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6956892 No.6956892 [Reply] [Original]


PART 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5-m9zVE5Bi8


>> No.6956894

BBC has it private until a little later I guess

>> No.6956900

you can listen to the whole thing with just the audio on iplayer

>> No.6956910

why would anyone even want to go to a SLP show?

>> No.6956907


part 1 for people who want to watch

skip to 12 min for top lels

>> No.6956914


>> No.6956926
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>> No.6956938

no disrespect but just search bbc iplayer > radio > zane lowe

>> No.6956950

here's an alt link



>> No.6956961


this is amazing

>> No.6956996

>steve jobs made the internet usable

what the fuck nigger

>> No.6957016

he's talking about itunes and the way it changed music over the internet
then he talks about how they can't just give it all away but they can have this

>> No.6957031
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>who does he think he is

>> No.6957075

Hedi is probably laughing his ass of right now.

>> No.6957090

would pay to see that

>> No.6957085

yeezys borderline insane, tip toeing the line of passionate and insane

>> No.6957107


How do you pronounce Hedi Slimane? I've always said it Eddy Slimane. Kanye says it like Heddy Slimane though.

>> No.6957113
File: 407 KB, 516x566, chef.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're correct and yeezus is ruseman

>as usual

>> No.6957117

kanye's an idiot and can't even say it right.

Its pronounced eddie sliman

>> No.6957141


probably why hedi doesn't like him

>> No.6957202

is he coked out

>> No.6957223

Trying to understand Kanye is like trying to unfocuse your vision to see an image in one of those magic illusion pictures. Like...I kinda get what he's saying but he's so incoherent.

>> No.6957241

In Arabic the last name is pronounced Sleemen or Sleemenny

>> No.6957239

is kanye a manlet

>> No.6957240

He wants a trillion dollars basically.

>> No.6957265

Rambling on and on and on and on.

>> No.6957272


Muh sides

>> No.6957273


>> No.6957278
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>> No.6957281

Haha wow he starts off so normal but by the end.. oh lord.

>> No.6957292
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>> No.6957293

he's saying some real shit at the start

>> No.6957313

to be fair, name a bigger rapper than kanye right now

>> No.6957318


>> No.6957320


>> No.6957322


he has the charisma of jcole

>> No.6957326

ID on Zane's shoes? Look like Sk8-His, but I can't find the colourway.

>> No.6957338

I love how kanye goes on about not using a mainstream medium for his message in yeezus, Using "experimental" production instead of trap beats. the lyrics on yeezus are so damn lazy

>> No.6957353

fuck off is he. good kid MAAD city sold less than yeezus, kanye's got his own record label, kendrick's net worth is $5mill while kanye's is $100mill.
just because a lot of people want kendrick to be on their songs doesn't mean he's the biggest right now. kendrick gets put on other songs, kanye gets people put on his songs

>> No.6957356

Why do so many people involved in the fashion industry try so hard to act intelligent? It just sounds pretentious and no one really cares anyway. You've got no one to impress. Just talk the way you talk to your friends.

>> No.6957360

to be fair i like jcole. i do feel like he's not quite found his place in the game at the moment though, his humility on tracks comes off as a bit insecure. i reckon that's why he didn't get kendrick to put a verse on forbidden fruit, because he was worried he wouldn't be able to do anything as good

>> No.6957365


fuck, i've been blinded .

>> No.6957368

Being Fashionable and pretentious goes hand and hand. Its sad how the word pretentious has been made out to be such a negative word.

I guess only poor people that are stupid can only be humble, and anyone with a iota of intelligence and values the finer things in life is pretentious

>> No.6957379

lil b

>> No.6957375

I didn't realise we were talking financially
but in terms of hype right now he is

>> No.6957392
File: 137 KB, 1280x796, tumblr_lsen89gCfN1qd1swh1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's not in the fashion industry though.

