ex-girlfriend of mine had a nose just like yours and she hated it and always got shit for it but then she got a nose job out of nowhere (said she'd wanted one all her life) and honestly hasn't looked back. She was so happy from that point on.

tl;dr: do it

>> No.6978855

>tfw no qt azn bf

>> No.6978862

How much does a rhinoplasty cost anyways? I want to fix my nose too (its crooked as shit from years ago when I broke it)

I live on the east coast

>> No.6978868

god fucking damn it.
I wondered yesterday if 4chan already knows of this cutie and jep. You never miss one
She is so fucking cute, I bet you fuckers sent her that thirsty mails on facebook

>> No.6978879

depends on what and how good you want to get it done

1500-2500 usd

>> No.6978880

/mu/ hasn't shut up about her for months.

>> No.6978881
File: 313 KB, 500x463, laure3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever been to /mu/? It's full of her.

>> No.6978889
File: 33 KB, 267x276, fabio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really like these transformations. They ended up looking less manly. Manlier is to a large degree better if you happen to be a man.

>> No.6978894

holy shit did she get fucked over or wat lol

>> No.6979035

If you're a Palestinian, you can go ahead and fuck off you pick fucking Arab.

>> No.6979065

Generally just one thread, Alice Glass, Grimes and St Vincent all get more love than her

>> No.6979127

Fabio is such a guilty pleasure of mine. I absolutely adore his looks.

>> No.6979191 [DELETED] 

You look adorable from the front. And honestly, your nose looks kind of cute on the side...I wouldnt do it, but at the end of the day its your body...

>> No.6979241

jaw or chin implants?

>> No.6979286

Enjoy getting molested by plastic surgeons whilst you're sedated.

>> No.6979451


>> No.6979934


I'm also interested in this >>6979241
especially in jaw implants, how much a good jaw job cost and where are the best surgery doctors in the world for that.
If anyone have pics of pre-surgery and post-surgery of jaw implants for men, post it please.

>> No.6980149

You look beautiful. I have a thing for long noses - didn't Cleopatra have one?

Please don't ruin it.