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/fa/ - Fashion

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6973528 No.6973528 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw finally at uni
>everyone is a pleb
>people are all shallow idiots
>everyone dresses like shit and listens to nothing but radio
>no depth to them, just regular old regular people

Is this really how it is or am i being a judgemental asshole?

>> No.6973537

thier are patrish qties if u luk hard ennuff

>> No.6973541

Try to get to know people better.
I'm at a junior college atm, you have it far better than me.

>> No.6973546

m8 the easiest thing to do is just smile and make it as painless 4 u as possible
fake it

>> No.6973548

No one is /effay/ at my college, but pretty much everyone is attractive and brilliant, so that's nice.

>> No.6973558
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>going to uni

>> No.6973562

Feel ya 100%, but then I am a judgmental asshole

>> No.6973568


>> No.6973572

>implying every worthwhile position doesn't require a degree now

>> No.6973576

i don't get people who think they can't get along with people that have no "depth."

I wouldn't expect people to have better taste in music and movies than me, but i don't hold it against them.
If you are really an interesting, cultured, person you should be able to hang out with pretty much anyone.

I'm an introvert and my problem is having surface conversations, but it's a weakness and i try to get over it.

Being around people "dumber" (or lesser, however you want to define it) only gives you an advantage.
if you can't figure it out, maybe you aren't that cool.

>> No.6973573

I'm the same, and without doubt I am a judgmental asshole. Sorry m8

>> No.6973574

>implying a degree nets you a job

it's 2013 motherfucker.

>> No.6973577
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>not going uni

>> No.6973582

you sound really conceited.

>> No.6973586

this is why you have no friends

>> No.6973594

stay pleb

>> No.6973592


Remember that there are many other important aspects of life other than fashion and music. People will look at you in exactly the same light and makes assumptions sometimes. Each person has a complex past and holds interesting opinions if you get to know them.

Every person you meet will be better than you at a certain activity and have specialist knowledge in an area you are essentially clueless about.

Try to mix with people who you share common ground with and others who seem to exist on the opposite end of the spectrum. To find people who have similar interests, go to specific music nights at your uni.

>> No.6973622

i've found that i've developed taste in fashion, music, movies, etc... because I spend so much time in my room alone on the internet reading about fashion and music and etc... while regular people are out with friends not developing tastes in such things.

>> No.6973627

Cheers mate.
Problem is i dont really feel i connect with anyone. No one shares interests in fashion or music. All just want to go to some shitty club every night. Not that im against that it just gets boring, standing in a sweaty room of cunts bobing along to crap music.

>> No.6973635

They have interests, they're just banal. Typical shit, sports, pubs/bars, mainstream tv, film and music.

>> No.6973643

The solution is simple: Alcohol

and lots of it.

>> No.6973648

>tfw never went to one induction class this whole week

owell freshers party tonight, i am gonna get laid i swear

>> No.6973649

pretty much.

they are social interests. a lot of the time they come from needing to fit in to the conversation.

when people talk about sports i just say "i know, it's been a crazy season this year!"

>> No.6973656

you can always hide your power level and just interact with the regular people. And have fun in the mean time keep an eye out for the ones you really want to meet.

>> No.6973660

you should have really grown out of that mentality by uni op

>> No.6973668

>calling people shallow
>thinking fashion and music are character defining traits

face it, you're even worse than them.

>> No.6973673

did u miss freshers week

lmao i was like lmao

>> No.6973680

Man my freshers hasnt even started, going up tomorow

>tfw mates have all been at uni for like 2 weeks and are having a blast

Atleast i had GTA so i didnt get too bored.

>> No.6973689

>week zero at uci
>walking around campus
>see fake cdg, fake givenchy, fake bape

>> No.6973691

So much this.

People love talking about themselves, make them think they're running the conversation when really you're pulling the strings.

Ask them about themselves and what they're interested in and pretend you give a shit. Every now and again ask them about a specific thing about what ever it is they're talking about to make them carry on.

Works every time. Afterwards they want to be your best friend.

>> No.6973695


Agreed. OP, college is different than high school, it isn't claustrophobic - you aren't forced to close proximity with the people you don't want. You can choose who you decide to hang out with, don't let modern culture let you think there's anything wrong with staying inside and reading a book, browsing /fa/, or (god forbid) doing your homework.

>> No.6973700

brahs, its so weird seeing so many asians in the UK, i mean like real asians, asians that have just come from japan/china/korea. see them niggas walking around campus taking pictures, i kinda wanna be there friend and sponge of them because their parents are obviously loaded but these niggas dont speak no english

>> No.6973699

do you read OSHO or are you just a listener of Eliott Hulse ?

>> No.6973705

Yeah, but I don't want to be a manipulative asshole, I'm like that enough without even trying..

>> No.6973710

Sorry, I don't know either of those two.

>> No.6973712

>life's so tough for me being a true patrician

Grow up, you're at university now, not high school.

>> No.6973714

it was how ugly, badly dressed and unhygienic everyone was the struck me the most when i got to university. everyone eating nothing but disgusting frozen pizza, drinking the worst alcohol at the worst clubs with greasy spotty faces while all wearing the ugliest clothes i've ever seen and the worst taste in everything. i also hate the way they act. they always seem to be trying to act like adults too much. constantly trying to organize shitty events and trips to the pub and all this nonsense that is just boring as fuck.

thankfully i go to uni in the city that i'm from. i just left student halls and moved into a flat with my actual friends. now i spent as little time as possible doing university stuff and go to art galleries and fashion shows with my real friends. every now and again i get messages asking where i've gone

>> No.6973718


You at York mate?

>> No.6973719
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>get to uni
>"anon, why do you dress like a faggot?"
>"wow anon, you listen to some gay ass music"
>"what do you mean you don't listen to Juicy J?!"
>"obviously creationism should be taught in school along evolution - it's just not fair otherwise." (I'm not even making this one up)

Fuck Tennessee, fuck the South, I'm going to St Johns Annapolis after Christmas, is there any reason I shouldn't? I know /lit/ would back me up on this.