He's just a pretentious idiot who devotes 90% of his time to feigning knowledge on stuff he actually knows absolutely nothing about in some horribly cringeworthy attempt at appearing to be this revolutionary artistic figure.

pic related: lmao

>> No.6957397

how do you know he is feigning knowledge? because you have some right? top kek

>> No.6957400


that shit is all over the fuckin place

>> No.6957410

>guy interviewing(listening) tries so hard to be black
>even puts on that black person laugh

>> No.6957419

okay you're gonna have to define hype for me, because it sounds like you're implying kendrick lamar is more famous/popular than kanye west, which is demonstrably false. if kendrick were bigger than kanye, then kanye would be opening for him on tours, not the other way round. if kendrick were bigger than kanye, then kendrick would have been able to drop a frankly not great new album and it reach number one in most countries, not kanye. next time you're out and about, walk up to people and ask them who kendrick is, then ask them who kanye is. i can almost guarantee more people will know kanye than kendrick.
don't get me wrong, he's a good rapper. but he's got a long way to go before he's as famous as jay or kanye

>> No.6957417

>how do you know he is feigning knowledge?
i'd guess it's because he continues to dress like a complete jackass

>> No.6957423

and you know what it means to dress well? top kek

>> No.6957427

FYI most designers dress like shit too

>> No.6957429

so whats the jacket??

>> No.6957438


>> No.6957441

i know what it means to dress poorly

most dress pretty inoffensively

>> No.6957440


>> No.6957442

Why are we talking about me?

You really think Kanye West knows a thing about architecture, fashion, or any of the other bullshit hidden somewhere within all that incoherent rambling?

I think that pic of his runway collection, the fact he's expecting to gain credibility from taking credit for a 'trend' as disgusting as leather jogging pants, and the horrible mispronunciation of the name of one of the most influential designers of the last 10 years pretty much summarises his worth to the fashion industry.

>> No.6957450

He knows nothing about actually making clothes. He can point out what he thinks looks good but at the end of the day? It's just an interest that he can explore because he's loaded.

>> No.6957452


>> No.6957456

>He knows nothing about actually making clothes
sounds like most designers out there

>> No.6957464

Not even close. Kanye had hype for every breath the man takes. Kendrick makes waves, but isn't even close to being on the same tier.

>> No.6957468

>sounds like most designers out there
Agreed. But this doesn't excuse the fact, and he isn't trying to ride with "most" designers, he's trying to ride with the best.

>> No.6957470

But he's right, rappers are the new rockstars. The last time rock musicians were really rockstars was back in the 80s when those hair metal guys were doing blow and riding motorcycles though hotel hallways and fucking mad groupie bitches.

In the 90s that started to wane down as hair metal shit died and guys like Nirvana came in. All of a sudden, no more outlandish looking white guys fucking big tittied blondes.

Now it's outlandish looking black guys fucking big booty black chicks and white chicks. Rappers have taken the mantle of rockstars because that's what the kids want, the rockers don't have the edge anymore. You have 3 options when dealing with rock, you have indie guys/underground shit , you have weirdo metal shit, or you have that mainstream bullshit that can barely even be called rock. Metal is dad music today or too weird and crazy for the mainstream, no one is making fun mainstream viable hair metal type shit today and if they do it's still going to be seen as corny by today's youth because the rappers have out-cooled them with the white kids.

Rock lost it's balls, and rappers are providing the fun excess that metal did from the 60s-80s.

>> No.6957482

Everything people praised Kanye for on Yeezus, Death Grips have been doing for two years longer than Ye but less half-assed and with better lyrics.

>> No.6957479


what the fuck do designers even do? just draw and make others make stuff?

>> No.6957485

i feel like you haven't listened to yeezus or death grips

>> No.6957483

>Yeezy sell for shit ton of money on Ebay
>I should be able to design clothing
>APC swats at the fly
>the fly keeps at it
>they let him design a shirt lel
What a joke

>> No.6957484

i agree. kind of excited to see what the new rappers are going to be, assuming it's a similar time frame then the equivalents of tupac and biggie are starting to make music round about now

>> No.6957486

but theres a difference

death grips is for hipsters

>> No.6957499

This is how I feel
To me, the 80s were like 50s for hip-hop
The 90s were like the 60s
The 00s were like the 70s
And now in the 10s I think rap is having it's absolute hair metal moment.

Will rap have a grunge/alternative/nirvana?

>> No.6957502
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Pretty sure they're not Vans, they've got a blue sole. Anyone?

>> No.6957505

that's unfair, musicians are influenced by other musicians all the time. and the beats on yeezus were still pretty solid, he took that kind of noise hop sound and made it his own on the album. it's not groundbreaking, but it's pretty fresh for mainstream music. to imply it's a ripoff of one band from a whole new emerging genre is a pretty shallow analysis

>> No.6957509

Vans x kanye
200 dollars
Preorder starts next year nigger

>> No.6957522

it's possible, i noticed on my grandma's basement that kato (i think it was produced by kato) uses a kind of grungey sound. not quite as dreary, but definitely harks back to it

>> No.6957515

they sound literally nothing alike.
plus i love how people call Yeezus derivative more than they did any of his other albums, when Yeezus is by far the most unique. because apparently death grips are the only act allowed to make dark and kinda experimental hiphop,

>> No.6957530



got a link to any more info?

