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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 126 KB, 378x500, 6444572045_a5ff027d59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6944166 No.6944166[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

My parents are buying me rhinoplasty for the god awful hook nose they gave me. Please give me some nose-inspo or nose job advice.

>> No.6944241

nose inspo? r u srs m8 just google pics of male models

>> No.6944599

I bet you're going to be a cunt and not tell the person you have kids with that you'll probably give them the same affliction

>> No.6944607

Post nose.

>> No.6944609

wow spoiled much

>> No.6944618

what kind of pushover parents pay for their kids rhinoplasty. if you have to be a insecure cunt make sure you're wasting your own money and not someone elses.

>> No.6944634
File: 1.34 MB, 1024x1024, Mug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish my dad had enough disposable income to pay to have the nose he broke repaired.

>> No.6944641

are you arab?

>> No.6944646

the nose is the least of your problems. just find your own style and get some confidence.

>> No.6944651

what's wrong with a hook nose

>> No.6944656

I think a narrow hook nose can look pretty good. Not a thick, meaty Kike nose, though.

>> No.6944670
File: 201 KB, 1024x767, tip-plasty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your nose will be fine after your rhino.
but what about your bald?

>> No.6944690

fuck you,is not that bad.
cut your hair and you will look awesome.cute eyes btw.

>> No.6944729
File: 476 KB, 200x154, 1378284872713.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>to have the nose he broke repaired.
don't blame him because youre such a pussy you only know how to block punches with your face.

>> No.6944744

But I was under ten and he broke it throwing me onto the sofa from across the room...

>> No.6944755

with how much of a whiny bitch you are he was probably aiming for the window.

>> No.6944778

But the sofa was on the opposite side of the room to the window...

>> No.6944795

this is great
this is bad shut up

>> No.6944802

Make me, turbonerd.

>> No.6944812

stop trying to weasel out of your wreckoning

>> No.6944819
File: 426 KB, 2048x1536, 30092007329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously, how could you think of throwing someone this kawaii through a window?

>> No.6944824

maybe ur joke was just shit

how do u talk thru a mouthful of ph cum

>> No.6944833

i want 2 pinch ur cheeks
wtf is happening to me
delete pls

>> No.6944839

i see a window near that sofa.
>dad confirmed for trying to murder unwanted son.

>> No.6944871
File: 243 KB, 1600x1200, DSC00014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You murderous bastards.

>> No.6944940


u look fine..

white people..

>> No.6944950

>tfw your parents will never buy you cosmetic surgery to atone

>> No.6944965

u lok like nicolas cage

>> No.6945023

i cant be the only one who thinks this

>> No.6945056

You're not. People say it all the time, duderino.

>> No.6945084

k cool

>> No.6945079

i think you also need a way on you upper lips.

>> No.6945135

wow guys, sorry I have money

>> No.6945199
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>sorry i have money

>> No.6945271
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>> No.6945316

>i have money
>parents paying

>> No.6945333
File: 125 KB, 425x640, 6054215471_686d47bb22_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Canadian currency

>> No.6946392

I got a nose job, OP. The first two weeks post-op are really shit. Like the worst two weeks you will ever live, but honestly it's been worth it.

I don't regret it, just make sure you do it with a real good fucking surgeon. do your research.

>> No.6946455

Thank you. I've been super worried about getting it done and then not seeing a difference because in some of these before and after photos I've seen they look pretty much the people don't really look any better than they did before the surgery.

>> No.6946465

in some of these before and after photos I've seen the people don't really look any better than they did before the surgery.*

>> No.6946478

When you go to a surgeon they take a pic of your face and then photoshop your nose to show you how its going to look after the surgery

>> No.6946520

Is that Peter from The Antlers?

>> No.6946580

Yeah, that's why you gotta really do your research on the the quality of the surgeon. Most surgeons have a catalog online or at their office with before and after pics of surgeries they've performed, that's a good first step.

Remember that even after months after the surgery, your nose will till be swollen. It takes like a year for the nose to acquire its actual true shape. A lot of people take before and after pics when the nose is still swollen, you gotta be patient.

I'll reiteration: don't fucking get the surgery done with a cheap dude. You're better off not getting a nose job than fucking it up with an idiot.

Just be smart about the whole thing.

>> No.6946640



>> No.6948073

post nose

Are you guy? Go for something angular, almost Roman, with a strong bridge

>> No.6948115
File: 834 KB, 775x1024, Moebius_Brain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better surgeons tend to be more subtle in their work and often specialize in undoing the work of their more bombastic colleagues. A proper cosmetic surgeon should radiate a sense of aesthetic awareness. He should be well attired, well spoken and operating from a suitable office. He should also be very reticent to cross certain lines: Many docs will simply do whatever case is brought to them without concern for balance or the maintenance of a natural look. Just because you're paying top dollar (which you should, of course) doesn't mean you're talking to the right doc. Look at how Michael turned out. These guys are artists, you want to pick the right one and be well familiar with their body of work before you even schedule an appointment or it won't matter how many dollars you drop.

What makes a good body of work? Simply salvaging ugly faces is not enough. With the right amount training and practice any doctor can paint by the numbers. This isn't difficult surgery in the same way as keeping a trauma vic from flatlining via Shrock shunt, this is nuanced, very heavily focused on the doctor's judgement calls in what is essentially an element of style.
You can't just put a perfect nose on every face, it doesn't work because the individual elements of our face all work with each other to produce something that's more than just the sum of its parts. You need a doctor who's sensitive, creative, more of an empath than an engineer. Above all, your doc should never hesitate to say, "I won't do that, it won't look right."

I also really agree with >>6946580

>> No.6948509


>> No.6950479
File: 34 KB, 640x480, Snapshot_20130921_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if anyone is gonna see this because this thread is old as balls, but whatever. This is what I'm working with.

>> No.6950492
File: 39 KB, 640x480, Snapshot_20130921_4edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is where I woul like to get it

>> No.6950500

why did i read that poster in hank hill's voice

>> No.6950504

post front facing pic

>> No.6950509

You can't really tell from the front

>> No.6950523

you look fine chill the fuck out

>> No.6950524

take a pic of your face just for the purpose of /fa/ seeing you lovely face.

>> No.6950575
File: 39 KB, 640x480, Snapshot_20130923_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6950583

You're the type of ugly that I like.

>> No.6950621

Toss a poor fuccboi anon a bone and post more pls

>> No.6950653

When I get this plastic surgery done in like May I promise I'll post more pics.

>> No.6950659


>> No.6950671


>> No.6950712


you look better in the current pic than in the 'to be' pic

don't waste the money

>> No.6952265

You're disgustingly cute. I'd destroy your ass.