>> No.6973720

W-what's wrong with frozen pizza

>> No.6973726

just euphoric

>> No.6973723


Oh man, I remember this feel at Uni so vividly. Being in a shitty club playing top 40 chart music with drinks offers and sticky floors. Looking around me and disliking every single person on the dance floor, feeling disassociated and frustrated. It was particularly apparent when going out regularly at the beginning of a new semester or after exams.

What I'd suggest is breaking up those sorts of nights with other events. Unis are great because they have loads of different societies and groups. Find ones that match you interests and devote time to them. This is all /fa/ is on a wider level.

I remember my Uni held amateur fashion shows and loads of different types of club nights. Check your union website and if you can't find anything you like, check out other Unis in your city too.

Keep attending pleb nights though; it's good to maintain a diverse group of friends. Just do it less regularly. This poster is right >>6973643, be drunk/high and literally dance ironically. I know this may sound stupid but seriously, just pretend you're a pleb like Yawn mentioned. I have discovered the right intoxication level mixed with this acting is the perfect cocktail to ensure you have a semi-enjoyable night.

>> No.6973736


> and go to art galleries and fashion shows with my real friends. every now and again i get messages asking where i've gone

i literally just 'errrr' out loud

seriously u make me disgusted, what a prick

>> No.6973733
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>Fuck the South
>/lit/ would back me up

Full pleb

>> No.6973735

in that case just be genuine about your interest in them.
that advice just sounded really familiar.

>> No.6973740

I don't even care anymore. Everyone dress like a shit in college and so am I. Shirt, skinny jeans, and converse is more than enough. I can't still listen to their favourite pop music though.

>> No.6973738
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no.....I don't listen to jazz and I don't wear suits to class. Nor do I own a fedora, there are a few people like that here though.

>walmart jeans
>on a black guy

>> No.6973739

Nahh mate soz.

>> No.6973743


>> No.6973747

>other Unis in your city too.

Would like to do this, my uni is quite small but another one in my city is top 10 in the country and has some great sounding societies, i would like to join but imagine it would be awkward as fuck being friends with people from other unis.

>> No.6973754

u are all plebs

the user good dressed people here is user and erm,,,,,i dont know who else..seriously

i am going to assume you are the guy i see in waywts, ill fitting clothes and shitty fits

stop being delusion, u look like junk dude, u literally dress like shit i bet u wear fucking nike rosche with black jeans LMAO

fucking idiot get out just get the fuck out

>> No.6973748

half the time u just have to go
oh thats interesting
And ur in

>> No.6973751

>not getting into a uni

>> No.6973753

Meh, I'm just sick of listening to garbage like Avicii

There's so much great house music out there, and you're spinning the same fucking 10 songs over and over while drinking tesco value vodka and going to a club and listening to more avicii?


>> No.6973760

what are you talking about ?

>> No.6973761


Why are you typing like a 14 year old tumblrite?

>> No.6973762


>tfw no underground EDM club in your city
>tfw its either top 40 chart shit or the same 10 dubstep remixes

>> No.6973763

>Full pleb
Have you ever had to live in the monstrosity that is the south? I'm sorry, I don't care how many intelligent people have come from the south, they don't redeem the south for all its other bullshit. You should see my intro to philosophy class, there's this redneck named Kevan (yes, that's "Kevin" but with an A) Jesus Christ....class is funny though.

I know I'm a pleb....I fully recognize that. But that doesn't make anyone else less of a pleb

>> No.6973756

>made no friends so far
>alchohol and weed make me dissociative and depressed
>have anxiety and depression
>going to counseling on Monday to try and help me out of this unmotivated slump

College: 2/10

>> No.6973758

Speak in English please.

>> No.6973764

>meet super /fa/ qt at college
>talk to him, drink with him
>make a move on him

destined to date plebs

>> No.6973770
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>> No.6973772

i love rejecting girls

>> No.6973774


pls be in ucl

>> No.6973775
File: 374 KB, 1280x1024, 1379132077996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like fraternities or frat type people...at all. And I went to a few parties (just to make friends and shit) and I ended up getting two bids. /fa/ help me, I don't like these people...how do I meet qt3.14's, I have no interest in sorority whores.

>tfw should have been an art major

>> No.6973786

My freshers week is like fancy dress every single night, I seriously can't be bothered to buy a shitty costume for one use but if I don't I look like nofunallowed.jpg

>> No.6973783


erm y are u taking the piss? do u know i have conditions u fucking assholes i have dyslexia and down syndrone but i caught down syndrone when i was 9 in romford brewery

>> No.6973791

Where you at?

>> No.6973796

>tfw I go to UCI
>tfw it's a piece of shit school
o well it's free

>> No.6973798

Find a clique that works for you, retard. Everyone likes different things.

>> No.6973794


York, going down on Sunday

>> No.6973799

Where do i find the alternative people?

Theres no fashion society or nothing.

>> No.6973825


>fashion society



>> No.6973829


How do I find the cool people and qt3.14's that I want to associate with? I can't just hang sign....

>> No.6973838

I have kept the same friends since hs and we have evolved together. We shop together and I have one concert buddy in the clique sho is into the same music I am. Everyone I talk to is boring or dumb or meme spouting at uni. Try finding the hipsters at the honors college at your uni. They will be smart and into decent music usually. Join the hipster music club, there's one at my uni. Go to open mic nights in the union. Better yet play something you like at them. Me and my concert buddy are going to play custom concern next week.

>> No.6973835

If i see someone with a good fit or who looks like he isnt a pleb, do i just strike up a conversation?

>> No.6973839

Guys, how do I start hanging out on uni events? I don't know anybody in my group (it's mostly distance based program, nobody ever visits lectures), my dorm neighbours aren't eager to talk to me. I just can't see a way to start getting know people.