>> No.6957537

missed out the name of the song, the song was smells like. not sure if kato produced that one, i'll have to check- i took a shot in the dark because he produced the rest of the album to my knowledge

>> No.6957544

Yes, by 2020 everyone will sound like Lil Ugly Mane.
Calling it now.

>> No.6957549

kanye didn't take any influence from death grips, doubt he's even heard of death grips

also yeezus doesn't sound anything like any of the albums death grips have put it out, people are only comparing them because they're abrasive

yeezus derived a lot of its sound from like chicago acid house and detroit techno, but strayed away and expanded on it in a very maximalist and abrasive way, giving it that real thick and heavy sound

while death grips is taking more influence from like noise rock, glitch and other genres

>> No.6957545

Yeezus is clean, more EDM driven and put together than anything Death Grips has done.

Kanye makes something that doesn't sound average hip-hop? Compare him to the most popular group doing left-field hip-hop at the time.

But remember, when you're on the internet you're not always talking to someone who's heard a lot of music. You could be talking to some kid who has just found Death Grips and is squirming all of their dicks right now.

And I like both Kanye and DG.

>> No.6957555

It's true. Rap today is what rock was back in the 70s and what jazz was back in the 20s, and will follow the same cycle.

>> No.6957571

>i doubt kanye's even heard of death grips
i do not believe that for a second, the money store and yeezus are too sonically similar for it to be a coincidence

>> No.6957589

one of the producers on the album said speifically that death grips did not influence yeezus in any way

>> No.6957590

But Kanye made yeezus in France
So it has better quality
>come at me americanfats

>> No.6957598

>the money store and yeezus are too sonically similar
Bullshit, but he did probably take some influence from them.

I'm a DG fan and not a Kanye fan though, so I have a bias.

>> No.6957601

and it's not just because the two sounds are abrasive. both sounds use a lot of distortion, kanye was a shoutier on this album which is obviously what mc ride is known for, there were parts on yeezus that had a much eerier sound to it than what kanye's usually put out (that part on i am a god where it sounds like kanye's running through the woods screaming is very dg-ish), the sounds are too similar for there to be absolutely no crossover. i will concede that it's possible the two sounds may have had the same influences, but kanye's no slouch when it comes to what's going on in the music industry

>> No.6957608

No matter if he did or not
In the end yeezus sounds way better and hollywoodjews used it for movie trailers so you know it fuckin hots as shits if Jews approve of it

>> No.6957619

Yeezus is far more accessible than anything death grips have made.

imo, that is a good thing.

>> No.6957620

you couldn't see any similarities between death grips' sound and, say, black skinhead?
which one? whoever he is, i reckon he's a fucking liar

>> No.6957622

That just means that it's recognizable and inoffensive enough to be in a popular film, not that it's good.

There's no way for me to put that without sounding 2undrgrnd4u but it's the truth.

>> No.6957632

That doesn't help his case if he had to refute it lawl.

No I definitely do, but they could be drawing from similar influences. Perhaps he was taking from them. My point was that the album overall doesn't sound like something DG would ever put out.

>> No.6957630

Why no death grip on the radio??

>> No.6957642

oh i'll concede that they could have had a similar influence, but the timing seems too perfect to me. i'd agree, but i'd say it definitely sounds like a kanye west interpretation of their sound. apart from stuff like bound 2 and blood on the leaves

>> No.6957708
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you're all fucking cute /fa/
Kanye started out as a sampler. His knowledge of music goes way beyond yours and mine. It's evident in Watch The Throne he has an eccentric taste in music. Of course he's heard of Death Grips considering /mu/ and /fa/ fucking fap over the group as well as the rest of the internet
and also
Yeezus does not sound like it copied DG. The most obvious influences to me for the first few songs were just acid techno industrial. Their is way more minimalism involved in Yeezus whereas the DG sound is more like Public Enemy's "audio wall* sorta idea where the listener is just assaulted with sounds with no clear empty spaces in between.

>> No.6957741

>that part on i am a god where it sounds like kanye's running through the woods screaming is very dg-ish
yeah man you sound like you know what you're talking about lol