>> No.6973840
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>came back for 3rd year of uni
>have good skin and haircut for the first time
>people I kind of know can't believe that it's actually me
>Had to tell my birth date and what I was studying to the lady in the student office because she didn't recognize me from the picture in the unicard
>Started dressing better, girls making eye contact and smiling a few times
>I just looked straight down and walked faster when a girl smiled at me from a table
>I didn't ask for all this attention, well kind of did

thanks /fa/

>> No.6973841

The worst thing about British universities is that everyone who doesn't already, gets sucked into the "LAD" atmosphere. It's seen as the norm to be completely obsessed with drinking and going to shit clubs, listening to shit music etc.

I know so many people who clearly don't fit that aesthetic, but try so hard anyway to fit in with other Chino Wanker types.

>> No.6973853

>I have kept the same friends since hs and we have evolved together

Me too man, these dudes and us went to secondary shcool and sixth form. I wishi was going to uni with them but were all at different places.

looking on the freshers facebook page threre doesnt seem to be anyone i have anything in common with or who i would want to associate with.

>tfw best friend is uni across the country.

Atleast we'll meet up at Christmas.

>> No.6973859

That's easy

stop being a loser faggot

>> No.6973855

>started uni this fall
>it's been great
You told me it would blow, why are you such liars?

>> No.6973865

>that slightly lower-middle class accent


>> No.6973866

forgive me for i have sinned

actually fuk that, i don't give a shit

every night I have been out this week I have worn lyle and scott or ralph lauren polo with jeans and air force 1. How can you dress good in the club? I don't give a FUCK and I wear whatever I want, you skinny pussies.

>> No.6973863

Houseparties with the right people are great, shit people and you can have the worst time of your life

One of the best houseparties I was in, there were shitloads of hippies and then european students. A germanbro just put on " wonderful life by black" and started jumping around like crazy. Everybody joined and I really felt at that moment it is a wonderful life.

I'm always the guy who starts putting 80s music and everybody kind of gets into it and the some douche puts it back to rihanna/ some shit

>> No.6973870


fancy getting sparked the fuck out famalam?

>> No.6973874

>How can you dress good in the club?

Dress basic.
I usually just go for a nice fitting t shirt, polo shirt, OCBD (untucked) jeans/trousers and trainers.

Don't be that overdressed twat in the club.

>> No.6973876

Look for the right clubs. So much good music is out there if you look hard enough. If you're in any big city there's loads of shit. Leeds has hunderds of terrible chart clubs, but there's also tons of funk, soul, jungle, live music etc, and good people too.

>> No.6973883

i can almost taste the suburbia

>> No.6973894

thats really how it fucking is

>> No.6973890

This is kind of sad to see, happens to people who really don't know who they are or what they want. So they just tag along.

I just started hanging out with the europeans and exchange students, so much better than the chinowankers. Girls are also better looking

I'm finnish so I fit in with the other euros

>> No.6973898


Yeah, Euroeans are usually the most interesting people at universities just because they aren't all identical.

>> No.6973900

Pls respond

>> No.6973906

do you like badminton, go play badminton.
You don't like badminton, go play badminton it's fun
also full of asian qts

>> No.6973912


Fuck, I love badminton.

>> No.6973913

Oh god this. It's the saddest thing to see people slowly morph into the same people. I went to a mate's house since I hadn't seen her for ages and all the guys there looked the same.
>White print-tee
>Skinny faded blue jeans
They were all chubby/built too.

>> No.6973910


My friends are kind of like that, they're sort of chino wankers, but not to the extreme. They dress kind of like it, watch football, go on the lad bible etc.

I kind of stand out from the rest of my friends, but they seem to like that, I still like football, but other than that, I have totally different interests. They see me as the "hipster" of the group which can get annoying, but it's alright.

>> No.6973921

Sometimes I think the only people I would be good friends with would be people from 4chan.

>> No.6973928

I often think the exact opposite.

>> No.6973929

everyone knows that feel
irl people are boring fucking plebs who don't feel

>> No.6973930

go join the MLP group then, we also have an anime club too

>> No.6973931
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university morphing them for perfect middle class fathers who will work in a shitty office from 9-5

>> No.6973932

who brookes here

>> No.6973933

>hey see me as the "hipster" of the group
Man i hate this so much, its like anything i say or recommend gets invalidated because im a bit different.

>> No.6973934


I met my two best friends (and only friends I really connect with) via 4chan

>> No.6973941

friend jokingly calls me a hipster because I have a fjallraven backpack

>> No.6973942


If I'm watching a film and I mention the name of an actor, my friends all have a go at me.
I was watching Monsters Inc and I mentioned Steve Buscemi and they were like "omg why do you always mention these obscure people?" I have to tone down my interest in film/music a lot...

>> No.6973943
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>> No.6973945

you're probably fucking neckbeards who spout meymeys at random people

>> No.6973946


Get better friends.

>> No.6973948


Well obviously not the kind of annoying meme spamming children, but some people on here seem pretty chill.

>> No.6973953

i want to cuddle with you and watch rick shows

>> No.6973951


Not at all. We hardly even visit 4chan any more, we've grew out of here. I only ever post on /fa/ anymore because the people on here don't act as childish as the other big interest boards.

>> No.6973952

yeh the /fa/ posters are my fav on 4chan
every1 seems 2 have the same mindset

>> No.6973959

wanna fight bruv

>> No.6973956


That's easier said than done.

>> No.6973964

GMU has some really plebby people and lots of rich kids in North Face, but I see some amazing fits every once and a while.

Like I just passed someone wearing an incredibly well fitted Thom Browne suit with a pair of wingtips from heaven.

The Koreans here really step it up too.

>> No.6973967

>Like I just passed someone wearing an incredibly well fitted Thom Browne suit with a pair of wingtips from heaven.

I love Thom Browne, but who the fuck wears a suit around University?

>> No.6973977

I asked him and it was for a presentation.

>> No.6973982


Fair enough. I'd feel like a wanker if I were in his shoes, even if I did look fly.

>> No.6973985


I think a lot of time this is because on /fa/ people speak their mind. If you could articulate in day to day speech how you typed on here then a lot of people would seem much more like us. /fa/ and 4chan in general is like a direct communication from the mind.

When you speak to people in person, what you say is run through so many filters. Your opinion of the other person, your judgement of them, stigmas, fear of speaking your own mind, being emotionally vunerable etc.

In Uni I was friends with a few different crowds. Some the 'alternative' types in specific types of music, art, cinema etc and also a lot of standard 'lads' or Ugg wearing female counterparts. Lads and Ugg girls really suprised me a lot of the time when I got to know them. For many it's a simple facade, a generic banner to hide behind and an identity to cling on to. Behind this facade there is usally an interesting individual with developed tastes and an interesting take on life.

>> No.6974012

>everyone is shallow
>complains nobody knows about your favorite designers and everyone listens to stuff you don't like
>you are better than them because of this

you're lame af OP do you rly wonder why you have no friends?

>> No.6974030

you just have to date average looking patricians

>> No.6974035

Its not about liking the same stuff you idiot, I love variety. Its about having more interests then that the footie, cars and smashing slags.

>> No.6974040

dude you're the one who thinks he's better than his peers just because you are interested in clothing and music

like #wow so cultured, just kidding; you're as shallow as the people you think you're superior to

>> No.6974060

me too... just me in a uni thread on /mu/
i'm living with em now.

though i have other really good friends from hs

>> No.6974063

>not listening to Juicy J

full fedora

>> No.6974071

who the fuck are YOU to call me shallow?

i'll have you know my favorite movie is Lost in Translation because it has beautiful composition and cinematography

I listen to post-punk and shoegaze 24/7 and you have no right to call my tastes in msuic shallow compared to the idiots that listen to wubstep and lady gaga


>> No.6974067

you should have realized by now what people are like having spent time on 4chan...

>> No.6974077

>implying not having a degree nets you a job
it's 2013 mother fucker.

even entry level jobs require a fucking degree now

>> No.6974076

well i think he has a point
UK uni lads usually
>play fifa with mates
>drink with mates
>study with mates
>go to a club with mates
>talk about fit birds with mates
>eat with mates
>play 5 v 5 with mates
>lad banter with mates

I have been hanging around and got to know a few of these lads really well, they do have some interesting qualities. They hardly show them because they are so comfortable living the life and routine they have. why change

I don't really mind them, but there are a lot more interesting people out there

>> No.6974083

>wanting friends who you can really connect to and share interests with is bad

Fuck off.

>> No.6974084

Almost thought I was on /lit/ for a second.

>> No.6974079

Get mad you autistic shitlord

>> No.6974088

Should I trim my dick and balls before uni?

>> No.6974089

this, juicy da truf

>Summer Slaughter in Chicago
>hit a j between sets
>juicy j can't randompl over pa
>metal nerds confused as shit
>dance with qt who knows what the fuck is up

>> No.6974085

wait is this real?


>> No.6974087

i'm finna do music production when i go into uni, i'm bound to meet some cool people there, right? right guys? ;_;

or i could just go to an art college or some shit, that's where the cool people and qts are at it would seem

>> No.6974097


what you're 'finna' do is get a shitty degree, but that's OK I guess, you sound like a retard anyway.

>> No.6974110

whatever man i'm gonna do what i love idk why you're so mad about that

>> No.6974112

You're being a judgemental asshole.

You are just as fucking pleb as them.

>> No.6974119

>going to college purely for a degree
>a degree not being a large part of getting a good job

I fucking hate people like you.

>> No.6974125
File: 990 KB, 500x281, based dance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the one piece of advice i can give to you people is this: have a signature dance move, and do it all the time, you'll attract attention and people will ask you to do it and shit, it's great, you'll get to talk to people who you' normally be too nervous to just randomly start talking to

>> No.6974148

implying I don't dance drunken tango with girls and they love it
I don't like clubs where the is not enough space to spin girls

>> No.6974150

How the fuck do you know?

>> No.6974158


>what you're 'finna' do is get a shitty degree

This cracked me up so bad.

>> No.6974159

Mad as fuck.

PS those genres are shit.

>> No.6974162

"Everyone you will ever meet knows something you don't"

>> No.6974185

Yeah the top to chart hits by number. Like i give a fuck what LAD chino wankers think.

Where are the (i hate using this word) hipsters?

>> No.6974202

Doubt it.

>> No.6974221

>Where are the (i hate using this word) hipsters?

You're one of them.

>Dur whatis personal experience

Are you a fucking solipsist

>> No.6974239

gr8 b8 m8

>> No.6974240

>groups anyone whos is not an average dude as a hipster

Fuck off pleb.

>> No.6974250

>groups anyone whos is not an average dude as a [X]

His post was
>Yeah the top to chart hits by number. Like i give a fuck what LAD chino wankers think

Stay hypocritian

>> No.6974261

nah retard its that denying youre a hipster makes u a hipster

>> No.6974296

So claiming to be a hipster makes you less of a hipster?

ok pal.

>> No.6974318
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you didn't go to the week 0 events and stayed in your room the whole time, didn't you

>> No.6974319

exactly. thats where ya get all those faux-hipster tumblr kids who think they're hip cause they wear fucking flannels.

>> No.6974338

Because of all the NEETS and aspies on /fa/

>> No.6974358

I wear dip-dyed flannels and am currently listening to Macintosh plus.

>> No.6974364

hipster has become so mainstream that mainstream trends are to call yourself hipster.

actual hipsters care nothing about the word and just do what they want, which is usually against the grain

>> No.6974396

how do I meet patricians
better yet, how do I meet people
I'm am engineer so I have little to no classes with people I'd like to meet or date

my friends and roommates are not patricians and evidently aren't good at making friends either so that doesn't help

>> No.6974407


>I'm an engineer

You're fucked

>My roommate

lel america

>> No.6974410

Join societies.

>> No.6974416

Yes, because it means you're self aware and recognize how tryhard you might look to normal people.

>> No.6974422

Bro I'm at Leeds too.

I'm pretty sure I saw a group of like 3 people semi-goth-ninja, didn't happen to be you?

>> No.6974423

quality post (no sarcasm)

>> No.6974430

Like i give a fuck. I am who i am.

>> No.6974435

the clubs I've seen are for nerds
I guess I'll look into them some more

>> No.6974437

post pic

>> No.6974453

he's obv taking the piss what is wrong with you guys

>> No.6974464

Find smart people, and find where they are "patrician" and have respect for them through that. I have learned to appreciate peoples' sense of humor and personalities even if they dont visit the same website. Just keep pushing through and trying to find the greatness in people. Atleast find girls you can rap to, they are around. Im starting my sophomore year and im really having a great time now, even if noone is /fa/, they respect my interest, and i respect theirs. Just be interesting and fun to be around, and find people who are also interesting and fun to be around. Try to not hate everybody, you actually arent better than them in every facet generally.

>> No.6974482

You probably go to a shit tier, non Russell Group uni

>> No.6974494


Russell Groups are even worse because you have all of that + oxbridge rejects.

>> No.6974520

It's just something you have to do. For example:

>go to Sainthood Reps concert
>take the day off work
>explain that you took the day off for a concert
"Oh, what band?"
>Sainthood Reps
>I don't expect you to know who they are, I'm kind of a hipster when it comes to music. (Grinning)
"Oh, haha, ok" (still likes me)

as opposed to
"Oh, what band?"
>Sainthood Reps
>Yeah, you wouldn't have heard of them. They sound like Daisy mixed with In Utero. Grunge and emo and post hardcore. (Straight faced)
"Oh, haha, ok" (what a pretentious hipster faggot)

>> No.6974526

Nothing wrong with being judgemental. You live day to day making informed judgements of every person and situation. Judgement gets a bad rap, who better to judge than yourself. Cut all the bullshit judge and prepared to be judged.

>> No.6974540


>>I don't expect you to know who they are, I'm kind of a hipster when it comes to music. (Grinning)

Or you could just not say this. You sound like even bigger of a dick, especially when you're acting like Sainthood Reps are obscure.

>> No.6974548


>they're a [genre] band, you should check them out

It's not hard.

>> No.6974553

Sainthood Reps are obscure to normal people. It's a way of saying it without coming off as thinking you're better than them.

>> No.6974557

But what if i am better than them.

>> No.6974558


You just sound like a cunt.

Saying "I'm a hipster" is like those people who say " I read a book today! I'm such a nerd XD"

>> No.6974566

You have no social understanding whatsoever.

>> No.6974561

Need some non-plebs to me here, where you guys at?

>> No.6974570


How on earth does "I'm kind of a hipster when it comes to music" not sound like utter cuntish behaviour?

If someone said that to me I'd roll m eyes.

>> No.6974568

Not that guy but her right. Dont call yourself a hipster you fucking faggot.

>> No.6974573
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Seriously though this geek chic shit is the most annoying fucking thing ever

>> No.6974576

>good universities are worse than bad universities because they have people who didn't get into the best universities

>> No.6974578

I like the variant of this thats is crossed out and says cunt instead.

>> No.6974586

>this wanker thinking Russel Group is the end and be all for all good unis.

Shut the fuck up. you probably dont even have a degree.

>> No.6974591

It's like you aren't capable of thinking like a pleb. Like seriously, how awful are your social skills?

>> No.6974592


>> No.6974594

this for

>> No.6974596


I'm not saying that, I'm at a Russel Group university, and it's full of either:

a) Chino Wanker LAD types
b) Posh, privileged cunts who are the oxford type but without the intelligence who look down on "plebs".

If "non-russel groups" have one thing better, it's that they have more interesting people and it's more social.

You sound like a group B by the way.

>> No.6974604

>in uni

>> No.6974614

I hate to say it, but its kinda fun being a pleb.
Im in Middle Earth though

>> No.6974610

Really? my social skills are fine but i would think you're a total poser cunt if you went around like XD im such a hipsters!! look at all these obscure bands I listen to (lists popular indie rock and pop)

>> No.6974617

UCI needs an /fa/ meet. Who's around?

>> No.6974619

Not yet, that's why I'm here.

>> No.6974636

>finally got to uni
>quickly made some friends
>found qt3.14 that I'm totally compatible with
>she digs my fashion sense, compliments me on it
>spilling my feelings for her in a few hours, hoping for the best

college is great

>> No.6974635

You guys going to the GLO thing tonight?
Its like a dance or some shit

>> No.6974644

Haven't heard of it.
when and where?

>> No.6974646

>spilling my feelings for her in a few hours, hoping for the best

bad idea.

>> No.6974649

>tfw second year at uni
>no qts who like me

i hate being ugly ;__;

>> No.6974652

w-whats wrong with roshes and black jeans

>> No.6974660


>> No.6974669


yikes man i'm the same way. Not a band looking dude but I just can't muster the courage to smile at people. It feels so weird, I've never really been a smiler unless I'm laughing..

>> No.6974681

Your social skills are awful. Know your audience. You seem to think I'm saying this to you and not a plebeian who listens to avenged sevenfold and three days grace. How are you this autistic?

>> No.6974687


>It feels so weird, I've never really been a smiler unless I'm laughing..

I was the same for a while, you just have to try. I hate smiling because it makes my face look really fat, but you get used to it after a while.

>> No.6974688


best post in here really

>> No.6974683

I think someone's a bit mad they didn't get into a good Uni...

>> No.6974692


But I got into my first choice University which is ranked 11th in the country?

I just hate the posh cunt types who end up here because they failed to get into Oxford where all their posh mates went.

>> No.6974689
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Finally going up to London on Sunday

We excited now

>> No.6974700

How do you rate 'Good' unis? league tables?

Because my isnt in Russel Group yet is ranked higher than many of them.

>> No.6974703


>ads and Ugg girls really suprised me a lot of the time when I got to know them. For many it's a simple facade, a generic banner to hide behind and an identity to cling on to. Behind this facade there is usally an interesting individual with developed tastes and an interesting take on life.

So much this, it's sad though how they hide who they really are to try and fit in though.

>> No.6974721

wait until you get mugged by a paki

>> No.6974731

>"I dont know that genre, you listen to weird music anon."

If someone said that, I'd just say "it's kind of like [genre] + [genre]"

>> No.6974723

"I dont know that genre, you listen to weird music anon."

I totally love that reasoning: I don't know it means it's weird.

>> No.6974727

That's such a small minority of people.

>> No.6974739

Oxford/cambridge rejects are everywhere in the higher up Rg unis.

>> No.6974743

But it's kinda like basic bitches. They just don't care enough for fashion or to spend money on it all. They want to look 'good enough' and that's really it. It is a shame. People judge appearances so quickly, they should dress like who they are.

>> No.6974746


>That's such a small minority of people.

It makes up a substantial part of my university.

>> No.6974758

Your fault for choosing a uni full of people you hate!

>> No.6974775

Implying people know what you're talking about

>> No.6974786

Ah yeah that's good. I don't really have the sharpness of mind most of the time that question's asked though to think of that.

>> No.6974797


>It's like a combination of stoner doom and sludge mixed with a bit of drone

>> No.6974808

This, the best thing about having a fleshed out and reasonably diverse taste in things is that you can hang out with most anyone and find something you both like. Like, I still get introduced to more mainstream stuff that just went over my head because I was listening to Malinese desert-blues or Siberian throat-singing or whatever the fuck it is I listen to.

>> No.6974826

>It's a combination of post-rock, post-hardcore, emo, and math rock.

yeah, or I could just say I'm a hipster and not sound pretentious

>> No.6974831

>going to a poorly ranked uni
>tfw will meet even more idiots than all you lot

Fucked up my exams and couldn't bring myself to redo a year

>> No.6974840


I was the same as you, though I re-did the year and am going to a fairly decent uni, it was the worst year of my life by far though.

>> No.6974848

>shitty school
>shitty program
>sucks to be you nigga, time to take up drugs

>> No.6974963


>> No.6975079

It's in the middle earth basket ball court at 7 I think. If I go, I'll be the pleb ass Nigga in converse high tops, Chino colored jeans, and a floral as fuck shirt

>> No.6975105

are you the same guy who made this thread on /mu/?

>> No.6975162


>> No.6975227


try hanging out with older people in the art buildings. Or get a show doing fashion bullshit at the radio station.

>> No.6975270

I'm going to tell you right now if you go to college looking for "hip", "deep" people, you will find THE MOST shallow and lame people on campus. Most school have a group, like here at Upenn we have a "hip" frat, and it's insufferable. It' people trying too hard to redefine themselves after a dorky high school run and basically embodying tumblr and reddit.

You need to find the kids that slip into bohemianism by junior year or so. don't be atry hard (even though we're on /fa/, so you are by definition)

>> No.6975286
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>going to uni
>racking up 5 and 6 figures worth of student loan debt
>feeding into the next financial meltdown



>> No.6975342

>tfw parents only make 24k a year and have 3 other kids to support
>tfw because of this I get a fat $3,000 financial aid check per semester to attend college

feels gerd men

>> No.6975352

>I don't expect you to know who they are, I'm kind of a hipster when it comes to music. (Grinning)

you sound like such a fag lol

when in that scenario, you tell themf the band, and they might blankly look at you to which you follow up something like check them out.

not some smug backhanded comment like that.

god ppl on this website are so socially retarded

>> No.6975373

im at kcl

>> No.6975394

Which is when they ask you what they sound like. Now describe it to them without sounding like an elitist. Go ahead, look up Sainthood Reps and report back. Then describe how they sound.

>> No.6975413

>fashion society

but seriously it's freshers m8, just talk to cool people

i talked to someone because i liked his hat and we've been doing a radio show for two years

cool people will have cool friends and you can latch onto them

>> No.6975450

>tracksuit bottoms
>battered running shoes

Every third person. Worse yet are the girls completing the look with shitty oversized hoodies bearing the logo of a local nightclub that were being given out free in the college a week or two. Combine that with no make-up and hair unbrushed and truly this is give up on life tier.

>> No.6975457


>not based LSE

le shiggy man

>> No.6975474

what uni are you at

>> No.6975488

not a likely question

even so, punk is the obvious answer

>> No.6975490
File: 38 KB, 1024x640, Frodo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting student loans to pay for a degree that will get you a McJob at best in this economy
Sucks to be you americunts

>> No.6975536

They don't sound punk at all, try again.

>> No.6975554

sounds like you go to Texas State University

let's hang out

>> No.6975598

>tfw you meet a qt who's a daughter of a chinese industry king

>> No.6975621

what the fuck do you think EDM is
step up
jesus christ
I can't even express how disgusted I am by people using that term

>> No.6975641

you sound really self centered and probably aren't as interesting and "deep" (cringe) as you think you are
advice: be not a faggot

>> No.6975642

This is a fucking lie. Yawn is full of shit. Continue being yourself but don't discriminate against talking to ANYONE if the situation permits it (in class, in the halls.) The trick is don't FORCE it. Be yourself, don't cave and "fake it" and start pretending to be into what other people are into, you will hate yourself and your life later on, trust me. Just be friendly (don't fake it) you don't have to talk to everyone, you don't have to worry about people liking you, just worry about liking yourself... if that means "making an effort" to talk to people, do it, or if it means "go home, get sleep, eat well" so you don't have to stress, do it. You're an adult now, or nearly an adult. Your job isn't to "get everyone to like you." It's to be yourself, and naturally through the eb and flow of interactions with people, based on who is easy to talk to and who you may not spark conversations with, your self confidence will start to build and everything will just continue to develop. Another tip, everyone wants sex, but thats not ALL they want. They also want friendship and good times. Even if you don't THINK you are interested in someone, don't be afraid to be nice to them (even if you think this is "flirtly") its not, its just basic interaction that I think most 4chan users are oblivious to. You do this to both guys and girls, and if you feel a tingly sensation, that doesn't mean you are going to go nuts and fuck whoever you are talking to, it simply means you are feeling self esteem (which can gostraight to the genitals in little doses.) Basically learn to discipline yourself in health, study, and social interaction and your life will start becoming amazing.

Sauce: just started at an art school after two years of no-social life community college. It was the hardest thing I've ever done socially. It is extremely tempting to just latch on to the first people who you can have easy interactions with, usually these are the people who, like you, are most nervous

>> No.6975675

Anywhere you go, the real cool, intellegent, down to earth people are not going to be squabbling around trying to "make friends" especially if they are older and more experienced.. likely though, they will be open to making new friends if you are brave enough to approach them and be chill... but also know when to take your leave and not push them or force anything. You just have to be patient and constantly at it...

also, "liking yourself" doesn't mean, "thinking you are a cool." Thats what makes conceited assholes with no friends who are really miserable. Liking yoruself means accomplishing things that you want to do that seem challenging or exciting. This will raise your self esteem. Theres a good chance you "don't know who you are" yet and doing this might change your entire outlook on life, and possibly your wardrobe. Be prepared for that.

>> No.6975734

i've met a couple of people off /fa/. we just go out clubbing together. they're nice. it's cool

>> No.6975746

>Grow up, you're at university now, not high school.
Best advice itt. Seriously, stop acting superior. It's why you don't have friends.

>> No.6975741
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>just started an an art school

>> No.6975750

would you like to suck my dick?

>> No.6975781

This, one of my best friends is p plen, but I love him regardless no homo. I'm sure I'm 'odd' or some type of plen in his perspective, but we're still good friends.
Albeit childhood friends, but hey man, it's all good.

Also he's got real nice aesthetics, face and body, he finally passed oddermode and now p damn fit. I'm mirin' 24/7 :^(

>> No.6975791

It's inevitable, while you were doing one thing that they weren't doing, they had to be doing something else.
Anything, whether it's being bored watching tv, they're now experts on boring tv.
The quality of what they have a quality understanding of may vary.

>> No.6975809

You're still the lame nerdy loser from school and you haven't grown up.

Of course people might seem shallow or lame but that's because you don't fucking know them.

>> No.6976122

are you me

>> No.6976175

Smile more, be nice. it ain't hard to make friends, man.
You're probably an introvert, and you're probably out of energy.
Go for a fucking walk, take a nap, limit yourself to like two hours or less of social interaction per day. You won't run out of energy for social interaction and you won't find yourself hating everybody.
That's what I had to do. Can't win all the time, and if you're not in the mood to socialize, don't try. Walk past frat row looking smug, go to the shitty end of town. Return when you're ready to make bitches laugh.

>> No.6976237

This this kid in my Latin class and I'm almost 100% he comes here

or 4chan in general

>> No.6976276

I think the thing is that most college kids don't go on /fa/ and they have different opinions about what clothes look nice. You'll probably find most of them gawking over stuff like stussy, sperry, UO, etc.

>> No.6976277

I started uni in the fall.. am I supposed to have friends yet?

>> No.6976309

social life comes with the expense of having shit taste

>> No.6976331

Does anyone have any real pics of any LADs?

also how do you wear chinos without being a chino wanker?

>> No.6976338

don't wear a graphic tee with a picture of rihanna on it or a button up with epauletts

>> No.6976347

OP you are obviously an insufferable cunt

you are the pleb for not even being able to socialise

>listens to nothing but radio
this isnt 1950

>no depth to them, just regular old regular people
sounds like theres no depth to you

do you honestly think that having a shallow interest in fashion makes you deep? I laugh at you. Ha. Ha.

>> No.6978105

I dunno guys, I see where OP is coming from.

>> No.6978120

I dunno usually once you get to know people you start to realise they are just as fucked up as you

>> No.6978121


>> No.6978136


#lad culture needs to die

>> No.6978138
File: 1.78 MB, 265x257, 1378305270429.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be in art school
>everyone is tryhard plebs
>girls with unnatural redhair
>males are tryhard hipsters with mustache and shitty tattoos

And they are fucking huge plebs goddamn, all they want to do is show people how unique they are.
Trust me op, your way is better.

>> No.6978159

dude i actually know this feeling, in my last class no one even knew who frank ocean is, like wtf how can u not know who frank ocean dont even have to be a fan, but to not even no who he is.... nah thats unnacaptable imo, your nothing

>> No.6978172

what the fuck did you expect in art school holy shit

>> No.6978182
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>tfw didnt do shit in highschool
> want to transfer to NYU within a year
> have god-like reccomendations
> working my ass off this year to meet grade requirements
>h-hold me,/fa/

>> No.6978186

>>make a move on him
I just lel'd out loud ur mah fuckin mans iktf

>> No.6978191

K well I have no idea why that greentext was quoted, i didn't quote or even write any greentext but there it is somehow. This shit keeps happening random stuff gets quoted wtf /fa/ get it together

>> No.6978198

I'm a straight edge history student with one course in the arty-farty bit of philosophy and this is so painfully recognizable.

>> No.6978210

what's philosophy like? thinking of taking a couple of papers next year (comp sci major). Are there a lot of cool interesting people or is it all euphoria?

>> No.6978223

This was a Philosophy of the Arts class so it's a very niche point of philosophy. I took it because of it's historic take on things, it takes you from Leibniz to more modern philosophy and how these philosophers perceived the arts and the role of the artist.
I have not seen a single euphoric person, whereas I've seen a few in the history courses. There's at least a 99% chance that If you see a fedora they're primarily interested in WWII and military history.
I find the philosophy course I'm taking extremely interesting and I really like the way these philosophers and the actual philosophy students think. This is a course people from outside philosophy can take too and about 20% of the class is actual philosophy students and they're all cool. Did not expect that. The rest consists of music or theater-theory/history students, art-students (the most vapid category, they're exactly like the other anon described, down to every single girl having unnatural red hair, but they're hot as fuck) and the occasional history-student.

>> No.6978250

thanks, anon.

>> No.6978261


If you think you're special you're probably not.

>> No.6978271

No problem, it's worth doing at least on course in it, really does change your view on the world.

>> No.6978276

Here in NYC where you went to high school is what sets you for life, not what college you go to.

I could go to the shittiest college and get into a top of the line job on wall street as long as I went Baccalaureate for high school.

>> No.6978301


wow cool story

>> No.6978312

Why do Euphoric neckbeards think everyone on 4chan gives a fuck about atheism?

idgaf what you care about and thats the general consensus.

>> No.6978339

post pic

>> No.6978383


it doesn't hahahahaha.

>> No.6978411

sometimes plebs are cool and they help your grades

>> No.6978430

either way youre a judgemental asshole and should work on keeping to yourself

tho fay is good to vent these things

>> No.6978504



I'm from Europe and looking into NYC investment banking, we got the baccalaureate here but that's not what you mean I guess

>> No.6978557

If you're from NYC your high school matters. If you're not, they'll be making sure you went to an amazing college, but a new yorker would have priority over you.

There are lots of people who went to the best NYC high schools, went to shitty colleges, and work with people who went to Harvard.

>> No.6978562

That's a shitty way of hiring people, what the hell.
I'll try anyway. Thanks for the information

Is NYC the only city in the USA that works like that?

>> No.6978571

Oh yeah, and its because to get into a good high school you have to take a test, even for public. The high schools are leveled, unlike in other places where they offer leveled classes instead.

>> No.6978590

Welcome to the realization that the people inside uni are no different to the people outside uni, unless you go to ivy league.

>> No.6978598

Hold up. What the fuck are you talking about?
Thats bullshit.

>> No.6978599

>unless you go to ivy league
Haha nope

What's that shitty myth about Ivies? They're no different either

I mean you only get richer kids but they're just as stupid

Unless you go to MIT

>> No.6978603

all of the US

but it has more to do with who you know. which is the part he left out.

chances are if you went to a bomb ass high school, then you know some people that can get you some bomb ass reviews

it's all social game

i have enough degrees, and education in business, supply chain and law to start a production company just making some type of shit (as long as it's six sigma -lean line, and/or master cam X3 and solidworks/autodesk inventor, autocad designed) right the fuck now

but i can't even get a job at mcdonalds

>> No.6978609


alright I don't know what to think guys. No end word on this?

>> No.6978607

That dude has it ass backwards.
Yeah highschools here are leveled but what matters is how well you do in college (not which one you went too). Highschool has almost no bearing on your ability to get a job. Most places wont even care.

>> No.6978615

The who you know thing is very true.

>> No.6978623

But that depends entirely on college right?

Who you get to know in highschool is irrelevant if you get to know people in college, isn't that true?

What this guy says >>6978620

>> No.6978620

Just do well in college and get to know some people with connections.

>> No.6978630


Have you ever worked on wall street? They selectively hire college graduates who went to the best high schools in NYC.

>> No.6978632

I am that guy.
It doesnt necessarily depend on college but college is by far the easiest way to make these connections.
Thats not true. My best freinds were my highschool freinds and one of them is the one who got me my gig writing music reviews.
Both are important but college people are more likely to get you things like connecetions to jobs because the point of college is to work toward a job.

>> No.6978640

Have you? Because if thats the case I'd have a job at wall street and surprise! I don't.
I dont think youre right but If you are you've made my life easier.
>fun fact im still in college.

>> No.6978654

What high school did you go to? I know a man who went to St. Johns and he works on Wall St. in an amazing job despite going to such a shitty uni. Fun fact: He went to a god-tier high school

If you're not from NYC, you don't have to worry. But if you are, it matters IMO.

>> No.6978662

Born and raised in Brooklyn.
Let me guess Bronx science or Stuy?
I mean it doesnt matter. Im gonna be an engineer.

>> No.6978666

Is the highscool thing only a wall street thing

I live in SF, want to get some kind of tech job in the valley maybe
do I need to worry

>> No.6978667

Maybe not a BA in media studies but if you do something that isn't shit then yea

>> No.6978692


It only happens in NYC

>> No.6978694

only in NYC
why, are the salaries higher?

not in any other big city in the USA?

>> No.6978701

Our salaries are high because the cost of living is higher

People from NYC look at our apartment prices and shit and think "What the fuck" but its manageable to us.

And no, not it any other big city that I know of.

>> No.6978710

We also get taxed three times. So salarys have to be larger so we can eat.

>> No.6978717

Huh ok.

but it has nothing to do with the highschool thing, so why do employers look at that

>> No.6978743

Because we are tested for what high school we go into.

Like in other places most cities have like one or two high schools and they're pretty equal. Here our public schools are ranked, and depending on how smart you are, it determines what school you go to.

>> No.6979147

boiler room

>> No.6979171

If I'm a student from another country and from one of the top five high schools in the nation, which kind of colleges in the US can I hope to get into considering that my grades are between B- and A (mostly B/B+ and a couple of B- and A)

>> No.6979252

Your being pretty judgmental. Lower your "standards" a bit and make a few friends.

>> No.6979283

Maybe you tried too soon?

>> No.6979309

The opposite for me. People who admit they browse 4chan are generally huge assholes.

>> No.6979408



Holy fuck I hate this school

>> No.6979997

IKTF bro, women are objectifying me, its disgusting, whores, whores everywhere.

but seriously, just smile back and start something, these moments are all we have, make them something memorable, not just for yourself but for other people.

>> No.6980526

>Being that sperglord that spins girls in clubs as if it's a sweet move.

So fucking lame. When you pass the age of 21 you will realise this.

>> No.6980712
